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Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:06 am
by Seven Words

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:13 am
by Seven Words
For the record..Skyseeker is gonna draw three.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:13 am
by Annalysei
Seven Words wrote:No.
Bah. Party pooper. ;p :biggrin:

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:18 am
by Seven Words
Also...seems to be some confusion...everyone can get a wish, more or less...the elves will reward you, The Great Liberators...if possible, I want to avoid the actual casting of a wish....but, say, if you want a property added to an item, a skilled magesmith will imbue it....etc., etc. Regard a wish as last resort, please. :)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:23 am
by Annalysei
Seven Words wrote:For the record..Skyseeker is gonna draw three.
Yeah, I'll be over in the corner, cowering, if y'all need me.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:08 am
by Katrina
Seven Words wrote:For the record..Skyseeker is gonna draw three.
Temptation not accepted.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:12 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Item List can be found HERE

First tab is who is considered the owner. Trina needs to be added, as well as updates due to a couple of wishes. (And loss of Marrik :sad:)

Second tab is the gear that's up for grabs. I'll try to indicate what people have asked for, but I may miss some due to so many posts. (And may not get to all of them tonight.) Poke me if you need to be added. Once we see where the conflicts are, we'll fight to the death for those items.

Will be moving potions and scrolls to third tab.

I'll be annotating some notes as well, that lets us see what kind of upgrade someone is getting.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:19 am
by Katrina
What infos you need from me to be added?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:47 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Items you're willing to let us know you have to be placed on the sheet above. It helps us keep track of who has what for better distribution.

It's voluntary, so sneaky types don't have to list everything, but take it into account when asking for stuff so that people that would benefit more don't get taken advantage of.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 7:45 am
by Led Pighp
Kalindriel Ec'urb wrote:I think Anna should be considered for the Manual as well since she's a front-line fighter and doesn't have the benefit of skirmish or sneak attack.
Yeah, that's fair. And I use dex to boost my to-hit, so a strength boost isn't nearly as shiny. (+5 str is only 2 extra damage, too.)

I also vote that Sky gets the boots. They'll give her speed the same as Led. So we two scouts can maneuver the same in combat.
Kalindriel Ec'urb wrote:The Deck is really a party item, though I'm fine if Laurel wants to carry it. Each person can only use it once. My advice is to not do so. I've seen what these things can do, and the penalties are far, far worse than the benefits. You've been warned.
Bad bad bad. You end up hoping for a wish, just to remove the penalties you just got. Look at Skyseeker... *IF* she kills the next monster she meets, she gains a level. But in the mean time, her saves all dropped, and now there's some buff outsider who hates her. (Could be someone in the party, for all we know.)

Please note that for the spreadsheet, Led currently has the Ring of Climbing, from the Consideration page. I'm not sure if he'll keep it, but it's been more useful than the ring of cold resist. Further, he has a Braid of Greater Shifter Defense (grants DR 4/silver).

I think Led is going to get kind of hosed out of his share of stuff. I'm only asking for stuff that I really want. I could use the amulet of nat armor (mine is only +1), I could use the rings of protection (mine is only +1).

I'd be happy to hand off the Headband of Courage. I'm only wearing it so the party could get a bonus to fear resist. But I don't want it to count against me. The barding I'll also give up, now that I've tried it on. (The max dex is too low... I only put it on for RP purposes.)

He has the following potions:

2x Greater Magic Fang +5
3x Cure Critical Wounds
7x Cure Serious Wounds
4x Protection from Evil

Let's assume an even split of the cash / gems. If we end up selling any of the unclaimed items, we can split that up later. But while most of the items don't interest Led, there are other items he'd like to buy. So, we each get the equivalent of 183,504.286 gold pieces out of this. (I take 72,000 from Anna to pay off the flail. Pleasure doing bidness with you.) Time to go shopping.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:41 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
I'm fine with Sky getting the boots over me. I want a pair, but would also rather them custom made to fit my personal ascetics, since Kali likes to go barefoot.

Updated the rings. Sorchat should get the Ring of Cold Resist if no one is going to use it. I had the Braid, just not the proper name. Fixed.

For the Amulet of Natural Armor, I would suggest Led gets the +2 and Sky his current +1. Then you both get something.

For the Rings, the +3 is my only upgrade. That gives us two +2 for Trina and Led, and leaves a +1 for someone else. Total upgrades are Kali +1, Sky +1, Trina +2, and Led +2 on ring/amulet swap.

The bracers would be a huge boost to me, as my AC is low and I've only got +2 right now. Now if Trina swaps out something, then that frees up a Studded Leather +3 which could go to Vyn who was eying Leather +3. Kali doesn't do 'mundane' armor. Siggy hasn't asked for them, but she has Bracers +5 if we do some swapping around.

(Sorchat is the only famliar/cohort/henchman right now, but I'll go on the record as saying they should get our cast-offs to improve survivability as any join the party.)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:39 pm
by Annalysei
Well, as you all know, I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to want. I'm intrigued by the idea of having extra links added to my flail (adamantine and whatnot) but I could probably buy those, right?

Also, as a "What if" question...theoretically, could I get in a position where my flail would be useless, like if I was smashed between a wall and a monster? Can it get knocked out of my hands? (PLEASE, DM, don't consider these as possible ideas on how to torture me. :D )

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:42 pm
by Vynarkus
If Seven allows us to buy magic items with our gold, we got off very well from this. If not, and he didn't allow it before, we have far more gold than we have any use for, even before we sell anything.

As for the leather +3, or the Studded Leather +3, I could use either one with no problems, and they are both better than what I have now, but if I got either one, I would trade it for a kind of armor that would actually be cheaper, yet more useful to me. A +2 Mithril Breastplate.

Items I have: Not even sure anymore, I never really kept track of any I wasn't immediately using. I'm fairly sure I'm carrying at least a few potions, maybe a couple wands and scrolls, and I have quite a bit of money still stored, because I had nothing I wanted to use it on.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:05 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Many items we may not be able to buy outright, but we might be able to enhance or repurpose some, and the coins can maybe be used for that. Or we can smelt it down and make lots of pretty weapons and armor...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:11 pm
by Katrina
Barter ftw.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:24 pm
by Vynarkus
Led Pighp wrote:So, we each get the equivalent of 183,504.286 gold pieces out of this. Time to go shopping.
May I make a suggestion? If anyone wants to buy anything that they don't mind letting the party know they have, have Vyn do it. Diplomacy is used for haggling, and he now has a +29 in it, even before he puts on the Cloak of Charisma and gets it upgraded (one of the things I want to do, should cost 20,000 according to the basic prices...).

Hey! I just realized! Once I put on the Cloak of Charisma, I'll have a high enough Diplomacy bonus to succeed on a Difficulty 50 check (with a roll of 18, or 17 once I upgrade it), which would let me make Helpful NPCs into Fanatics! Can I, Seven?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 5:39 pm
by Katrina
Kalindriel Ec'urb wrote:Items you're willing to let us know you have to be placed on the sheet above. It helps us keep track of who has what for better distribution.

It's voluntary, so sneaky types don't have to list everything, but take it into account when asking for stuff so that people that would benefit more don't get taken advantage of.
Suffice to say my mask and belt are set for me.

Other then that, few magic items:

Ring of Mind Shielding
Ring of Minor Acid Resistance
Studdly Leather +3

Barkskin +2
Cat's Grace
2 X Cure M Wounds

Bracers would be nice since with no mods I'm already at my armor's dex capacity for AC, any buffs are piddled away and I'm a dex based creature.

The Acid Resist ring is rather useless to me.

Moneys I have plans for to get weaponed.

Anna, I'm not a vampire. =P But feel free to join me in playing jacks.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:14 pm
by Sorchat
Hi. Sigrid is busy.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:22 pm
by Annalysei
Anna is a little battle-loopy right now. It's all the adrenaline and teleporting for the first time and whatnot. She wasn't entirely sure it was going to work, and was quite glad it did.

I'll play jacks with you as long as you don't bite me. It seems like everyone except Sigrid and Laurel is growing claws here of late. Sigrid, please don't grow claws. Pretty please?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:37 pm
by Katrina
I lost my head in that last fight, I normally don't bite.

And I've always had claws Anna. :)