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Law of Death

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:37 pm
by Buckarama
With the law of Death being broken and everyone can commune with their favorite dead relative, if nothing else to keep John Edwards out of a job. Do you think that SRD is giving the dead too much to do? I mean they are dead what do they care about the world of the living?

The New staff was created from Vain and Findale, because Saltheart Foamfollower gave vain as a gift, was this just so the Ur-Viles wouldn't have to talk to TC and his mates? Ur-Viles aren't exactly trusted source of Lore.

With the LOD being broken maybe the Ur-Viles can make the dead do what ever they want to, like High Lord Kevin and Foul. Just order them about they have to listen! :)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:50 pm
by drew
Im pretty sure that the Ur-Viles have switched sides.They may be all powerfull when it comes to Lore...but espianage and being double agents doesn't realy fit their profiles.

Without the Illearth stone (Which Foul did not have in the 2nd chrons) I don't think he could have brainwashed any of the dead.

Also if that were the case..if Foul manipulated SF to give Vain to Covenant, convice him that the UrViles were okay; the the Elohim would hav said so...Findail was oppsed to his destiny not because it would serve despite, but because it would change who he was...that's why he aggreeed in the end...he would have said something about this being Foul's plan from the get go if it really was.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:56 pm
by dlbpharmd
Good points, Drew.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:04 pm
by drew
thanks :D

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:26 am
by rusmeister
I mean they are dead what do they care about the world of the living?
This is a good question. It depends on SRD's cosmology - the meaning of both life and death, and what form existence takes and what purposes exist for those that have passed on.

In my (admittedly Christian) cosmology, it doesn't make any sense, but if SRD has an explanation, it would have to be elaborate to cover all the bases and make sense.

As we care about this story, so, perhaps, the angels care about our story, in a similar manner brought into being by a Creator and totally dependent on His will. (Badly expressed, but it's a little easier to understand and accept the idea of a God when we understand the idea of an author)