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Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:32 am
by Avatar
Finished Name of the Wind and then moved to another series for which I only own the first book, uh, Mark Lawrence's Empire of Thorns, (book 1, Prince of Thorns) and finished that.

Ordered Wise Man's Fear and the ret of the Thorns books (and the new Folly book), and am reading Feist, Rides a Dread Legion.


Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:59 pm
by Rigel
I enjoyed both the Rothfuss books (though I didn't care for Slow Regard of Needful Things, which is kind of a side-story novella).

I'm more than halfway through The Stand, and can understand why some people complain that it's too long. There are some excellent chapters... And some that just aren't. I think it would have been helped immensely if he'd written it as a trilogy rather than a single book (it's easily long enough for it).

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:05 pm
by Rigel
Rigel wrote:I'm more than halfway through The Stand, and can understand why some people complain that it's too long. There are some excellent chapters... And some that just aren't.
And then I hit a stretch of excellence that has lasted 150+ pages with no end in sight :D

I've seen books that take 50-100 pages, some as long as 150, to get going... Apparently this on just took 6-700 pages to really dig its claws into me :biggrin:

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:29 am
by Avatar
One of my favourite SK books really. (I assume you're reading the unabridged version?) (There's a thread in the SK forum...)

Reading At The Gates of Darkness by Feist, sequel to the above. Once I've finished that, I will have read (and own) all the main Feist / Riftwar books, excepting only the stories he "co-wrote" with people.


Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:56 pm
by Orlion
White-Luck Warrior by R Scott Bakker. Figured it was time to read the Aspect Emperor Quadrilogy.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 12:21 pm
by Avatar
Hit the Bakker thread and lemme know what you thought...I don't want to spoil anything or create expectations...

(Oh, I segued straight into the final Feist trilogy, just because it was easier and my new books won't arrive 'til the end of the month.)

So...A Kingdom Besieged...


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:41 am
by Avatar
And now book 2, A Crown Imperilled


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:42 pm
by Rigel
Finishing up my re-read of the Hitchhikers series, and I'm in Mostly Harmless.

I always thought this one wasn't as funny as the others, and on my re-read, I still think so. It's more... Depressing? Hopeless?

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:42 am
by Sffasia
Rigel wrote:Finishing up my re-read of the Hitchhikers series, and I'm in Mostly Harmless.

I always thought this one wasn't as funny as the others, and on my re-read, I still think so. It's more... Depressing? Hopeless?
Yeah, i bought this in the original hardcover right around the time it was published over 20? years ago and was just so happy to have a brand new hitch-hiker's story to read but the story, man. (The back story of the circumstances in Adams' life around that time kind of explain that whole book, though i only learned that i think long after Adams' death)

Since i had no one at that time to discuss sf with, i guess i just felt a kind of malaise from that book and didn't really reread it as much as the other four books in the few years that i had only 4.

i have since grown to appreciate the language and plot? of the final H2G2 book. i did a reread during 2020 but stalled out i think on So Long and Thanks For All The Fish, at least it seems like so to me now, many months later after the fact now.

Slightly back on topic, is Sherlock Holmes sff? or at least the 1st 2 books-i just completed A Sudy in Scarlet and The Sign of Four reading it online for the first time ever, (i hv watched Sherlock, Elementary and the Downey incarnations of the recent past entirely).

The books are interesting and so of their time, makes me want to devour the entire canon.
i love interesting mystery/thriller books/series like Grisham, Reichs/Bones and Child.

i forgot, before Holmes i read the latest Dresden File, Battle Ground. 2nd of a 2-pt arc i guess. I've been reading this series only relatively recently, from ard 2015 or so, i really cant remember when i started but right around then. but i dont recall all the ancillary details and easter eggs that butcher puts in, so i might miss out on call backs and stuff. Still highly enjoyed this and the previous instalment, after many long years of drought. why did i have to start reading right around the time when his books stopped coming out yearly/regularly and reached such an interesting sequence such that he took years to publish instalments.(i finished it in less than 12hrs becos i avoided other distractions on purpose[or rather becos my 24hr 4g data was running low before renewing itself, i could renew earlier but that's another different issue] to finish reading it, i think-iirc even tho it was only a few days ago)[/img]

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:21 pm
by Avatar
I wouldn't count Holmes as SFF myself.

Agree about "Mostly Harmless" though, felt like he was phoning it in or something.

Finished the final Rift War books with Magicians End, and then, Hooray, my book order was delivered yesterday, so I'm virtually spoilt for choice. :D

Was almost no contest though...False Value, latest Rivers of London book by Ben Aaronovitch, which as always, I highly recommend.


Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:40 pm
by Avatar
Well, finished False Value and the novella, The October Man.

On to King of Thorns which is book two in the "Broken Empire" series, not a series called "Crown of Thorns" as I'd previously thought.


Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:57 pm
by Avatar
And now, Emperor of Thorns. :D


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:49 am
by Avatar
Right, finished that, turned out I hadn't read it afterall. Not a bad series, although perhaps a bit brutal for them as don't like their violence graphic. Very anti-heroish, medieval world which is actually post-apocalyptic, quite enjoyed.

Now I only have The Wise Man's Fear left which I shall finish with a vague disappointment that book 3 of the Kingkiller Chronicles is still not out.


Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 3:39 am
by Sffasia
Read "Battle Ground" by Jim Butcher in his Dresden Files series. After reading "Peace Talks", this came as a fitting 2nd of 2-parts after the somewhat cliffhanger ending 1st part.

Hoping it doesn't take years more till the next book/novel comes out. (Though i'll wait patiently just as i did after "Cold Days"/watever previous book came before "Peace Talks".)

Edit: oops, i forgot i've already posted this in this thread(i dont want to delete this post, so i'll leave it as a memento mori of my forgetfulness and hope/plead for it not to be deleted.)


2nd Edit: the thing about Mostly Harmless, as revealed later is that Adams was in a depression (iirc his impending/in process divorce) and possibly apocryphally [or true of a previous book] he had the manuscript snatched out of his typewriter/printer by the publusher/editor after being locked in hotel room to finished his long delayed 5th book in the HitchHiker's trilogy. Still i love this book so much though.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:15 am
by Avatar
Haha, doesn't even count as a double post, so no worries. A lot of our posts in some places here are just saying the same thing over and over... ;)

Me, I finished Wise Man's Fear but I have no idea what to read next. :(


Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:44 am
by Gadget nee Jemcheeta
I adored every Jemisen book I read and I think I read them all

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:03 am
by Avatar
At a loss for what to read, I've decided to fall back on Pratchett's Night Watch as I often do at times like this.


Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:40 pm
by Gadget nee Jemcheeta
Hey that sounds like a good idea imma start in

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:31 am
by Avatar
Such a good book. :D


Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 2:49 am
by Rigel
Avatar wrote:Me, I finished Wise Man's Fear but I have no idea what to read next. :(

Go for Black Leopard, Red Wolf