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Rush Limbaugh/Michael J. Fox

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:51 am
by sgt.null
Rush Limbaugh On the Offensive Against Ad With Michael J. Fox

By David Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 25, 2006; C01

Possibly worse than making fun of someone's disability is saying that it's imaginary. That is not to mock someone's body, but to challenge a person's guts, integrity, sanity.

To Rush Limbaugh on Monday, Michael J. Fox looked like a faker. The actor, who suffers from Parkinson's disease, has done a series of political ads supporting candidates who favor stem cell research, including Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin, who is running against Republican Michael Steele for the Senate seat being vacated by Paul Sarbanes.

"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease," Limbaugh told listeners. "He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."

Limbaugh, whose syndicated radio program has a weekly audience of about 10 million, was reacting to Fox's appearance in another one of the spots, for Missouri Democrat Claire McCaskill, running against Republican Sen. James M. Talent.

But the Cardin ad is similar. It is hard to watch, unless, for some reason, you don't believe it. As he speaks, Fox's restless torso weaves and writhes in a private dance. His head bobs from side to side, almost leaving the video frame.

"This is the only time I've ever seen Michael J. Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has," Limbaugh said. "He can barely control himself."

Later Monday, still on the air, Limbaugh would apologize, but reaction to his statements from Parkinson's experts and Fox's supporters was swift and angry.

"It's a shameless statement," John Rogers said yesterday. Rogers, Fox's political adviser, who also serves on the board of the Parkinson's Action Network, added: "It's insulting. It's appallingly sad, at best."

"Anyone who knows the disease well would regard his movement as classic severe Parkinson's disease," said Elaine Richman, a neuroscientist in Baltimore who co-wrote "Parkinson's Disease and the Family." "Any other interpretation is misinformed."

Fox was campaigning yesterday for Tammy Duckworth, a congressional candidate, outside Chicago, when he alluded to Limbaugh's remarks. "It's ironic, given some of the things that have been said in the last couple of days, that my pills are working really well right now," he said, according to a report on the CBS2 Web site.

After his apology, Limbaugh shifted his ground and renewed his attack on Fox.

"Now people are telling me they have seen Michael J. Fox in interviews and he does appear the same way in the interviews as he does in this commercial," Limbaugh said, according to a transcript on his Web site. "All right then, I stand corrected. . . . So I will bigly, hugely admit that I was wrong, and I will apologize to Michael J. Fox, if I am wrong in characterizing his behavior on this commercial as an act."

Then Limbaugh pivoted to a different critique: "Michael J. Fox is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democratic politician."

Limbaugh's shock at Fox's appearance is a measure of the disease's devastation, advocates say. Contrary to the charge that Fox might not take his medicine to enhance his symptoms, the medicine produces some of the uncontrolled body movements.

"Stem cell research offers hope to millions of Americans with diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's," Fox says in the Cardin ad. "But George Bush and Michael Steele would put limits on the most promising stem cell research."

Fox has appeared in ABC's "Boston Legal" this season. In his scenes, taped over the summer, Fox does not shake or loll his head as he does in the Cardin commercial, but does appear to be restraining himself, appearing almost rigid at times.

A source with direct knowledge of Fox's illness who viewed the Cardin ad said Fox is not acting to exaggerate the effects of the disease. The source said Fox's scenes in "Boston Legal" had to be taped around his illness, as he worked to control the tremors associated with Parkinson's for limited periods of time.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:58 am
by [Syl]
(Rush voice over)

Michael--the big tourist. His lie reflected my lie. And suddenly I felt nothing. I couldn't cry. So, once again, I couldn't sleep.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:01 am
by Plissken
I wonder why Rush wasn't so outraged at Mr Fox's "exploitation" by the "process" when Micheal was "shilling" for Arlen Spector a few years back...

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:04 am
by sgt.null
because Rush is an asshole?

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:02 pm
by Plissken
Now, now, Sarge - you remember all the typing I had to do after dissing Rush a couple of months ago...

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:05 pm
by A Gunslinger
Rush is a drug-addicted, souless, delusional fatty who must go to the Dominican to get laid.

I proivide this unsolicted and illogical attack on him to illustrate how stupid he was to attack MJF so unfairly. What a fat jack*ss.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:23 pm
by Lorelei
The thing is the Michael J. Fox has admitted in his book that sometimes he goes off his medications if he really wants to make a point about Parkinsons. I have absolutely no problem with this because in advanced cases of Parkinson's the medications do not prevent the involuntary movements. Stem cell research is in fact a promising line of research for Parkinson's, though much more needs to be done. Unfortunately most people don't realize what a debilitating disease Parkinson's is.....they don't get it until they see someone untreated. If I were MJF, I'd probably be doing the same thing.

Given the recent character issues that Rush has had, I think character assasination is the last thing he'd do....but then again his ego often does screw up his judgement.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:29 pm
by Plissken
To be clear: Yes, a couple of years ago Fox addressed Congress without his meds, so they could see what the disease does. Since then, however, the disease has progressed to the point that, in order to be able to move or talk at all, Micheal has to take drugs that cause the symptoms seen in this most recent ad.

EDIT: ... and Rush Limbaugh is a big, fat idiot.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:41 pm
by Zarathustra
Stem cell research is legal. What's the big deal? Why campaign for something that is already legal? No one wants to ban it. They just don't want the federal government to have to pay for it.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:41 pm
by Lorelei
Correct order to actually work at work I sent my post out without proofreading it all.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:53 pm
by Plissken
Malik23 wrote:Stem cell research is legal. What's the big deal? Why campaign for something that is already legal? No one wants to ban it. They just don't want the federal government to have to pay for it.
Well, Fox did an ad for Spector because he got the money for research doubled. I imagine that this new guy also wants to increase funding.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:20 pm
by Zarathustra
But don't you think it is dishonest to paint the other side as "against stem cell research?" No one wants to make it illegal. Bush is the FIRST president in history to allocate government funds to research it.

The only issue for Republicans is that they don't believe the government should be funding embrio farming for medical purposes. While I'm pretty much amoral on religious issues, there is something definitely "Brave New World" about that concept. Or "Matrix," if you want a more contemporary reference. But private organizations can research to their hearts content.

Using one's victimhood status as a political tool--especially in a dishonest way (describing Republicans as anti-stem cell research)--is not exactly admirable. I feel sorry for Fox. I admire all the attention he's given to this cause, and the money that he's raised. But he has now inserted himself into a political battle. He has chosen to carry his cause into this gladiator arena, and to do so in a dishonest fashion. If he receives a little incredulity, I think he asked for it. I'm not saying he was acting, but it certainly worked to his political advantage that he was having one of his "bad days" when the campaign ad was filmed. Shortly afterwards during a public appearance, he looked fine. I'm not saying he's faking, but the discrepancy should at least be subject to scrutiny if he's going to use such performances for political gain. Those who conduct the scrutiny and voice doubt shouldn't be lambasted for their unwillingness to swallow unquestioningly what they are being sold.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:41 pm
by Plissken
Where is the dishonesty? Fox supports candidates that want to increase funding for research. He supported the candidate who increased funding (a 'Pub) last time, and supports the candidate who wants to increase funding this time. His opponent opposes increased funding (and uses your "embryo farming" rhetoric - which no Dem supports, BTW) and so Fox opposes him.

That's not victimhood - that's taking a stand against the diease he's plagued with.

(And for the record, Fox doesn't say anything about 'Pubs in general - just the one in this race. Get out from under the rhetoric, man!)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:49 pm
by A Gunslinger
Malik23 wrote:But don't you think it is dishonest to paint the other side as "against stem cell research?" No one wants to make it illegal. Bush is the FIRST president in history to allocate government funds to research it.

The only issue for Republicans is that they don't believe the government should be funding embrio farming for medical purposes. While I'm pretty much amoral on religious issues, there is something definitely "Brave New World" about that concept. Or "Matrix," if you want a more contemporary reference. But private organizations can research to their hearts content.

Using one's victimhood status as a political tool--especially in a dishonest way (describing Republicans as anti-stem cell research)--is not exactly admirable. I feel sorry for Fox. I admire all the attention he's given to this cause, and the money that he's raised. But he has now inserted himself into a political battle. He has chosen to carry his cause into this gladiator arena, and to do so in a dishonest fashion. If he receives a little incredulity, I think he asked for it. I'm not saying he was acting, but it certainly worked to his political advantage that he was having one of his "bad days" when the campaign ad was filmed. Shortly afterwards during a public appearance, he looked fine. I'm not saying he's faking, but the discrepancy should at least be subject to scrutiny if he's going to use such performances for political gain. Those who conduct the scrutiny and voice doubt shouldn't be lambasted for their unwillingness to swallow unquestioningly what they are being sold.
Actually the other side IS against the research that MJF and the scientific community wants to have funded. Embryonic stem cell research. The GOP (fueled by the RTF crowd) want only research on existing or cloned lines. This research has proven to be not nearly as valueable, in fact, is nearly useless by comparison. But again, a lot of the RTF crowd has little regard for science of any kind.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:48 pm
by caamora
Well, if Fox is going to throw himself into the political arena, what is so wrong with someone questioning his claims? I think you guys just hate it because Rush is the one who is doing the questioning. Last I heard, Americans are entitled to freedom of speech. Just as Fox can say what he wants, so can Rush.

They (stem cell supporters) just want federal money - free money - because they can't get funding anywhere else.

Well, these are MY tax dollars and I have a right to decide where they are used. IF - IF I were against stem cell research, I would not want my tax dollars going towards it.

Rush is just issuing a dissenting opinion about what Fox said and the media jumps all over him for it. Pretty sad that an American can not express an opinion without being called a "... drug-addicted, souless, delusional fatty who must go to the Dominican to get laid." (Sorry, Guns, I adore you and I don't mean to pick on you. Your statement was just perfect for my point)

The media is not focused on the issue of stem cell research. The media is not focused on the science behind stem cell research or showing the pros and cons of said research. What the focus is on is Rush and what a horrible guy he is for criticizing Fox's ad. What is wrong with this picture?

Again, the media is trying to sway the opinions of the voters by telling you only what they want you to know.

I done been bloggin'

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:20 pm
by bossk
Whew, how long have I been asleep? Did I miss anything?

Sorry I haven't been around for a month or two. Been concentrating on school and a new blog I started. I've been picking a news story every day and then riffing on it - fake news, basically, played for humor.

Anyway, I did a post on this subject today, so I'll pass along the link: ... -limbaugh/

It's not my best work, but I have challenged myself to post daily, so they can't all be gems.

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:43 pm
by Buckarama
Welll some of you know me from the TC forums I usually don't come here(Not enough time in the day normally) I am an isulin dependant diabetic. I take meds all day long also. This only covers the disease, does not cure. Let me make this perfectly clear, the meds are just a slower form of death. This will one day kill me. I make no bones about it, and it's not pretty. The daily rituals I go through make me seem normal most people I deal with all day long have no idea that I have a disease. I don't think theres anything wrong with a little wake up call to the public. If most people could see what it does to the human body over time they would probably agree with me.
Stem cell research is really the hope on the horizon. Goverment funded research would help this, if not for me, then for my daughter. I am totally terrified that she will have to go this one day in her life.
I don't think I can really be non-bias in this discussion. I just wanted you to know that some of us have a bigger stake in what this, and future elections hold. Ever since bush has been in office, I feel my life has been on hold. Six months after he took office I lost my good job to budget cuts, (I have been working IT contracts ever since, no health insurance, no benefits of any kind with long bouts of unemployment in the middle), and then the Stem Cell hope he likes to dash it and claim it's out of morality. While people like me slowly wither and die. I know I'm one in three hundred million, but I like to think I have something to offer this world. Occording to this administration, I feel like I'm not even given the chance.
If Stem Cells go nowhere and do nothing, then so be it, but lets find out so we can move on.

Not my tipical post and sorry if I'm a downer, but it's been a tough week! :)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:02 pm
by Kil Tyme
I've been travelling myself. Nice to be back.

Anyway, here is a different view of the debate from one of those who would be experimented on for Fox - and for my lovely mother, actually. One should not need to be so selfish as to take from the unborn the stuff of life to be used for oneself. There are alternatives to cure diseases rather than breed for a cure. I know my mother would agree.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:24 am
by Plissken
Fortunately, the option of "breeding for a cure" isn't on the table - nor is using a fetus (especially one the age pictured in the clip you linked). The whole point of stem-cell research is to gather (undifferentiated) cells that have not yet decided what they're going to be - cells best derived from blastocysts, whch are composed of cell-groups of about 500 or less. There is a huge surplus of blastocysts currently in storage and awaiting disposal - and more being generated every day - by the Invitro Ferilization industry.

In short, the choice isn't between clones, fetus farms, or any of the other scary SciFi stuff opponents of this research like to go on about. The choice is about whether blastocysts left over from fertility programs will be tossed in the trash, or used to give hope to millions of people with terminal and dehabilitating illnesses.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:36 am
by sgt.null
and the point about Rush is that he is an asshole.