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Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:25 am
by Zephyr
The Unknowable wrote:family...
Brid wrote:-Family?



Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 12:35 pm
by Madadeva
Anaya wrote:Madadeva, God of Desire, I welcome you in your new form. It would seem that your personality is better suited to your new domain.
*bows with a flourish!*

Goddess of Fate, thank you for your warm greeting! Perhaps you have seen that Fate indeed will bring me all that I Desire and Hunger for!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:01 pm
by Arcadia
Vashitva, Sister Death and Earth both, I bid you welcome also. Nor Yekith was always somewhat of enigma to me during my childhood, so I look forward to learning a little more about him as I behold the outcome of your re-creation.
Thank you for your welcome, Anaya, but I have always been here. I am simply a perfected creation of Calais. Lord Yekith did his work well.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:27 pm
by Madadeva
O-gon-cho wrote:
Madadeva wrote:Dragon tastes like "chicken" - I can't wait to dine!! :twisted:
Prior to your transformation, you made a promise, deva.
I have yet to see you break your word, regardless of whom the promise is to.
For this season, I will count on that word to hold...

...besides, you alone don't wish to be the responsible party for the extinction of the last of the dragons of Eiran, do you?
I would guild and decorate my temples with his bones!! *uproarious laughter*

Further, I would be tempted to disavow any promises made by my weaker former self. But do not fear ... I and my allies have been focused elsewhere.

As to the future ... simply bow low and abase yourself before me and my allies and we may leave you alone! *evil chuckle*

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:07 pm
by O-gon-cho
Madadeva wrote:
O-gon-cho wrote: Prior to your transformation, you made a promise, deva.
I have yet to see you break your word, regardless of whom the promise is to.
For this season, I will count on that word to hold...

...besides, you alone don't wish to be the responsible party for the extinction of the last of the dragons of Eiran, do you?
I would guild and decorate my temples with his bones!! *uproarious laughter*

Further, I would be tempted to disavow any promises made by my weaker former self. But do not fear ... I and my allies have been focused elsewhere.

Weaker self?
You infringed upon Souls, as well as Disease and Healing, as Life but I see no reason why you should have any ability to do so now. I will admit however, the concepts of what you will be able to do as Desire and Decadence intrigues me, especially on how you will win Life's and Protection's paladins over to your warped views.

Oh, the death of a beloved daughter may twist one of them along with you, but all of them?
Madadeva wrote:As to the future ... simply bow low and abase yourself before me and my allies and we may leave you alone! *evil chuckle*

...certain younglings just never learn...

You now have no reason to take umbrage with me for acquiring Healing, deva. Who wields that domain is no longer your concern. And I have done naught else to garner any particular attention on your part. Deal with those who have attacked your essence directly in the past; I have naught to do with that.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:20 pm
by Arcadia
Never fear, O-gon-cho, I'm sure Madadeva has bigger fish to fry. Or, rather, bigger dragons to bbq. *evil chuckle*

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:25 pm
by O-gon-cho
Vashitva wrote:Never fear, O-gon-cho, I'm sure Madadeva has bigger fish to fry. Or, rather, bigger dragons to bbq. *evil chuckle*
As long as said "dragon" is not my beloved, all is well.


Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:27 pm
by Madadeva
O-gon-cho wrote:... I will admit however, the concepts of what you will be able to do as Desire and Decadence intrigues me, especially on how you will win Life's and Protection's paladins over to your warped views.

Oh, the death of a beloved daughter may twist one of them along with you, but all of them?
...certain younglings just never learn...

You now have no reason to take umbrage with me for acquiring Healing, deva.
They are Paragons NOT Paladins. And you would be surprised what even my former self has taught them over the seasons! :twisted:

As to being young, fool Desire exists as soon as one soul in born into each cycle!! Whether sustenance, power, or sensation ... Desire is universal. And as to Decadence ... *laughs* let's simply say one needs many joys of existence to occupy oneself as eons pass!! :twisted:

Lastly, I have no interest in your domains ... only your obedience should I chose to command. Power is also something that Desire obtains!!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:41 pm
by O-gon-cho
Madadeva wrote:They are Paragons NOT Paladins. And you would be surprised what even my former self has taught them over the seasons! :twisted:
I am still learning these terms, as they hold no interest for me; your pardon.

Madadeva wrote:As to being young, fool Desire exists as soon as one soul in born into each cycle!! Whether sustenance, power, or sensation ... Desire is universal. And as to Decadence ... *laughs* let's simply say one needs many joys of existence to occupy oneself as eons pass!! :twisted:

Lastly, I have no interest in your domains ... only your obedience should I chose to command.

Freedom and Will is the heart of the Flame and paramount over all. Obedience to oneself is Truth.
You would have to earn my respect for me to agree to your command, Decadence.
Madadeva wrote:Power is also something that Desire obtains!!
Perhaps one comes who will choose to challenge you for that.
We shall see...

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:53 pm
by Arcadia
As long as said "dragon" is not my beloved, all is well.

So, open market on all dragons!!! Hmmm, Madadeva, perhaps we can find ourselves some ancient dragon eggs buried deep within the earth, bring them to life just to serve as our feast! Dragon eggs for breakfast!
Perhaps one comes who will choose to challenge you for that.
We shall see...
What ho! Looks like you've been called out, Madadeva! :lol:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:56 pm
by Arcadia
Lastly, I have no interest in your domains ... only your obedience should I chose to command.
Heh, in your dreams.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:15 pm
by O-gon-cho
Vashitva wrote:
As long as said "dragon" is not my beloved, all is well.

So, open market on all dragons!!! Hmmm, Madadeva, perhaps we can find ourselves some ancient dragon eggs buried deep within the earth, bring them to life just to serve as our feast! Dragon eggs for breakfast!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:19 pm
by Madadeva
Sister of the Earth, let us plunge the depths!! I like your thinking; soon we dine on dragon's eggs!!
Vashitva wrote:
Lastly, I have no interest in your domains ... only your obedience should I chose to command.
Heh, in your dreams.
As to this comment, exploring the dreams of Desire and Decadence is not for the faint of heart!

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:23 pm
by Arcadia
Dragon eggs. It's what's for breakfast!

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:56 am
by Moxinomal
Oooh! A COOKOUT!!!! I'll get my kit.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:28 am
by Mirificus Casus

The voice came out of nowhere, causing the sleek, female Nouka to quickly draw her hand back from the gleaming chest before her. Glancing at the Ice Titan, Elakith, and Weredolph with her, Quickfoot whispered, “Did you hear that?” as she fell to all fours and merged into the shadows along the walls. Signaling he would cover the rest, the Ice Titan Barak drew his ice sword and crouched into a fighter’s stance. Drov, the Elakith member of this group of Adventurers, looked at the roof of the cavern and swore bitterly. No flying into the freedom of the sky for an easy escape this time.

None of the four heard any more, and Quickfoot silently glided back towards the tempting chest of the Treasures of Eiran. The legends and myths surrounding this chest were filled with warnings that no one could claim it, but here it was in front of them. On the other hand, there were many traps they had overcome to get here, and who knew what reactions they may have already triggered. The four were typical of their profession: seekers of artifacts and wealth, and to hell with the consequences to others.

Her hand reaching forward to lift the lid of the chest once again, Quickfoot anticipated the gleam of wealth soon to be seen when the voice rang out again…

“I said, enough!!!

This time the party stayed near the chest, crouching into defensive stances around it while the Weredolph Mage Ranhbi cast a defensive spell, although there was no one to be seen. The spell dissipated before them, affecting nothing.

“Since the return of the Gods to Eiran, I have bade my time, watching the mishaps and misfortunes parties such as yours have triggered against the unsuspecting. It need not be this way, and I have decided it is time to guide you, and all of your profession, to treasures and wealth beyond your imagining. Much is disbursed about Eiran, including the chest which has now journeyed on…” the party whirled around, and see that they are now encircling an empty space. “…and much can be claimed without interfering in the plans of others to their detriment.

“Although, even more can be done to their detriment…

“I am Mirificus Casus, and the four of you will be my council to others of your kind throughout Eiran. You represent my willingness to guide ALL races, and you also represent the professions of those who will seek me out.

“Barak, for you the depths of the Ice Walls offer transport and sanctuary. Enter anywhere, and you and whoever is with you are safe from attack. And you will emerge anywhere you choose instantly.

“Quickfoot, for you and any you bring with you the Shadows will contain empty palaces in which to store your finds. Like the Ice Walls for Barak, you will emerge anywhere you choose.

“Drov, with your wings Air continues to offer escape. Now you have access to hidden windows which were unseen by you before which will enable you to meet up with other party members instantly at need. These windows may also grant you sight upon any of my followers at need.

“And Ranhbi, the Seas have ever been your home. Now they too offer you instantaneous transit to the others, defense at need, and I will guide you to wealth sunk deep beneath the waves.

“The four of you now have limited power alone; as the council your strength will combine to work as one.

“This is what I offer, in exchange for guiding you to riches and power beyond your dreams. Have I found my Council of Adventurers?”

The four adventurers turned to each other as they felt new abilities growing within them. Then Barak formed a fist and stuck it into the middle of the circle, the other three placing their own on top. “Hail Mirificus Casus!” they cried out, as each left the cavern in search of their element to explore.

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:59 am
by Arcadia

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:23 pm
by O-gon-cho
Welcome, Marificus Casus. Is it just coincidence that I, who has never been troubled before by these adventurers, should lose Zevente because of a group of them causing an explosion due to inexperience?

Ah Zevente, pearl of the realm!!

If you were not so new to the Pantheon, I would demand recompense...

Welcome also to The Manymind and to Halideva, though neither of you have made yourselves known other than by your appearance among us. I will admit surprise that so many followers of the former L-rd of Life and Protection remained with him, but Halideva's coming among us gives me faith that even among those misled into vice, there remained a few true to his original ideals.

I look forward to both of you revealing who you are and what you are about.

Moxinomal, my Mad friend. The Nighmare of Cheiron's disappearance is over, and the Herds rejoice at his return. He has grown well, and appears none the worse for wear. My thanks to your Orderlies, Priests and your own efforts in returning him to me.

Which brings me to these zealots of mine that have turned upon you. Trust that a wing of Knights will hunt them down and redirect their zeal. If there is anything else you desire of me within my abilities to provide it, please ask.

There is a private matter I need to discuss; please watch for word from me.

mil-rd Nor Yekith. While I am disappointed at not having my mutated followers changed back, I understand your power was devoted elsewhere this season. My thanks for following through on the exchange of thralls.

My people thrive, despite the loss of Zevente. The autumn was good to them. I am frustrated by some things, but overall pleased.

They only pine for home...

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:30 pm
by Brid


Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:40 pm
by Madadeva
Ahhhhh .... I hear pain in that scream BRID!! It must be born of some Desire unfulfilled. Petition me and I may grant you respite.

But I am distracted. Tawhiri-matea! I speak to you at the behest of the Sunset Court. You have seen what a fool you were to attack us! You have one chance only. Abase yourself before us!! Pledge your eternal servitude and we will grant your continued existence as long as you please us. Otherwise, your remaining followers will be destroyed, you yourself will be eradicated. And we will ensure that your name and deeds are wiped forever from the face of Eiran. Any future whisper of your name or worship will result in DEATH; therefore there will be no hope that you will every return.

If you agree to our terms, you will pledge the oath of the AllFather to be bound by them. If you refuse - you will die.

Respond quickly, our good mood and willingness to be so generous to you might not last!!