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About Bubonicon & the Elohimfest invitation!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 6:19 pm
by danlo
Friday night: I guess I'll try to make this sort and sweet because I know you guys are more interested in SRD at Bubonicon than anything else. I was there from 5:30 to 9:30 met one (out of three guys I was supposed to meet from the George R. R. Martin board), met Martin, attended his read, invited him to Elohimfest and met two of my favorite Sci-Fi authors of all time!

Donaldson was not present the entire night. During the opening ceremonies when all the guests were asked to stand up Jane Lindskold and Charles de Lint (the guest of honor) joked to the crowd that he was probably at the opera. (Those of you who understand the Wagner-SRD connection will see the humor in this...) I was assured by the staff and others that he will definatetly be there from 12pm to 5pm tomorrow. About 1/4 of the invited guests were absent at the opening...

However a special guest was in attendence who was NOT on the schedule! 92 year old Jack Williamson, one of the greatest Sci-Fi authors ever (from Portales NM) was there and I got to talk to him a little, shook his hand and took his picture, which I will post.

Another favorite Sci-Fi author of mine is Walter Jon Williams (Aristoi, The Rift, Hardwired), I got his photo and talked to him at lenght. In fact his new book THE PRAXIS which is about to be released in the US was raved about by all most of the evening--it is supposed to be totally excellent. Sula is said to be the most dynamic female character ever created in the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genre--and a sequel is forthcoming. He said, "You can't tell if she's a goodguy or a monster from one minute to the next..."

Mr. Martin was insightful and hilarious on the panel and his read consisted the first twenty pages of the second Hedge Knight story from Legends II, to be released in Britian Sept. 1st. I'll post more about his read in Gen. Discussion. The Hedge Knight is sort of a silly story about a sellsword-knight named Dunk who wanders around Westeros (for those of you familiar with the A Song of Ice and Fire books. And yes a tiny bit reminicient of Don Quixote...) with his mysterious squire, Egg. Which is soon to be released nationally in comic book form, as well. I took a candid photo of Martin and will get a better one and, of course, a number of SRD shots tomorrow...

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:59 am
by duchess of malfi
It sounds wonderful, Danlo! I loved the Hedge Knight, and am looking very much forward to reading the next story about Dunk and Egg, which is to be called The Sworn Sword. :D
I am so glad you got to meet Williamson and Williams! :D :D :D :D

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:35 am
by danlo
My complete recap is now in the Martin forum at the Hangar!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 10:08 am
by duchess of malfi
Thanks! I will head right over there! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:24 am
by danlo
Well, thank goodness I just read ringthane's thread-he posted about 1/2 the extra info I was going to provide. But I can say this:

I got my first good look at SRD at the "names" panel, which also included S. M. Stirling, Christie Golden, Dennis McKiernan and Fred Saberhagen. Compared to when I saw him at Minority Report some 5 months ago he looked fantastic! I think he's in serious training right now for his 2nd blackbelt in Sudokan Karate. His daugther, Peri, has cut her hair short but has her mom's "daggers" in her eyes, terribly cute!

In addition to what ringthane just said, as far as character and place names in his writting goes he said he chooses names primarily based on sound and impact. "To invoke music and feeling" and to convey as many aspects of the character as possible; strenghts, history and promise...
While conceeding that he doesn't have a strong linguistic background he said that he choose the Ravers sanskrit names for their allusion to heavenly planes or states of being, "If you look at it from the Ravers point of view they don't see themselves as the bad guys..."

Someone asked the panel if there was any particular name they would go back and change if they had the chance. Donaldson said that the name of the realm of the Elohim still drives him crazy, he said that if he had the chance he would have changed it. He said it didn't really ring right to him. He was either talking about the Maidan or Elemesnedene, but I suspect it was the latter (because it looks cooler when we spell it wrong on the board and it comes out looking something Eldemense :fim:).

I asked him if he purposely choose French or French sounding names to create the "fairly tale" like atmosphere in Mordant's Need. I said that while most of the names were subtle, yet memorable, the name Artagel immediately evoked swordplay as it reminded me of D'artange (sp) in the Three Musketeers. He said he really didn't intend it that way yet all the names seem to fit. He told me that he was taken aback with my pronunciation saying that he had always pronounced it ArTAgel and that based on how I said it it really does sound French and that he may look at books in a new light from now on. What was highly interesting was his choice of King Joyce's name. He said he purposely picked a woman's name for him (changing the s to a c) to convey the promise of females eventually attaining more control and respect in Mordant. And that it also complimentented Joyce's character as part visionary.

The Elohimfest invitation!!!!:

While ringthane was a little more "gun shy" than I, I managed to get 4 photos of Stephen, 1 of Walter Jon Williams, 1 of Jane Lindskold, 3 of George Martin, 1 of Fred Saberhagen and, as I said b4, 1 of Jack Williamson. ringthane and I met Donaldson after the panel and told him a little bit about Kevin's Watch.
I said I know you're very busy and may have other obligations, but about 20 members of the Watch are having a get together in late June, at my house here in town, called Elohimfest to celebrate your work and we'd be honored if you would consider attending. He smiled and seemed to have a twinkle in his eye as he said, "Well I do make my own schedules, so I'll have to go home and check my calendar. You can expect a reply from me shortly." !!!!!!!!!!!! 8O

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:28 am
by Fist and Faith

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:32 am
by Furls Fire
OH WOW!! New baby or not..if Donaldson is going to be there...I may just have to do my damnedest to get there!!!

How fantastic would that be!!!!

:) :) :)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:34 am
by Fist and Faith
LOL!!!! Now you're talking, Fire!! :D

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:36 am
by Furls Fire
LOL!!! Would be a dream come true to meet that man!! :)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:38 am
by Fist and Faith
I'm gonna try to put the idea out of my mind. (Yeah, right!!) It's too good to be true!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:38 am
by caamora

Of course, I realize that this is not a yes - YET - but everyone keep your fingers crossed, pray, offer up a pagan bull - whatever - to make SRD attend Elohimfest!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:39 am
by Furls Fire
Well...he did only say he would look and see...but man oh wonderful that would be...

we could REALLY pick his brain!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:41 am
by caamora
Danlo - :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: :Hail:

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:42 am
by Furls Fire
what caam said ^^^^^ :)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:42 am
by Fist and Faith
First thing is to tie him to the chair. "When all our questions are answered, you can go."

Just kidding, Steve!!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:42 am
by Furls Fire

don't say things like that...he'll think we are just some of those fanatical fan in Stephen King's Misery...hehehe

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:53 am
by duchess of malfi
If he does come, I will probably be too much in awe to even open my mouth once... :oops: :oops: :oops:
I will be equally happy if he come or doesn't come. My main purpose is to meet all of YOU!! :D 8) And I am so shy, it would probably be agonizing for me to meet him... :?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:55 am
by caamora
Then stand aside, sister! :wink: I would love to meet him. I am so envious of danlo! But, even if he doesn't come, it will be great anyway because I will be able to meet all of you!

Now, I am waiting to see the pictures of Bubicon, if any.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 9:01 am
by Fist and Faith
caamora wrote:Then stand aside, sister! :wink: I would love to meet him.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 9:15 am
by danlo
Why does every1 always spell it Bubicon? U make it sound like a bad stripper's show! :D (BOOBYCON) It's Bubonicon!!! :x

I will turn in my caa-mera 2mrrw and should get the pictures back by Wednesday, at the very latest. Remember this is a digital disposable so I should be able to directly upload them from my comp--if not every1 scream VAIN!!! real loud! ringthane has a real digital so he may be able to upload 2day...but I have more photos (nahninahnibooboo! 8O). Don't expect us to be in the photos tho, I am very camera shy and though I offered to take ringthane's picture w/SRD he procrastinated and blew it!!!! 8)