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Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:05 pm
by lucimay

is there any summer cake left? :biggrin:

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:09 pm
by danlo
We went straight up the two flights of stairs in Aleoto's as soon as the cab dropped us off. The host looked like a hit man from the Godfather and the bartender looked just like Brian Bosworth (?) in Cocktail. There was a thirty minute wait so we strolled Fisherman's Wharf, saw the WWII submarine and had Anchor Steams at the fish and chips shack as we took in the bay and all the ferries and boats. Our table looked straight out at the (semi-fog shrouded) Golden Gate bridge as the sun was setting: lots of blues and golds. We looked over the fishing boats and watched the ships passing under the bridge when we saw the orange sign for Scoma's where we had dinner 15 years ago, on our honeymoon.

Tam had cod and crab and I had grilled swordfish and the bread was to die for. As the sun was disappearing a hugh container ship that looked as big as an aircraft carrier appeared to come straight at us out of the haze. Afterward we had drinks at Castanega's bar and had a great time chatting with a couple from Scotland (who prefered SF much more than Vegas). It was a wonderful, wonderful evening.

We already miss all our old and new friends incredibly, and can't wait to have Jenn and Chris out to Albq. With the marathon, arena football championship, Indy car race and Bond's homerun pursuit going on the city was packed and very exciting. I can't even begin to tell you how much fun we had in such a short amount of time. I can't even begin to thank everyone involved.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:13 pm
by lucimay
dang. you mean i coulda had half a cake? 8O

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:17 pm
by bloodguard bob
Alright Danlo! So glad your date went well. That is a good spot for dinner when the sun is going down. Jenn and I once saw whales too from a restaurant close to there. Sorry about the trip home but glad you made it safely. We miss all you guys too.
Lucimay wrote:ps....
is there any summer cake left? :biggrin:
Three slices only.
But I could whip up another in about 45 minutes.
I gave half of the cake and four slices of pie to the fella upstairs. We still have a whole pie, too.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:25 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Does this mean Lucimay is coming over to eat cake and pie for dinner tonight? :P

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:59 pm
by lucimay
i have to do laundry tonight.

how bout tomorrow night?? :biggrin:

i could bring Withnail & I !!!! 8)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:29 pm
by Seareach
Cameraman Jenn wrote:Sea, come to SF. Steve's a hunk of gorgeous single man meat!
...shame I'm not single girl meat <sigh>. But ooooh...and he can cook too! I like men of many talents! :biggrin:

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:49 pm
by lucimay missed the rest of that conversation wherein BOTH Menolly and i informed you that Bloodguard Bob is OH SO WAAAAAY BETTER a catch than the actor boy!! :P

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:55 pm
by Damelon
Sounds like a wonderful evening, Danlo.

Yes, I miss everyone as well. Things seem mundane this week.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 2:02 am
by Cameraman Jenn
Funny, things seem alot more SOBER this week.... 8O

For those of you who are wondering about what we are talking about when we reference Danlo's surprise, here's the haps. Unbeknownst to Danlo, a conspiracy was hatched amongst the watchers as a thank you for all his hard work and Lady Tam's hard work in hosting Elohimfest. A great number of watchers pitched in and funded Danlo and Tam's airfare to SF. We managed to bamboozle Danlo and keep it secret for six whole weeks until Tam surprised him at the airport on his departure with a romantic, crazy, partyfilled weekend in SF. Kudos to everyone who kept it secret and kept it safe. Special thanks to those who helped diffuse those moments of almost discovery and most special thanks to the one who put the works in motion,(not me, I was a minor player). Of course none of this could have happened without the diabolical cleverness of Lady Tam. Thanks for skulking through the airport and hiding behind pillars and coatracks. Everyone involved was brilliant. If I ever overthrow the government I by subterfuge I know who to call! I hope that Lady Tam will come into this thread and give her story firsthand. It's hysterical!

I also want to say that it was incredibly fabulous meeting the watch members that I got to meet in person. You all rock hardcore. And hanging with the watch persona I had already met was just the same. Family reunion all the way. Hugs to all. Especial thanks to Lady Tam who spends NO time on the watch. You rock girlfriend. Danlo is a lucky man to have scored you. Patty, so good to see you again girlie and nice to meet one of your handsome sons. Ann, if you read this, really good to reconnect with you and Charles and Henna, Charles you take care of her, she is also a rare gem. If Woody ever tells you that he cant play's a lie. Good times all around. I spent a wonderful weekend surrounded by incredible people whom have graced and enhanced my world more than can be expressed by words.

Now is the time for a special shout out to Bloodguard Bob. Chris. You know I love you. You are so amazing and so great. You took all the responsibility upon yourself without me asking and freed me up to socialize and be obnoxious. You fixed the meals and ran the show and let me off the hook when I would have gladly done it. But you walked in and took a silent backseat and thrust me back out into the fray as I secretly wished. You went above and beyond any call of duty that exists. There are no words to express how grateful I am to you for making all the events of the weekend come together. The food was incredible. THe hosting was supreme. Everyone knows how much you gave and we all love you for it. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!! Again, my words are feeble compared to the gratitude that fills my heart.

On other notes, Steve and Jenn had a fun time. I wish I had had more time to chat with them but you watchers kept me occupied! Oh well, there will be other times. Funny how time with SRD took a second seat to the meeting and greeting...

OK, next time I hold an event, attendance is mandatory! hahahhaah

hehsus I lurve you peops

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:29 pm
by danlo
Tam tried twice last night to post. Poor baby wrote a two big long things and kept hitting the wrong buttons. This is what happens to people who don't post much. She wanted to try again this morning but was called into work as an emergency fill-in. She'll do it-like the plotting: when she's bound and determined you just can't stop her! :biggrin:

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:04 pm
by Menolly
I am looking forward to reading her posts!

May I suggest she compose what she wants to say in a separate Word document, and then c&p it to the board? I've learned to do that when writing long posts, due to AOL's tendency to boot me just as I'm getting ready to send one in...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:00 pm
by Lady Tam
Hi all!

I had a minute at work and thought I would send a quick message to let you know I would post tonight or tomorrow depending on my work schedule. I see Danlo let you know how "posting" illiterate I am. A very big thank you to everyone who participated in our surprise. The story soon to follow.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:43 pm
by Menolly

Hi Lady Tam!!

Looking forward to your post!!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:51 pm
by danlo
In the beginning: The big surprise!! (note the completely clueless danlo)
At the end: a container ship as big as an aircarft carrier!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:37 am
by bloodguard bob
Wow Danlo! Great shot of the ship.
Just when I think I've seen everything this city has to offer....

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 2:35 am
by Damelon
Who's that taking pictures with your camera, Danlo! :haha:

Cool picture of the container ship. 8)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:33 am
by IrrationalSanity
Now, why on earth do I have the theme song from "The Bugaloos" running through my head... ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:26 pm
by Lady Tam
Danlo's Surprise :lol:

Well I hope the third time is a charm and I actually get this to go through!!!!

This whole surprise started shortly after Elohimfest when I got a call from Lucimay and she wanted to bring Danlo to FBH wrap-up party in SF. Not only did she want Danlo to come she wanted me to come as well and had arranged to have our airfare covered by you awesome watchers! I was blown away by this whole thing and the best part was that we were going to keep it a secret from Danlo :twisted: Lucimay asked how we could pull this off and at that moment I couldn't think of a way, but I told her I would get back with her with an idea.

Two minutes after I hung up I thought of the perfect way to surprise the heck out of Danlo, so I called her right back...I would let Danlo think he was going to SF and that I had to stay home to take care of Elora, JoJo and of course, I would have to work. He couldn't believe he was actually getting to go, but was sad that I couldn't go with him :(

My brain started to think "how can I pull this off" First I called our social worker and arranaged to have Elora placed in respite, paid for by the state. One of my favorite foster parents was going to take her for the weekend and she was drawn into the surprise of it all. Then I made reservations for JoJo to be boarded and talked to my neighbor to take care of the cat and house while we were gone.

Next I received a letter from Lucimay and Cameraman Jenn. Danlo handed it to me from the mailbox and asked why I was getting a letter from Lucimay? I told him it was probably a "Thank you note" and then when I opened it several of the checks fell out. Danlo asked what that was and I grabbed them so fast that he didn't know what was going on. He just let it go at that--thank goodness! I went to the bank and of course, Danlo wanted to go and somehow I convinced him to stay in the car (I don't remember how I did that???). While at work I found airline tickets on line and the Opal Hotel had a room for us. I printed out the flight and hotel confirmation info. It had to much info so I hand wrote his info and told him the printer was sticking. Again he bought that. One thing that worried Danlo was that he was flying into Oakland instead of SF and that Damelon was picking him up. I told him I talked to Damelon and it was perfectly fine with him.

By this time I thought this was really hard work, but it was all coming together and I was having a ball. I wanted to tell everyone who would listen what I was doing but kept it under wraps so I wouldn't slip up. A week before we were to leave JoJo got attacked and I wasn't sure I could board her with stitches. She healed so well and the Vet said it was fine to board her with them. Whew!

Now wew are counting down the days into hours and my brain was on overload! Thursdays Danlo takes Elora to school for ~3 hours and from the time he left I was a mad woman packing for both Elora and I. I had to use a piece of luggage that Danlo would not see missing, so I wanted to use our clothes hanging bag. I pulled it out of the closet and the inside had disintegrated and black pieces of plastic fell all over the floor. I ran it out to the back yard and black plastic follwed me throughtout the house and there was a big pile in the back yard. No saving that so I pitched it in the garbage. I found a canvas duffle bag and packed my clothes. I placed it in Danlo's car since he was driving mine. I packed Elora's clothes and drove them to her sitters house, so the next morning it would look like I was just taking her to daycare. I got on line and printed our boarding passes, put mine in my purse and left his on the desk. Next I called the Vet to see what time I could bring JoJo and they said they opened at 9 am. Not good as we had a 10 am flight. Think, think, think??? No idea as of yet.

By this time Danlo has returned and I told him I was taking him out for lunch for his birthday. We went out and had a wonderful celebration. He asked me what I would be doing while he was gone. I told him all kinds of plans I had--going to Santa Fe with a neighbor, lunch with a friend, girl time with Elora and get JoJo's stitches out. He continually told me how much he was going to miss me and how much he wished I were going with him. Hehehehehe!

We got home late in the afternoon and I was beginning to panic about Jojo and the time line. On a whim I picked up the phone and pretended to listen to a message and told him it was from the vet. I said that they
called and wanted to take JoJo's stitches out. He said "today?" I said that they had a new Vet coming on and they wanted her to take out Jojo's stitches and do an exam on her. He said it was awfully late in the day and I said they would board her overnight for free and I could pick her up the next day. "Cool" he said and off JoJo and I went to the Kennels unbeknownst to Danlo!!! So far so good!

Friday morning Danlo was packing and Elora was under foot. I suggested that she go to daycare and he wholeheartedly agreed. Off to the sitter went Elora. Oh ya my luggage--I had it in Danlo's car, moved it to my car, then we switched cars again and I had to move it back to Danlo's car ( I don't know how many times in 24 hours I moved that luggage back and forth???). I then came home just 90 minutes until take off. I changed my clothes and Danlo asked why I was getting dressed up? I said I was going to lunch with a friend. Oh ya he said. You will have plenty of time to change later. No, I had things to do before lunch. Good God Danlo I am sweating at this time give me a break--smile, smile , smile.

We load his luggage and get in the car. On the way to the airport he says "what is in that luggage in the back seat?" I said, remember I went through Elora's old clothes and I am taking them to a friend who can use them. Oh he said.

We are at the airport and I drop him off, kiss him good-bye, tell him I love him and will miss him terribly, but that I will see him soon. Sooner than he would know. Off to the ticket gate went Danlo! Off to the parking garage went Lady Tam. I parked, waited 15 minutes and then went down to the ground level took an elevator up and slipped out to the street to check in. When I checked in the lady told me he was already in and I was behind him. I headed to security and was going through when I thought I saw him looking at me so I ducked behind a pole. The security lady asked me what I was doing and I told her about the surprise. She let me hide for at least 5 minutes. I got through security and headed to the gate. I didn't see him at the gate and then saw him coming down the way. I ducked behind a hat rack and watched him find a seat. He turned and looked my direction so I went to the other side of the hat rack, back and forth until he finally sat down with his back to me. I look ahead and there is a couple watching this whole thing. I ask the lady to come over to me and she did. Again I explain the surprise and ask if she would take pictures of the actual suprise. She was pleased to do it. I pointed out Danlo and she slowly walked over in front of him as I went behind him.

Now here is the suprise!!!! I walk up directly to him, bent down and say "hey big fella, would you like some company in SF" and kissed his neck. What the....meantime the lady is taking our picture and Danlo puts his hand in front of his face and says "hey lady quit taking my picture, I don't know you, quit." I tell him she is with me, and it take s a minute before he lets that go. He asks what I am doing there and I tell him I'm going to SSF with him and I show him my ticket. Again it took a minute or two for him to fully understand that we were getting away together, alone! He was so excited and he kept touching me and asking if I was really there.

I can't believe we pulled this off you guys!!! You are the best ever :D Now I am going to send this before I lose it!

Lots of Love--Lady Tam

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:47 pm
by aliantha
Best. Story. Ever. :haha:

The best part is that while Tam's making stuff up like mad, Danlo's buying it all! 8O

(Good thing you guys were in Albuquerque -- that kinda skulking behind poles at security woulda gotten you arrested at a DC airport....)

Thanks for the report, and so glad you guys had a good time!