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Borderlands - New Game Suggestion

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:25 am
by Montresor
I thought this might be a good spot to sound out interest. Basically, I am planning on starting a strategy game set in a Post-Apocalyptic future, in which players control one of three factions (Shelter Dwellers; Waste Nomads; or Cultists), and have to compete for limited resources and try to survive in a hostile environment.

In terms of gameplay, the format would be familiar to people who have taken part or observed games such as Pantheon, Rise and Fall of Empires, Zombie Apocalypse, and my own (on another site) Last Men In Hell. The rules are coming along quite nicely, and I had initially intended to create a specific site for the game, though this seems like a good community to game amongst, and I thought there may be some interest here. There is already one place reserved, and there is space for perhaps another five or six players.

Let me know if anyone's interested and/or if anyone wants any further information.


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:28 am
by Dorian
im in, boots an all mate. I have an idea already

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:14 pm
by balon!

Now there's THREE games that I love.

Yeah, I'm in. Although HOW I'm going to keep my mind in one piece is another matter...

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:31 pm
by Loredoctor
I am in, of course. Can I take Cultists?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:43 pm
by balon!
How far in the future are we talking? Cause that would affect which faction I'd want, and how to play them.

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:34 pm
by Montresor
Balon wrote:How far in the future are we talking? Cause that would affect which faction I'd want, and how to play them.
Well, by my current reckoning (though this might change superficially), the apocalypse will have happened some time before the 22nd century (but no sooner than, say 2060), and the game will be set anywhere from 80-160 years later.

To enable people to choose which faction interests them (all this stuff will be in the final draft of the rules), the factions are thus: Shelter Dwellers - High Tech representatives of old governments, military, and interest groups; with access to professional soldiers and excellent technology. Organised and professional, though they find surviving off the waste very difficult, and they have greater supply problems.

Waste Nomads - rag-tag conglomerations of survivors and warriors, generally led by the most powerful warlord. They have unprofessional soldiers who are non-the-less adept at ambush and raids, though less likely to stand in a protracted fight. They are extremely well-adapted to surviving off the wastes, though they have low technological abilities.

Cultists - the most populace and fanatical of all factions. Though they have very limited access to professional soldiers and warriors, they do have almost unreakable morale in combat. Fairly good at wasteland survival, exceptional at convincing others to join their cause, though they have poor scientific abilities.

There are other elements to each faction but that'll do for a brief summary. Players can take whatever faction they like. There are no restrictions. You also have complete freedom in deciding what your group is actually like (though all rules are up to the GM). e.g., you could play a Cult who worship 20th Century icons and pop culture and go around chanting "Enjoy Life!", for instance.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:39 am
by balon!
Montressor wrote: Well, by my current reckoning (though this might change superficially), the apocalypse will have happened some time before the 22nd century (but no sooner than, say 2060), and the game will be set anywhere from 80-160 years later.

So would we each be part of the same faction? Or each created our own, but within those three categories.

Also, would we be playing as the faction itself, or a character within the faction?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 12:44 am
by Montresor
Balon wrote:

So would we each be part of the same faction? Or each created our own, but within those three categories.

Also, would we be playing as the faction itself, or a character within the faction?
Category is probably a better word, but faction just sounded better :)

Every one is independent of one another at the start. Players are free to form whatever alliances they like - the factions just limit most of their indvidual pros and cons, what units and structures they have access to, and how NPC settlements view them.

You'd be playing as the whole 'faction', but you can consider yourself their leader character if you want to. ie, if you were a Cult, you might consider yourself the "High Priest", even though you control the entire congregation.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:01 am
by balon!
Montressor wrote:Category is probably a better word, but faction just sounded better :)
Haha. Yeah, I like faction better too. :D
Montressor wrote: Every one is independent of one another at the start. Players are free to form whatever alliances they like - the factions just limit most of their indvidual pros and cons, what units and structures they have access to, and how NPC settlements view them.
I have a specific idea of interaction between an NPC settlement, and the faction, could I present it? Or would you prefer to keep in random, based on the type of faction you choose?
Montressor wrote: You'd be playing as the whole 'faction', but you can consider yourself their leader character if you want to. ie, if you were a Cult, you might consider yourself the "High Priest", even though you control the entire congregation.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 2:48 am
by Montresor
Balon wrote: I have a specific idea of interaction between an NPC settlement, and the faction, could I present it? Or would you prefer to keep in random, based on the type of faction you choose?
Feel free. I'm still ironing out the rules, and making sure everything is balanced, but I'm happy to take on board any suggestions etc. For players who present a unique and interesting concept for their faction, I'll be happy to give them some kind of starting reward to incorporate it. Noone will be given anything at the start which makes them drastically more powerful than other players, though.

PM me the idea, or just post it here, if you like.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 3:57 am
by Dorian
You already kow my two ideas, I just cant choose. Im almost puttin git down to waiting to see what everyone else does so i can balance it out. Both ideas are sooo tempting

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:02 am
by Avatar
Normally I'd be interested, but I can't commit at the moment. :D Future's too uncertain. Might lose access for a few months.


Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:13 am
by I'm Murrin
I've been reading the Steampunk Guide to the Apocalypse, so I'm in the mood for some post-apocalyptic action. The Waste Nomads from your description sound closer to how I'd like to play, but them being nomads I'm not sure about.

Anyhow, Im interested in playing.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:34 am
by Montresor
Murrin wrote:I've been reading the Steampunk Guide to the Apocalypse, so I'm in the mood for some post-apocalyptic action. The Waste Nomads from your description sound closer to how I'd like to play, but them being nomads I'm not sure about.

Anyhow, Im interested in playing.
Well, the faction terms are just vague categories. Just because they're called nomads in the rules, doesn't mean they have to be played like nomads.

They'll start with a camp settlement, but you can make that more or less permanent if you want.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 9:35 am
by I'm Murrin
Ah, okay. I'm definately interested.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:32 pm
by balon!
Okay I've got two ideas too, so if anyone wants them sepcifically I can use the other.

1) Motorcyle gang remnants. VERY jimmyrigged cycles.
2) A combined tribe of American Indians that all grouped together to form one large tribe when everything fell.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:32 am
by Montresor
Balon wrote:Okay I've got two ideas too, so if anyone wants them sepcifically I can use the other.

1) Motorcyle gang remnants. VERY jimmyrigged cycles.
2) A combined tribe of American Indians that all grouped together to form one large tribe when everything fell.
Now, you know I'm really, really hoping someone takes option 2...

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:12 am
by balon!
Montressor wrote:
Balon wrote:Okay I've got two ideas too, so if anyone wants them sepcifically I can use the other.

1) Motorcyle gang remnants. VERY jimmyrigged cycles.
2) A combined tribe of American Indians that all grouped together to form one large tribe when everything fell.
Now, you know I'm really, really hoping someone takes option 2...
Actually never mind. The main reason I wanted the biker gang was so because I wanted a burly psycho leader.

But I can do the same thing with the latter.

So I'm going to stake a tentative claim on a combined tribe of American Indians, although I have no problem if someone else wants to do the same. We'll just divvy up names. :D


Also, thanks for the link Murrin! GREAT stuff, that apocalypse handbook.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:14 am
by Loredoctor
Okay, I have created my cult. They are a strange offshoot of the Catholic Church. They believe Christ walked the earth during World War One, and that he wore a gas mask. Every priest - and the cult is made almost entirely of priests - wears crimson or black robes and a gas mask, too. Instead of communion being about drinking wine and eating bread (blood and flesh of Christ), their communion is through the mask - Christ - to them - transmutes the poisoned air. Likewise, they live in dwellings underground and fanatically control air conditioners and air vents, believing them to be sacred relics.

More on them, later.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:16 am
by balon!
Loremaster wrote:Okay, I have created my cult. They are a strange offshoot of the Catholic Church. They believe Christ walked the earth during World War One, and that he wore a gas mask. Every priest - and the cult is made almost entirely of priests - wears crimson or black robes and wears a gas mask, too. Instead of communion being about drinking wine and eating bread (blood and flesh of Christ), their communion is through the mask - Christ - to them - transmutes the poisoned air. Likewise, they live in dwellings underground and fanatically control air conditioners and air vents, believing them to be sacred relics.

More on them, later.
Niiiiiice. I like it a lot.