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Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:06 pm
by Drundaar Rockheart
I'm just curious...but does anyone like Everquest?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:12 pm
by Loredoctor
Drundaar Rockheart wrote:I'm just curious...but does anyone like Everquest?
Never gave it a chance, sorry.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:01 pm
by Waddley
Drundaar Rockheart wrote:I'm just curious...but does anyone like Everquest?

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:37 am
by Nav
Drundaar Rockheart wrote:I'm just curious...but does anyone like Everquest?
I've never played it but I hear that, although WoW was much better to begin with, there isn't so much to choose between the two games now.

WoW obviously has a more stylised look than EQ, more cartoonish (although I'm not a fan of the silly shoulder armor that frequently crops up), whereas EQ is more earthy and 'realistic'. People tend to prefer one style or the other. Also crafting is much, much more developed in EQ. You can literally do nothing but work your professions in EQ and still have a very full gaming experience, whereas in WoW they're really only asides to the main action. I also kind of like the "get your own place and buy your own furniture" thing you can do in EQ. It's rumoured that WoW will get instanced Guild Houses where you can get things like that. The main difference between the games is said to be in solo play: in WoW you can go all the way to level 60 without even grouping with other players if you so wish, whereas in EQ it's difficult to play past level 20 or so if you aren't in a group. Even though these are multiplayer games, I like that you're rarely dependent on other players to progress in WoW (at least until end game anyway), so if you can't find a group (or more importantly, a good group) then there's plenty of stuff you can do.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:41 am
by Nav
On our guild run to Molten Core last night, we summoned Ragnaros for the first time. In a fiery and mercifully brief encounter, we got the Firelord down to 75% health before our lack of fire resistance gear started to tell.

Here's a screenshot I took of the big fella:

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:58 pm
by Drundaar Rockheart
Na, I completely agree with your opinion. Also EQ is getting their graphics completely reworked with the new expansion coming out soon. I truly like the independance you get on Wow also, the way you aren't dependant on groups makes the game much easier to play. I just find it more enthralling to interact with EQ's society and other characters. I like wow's battle system MUCH more, it kicks the crap out of EQ's which is why I truly enjoy it more though. Through and through WoW is the better game. (Can't wait for the new WoW expansion anyone know the release date?)

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:37 pm
by Nav
The other thing I've heard is that EQ's raids are just a big zerg-fest: either you have enough people and gear to kill the thing or you don't, no strategy really involved.

The WoW expansion was finished and was going to be released in July, but the top brass weren't completely happy with it. They are supposed to be implementing Hero classes in it now, which will require a horrific amount of balancing. Release is now expected to be last quarter 2006 at the earliest.

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:16 pm
by Waddley
Nav wrote:The other thing I've heard is that EQ's raids are just a big zerg-fest: either you have enough people and gear to kill the thing or you don't, no strategy really involved.
And here I was, perfectly content with your summary... :P

Having led raids in EQ, I'd like to disagree with this statement. You could go into a raid instance with a full group, and be wiped using the incorrect strat over and over again. Use the right strat and you can have it in a snap. Ok, not ususally a snap, but it made it possible.

Every raid I went to had something unique to it. Being that my raids were put together not from a raiding guild but a (very sucessful) raiding alliance made of smaller guilds, we usually had to figure out every trick ourselves. (The raiding guilds didn't like us 8) ) It made for a hell of a lot of wipes, but it was also a damn good time.

I haven't raided in WoW, so I really can't compare, but I can say that raiding in EQ has much more to it than zerging.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:56 am
by Nav
I've only heard that from the WoW-based podcasts that I listen to, it's possible that they're referring to raids in EQ1 (these people seem to play just about every MMO going) but it's quite possible that their views represent the game when they were playing it rather than as it stands today.

On a side note, I got my grubby mitts on the Nightslayer chestpiece on Sunday. It's nice to have a really visible piece of epic armour, so everyone knows I'm in a Molten Core guild!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:49 am
by BT Shire
I've arrived late to this party, but I just started playing WoW a month or so ago. I've got a Night Elf Hunter on the Shadow Council server. Already level 30. This game is great!

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:35 pm
by SoulBiter
Waddley Hasselhoff wrote:
Nav wrote:The other thing I've heard is that EQ's raids are just a big zerg-fest: either you have enough people and gear to kill the thing or you don't, no strategy really involved.
And here I was, perfectly content with your summary... :P

Having led raids in EQ, I'd like to disagree with this statement. You could go into a raid instance with a full group, and be wiped using the incorrect strat over and over again. Use the right strat and you can have it in a snap. Ok, not ususally a snap, but it made it possible.
I played EQ for about 5 years and actually both of you are correct. There are some areas where you will wipe every time if you dont have the correct stratagy...(one of them that comes to mind is where you have to jump in the pit.. and have a few hybrids kite the mobs around and around with the rest of the raid focused on the boss mob that you are there to kill)but thats one of the few.. there really are not that many that require a strat.

For the most part if you can get enough DPS, a couple of good tanks to go into Defensive mode..and set up a good heal chain.. you can win almost any encounter without any strat at all.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:40 pm
by Nav
That's cool BT, I found my orc hunter to be the most fun class I've played so far. People keep telling me I've set her talents up all wrong but I like them.

I'm keeping a close eye on the new Warhammer Online game at the moment. I always preferred Warhammer 40k to the fantasy version, but it could be a real challenger for Blizzard I think. EA have just bought the developer though, so I'm sure they'll find a way to screw it up :P

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:03 am
by Loredoctor
I've returned to World of Warcraft. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:21 am
by Loredoctor

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:38 am
by Nav
Dramatic picture! I've actually let my subscription end this week. I won't say I've quit, but to quote Sleater-Kinney's break-up press release, I've put my WoW account on "indefinite hiatus".

Blizzard have basically done a similar thing at level 70 than they did at 60: made progression very time intensive. That wasn't a problem for me at 60 as I had plenty of free time, but now I don't I found myself just pottering around and not acheiving very much. There are other ways to go than raiding though, with PvP much revamped by the addition of arena teams. I was aiming to get into some heroic instances (existing 5-man dungeons that can be replayed on a higher difficulty setting for greater rewards), but the heroic keys require a lot of rep-grinding in instances and the quality of pickup groups on my realm was variable enough to make that frustrating.

I enjoyed getting from 60-70 though, just bear in mind that the levels get big. My last few took about 14 hours of playing time each, with rested bonus!

In the absence of Warcraft, I've reactivated the EVE online account I abandoned a little over two years ago for WoW. I'm not sure if they've changed anything, but I'm really enjoying it this time around. And it's fun to read people's reaction to a character who's been employed by the newbie corporation for two years!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:20 am
by emotional leper
I will say it again: Emulated Everquest rocks.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:13 pm
by [Syl]

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:00 pm
by lucimay
:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

hilare Sheriff!!! boot to the head.

i'll be singing that the rest of the day.

i'm in trouble. creator sent me the WoW battlechest.

i stayed home from work today so i could kick some blood elf booty!!!

BOOT TO THE HEAD!!! :haha:

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:12 am
by Sorus

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:15 pm
by lucimay
we oughta rename this thread The WoW Support Group

step one, i admit that (after only 3 days) i am powerless over the
affects of WoW in my life and my life will soon become unmanagable!!
