Compendium Galactica

Moderator: Goatkiller666

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The Children
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Post by The Children »

The Children have been watching, and await the laying of your rules.
Signed in the Lightbringer's name,
The Divine Children of the Blessed and Peaceful Everburning Sun
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Post by Loredoctor »

The rules are almost complete!
Waddley wrote:your Highness Sir Dr. Loredoctor, PhD, Esq, the Magnificent, First of his name, Second Cousin of Dragons, White-Gold-Plate Wielder!
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Mistress Cathy
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Post by Mistress Cathy »

Cool. We wait with baited breath.
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Icarus Unfallen
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Post by Icarus Unfallen »

Sister, unless you happen to be on the Diet of Worms, the proper term is bated breath.

Don't exhale in order for us to determine which is actually the case...we don't want to know.
Focus on where you are going and why.
Never lose awareness of how far down "down" is...but don't obsess about it.
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Post by Vraith »

Icarus Unfallen wrote:Sister, unless you happen to be on the Diet of Worms, the proper term is bated breath.

Don't exhale in order for us to determine which is actually the case...we don't want to know.

If sister was on that diet, and has been waited baited, sister is long dead of starvation.
[spoiler]Sig-man, Libtard, Stupid piece of shit. change your text color to brown. Mr. Reliable, bullshit-slinging liarFucker-user.[/spoiler]
the difference between evidence and sources: whether they come from the horse's mouth or a horse's ass.
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
the hyperbole is a beauty...for we are then allowed to say a little more than the truth...and language is more efficient when it goes beyond reality than when it stops short of it.
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