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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:58 pm
by thewormoftheworld'send
TheWormoftheWorld'sEnd wrote:Welcome, ur-Timewarden!

Answers to questions about the Dead (no spoilers, however) -

They spend 99.9% of their time asleep. When roused out of their eternal sleep to attend to some purpose, they speak only in profound riddles if at all.

Covenant was not commanded not to speak to Linden, but there is/was some kind of supernatural aegis upon him. It concerns the "necessity of freedom" clause. Visitors to the Land are required to sort out their own problems and determine their own fates (or Weird/Wyrd).
I've been pondering that last part, and while it's true for most of the Dead, Covenant is no mere spectre but has risen beyond that level, having been transformed through wild magic in Kiril Threndor. So he has more freedom. Yet there is another kind of aegis upon him regarding communication with the living and I don't know what it consists of. He stated that someone is preventing him, but he can never state who it is.

Edit - and yet, it just occurred to me, Covenant's shade can be dismissed as readily as any other shade.