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Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:10 pm
by Fist and Faith
In a way, such a mundane thing, but the love story of Korlat and Whiskeyjack is the coolest thing! Very well written, imo.
Fears for her Lord and her kin seemed almost inconsequential. If truly demanded, she could attempt her warren, reach him via the paths of Kurald Galain. But there was no urgency within her to do any such thing. This war would find its own path.

Her wants were held, one and all, in the eyes of a man. A mortal, of angled, edged nobility. A man past his youth, a soul layered in scars - yet he had surrendered it to her.
Whiskeyjack dismounted and handed the reins of his charger to an aide, then joined Korlat. He resisted an urge to draw her into his arms, and was disconcerted to see a glimmer of prescient knowledge in her eyes.

"Not in front of the troops, surely," she murmered.

He growled. "Lead me through, woman."
"Have you been contacted by Quick Ben?"

Whiskeyjack nodded. "He's in Capustan. Or should be by now."

"I am relieved. The assault on the warrens has made being a mage somewhat perilous. Even Kurald Galain has felt the poison's touch."

"I know."

Rake slowly turned to regard him. "I had not expected to find in her such...renewal. A heart I'd believed closed for ever. To see it flowering so..."
They reached level ground, approached the Malazan camp. Whiskeyjack and Korlat strode side by side and close, a half-dozen paces ahead.

"Now that," Quick Ben muttered, "is the most surprising revelation this day."
Korlat faced the barge - and met Whiskeyjack's gaze. He managed a drawn smile, revealing to her the pressure he had been feeling. But it was what she saw in his eyes that quickened her heart. Love and relief, tenderness...and raw anticipation.

Mother Dark, but these mortals live!
She continued on, beneath the gate's arch, her eyes fixing on the hilltop beyond the shattered corpses carpeting the killing field. Where I will find him. All that is left. His face, gift of memories, now grown cold. I saw the life flee his eyes. That moment of death, of dying. Withdrawing, away from those eyes, withdrawing, back and away. Leaving, leaving me.

Her steps slowed, the pain of loss threatening to overwhelm her.

Dear Mother Dark, do you look down upon me, now? Do you see me, your child? Do you smile, to see me so broken? I have, after all, repeated your fatal errors of old. Yielding my heart, succumbing to the foolish dream - Light's dance, you longed for that embrace, didn't you?

And were betrayed.

You left us, eternal silence.


Mother Dark, with this unveiling, I feel you close. Was it grief that sent you away, sent you so far from your children? When, in our deadly, young way - our appalling insensitivity - we cursed you. Added another layer to your pain.

These walked them once.

How can you help but smile?

Rain struck her brow, stung the ragged, open gash of her wound. She halted, looked up, to see Moon's Spawn directly overhead...weeping down upon her...

...and upon the field of corpses surrounding her, and, beyond and to the right, upon thousands of kneeling T'lan Imass. The dead, the abandoned, a wash of deepening colours, as if in the rain the scene, so softly saturated, was growing more solid, more real. No longer the faded tableau of a Tiste Andii's regard. Life, drawn short, to sharpen every detail, flush every colour, to make every moment an ache.

And she could hold back no longer. Whiskeyjack. My love.

Moments later, her own tears joined the salf-laden water running down her face.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:31 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
I thought the doinking Kruppe part was funny and it would be even funnier if Hetan WAS preggers and Kruppe was the baby daddy. Yeah, the doinking dead guys is grody but that's not the part that made me scream. It was a scream of anguish and not a scream of disgust. :cry:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:09 pm
by Holsety
Cameraman Jenn wrote:I thought the doinking Kruppe part was funny and it would be even funnier if Hetan WAS preggers and Kruppe was the baby daddy. Yeah, the doinking dead guys is grody but that's not the part that made me scream. It was a scream of anguish and not a scream of disgust. :cry:

I thought that all that stuff you just said actually DID happen. Isn't there a part shortly afterwards where she has morning sickness?

EDIT-And ya in all seriousness I thought the part w/ kruppe was pretty hilarious.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:19 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Well, it's never stated for fact that she's preggers. Her father teases her that she might be and I haven't read a whole lot past that so I don't know. I am about eighty pages from finishing Memories of Ice. I just left off this morning on my busride with Picker and Blend and what is left of the Bridgeburners that were dumped in Coral have followed Tool and then run into Lady Envy. The last part I read was Lady Envy offering to heal them in exchange for helping her to free Toc the Younger. :P

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:35 pm
by Fist and Faith
She's puking over the side of the barge, and her father says something like, "Maybe it's not seasickness! HA HA HA!!!"

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:52 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Oh, and by the way, I HATE Kallor and I hope Korlat plans some slow hideous painful horrible torturous death for him. Something along the lines of say, a spear up the ass so he slowly bleeds to death.... 8O :evil:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:53 pm
by Fist and Faith
You had to post that today, huh?

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:56 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Sorry Fist.... I wasn't thinking... :oops:

Let's see.... how about poison, horrifically painful slow acting poison.... :biggrin:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:57 pm
by Fist and Faith
There ya go! :LOLS:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:59 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Or maybe she could just beat him to within an inch of his life and leave him permanently disfigured and crippled and miserable..... That would serve him right. :evil: He's a BAD BAD man. Oddly though, I picture him as Bavmorda's General from the movie Willow, you know, the guy with the Skeletor helmet? 8O :biggrin:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:06 pm
by Waddley
I really hope Kruppe is the daddy. Really, really hope. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:06 pm
by an Carraig
oh i'm pretty sure hetan IS preggers and Kruppe IS the babydaddy.

and that is why i'm also bettin' that KRUPPE will be the next major character to bite the proverbial dust. ;)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:06 pm
by Waddley
an Carraig wrote:and that is why i'm also bettin' that KRUPPE will be the next major character to bite the proverbial dust. ;)
Noooooooo! Don't say that!

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:16 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Well, as long as it isn't Paran. I would probably have to pull a "Misery" and hobble Erikson and keep him captive until he rewrote the books. 8O :P

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:38 am
by Onos T'oolan
So I was asking ali about this. From the prologue:
The foreign god had been torn apart in his descent to earth. He had come down in pieces, in streaks of flame. His pain was fire, screams and thunder, a voice that had been heard by half the world. Pain, and outrage. And, K'rul reflected, grief. It would be a long time before the foreign god could begin to reclaim the remaining fragments of its life, and so begin to unveil its nature. K'rul feared that day's arrival. From such a shattering could only come madness.
But sheesh, is the best plan to chain him, and hope he never gets free? Because if the shattering would make him mad, chaining him for hundreds of thousands of years wasn't likely to improve his disposition, was it? Why not try to help him, instead? Heal him as best you can. Explain that the jerks who did this were all dead. Their reason for doing it, Kallor, was extreme, making them think extreme measures like this were justified. It was not, and, if they weren't dead, I'd help you punish them. But let me and my friends help you as best we can, and help you get back home.

Better idea? :D

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:15 am
by aliantha
What T'ool said. :) Somehow I'd gotten the impression that the chaining was due to more than just K'rul's sense that the Crippled Sod, uh, God, would *become* mad. Seemed to me like he wasn't chained 'til everybody decided he was definitely a menace. But I'm probably wrong. :P

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:10 am
by lucimay
yeah i've been wondering just what in the heck they were thinkin when they chained him too! i had the same exact response to that passage, tool. same exact. also i think it was Hood that talked about the CG and if i remember correctly somebody else remarked that perhaps it was Hood who had the best handle on the CG.
but given the events of TtH and DoD...we shall have to see.

by the way, up thread (and this is a DoD spoiler so dont' you read it tool)
i realized i'd made a little prediction...
"oh i'm pretty sure hetan IS preggers and Kruppe IS the babydaddy..."
HAH! i was right about THAT one!! :P :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:26 pm
by aliantha
Re your spoiler, Luci -- yes, yes you were! :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:53 pm
by Avatar
Just starting MoI on my reread...found the prologue a bit of a struggle. Last time too come to think of it. Fairly well into it now though.


Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:12 am
by Onos T'oolan
Are you serious?!?!??? 8O Hood's breath, the MoI prologues are as good as it gets!!!