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Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:24 pm
by Katrina
That icky full plate +5 fire resist, and awkward Warhammer +3 have been Dealt With, er, taken to a better place.

A set of Studded Leather +3 is in the pile up for grabs.

Really, don't mourn, er, um, miss them. The Plate and Warhammer were turning into a bad sort. I found them distributing Darkwood Chick Tracks. Such titles as "The Fungus Among Us" and "99 Encounters but a Lich ain't one".

It's for the best.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:51 am
by Annalysei
While we're talking loot and money and whatnot (Laurel, you're not the only one who hasn't kept track of her cash :( ) , I'm trying to scrape together the money to get something that would really benefit the party as a whole, but unless I see a nice hunk of change when I go back and look in a few minutes...

...does anyone have any expendable cash they'd be willing to loan me until our next big round of bad guys? One more round of bad guys should be way more than enough to cover what I need (using this last big adventure as a ballpark estimate) and while the item would benefit EVERYONE, I'd like for it to be mine mine mine, hence the asking for a loan instead of asking everyone to chip in.

Now all of this is being said under the assumption that Seven gives me the green light. If he says no, then *waves fingers and whispers spookily* I was never heeeeere, and this conversation never took plaaaaaaace...

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:32 am
by Laurel
With Vyn withdrawing his claim to the Cloak of Charisma, I would still like to say I am interested in it. Sigrid? Where do you stand on it?

I still have yet to go through any lists of items and supplies, but I did look up the Circlet of Blasting and it is what you described, Anna. It does sound like an item I could make use of, but if anyone else is interested feel free to post a claim.

I worry by the time I have a chance to look at items to buy, magic or otherwise, we will have moved way on. I'm still working on leveling up. Vyn's high school graduation is this week and with family coming in I feel as if I'm more busy with it than he is!

Anyway, that being neither here nor there, my point is, once seven gives us an idea of how much wealth we each have, Laurel will be happy to lend Annalysei what she needs, if she has enough. Especially since I don't think I'll get to looking at items anytime soon.

Oh, and Led...
Laurel may give up Garvin, even is she was the actress for many of the shorts. But where would Laurel be without Hardy?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:42 am
by Annalysei
Thank you so much for offering, Laurel. I really appreciate it.

It looks like the money issue has worked itself out. There's this really cute girl with gray feathers that's going to go in on it with me. Once I talk to Seven about it and get a final price, I'll tell y'all what it is. It's fantastic.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:12 am
by Sigrid
I already said I didn't want the cloak. You can have it. Can I even wear a cloak, with wings?

But if you have money left over, you could donate 10k to me. I'm buying a wand of Dispel Magic. It'll help everybody.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:13 pm
by Katrina
I think you should, it's just a little less impressive looking hanging between your big poofy wings.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:55 pm
by Vynarkus

I've read through the archives, and we never sold the items we gained back at Marrowrime's lair. I don't know if we want to keep any of the magic items, and they are listed in Kalindriel's spreadsheet anyway, but I think we should sell off all but one of the mundane items.
Laurel wrote:"A mithril chess set, with a board made of obsidian and ivory.
"A gold and silver tiara, which I have expressed interest in.
"A mosaic of Jao-u-Zid-Heyatiin. By her reaction to it alone, I would say it belongs to Skyseeker.
"A hand mirror, the frame and handle of platinum with diamonds inset.
"A man's bracelet with strands of steel, gold, silver and copper which are braided like a rope.
"A dagger scabbard which is silverworked with emeralds and moonstones.
"A cloak clasp of mithril and adamantine which is framing a diamond. Led expressed interest in this.
"A gold signet ring, bearing what appears to be the crest of the Ferritis family, nobles in Sverdhame. They would most likely pay well for this.
"A large ivory tusk, elaborately carved and dyed to seem as if there are vines and flowers climbing it.
"A silver-coated polar bear skull, with quartz eyes bearing ruby pupils.
"A set of 9 map or scroll cases, silver filigree with tiny garnets. Led again expressed interest in these. As he is a scribe, I believe he would be best suited to them.
"A tiny matching spear and greataxe set, with silver haft, mithril head, and frusvolk carvings on it.
"An incense burner, elaborate gold work, inset with 4 star sapphires..with platinum symbol of the Unknowable on it. Sigrid expressed interest.
"A 2 foot tall bronze sculpture of Valkhan.
"A walrus hide leather belt, polar bear fur trim, gold work on the buckle with silver studs. Another item which interests Sigrid.
"An onxy statue of an elf, short sword in one hand, a ball of flames in the palm of his other hand. Skyseeker said it is of Calathiri.
"And a statue of a legendary beast: a ki-rin composed f some manner of black ivory. It is bearing a mithril horn, white ivory mane and tail, and silver hooves."
I think we should keep the signet ring, as it has only a very small value out here, and would be very valuable if we ever go to Sverdhame. I especially advise selling off the mosaic and the statue: in a city of elves, people would be willing to pay a great deal to have a mosaic of the greatest elven city of all time or for the chance to crush an effigy of the 'Dark Prince of the Elves'.

If we actually do this, how much money would we get for it, Seven?

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:56 pm
by Laurel
Thank you, Sigrid and Vyn.

So, Strings of the Celestial Song
Cloak of Charisma +4 and
the Circlet of Blasting, minor

for Laurel out of this loot.

Does anyone know what the total loot split earned for players since the start of the game is? Including loot from battles in Waymeet, the caravan supply stores (or whatever the heck it was where Led and Laurel claimed their horses), the way station, the dragon's lair, the elven meeting, etc., etc., etc.? I honestly have not been concerned about it, and if being concerned about it is something I have to do, then I'll just say forget me buying anything. I truly do pay very little attention to items. Althougb Vyn has just mentioned a class which may interest me. But, they're not worth the hassle of keeping track of numbers. Figuring out leveling up is bad enough...

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:56 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
Okay, most of the items have been assigned on the sheet.

Someone not wearing gloves should take the Gloves of Missile Snaring. It's a defensive item, so it might mean less healing needed.

We have a minor and major Ring of Spell Storing left. (We have two minor's yes? Because we had one, then found another. I never had the first one assigned.)

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:02 pm
by Katrina
I'd say one of the back row peoples, they are more likely to get pelted with arrows.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:35 pm
by Vynarkus

No-one is paying any attention to my suggestion of selling the items from Marrowrime's hoard. But I guess that's fine. Meanwhile...

Sigrid! It's awesome that you got your staff recharged! Is there any way I could get items that do the same? I can think of several things that would be very useful if I could...

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:08 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
None of those items are mine, and I don't particularly care about wealth, so I have no vote in what happens to them.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:13 am
by Annalysei
Vynarkus wrote:Ok...

No-one is paying any attention to my suggestion of selling the items from Marrowrime's hoard. But I guess that's fine. Meanwhile...

Sigrid! It's awesome that you got your staff recharged! Is there any way I could get items that do the same? I can think of several things that would be very useful if I could...
I've been AFK today, so it wasn't intentional on my part...and I don'tknow if I was around for marrowrime...i know I was here for one big loot distribution because there was a ring both laurel and I wanted, and I bowed out of the running...right now I'm on my phone, so I can't gp back and look without going blind from staring at teeny tiny letters.

ETA: regardless, I'm fine with saying that my flying casa de amor has cleaned out my bank completely, and starting from zero and just making sure I keep track from here on out, theres nothing I can think of that I'm itching to buy, unless it's fluffy pillows for the tent, and I can probably get those from whomever I leave my horse with. Horses dont do well on flying carpets...they get airsick and ruin the fabric.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:33 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
You weren't there for the dragon. You, me, nor 'Trina.

The chess set should go in the new flying tent though. Maybe some of the other things. Home decoration from all the loot you've claimed is a time-honored tradition. With all the elven artifacts, Siggy will want them once she gets her head out of the clouds. (Can she do that with wings and a flying carpet? Hmmm....)

My old GM made the mistake of giving us a cloth which could shrink any object down to 1/12th size. I took statues, tapestries, chess sets, furniture... by the time we got a house I had enough to fully decorate it. :biggrin:

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:12 pm
by Sigrid
Annalysei wrote:ETA: regardless, I'm fine with saying that my flying casa de amor has cleaned out my bank completely, and starting from zero and just making sure I keep track from here on out, theres nothing I can think of that I'm itching to buy, unless it's fluffy pillows for the tent, and I can probably get those from whomever I leave my horse with. Horses dont do well on flying carpets...they get airsick and ruin the fabric.
Sugarbritches, I'm rich. I'm spending 3000 gp on furnishings for the tent, so far. Nothing but the best, for my baby.

"These are finest elven satin. The floor is one large cushion. Almost as soft as your sweet lips <blush/> The tables are low. You sit without chairs. There are made of a single block of darkest wood, from old trees deep in the forests. Inlaid in ivory on the tabletops, are images of Volk stories. This one was my favorite, when I was young."

"I have a bouquet of roses that never wilt, too. I hope Sorchat will share her new incense, too. This is her home, too."

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:15 pm
by Sorchat
IC conversation should go in the IC thread, silly girl.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:13 pm
by Led Pighp
Laurel wrote:Oh, and Led...
Laurel may give up Garvin, even is she was the actress for many of the shorts. But where would Laurel be without Hardy?

If you get three wishes, you sure might want to spend one of them on a similar transformation that gives you wings. Half-celestial, half-fiend, half-dragon, several forms of fey, etc.

And OOC, I know that Marrik isn't coming back. Go check out the link Sigrid posted about the item that was used... it's an artifact of an evil god. Gone forever.

But, by all means if you wish for his body and all his stuff to be returned, I get my super-buff magic axe back. The axe I can't use (nor can anybody else in the party), but it's MINE, damn it.

So... what if the Rogue card turns your goddess against you? You called on her when you drew... you drew someone hating you. Maybe that was her answer to your request. "Here's some XP and a few wishes. Now I'll make you regret it. Bwahahahahaha!"

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:45 pm
by Annalysei
Anna rolls her eyes and makes a "pffft" sound in Sorchat's direction and says "Well it wouldn't fit over there, anyway."

To Sigrid she says, "I'd love you even if you were a pauper, muffin." then she sidles closer and lowers her voice to a whisper and looks around furtively. She whispers so quietly it's almost inaudible "Are the roses pink? I like pink."

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 pm
by Katrina
Annalysei wrote: "Are the roses pink? I like pink." ... 67030A4A82

I couldn't help it...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:55 pm
by Annalysei
Sigrid turns a rather lovely shade of pink sometimes, now that you mention it.