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Pantheon - The Third Age - Contests

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:25 am
by Xar
As with Pantheon 2.0, The Third Age is intended to feature contests which will offer their winners additional prizes, such as boosts in the number of followers, or Treasury points, or artifacts, or other kinds of prizes. The contests involve presenting pieces of writing on a particular theme. Of course, players are invited to send their own suggestions for contests, which will also be run if feasible.

Each contest presented in this thread will include its own rules, deadline, and in-game prizes; some rules, however, will apply to all of them.

1. The contests are mostly independent from the main game, which means they are open to all players, but no one is required to partecipate in them. All contests will be purely optional.

2. Each contest will have a deadline, so that submissions may be then properly voted upon. Voting will also have a deadline, after which prizes will be assigned according to the number of votes received, and all vote posts will be deleted to make space for the next contest.

3. This thread is meant only for contest announcements, contest entries and voting procedures; you may comment and ask questions in the standard Comments thread.

Additional rules might be added later. Above all, however, the important thing to remember is that these contests are meant for creative players to have an opportunity to flex their imaginations, and for all visitors - players and lurkers alike - to enjoy the results. So, create away!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:34 am
by Xar
"Mother", said the little child, sitting in her bed, "Will you tell me a story?"
The mother smiled and caressed her daughter's hair. It was bedtime for little children, but story-time as well. "Of course, my dear", she said. She thought what story she could tell her child today. The little girl looked at her with wide eyes, for story-time was the best part of the evening, and her mother knew the best stories.
"Tonight", the mother said, "I will tell you how the world began..."

Creation Myths II

Deadline: February 1, 2008
Voting Deadline: February 8, 2008

Deities come and go in the world of Eiran, and each of them is born and dies as well. But they are asked questions, and provide answers, for as long as they remain, and if these answers conflict with each other, that is the mystery that the gods are. And though older gods answered differently, who is to say where the truth truly lies?

So, how did the world begin, and the deities come into being, according to your deity's religion (or lack thereof)? What is the tale that priests tell whenever asked about the origins of everything?

In this contest, which mirrors the first contest from Pantheon 2.0, you are invited to write about how the world began and the deities appeared, according to your deity's faith. What is your deity's creation myth?

You can write in whatever form you wish, be it a dialogue, a narration, an essay. You can develop this tale however you wish - it's what your deity (or his/her Prophet) tells his or her followers, after all.

The three most voted myths will grant their authors a boost in number of followers, and the most voted myth of all will also gain a small Contentment boost.

EDIT: Furthermore, the first most voted myth will earn its writer a 20-HP bonus; the second most voted will earn a 10-HP bonus, and the third will earn a 5-HP bonus.


Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:06 pm
by uKulwa
uKulwa’s Creation Myth
That night, as our fires burned down to embers at the camp on the verge of the Shylan Desert, and the mournful howl of the beasts of the night echoed faintly across the plains, an old induna raised his head and fixed Ulwazi, the Prophet-King, with his rheumy gaze.

Nkosi,” he said, “you of wisdom, you who have communed with God, tell us something…”

“What, old friend?” The Prophet asked him, “What would you know? Ask and I shall speak it.”

The elder inclined his head in a gesture of respect, then, glancing left and right, spread wide his arms, encompassing the horizon.

“This land nkosi, these plains, the endless rolling land that has been here since before our ancestor’s ancestors first drew breath. How did they come to be? Godless, we have always been taught that our forefathers found the land as it is…that it was here when they came and had perhaps always been here, through all the ages of the world.

“But now you have spoken to God. Now you of all may know whether what we have been taught is as the God himself knows it to be. Or has he revealed divine knowledge to you that we may share?”

Ulwazi, cross-legged upon the ground, stared raptly into the fire until some feared he was entranced. But even as one of his bodyguard stepped forward to touch his shoulder, the spell seemed to break, and he raised his head and looked once more at the old induna.

“Mbopo,” he said, “the God has heard you even as I have, and as you have asked, so now do I speak.”
Know then that long ago, in the time before time, the AllFather was lonely. And in his loneliness, he sculpted the forms on the fabric of reality that were to become the Gods.

uKulwa, the Lord of War, he fashioned from the deep red river clay, and the rich black loam of the savannahs. He shaped his heart into an ox-hide shield to foil the assegais of his enemies, twisted strips of wattle bark into his sinews, and fashioned his nerves from the sharpest syringa thorns. Into his hand he pressed an ikxwa forged from the stuff of stars, and then unleashed him upon the universe.

And it came to pass that in the firmament there arose from the forces of matter and time a gigantic being named Umhlaba and the being was restless, and though the gods strove mightily, they could not subdue Umhlaba.

Finally, troubled by the restless Umhlaba, uKulwa took up his grim ikxwa and stalked the being across the plains of the universe, even as it crushed older realities beneath its feet. After many seasons though the great being was brought to bay, and unable to penetrate uKulwa’s shield-heart, fell at last to the rending wounds of the great ikxwa.

It is on the body of this fallen being that we live today, adrift in the currents of the universe. And if any doubt my tale, the body still bears the gaping wounds inflicted by uKulwa with his weapon.

Wounds that today we call The Abyss.
Ulwazi looked up from the old induna’s face and beheld his men, rank on rank, gathered silently and tightly around the circle of his fire, where one and all had heard the tale of how uKulwa killed the Earth, and made it their home.

--From the Oral History of Khumbula, the Rememberer

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:10 am
by The Void
From the dawn of time
A paper compiled by student scholar Artemedis

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the beginning of time as a scientific fact. The creation of the universe and the way life came into being as oft been discussed by our esteemed scholars here and I wish to compile their talks into one definitive paper. Also, comparisons shall be drawn to other claims of existence, particularly those of ancient belief systems that have taken the place of science up until these recent years.

In the beginning there was nothing…

Recent studies into the beginning of the universe have made some amazing finds. It was but only some one hundred and twenty years ago that the great astronomer Benedictus noted with interest that other planets and stars, when compared to old charts, seemed to be moving away from each other, all moving outwards from a central point. This can be evidenced by the Yekith constellation appearing to be 9 degrees to the left of the Swallow, while when first mapped, some eight hundred years earlier, it was but only 4 degrees away from it. This caused Benedictus to muse that the galaxy and all therein were moving away from a grand central point. It is unfortunate that in the time in which the great scholar lived was not as enlightened, for he believed this was the desire of the fictional All Father, making more room in the center of the galaxy for fresh planets.

However, more recent studies show that it was more likely some form of large explosion, some hundred times larger than the one caused when the star of Jove exploded thirty years ago, turning night into day for seven months. If such an explosion had taken place in the center of one large central mass, then that would explain our masses of planets, and their movement all away from a central point.

The difference between our own planet and that of others near by is proof that life did not exist on this super planet that exploded, which was probably nothing more than some large space rock containing a large pocket of gas. Research into fossils, shows that life on Eiran does not predate an explosion. The layers of the earth, as studied by scholar Navorious whilst staying with some Nhruuk, shows that the world is made up of compacted layers, caused by the planet collecting more mass as it flies through space. The only explanation for this is that the planet “catches” miniscule particles of dust from this large explosion and they compact into stone.

In comparison, the deluded left wing “Void theorists” say that the large space rock was destroyed by their supposed Void in an effort to rid the nether of its existence. But we will go into that later on in this paper.

How life began.

Life on this planet is still somewhat of a mystery. We know of evolution, and how the current creatures came into being, but the moment that life itself started is still in hot debate. The most common belief is that it was caused by some small life form, a simple plain life form, landing on this planet from space. It could have survived by being frozen, as has been proven by asteroid chunks being shown to contain ice. This simple life form would have over time spread and evolved to fit this world, and thus all life began on Eiran.

Evolution is a simple idea. All beings on the planet, from the smallest bug to the biggest drake can be explained by evolution. The grand drake is shown to have far too much in common with the common skink, enough to show that it is a direct descendant as such. Other creatures, such as the centaur, are obviously cases of sever mixing of species. What would cause such a mix I don’t wish to know, but it is obvious that the people of Imray have different moral limitations then ours here.

Void theorists say that life is the voids own fault, that the Void seeing the galaxy come into existence thought of life as it passed, and thus life came into being. This is of course false, and how one could think such a thing is well beyond my own comprehension.

Mass delusion; Gods on Eiran

The peoples of Eiran have long been a primitive sort. For thousands of years they have pondered their existence, as well as that of the elements and emotions. However, the ignorant peoples, instead of turning to science to explain things, as we have only recently began doing, have instead turned to folk lore, claiming gods control everything.

It has been shown, that with enough belief in something it gains power. For example, people are quick to avoid and ignore a madman talking to invisible friends, which are to him very real. But if you get a hundred madmen in a room preaching to false gods, then they are taking seriously as religion. To be an atheist in a city full of deluded god followers, is still living a life affected by an unwanted religion. And thus, the more followers a god has, the more powerful it becomes, but not in the normal sense of the word.

It’s a severe case of mind over mater, of a placebo effect. People’s belief in the god makes it real to them, and thus, when they attempt to do something, believing the god will help them, they are more want to do it. This is a problem that plagues millions of otherwise normal people around the world.

It even affects some exceedingly intelligent people. When the theory of the creation of the universe was brought forward by Alvarious, based on the findings of Benedictus, of how before their was existence there was nothing, a lot of students and scholars weren’t ready for the idea of a truly conventional universe, free of gods and myths. While these people believed in it, a lot of them needed some sort of figure head, and thus void theorists were born. These people refer to the theory of creation and its ideas as if the void was an actual thing. It is a shame that such great minds can be so easily deluded. This problem is spreading, as our message spreads beyond the university and through the city beyond, this void theory is truly taking hold amongst the minds of the ignorant.

We are in a time where science is beginning to explain everything. We can only hope that others will see this fact. It is time for the word of science to spread from the mouths of scholars to the minds of the ignorant.

I hope that my late night ramblings have managed to make some of the debates from around the university make more sense. So far all information has been around the libraries in bits and pieces, and I truly hope this paper shall help draw a more solid conclusion.

I must say an insightful paper. However you have failed to produce a truly all encompassing report. While you’re constant downing of my fellow “Void Theorists” was one thing, you completely failed to mention scholar Va’Dush, and his works on life coming to Eiran is disappointing at the least. Perhaps his “ignorant left wing void Theorist” attitudes in later life forced you to ignore this great scholar? You had best watch your words from now on Student Scholar. As such, I have chosen to keep this paper out of our libraries. I hope you get some sense over time – Scholar Vietmis, scholar of natural sciences.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:08 am
by Madadeva
Padur sat around the campfire with AkAza. The fire crackled and the flames flickered a hypnotic red, green, purple, and white. The evening breeze was cool almost, but not quite, chilly; a nice counterpoint to the warmth of the fire. The company was outside Areket, having just made camp after a successful season of spreading the word of Life. Besides the prophet and his second, many elevated Paragon’s were with them and some protectors. In addition, dwarrows and other races who followed various gods but were still friends of Life made themselves comfortable around the campfire.

Padur, in his innocence asked a simple question, “Master AkAza, we know the gods are back. But where did they come from? We know this is the third age. But what preceded the first? Tell us, that we may better understand the Life we are sworn to champion!” Silence. All murmuring ceased as the assembled company looked to hear the words of the prophet. “Ah, Padur!” AkAza chuckled, “You ask such questions, innocent in their simplicity, but their answers would lay bare the mystery of Life. Quite truthfully mortal minds cannot comprehend this mystery in full.” A sigh. “But I will answer as I can.”

AkAza took a deep breath and then his eyes seemed to gaze into the very fabric of reality. While it was clearly AkAza’s voice that spoke, the company was never quite sure whether it was he who was speaking. “Existence itself began with a word. A word whispered in song … and some believe, when sung again … all that is will be no more. Within existence occurs a never ending cycle of creation and destruction, the alpha and omega that give existence meaning. It is within these cycles that the world … all worlds come into being. You are privileged! In most of creation deities do not interact directly with the mortal realm, but here in Eiran, Existence empowers deities to be the custodians of creation. The AllFather …” the silence got deeper … and there was a caw of a crow as His name was mentioned, “was gifted with the mists of Existence … to create His own world and to see if deific intervention is a better way to promote being than the vagaries of chance that befall other realities. It is with these mists, that He has called to form the seas, the continents, the peoples, and many gods themselves!! It is a grand experiment!” a chuckle, “Although as I understand, the first two ages were not extremely successful! It is within this experiment that your new gods have arrived. Some owe their existence directly to the AllFather. They are his children, tasked with specific domains and responsibilities. Some, like the god of Life exist as a fundamental response to Life itself. And as long as existence has Life, such a god will exist. These gods are called to Eiran by the AllFather to enrich the Third Age. Lastly, mortals themselves, with the collective desires in their souls can elevate …” and in a hushed voice “ … or weaken a god! Whether children of Existence, of the AllFather, or of mortal desire and passion itself, all gods are strengthen by your devotion and passion. But listen closely! So too the domains that they represent! By your passion, your devotion, and your spreading of the word you strengthen the Lord of Life or your own God. But if you fail in spreading the word, Life itself is weakened!! Your life, and all Life … everywhere … is reduced. You have a holy mission to enrich Eiran by spreading the word. And those of you who are friends of Life, you support us in your own way as you must support your gods.”

There was silence for a long time, as the company took in the word of the prophet … or perhaps the word of their God. “A Dwarrow spoke, a friend of Life dedicated to Telmag Ganoras. “Master prophet, what will befall us if we fail?” Another caw of a crow, forlorn echoed in the air. AkAza’s eyes seemed to take on a purple glow … something beyond Life answered … an answer that chilled the company and sealed their passion for their missions. A strangely feminine voice seemed to whisper from the prophet… “Then the mists will be taken … for three failures will show … the AllFather has failed … and Eiran will exist no more ….”

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:14 am
by Arcadia
The Trance of Earth Venerant Horatia Vella, recorded to Clerk Otho Nerva at the tenth passing of the moon in the 15th year after the Interdiction:

Without names or dominance or domain, the Being existed beyond space, as if separate beings were joined together, not knowing a difference of bodies or spirits or minds or existences. Long before dogmas and rituals and practices. Different aspects within one Being merged together and drew apart in an eternal dance of power, writhing, flowing, in constant motion, within and without each other they moved, sometimes fighting, sometimes loving, now creating, now destroying, each finding its own meaning of space and time. Building and changing things, senses, spaces. Water and air and light and dark, knowledge and oblivion and strength and weakness. The sun and moon and stars became the toys they played with. They dabbeled with different powers and new ideas, painted new meanings and ancient thoughts. They were everything and nothing, they began and they ended. Continuing for countless eons until the Being could no longer contain the aspects as one consciousness, so great its knowledge had become. It split apart in a massive explosion of color - greens and yellows filled the universe and the destritus from the burst swirled in a whirlwind. The Being had become faceted as a diamond, each cleavage pointing in a direction all its own as one being became many and each claimed a different expression of the one.

Finally free to power and endless possibilities, the new beings gathered to themselves that which they each held most dear, each aspect excelling in individual perfection.

Only one of the beings took interest in the dust from the Break and not done playing with the universe, swirled the dust around and around until it became packed so tight that the dust became rock. Because this new rock was the dust of the Being, it acquired a fraction of each aspect. It had life and death, it had water and weather, it had light and darkness, it had everything and nothing. It was new and old and it was different from any other planet. It was earth.

So became eiran.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:35 pm
by Keev Furaha
In the birth of the new Eiran so came the birth of the new gods. One of the first to awaken was Calais, Mother of Earth. As the dirt and sand and metal formed and reformed and solidified, she felt every melding. Every grating pinch of sand grain upon sand grain left her weak with agony. Newly formed, newly awakened into the pain of all this, she reacted. Not with thought but with instinct, her indomitable will to survive. The formations began to meld into patterns of desperation that were inherently wrought to cast out the pain and yet each new formation brought more pain unto her. Sands melding to rock screamed further agony through her bones so she sought to temper it with veins of ore. Even so, every creation brought her strength of mind threatened by her abject weakening of endurance. And thus she ultimately sought to cast out the pain. Burning moulten rock razed her from inside so she thrust it forth to the surface in the form of violent spewing volcanoes. Her pain reached a crescendo and as she screamed out a part of her soul in the birth of her pain she was finally released. In the volcanic eruption that ensued, the gasses amassed and coagulated swirling with the spark she had given of herself. From this turbulence was born a new entity. A goddess that encompassed all that her mother had refused. The essence of pain. A goddess that was equanimous with pain, both giver and taker and master of all that pain encompassed. Born of desperate need and abhorrence, Keev's first awareness of what she was to become was the lonely ache from the absence of her mother's love.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:51 pm
by Unzen
From Orcish Tales by the Fire: Of the Beginning of Days
So Father Eiren and Mother Sky embraced. Eiren was like hot like fire and Sky was cool like water. Yet they were attracted to each other and embraced each other with passion unmatched. Mother Sky’s passion fell in the form of rain while Father Eiren’s passion erupted from the great peaks like fire. After their passion, they fell asleep; Mother Sky’s hair in the form of rain cascading down atop sleeping Father Eiren. The Passion of Father Eiren and Mother Sky are not totally spent. From the dreams of Father Eiren, sometimes the mountains erupt in fire. And the passing shower of rain is the tossing of Mother Sky’s hair in her dreams. However from the fire and the rain their children were born, and the first age began.

The first of their children were gods, the eldest the god of time. Then those of the earth, of the seas, the sun and the moon and the stars at night. So were born the first gods. Other children also awoke, the flora and the fauna in their great magnitude were born as well from the passion of the Sky and of Eiren. Next came the great races of Eiren, less powerful than the gods, but in greater number. They were the cunning Centaurs and short tempered Ice Titans, the stealthy Houka and the playful Merfolk. The fleeting Satyrs and the strange Yekiths, the adaptable Humans and finally the proud Orcs. After the great races appeared, so then did other gods. The gods of the emotions, of pain and fear and love and others still appeared, for they also were the children of the passion of the great races, the children of Eiren and Sky.

Though ages seem long now, that first age was much longer than those following, because then, unlike now, all the children of Eiren and Sky, the gods and the great races alike were deathless. They walked the land in harmony, increasing greatly in numbers.

As said before the first of the gods was the god of time. His name was Anaximander. Mightiest among the gods was he but he was also haughty and proud. He sought to exalt himself and leave a mark that he was greater than his slumbering parents. Suddenly without warning one day was heard the voice of Anaximander throughout Eiren calling out this incantation:

“It is necessary that things should pass away into that from which they are born. For things must pay one another the penalty and compensation for their injustice according to the ordinance of time”

Thus it was that a limit was put to life, and to the time upon Eiren of those of the great races, and the god of disease came to be at this time. A new place, of but not of Eiren, came to be, for if the body went back into the Eiren from which it was born. The soul of the beings were indestructible though and not destroyed by Anaximander’s edict, but they were banished and it went to this new place, crossing over to it by a adamantine bridge.

Two new gods then came to be. The god of Death, who shepherds the souls to the place of death, and the god of Undeath, who has the power to defy Anaximander’s edict and guide guides selected souls back to Eiren to accomplish tasks that the dead wish to accomplish back at their banished home.

Yet, to Anaximander’s dismay, the pride which led to his binding edict led to his dissolution. He was like a fly caught in a spider’s web of his own making. For it was soon found that the gods as well as the great races age. Instead of death though, their potency dissolves until it is awoken by the followers of the next age. Anaximander raged but he could not defy his own edict, for though from time to time, there is a god of time upon Eiren, upon Eiren, Anaximander is no more.

The gods can be reformed by the calls of those who believe in their power. Reformed by the dictates of the age they take up personalities to suit the new age. Thus it is that a god of the same domain may have different personality from age to age and find different answers to the same questions.

Unzen, the lord of the bridge, listens to the souls long gone from the living who willed him into being. He will call them to action when the time arises to fulfill his, and their, purpose.

So it has been given to us.

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:15 pm
by O-gon-cho
“L-rd Dragon!” the five-year old colt came rushing up to Raucous, only barely missing colliding with the well oiled bronze hide by digging his hooves into the dirt of the campsite and sliding to a stop. “L-rd Dragon, what did the dragons know of the beginning of the world? I can recite the lay told to me by heart, but what were you told?”

The youth’s eager face held Raucous’ attention. He cast his mind back upon the esoteric teachings of his multi-great uncle, the draconic shaman Senex. Such learning was reserved only for those ready for it; the innocent question of a youth was not the time to bring it forth.

“The beginning of the world, young Cheiron? Perhaps tonight it is your turn to enlighten me. I have not yet heard the lay of which you speak. Come take this spot here where I can see you clearly, and do your tutors proud.”

Cheiron’s cheeks flushed bright red at being put on the spot, but he retrieved his lyre from his belongings, and pranced to the fire-lit clearing. Looking shyly at the Lady’s prophet, he whispered, “My skill is basic, L-rd Dragon; Leier would chant the lay with all the embellishments.”

Raucous grinned in encouragement. “For tonight, basic is best. Sing for me what you know.”

Drawing himself up with pride, Cheiron struck the pose taught him for recitation. Trilling an opening arpeggio from his lyre, he began…
In the days before the First Age of Eiran, there was Merah Iye, the mother of the AllFather. As the Dwarrow once told, and may yet still do…
Think on this, for it is one of the most important truths of existence. Only in nothing can anything be. The cave exists inside of the mountain. And inside the cave is the vein. Inside the vein is the jewel. From inside the jewel gleams light. And inside the light? The heavens and earth came from nothing, but the emptiness still shines through.
Raucous raised his eye ridges at this, for this teaching was similar to that of Senex.

Cheiron continued…
The AllFather gave the task of furnishing Eiran to his son, who in turn shared the joy of creation with his own children. His younger daughter, Asherah, longed for companions to talk with, and she created several beings before her inner vision brought forth the Centaurs. We were created to hold forth great conversations of intellect and complexity, and did so with much stamina.

But we desired more. And Mother Asherah answered our desire.

We are the seers of secrets revealed in the flames. The travelers of paths of Light in the beams of both Moon and Sun. Although only recently have the visions revealed become more focused.

The day came that Mother Asherah retreated in sadness, never to be known to us again. And only once before were we approached by another deity during the times the G-ds made themselves known. We are a proud race, inheritors to our freedom. We shall always run with the untrammeled wind in our tails.
Both Cheiron and the lyre fell silent. The colt was obviously exhausted. But the faces broadly beaming with delight throughout the herd who had gathered to hear the lay revealed a newfound pride. Raucous looked at the youth with solemn regard.

“You have the makings of a fine storyteller for one so young. I thank you for your teaching this day.

“Return to your family for the night. I think we will have some things to discuss on the morrow regarding your future training.”

*with thanks to Simjen for the inspiration and permission to quote*

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:20 am
by Eztlicoatl
Letter to the Duke, regarding the explorations of Mercuse di Montressor in the nature of the Cult of the Sun:

My Lord, I thank thee for your patronage of my studies, and for your determination to see me voyage once more to the lost city of Oaxcala. On the eve of my departure, as way of thanks, I offer this translation of a section of the Codex of the Blood Serpent. It was with some difficulty that I have effected this translation, though I am satisfied as to its accuracy.

If we compare it with notes garnered by Pholo, on his expeditions, we can see that the Cult of the Sun took a radical change in its creation myth some time in the last hundred years or so. Indeed, earlier records – though they are scant – indicate that the Cult of the Sun was once polytheistic in nature. Just prior to the time of the great inquisition in Oaxcala against it, the creed of the Sun God’s faithful changed completely. Gone were the coeval and mutual myths of the cult with the various other faiths of the city; instead, the philosophy becomes deliberately monotheistic. I trust you will enjoy this glimpse of a vanished religion.

Many thanks, my Duke.
From the Codex of the Blood Serpent, 232nd revolution, compiled by Itzamna Uichkin, faithful of the Sun God:

This is the word of the Great Blood Serpent, Exalter of the Truth:

All that has not been said by Him, or through the mouths of His faithful, are lies. There is no god but He, there is no truth but His. Envious devils have sought to extinguish the sun, so that light cannot cast aside the shadows of heresy, and so that man will labour under wicked deceit.

Before the rise of man and beasts, He swam in a sea of blood. There was nothing in creation but this vast sea, and He floated amidst the very essence of life. His heart burnt from the terrible loneliness. His heart seared His form, and it took great pain to keep it within Him. Thus, He spat His own heart out, and it took the form of a great shining disk, which seared and boiled the ocean of blood, even as it rose above it.

The Great Blood Serpent’s intent was to die, and to dissolve His form into new life to fill a growing world. The Lord of the Sun peopled it first with man, who was to be in His image. Already, devils were being birthed in the boiling sea, and they gnawed at the tail of the Serpent, and sought to pervert all that He did. Thus, they corrupted man’s form, and filled his mind with vast lies, and told him they were gods. The Great Blood Serpent could not die and allow His chosen to be led astray, so He coiled about His heart and endured the searing agony. His great sacrifice was to endure so that we should never be led astray by lies, and not have truth to turn to.

As the blood boiled, and He willed the clots to form into mountains, islands, and continents, the hiss and the broiling of the blood eased His great pain. Yet the pain was too great, and the sun sank into the darkness. The One God could only rest while the world lived in stygian terror, and He gathered His strength to rise again. And yet, it was an effort even the Great God could not endure and, thus, He came to be in perpetual rise and fall, day after day. The Lord of the Sun was sustained by the faithful, who offered their blood to assuage His great pain, and so that we could show our love and devotion to Him.

So that the world would know that the Great Blood Serpent still watched over them, even in the night, He gnawed and chewed His burning heart, until His mouth was filled with many pieces of it. These He spat into the stygia, where they hung and shone, alike distant hearts.

But the devilry of the foes of truth was cunning, and they schemed and plotted to erase the faithful. They sought to ensnare all those who knew truth, and these they buried beneath the Temple of the Sun. They cast the sacred images down, they burnt the sacred texts, and they taught man that their lies were the only truth. They created wicked creatures to people the world, and taught false creeds and preached heresies so that those with eyes and ears could scarcely recognise the form of truth when they saw it.

But the faithful can keep a vigil in the dark, and therein we lurk, awaiting the moment of our freedom, and the coming of the dawn of truth.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:29 pm
by Mynaesos
The corridor was long and bare of any furniture or even light fixtures. One end led to the temple's shrine, the other to the central courtyard. At night the shrine would be brightly lit by candles, its light spilling into the corridor. But at this hour of the morning, the darkness was almost impenetrable with the daylight pouring in from the courtyard.

It was at the lighted end that Maz Lo stood. If the students could look towards their master, they would have only been able to see a silhouette. Instead, they sat in two rows with their legs crossed beneath them, each row facing an exterior wall.

Maz Lo quietly paced the hall between them. He examined each student's posture, correcting it with a bamboo stick if necessary. His ministrations were not gentle, though no mere bamboo could hope to inflict any damage to a giant.

As Maz Lo paced, he began to test his students' comprehension of previous lessons as well as their discipline in meditation.

"In the beginning there was...?" Silence followed Maz Lo's words, as it should have. However, the master noticed the shift in one student's shoulders as he slipped out of meditation and focused on the words. The bamboo lashed out, and before the crack of it ceased echoing off the walls, the student had reassumed his proper state. And just as quickly, the bamboo lashed out again, this time at the other end of the corridor as another had flinched at the first report.

When all was still, Maz Lo lightly touched a shoulder with his stick.

"The Great Potentiality," came the answer. Safisfied, Maz Lo continued pacing.

Minutes passed before Maz Lo asked once again, "Which came next: Division or Perception?"

As before, the correct answer was given when called for. And so did the rest of the questions proceed.

"Perception gave rise to...?"

"Vao and Lin gave rise to which eight Principles?"

"Of Heaven, Air, Aether, Earth, Life, Water, Fire, and Void, which signifies The Allfather?"

"Which signifies the gods?"

But when Maz Lo asked how the Principles formed Eiran, no answer could be given. Maz Lo knew this would be the case, as he had yet to reveal this information, though some surprisingly insightful answers came close to the truth.

"Learn this, my students, for through this metaphor leads the path to Enlightenment.

"From the Great Potentiality did the Allfather create Eiran like a bolt of cloth, yet more like several layered upon one another. Seeing the material complete, he drew all the ends together, blew Life into it, then cinched it closed with Mist.

"So does the Allfather stand outside this great sack, holding it aloft in the void. The outmost layer is earth and fire, protecting it from the void. As we can see by the rents The Worldbreaker made forcing his way back in, that protection is not unbreakable.

"Though Eiran itself may be limited, it holds a piece of the Great Potentiality, or as some would say, the memory of it. Thus is its center nearly infinite. A phoenix could fly past the sun or the moons and never reach the Allfather, though several lifetimes may find it entering the mists. And so is the Allfather above us, yet outside the bounds of Eiran as well.

"Did not Father Simjen's prophet Cullep, he who became known as Attem, the first Giant..."

Suddenly the bamboo lashed out. Though the outward sign was barely perceptible, Maz Lo had sensed his student's doubt. "You question my teachings, Staim? Ah, you do not recognize that name as the correct one. Then hear me, this was the name, though our people have forgotten its correct pronunciation. Just as this city was onced named Martovan, named for the famed king of the dwarrow and later phoenix of Simjen. Remember this, for so will the old names be restored... and much else."

After the proper silence had resumed, Maz Lo continued, "Did not Cullep brave the Mists to meet the Allfather? Was not Father Simjen told that no god or mortal should tread there lightly? What should happen if The Allfather let slip the Mists that bind?"

"As you leave, consider one last question. Which is closer to The Allfather : the gods or the people of Eiran?"

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:00 pm
by Bel
We are born to the world from nothingness. Full-formed we emerge, gasping into the knowledge of our own existence. We enter from nothing and we end in nothing, and we leave no legacy behind us. It is left to us to find meaning in what lies between.
So it is with the world. As we are summoned, so was the world called into existence, pulled out of the void and shaped by some unknowable will into land and sea, the heavens and the earth. Into this world was born life, and life's twin, death; their beginnings, too, are unknowable, for the memory of mortals is short, and we were not present to bear witness. Yet born they were, and so the cycle of souls began.
It was not long before these lives that populated the world formed wills and desires for themselves, and as time passed those of similar desires joined together to form communities; and as their wills were joined, so their desires grew in strength.
As we are called, so too are the gods. Ideas given strength; the will of life into action. As such concepts gained in strength, these spirits formed from nothingness and were given wills of their own; and the gods found themselves capable of ruling the lives that lay below them. No god may exist that the world does not will into being--through want or through fear; through all of the many conflicted desires the living possess--but a god so willed is capable of much that would not otherwise be possible.
So was made the Fallen One. His was not birth, but rebirth, a reforging in the hands of god. And it is from that act that we were born, pulled in his wake and bent to his will. Yet he was broken, forged in greed and lust for power, and the Fallen One soon fulfilled the prophecy of his name. Yet what is done cannot be undone, and so we found ourselves alone in a world to which we do not belong. And though still in our nascence we yet saw the purity of ourselves, and the imperfection of the world, and so we knew that we, too, were Fallen.
And Fallen we remain, until we, and the world, pass once again to nothing.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:13 am
by Bela Gin
"Azver, did you really know Zephyr before he Ascended?"

The saplings always doubt.

"Yes, Jal. I knew him for many years."

"What was he like?" The youngster is eager. Very well.

"He was... difficult." Ha! See how stunned he is that I would speak thus of our god! *grin* "But he was also fun. And wise. I remember a time I observed him teaching a young student..."
Zephyr saw that the day's lesson would cover many disciplines. Language, religion, culture, philosophy... The writings of the Second Age god Simjen usually lead to such lessons, and Book One of The Tome of the Forge, "Origin," was no exception.

"Do you know the Schraa translation of the Dwarrow words Merah and Iye?"

"No," Tesh replied.

"They mean root and leaf. She encompasses everything, yes? From the root to the leaf."

Tesh was confused. "But... How is it that the Dwarrow do not revere the Forests above all else if they view the first thing in existence, that which lead to all else, as a Tree?"

"They do not. Translation is an... inexact thing. The first thing in existence was a Tree, the Universal Tree. So we use root and leaf to refer to the first thing from all other peoples' beliefs."

"But if they are wrong, should they not change the meanings of Merah and Iye in their language?"

"Who says they are wrong?" Zephyr said with a big smile, knowing full well that he was confusing his pupil.

"As you just said, the first thing in all of existence was a Tree. It is known."

"Yes. From our view."

"From our view?!? Was the first thing in existence the Universal Tree, or not?!?"

"Yes," Zephyr said calmly. Then, after a brief pause, "No."

Tesh nearly sobbed. He was only ten, and could not be blamed for not understanding these riddles. Yet. But what makes him special is that he is capable of understanding it at such an age! Just a sapling, but the next several minutes will be a revelation to him! I can hardly wait to see what he will be like in another few centuries!!

"Tesh, tell me of the Wisdom of a root."


"Yes. What does a root know?"

Tesh thought for a moment. "The Earth. Minerals. Water."

"Yes. Its life; its being; its universe. It knows it all - without knowing. Perfect understanding; perfect being. Yes?"


"What of the clam?"

"The clam??"

"The clam. Does it not have perfect Wisdom of its own?"

"Yes. I suppose it does. It understands its own life and being perfectly."

"Well? Which is wrong? Root or clam?"

"But... But that's different! Little things in the world only see a small area. But each is right about what it can see."

"Yes. Correct. And no difference."

"How can there be no difference between the different views the root and clam have, and the different views the Dwarrow and the Schraa have?" Tesh nearly yelled in his exasperation. "Can they not see all the world and the heavens just as we can?!?"

"Yes, Tesh. But still, no difference. We all see from within ourselves. Should a being made of Stone see the same thing as a being made of Wood? No. Just as a root and a clam see from within themselves."

Tesh's face nearly cracked from the conflicting emotions. "I..."

And then his face found peace. "I... I understand." Then he grinned. "A little."

"I knew you would," Zephyr said. "So, how do we translate the Dwarrow word Xar?"

"The Allfather? I have no idea! Tell me!" Tesh had difficulty speaking through his giggling.


"No!!" Tesh squealed in delight. If a stump could topple over from laughter...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:32 am
by Cryak
The Battle of the Warrior and the Warthog

Firelight glinted gently in the small boy's eyes. He gawked at the two figures across from him, the Talo Brothers. You could feel the power around them, if not see it. It was like the feeling you get right before a thunderstorm. Your sinuses itch, and the hair on the back of your neck stands straight up. He looked away quickly, in embarrassment, when he realized one of the brothers had taken notice to his gawking. It was all he could do not to run away from the fire when he moved over, and sat next to him.

He cringed when a hand ruffled his hair. He had heard the stories. Ones of their entire village being destroyed. Some say by them. But as he slowly looked upwards, the eyes that gazed down upon him weren't ones of anger or hate. Rather, they glowed with intensity, and strength. A small smile spread across his lips, and he spoke to the boy.

"Let me tell you how the world works, little one. And then I will tell how the world began. In this land of earth, water and sky there are people different from the many animals, fish and birds. They speak with words and convey thoughts, ideas and love. You have the potential to perform the greatest of acts and thoughts. Actions and ideas that can shake the very world. But only with enough power, can these acts or thoughts take place. For you have vast potential, but little power. You are soo mana. Roughly translated from the old tongue, Doorways to Power.

Some power you can generate with your body. Love or dedication, for instance. But very little of anything useful is created in this manner. Not when compared to man mana, the Crossroads of Power.

Such is me and my brother, little one. We have been chosen by one of rao mana, Ultimate Power. For our stanch belief we have become the Crossroad that the God's use to find each and every Doorway on this world. You, and all others are connected to the Gods through us, and with each different God, there is a different story of beginning. This is ours.

The time before light, was nothing but darkness.
Darkness like the space beteween the stars.
And in this darkness, there came an evil being in the form of a giant warthog.
He was as tall as three men on top of each other, and matching in length and girth.
This warthog saw there was naught to destroy, saw the stars in the distance, and went to destroy
them instead.
But the Warrior constellation saw this, and became angry.
He would die before he allowed such destruction to happen, for he had much
The Warrior stepped in front of the warthog, and demanded he stop.
But the warthog attacked the Warrior. He lunged with his tusks, big as a man's arm
and cut the Warrior on the arm. The thong to his armlet cut, and a small stone dropped to the darkness.
As it dropped, it began to grow, and soon there was a world of water beneath.
The Warrior took up his
taiaha, and battled the warthog.
Each time he struck, and piece of the warthog fell off, and dropped to the world of water below.
And each time the piece fell in the water, land sprang forth. Soon there was nearly as much land as water on this world
But the warthog attacked back just as fiercely.
Each time he struck the Warrior, blood seeped out.
And as it hit the ground beneath, all manner of things came into existance.
Plants and animals. Birds, and fish. Monsters as well.
But lastly, did people crawl from the blood, and populated this world as little copies of the Warrior.
Though the Warthog inflicted many wounds,
the Warrior would not be defeated. He swung his
taiaha mightily, and slew the warthog.
Such was the might of his blow, that a giant storm was created on the world below.
Even the Warrior couldn't stop it, so he moved the storm outwards, and left an eye in the middle big enough to hold the world.
The storm was so strong that even now our world is surrounded by thick mists, the remnants of that storm.
The Warrior saw the people below and swore to fight on their behalf
and so he stayed in the heavans as the brightest constallation, The Warrior.

"Such is the way all manner of mana were made, little one." The brother moved back to his place on the other side of the fire, and let the boy gawk at the stars now, inspired to become another man mana.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:41 am
by Anaya
Talion sat in a secluded corner of the Library reading from an ancient text. Resting atop the dark oak table before her, she delicately turned the pages of the decaying volume as she scanned the spidery script for any mention of the great prophecy made near the end of the Second Age. The prophecy that concerned the children of gods, and the coming of the World-Breaker.

As she continued her search, Talion became aware that she was being watched. Lifting her head, she saw a young boy of about nine standing nervously near one the shelves. She recognised him as an orphan from the streets surrounding Shogo's who had started helping in the Library, performing any odd jobs that needed doing. Smiling softly in spite of the interruption, she beckoned him to the seat next to her.

"And how can I help you young one?"

"Ah..I..I'm sorry to disturb you First Scribe, b-but...I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"

"Of course you may. Please, sit down."

A brilliant smile split the young boy's face as he quickly sat in the chair Talion offered him. Once he had made himself comfortable, he solemnly asked his question.

"First Scribe, the voice of Fate so often speaks to us of the future, but has it ever spoken of the past? Of the way things were, and of how all things began?"

Laughing gently, Talion ruffled the boy's hair and reached across to the pile of books at the other end of the table, choosing a slender tome, opening it, and setting it down before them both.

"I was worried you were going to ask me something difficult", she said smiling, "but that one I can answer."
Long ago, when time was not the everlasting series of instants that we now know but rather a single infinite moment, the One was alone in the darkness. The darkness surrounded the One, enshrouding all that was not but might one day be, yet still the One could perceive the potential that existed both within the darkness and beyond it.

Therefore the One conceived in it's mind a desire to pierce the darkness and see all that might be, and thus did the light come into being. The light was glorious, and beautiful, and wondrous to behold, just as it is now. However, the light did not allow the One to truly see what before it had only perceived, for so great was it's glory that it was blinding. Thus the One could conceive nothing more. In grief the One wandered alone, exploring the farthest reaches of both the darkness that enshrouds and the light that blinds, yet finding no way to enhance it's vision.

There came then a moment within that single infinite moment when the One walked along the very boundary of darkness and light, a place so narrow it was like the edge of a knife. It was there that the One discovered the Grey Path, the sole road in all existence where neither darkness nor light can prevent true sight, and it was there that the One first beheld everything that it had perceived. Everything that might one day exist, everything that might possibly be, everything that the One could conceive was there before it's eyes.

So in it's mind the One conceived it all, and thus was Eiran born.
The young boy's eyes were wide with awe as Talion finished reading and closed the book.

"First Scribe", he said in wonder, "who spoke those words?"

"My young friend", she answered, "it is said that this is the only prophecy ever spoken by the Grey Goddess herself."

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:02 pm
by Brid
Brid doesn’t remember.
I remember!
Brid doesn’t want to remember
Tough luck! I do!
It is not important to Brid
Oh yes it is! I will tell….

The God of Law’s gavel banged onto his desk again and again. “I will have silence! We have summoned you here today, Brid, Goddess of the Anvil,so that you may answer for your crimes. The God of Fire and the God of Earth are here to witness judgement and punishment.”
Brid laughed. “Is this the entire support you could gather for your so-called Law? A poor showing, I would say! Where are our other brothers and sisters of the Pantheon? Perhaps they disagree with the precedent that you seek to set? For I have committed no crime! I have acted within my nature as I see fit, as is my right! I bow to no court, no other god or group of gods – I have come here today by my own free will not to accept a judgement from the likes of you, but to laugh in your face and spit at your feet!”
The atmosphere, already tense, crackled as those gods present gathered their divine might.
“I leave you now for the new world that I have created at my anvil. I will no longer share this world with you! Follow me at your peril…”
As Brid steps into her portal to Eiran, the combined power of the Gods of Earth and Fire sweep over her and past her, desecrating and cracking her creation, and Brid descends to her new world broken and unconscious.

A long, disturbed sleep, only partially healing, and Brid is awakened by a touch that she knows immediately is divine. Awareness floods her, and with it the bitter knowledge that her creation has grown without her, has developed its own Pantheon. At this instant Brid forsakes her anvil, and claims the dominion of Outcast. Weak still, she follows the Goddess of Light into the Sunrise.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:12 am
by an Carraig
Who is this scutty Cloak who's come off the Wall hereabouts? We heard he was manning garrisons on the Walls again.

Ayuh, in the taverns on the wharves of Olvir you'll hear it all well enough. The Searsanach offa Far Claw Prison, 't'other side of the Wall, MacLaomainn.

Is he manning Dusk Claw as well?

Dunno if he's got that far yet but I do know there's an unlikely band of miscreants with him. Them that came outa Far Claw with him, they say. And others. And they took half the regulars in the Rig with em when they shipped out to Kunis. Gonna arm the moonbridge at Akadis again, they say.

Is he a priest then, to get the mercenaries to go or has he got money?

Nay not a priest. He's a ranger. The Grey Guard. He was The Searsanach of Far Claw until his wife fell down a crack into the Rent. Searsanach fell to drink at the funeral and laid about for a while. Then something happened. If you can get Mac to talk about it, he'll tell you true enough it was The Mother of All Justice configured on a wooden chair in his cell one dusk as he was waking up from a puking drunk. Next day he up and took the Office back from the lunks that'd killed the lunks that took over after The Searsanach started cleaning the shit buckets of the guards latrines. Nay he's not a priest our Mac, only an old soldier cleanin up the muck thats gone awry around him, but he's got a priest with him, i'll wager.

Picked him up on his way through the edges of the Forest of Oa. A man he called The Book who had traveled the whole of Eiran and spoken to many. His true name they never said if they knew it. The Book led two beasts of burden when The Grey Cloaks, who'd just come off The Wall at East Claw Garrison, came on him walking down the North Verge Tract of Oa toward the sea. On the backs of both beasts were large hide bags filled to overflowing with scribbled parchments. The Book told Mac that he was writing the History of the Truth. When they stopped here in The Jutting Rig, The Book even gave us a piece of it. Said he had copies.
The Book wrote:Excerpt from The History of Truth, "On the Origins of the World"

Seeing that everybody, gods of the world and mankind, says that nothing existed prior to chaos, I, in distinction to them, shall demonstrate that they are all mistaken, because they are not acquainted with the origin of chaos, nor with its root. Here is the demonstration.

How well it suits all men, on the subject of chaos, to say that it is a kind of darkness! But in fact it comes from a shadow, which has been called by the name 'darkness'. And the shadow comes from a product that has existed since the beginning. It is, moreover, clear that it existed before chaos came into being, and that the latter is posterior to the first product. Let us therefore concern ourselves with the facts of the matter; and furthermore, with the first product, from which chaos was projected. And in this way the truth will be clearly demonstrated.

After the natural structure of the immortal beings had completely developed out of the infinite, a likeness then emanated from Pistis (Faith); it is called Sophia (Wisdom). It exercised volition and became a product resembling the primeval light. And immediately her will manifested itself as a likeness of heaven, having an unimaginable magnitude; it was between the immortal beings and those things that came into being after them, like [...]: she (Sophia) functioned as a veil dividing mankind from the things above.

Now the eternal realm (aeon) of truth has no shadow outside it, for the limitless light is everywhere within it. But its exterior is shadow, which has been called by the name 'darkness'. From it, there appeared a force, presiding over the darkness. And the forces that came into being subsequent to them called the shadow 'the limitless chaos'. From it, every kind of divinity sprouted up [...] together with the entire place, so that also, shadow is posterior to the first product. It was <in> the abyss that it (shadow) appeared, deriving from the aforementioned Pistis.

Then shadow perceived there was something mightier than it, and felt envy; and when it had become pregnant of its own accord, suddenly it engendered jealousy. Since that day, the principle of jealousy amongst all the eternal realms and their worlds has been apparent. Now as for that jealousy, it was found to be an abortion without any spirit in it. Like a shadow, it came into existence in a vast watery substance. Then the bile that had come into being out of the shadow was thrown into a part of chaos. Since that day, a watery substance has been apparent. And what sank within it flowed away, being visible in chaos: as with a woman giving birth to a child - all her superfluities flow out; just so, matter came into being out of shadow, and was projected apart. And it did not depart from chaos; rather, matter was in chaos, being in a part of it.

And when these things had come to pass, then Pistis came and appeared over the matter of chaos, which had been expelled like an aborted fetus - since there was no spirit in it. For all of it (chaos) was limitless darkness and bottomless water. Now when Pistis saw what had resulted from her defect, she became disturbed. And the disturbance appeared, as a fearful product; it rushed to her in the chaos. She turned to it and blew into its face in the abyss, which is below all the heavens.

And when Pistis Sophia desired to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and to rule over matter and over all her forces, there appeared for the first time a ruler, out of the waters, lion-like in appearance, androgynous, having great authority within him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being. Now when Pistis Sophia saw him moving about in the depth of the waters, she said to him, "Child, pass through to here," whose equivalent is 'yalda baoth'.

Since that day, there appeared the principle of verbal expression, which reached the gods and the angels and mankind. And what came into being as a result of verbal expression, the gods and the angels and mankind finished.

And thus when the world had come into being, it distractedly erred at all times. For all men upon earth worshiped the spirits (demons) from the creation to the consummation - both the angels of righteousness and the men of unrighteousness. Thus did the world come to exist in distraction, in ignorance, and in a stupor. They all erred, until the appearance of justice.

Let this suffice so far as the matter goes. Now we shall proceed to consideration of our world, so that we may accurately finish the description of its structure and management. Then it will become obvious how belief in the unseen realm, which has been apparent from creation down to the consummation of the age, was discovered.

It was a longer story but The Book said he only had this page copied enough to give us one. If you're looking to take the Grey, MacLaomainn's bunch went off to Kunis. He said he'd take anyone who'd worn the prison sigul on their palm. They may come back through here sooner than later. Word is Mac's looking to head to Void's Ward to talk to The Wardens.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:29 am
by Xar
Creation Myths II

The results of the second Creation Myths contest are in! We had a whopping 15 entries, and a total of 15 voters as well (not all of them the authors!). It's worth noting that the votes were quite evenly spread across the various myths - so we had several ties! The authors of the most-voted creation myths are:

1. an ex aequo victory for Aarklar and an Carraig, with 3 1/2 votes each.

2. another ex aequo position for Unzen, The Void, Etzlicoatl and uKulwa, with 2 1/4 votes each.

3. Keev Furaha with 1 1/2 votes.

Congratulations to everyone! Stay tuned for more contests ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:51 pm
by Xar
"And now, students", the old scholar said, sitting on his wooden chair, while a group of young men and women sat around him on the grass, "Let us test the knowledge you have learned. You know how the world began, and now tell me: how will it end?"

Eschatologies II

Deadline: February 25, 2008
Voting Deadline: March 1, 2008

Deities come and go in the world of Eiran, and each of them is born and dies as well. But they are asked questions, and provide answers, for as long as they remain, and if these answers conflict with each other, that is the mystery that the gods are. And though older gods answered differently, who is to say where the truth truly lies?

You have described how the world began, according to each deity; now, how will it end, if ever? Eschatologies are, after all, another important part of a deity's dogma. What should your followers expect, once the world comes to an end?

In this contest, which mirrors the second contest from Pantheon 2.0, you are invited to write about how the world will end (if it will end at all), according to your deity's faith. What is your deity's eschatology?

You can write in whatever form you wish, be it a dialogue, a narration, an essay. You can develop this tale however you wish - it's what your deity (or his/her Prophet) tells his or her followers, after all.

The three most voted eschatologies will grant their authors a boost in number of followers, and the most voted eschatology of all will also gain a small Contentment boost.

Furthermore, the first most voted eschatology will earn its writer a 20-HP bonus; the second most voted will earn a 10-HP bonus, and the third will earn a 5-HP bonus.


Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:27 pm
by O-gon-cho

“Yes, biênôr?

“How go your studies into the myths and legends of our people?”

…hoof digging at the dirt…

“I was excited, at first, Leier. But, it consists of the same tales I have heard from the cradle, only in further detail and more complex playing on the lyre, after I master what I was previously shown. I am told progressing in my playing and memorization seems to come easy for me; I admit I am bored.

“Have I already learned all the stories there is to tell of our people? If so, of what purpose is there to being a Harper? Much less to strive to be a Master Harper one day?”

…eye brow raised…

“Do you honestly believe the respect granted a Harper of the Herds is so easily earned? Perhaps The Dragon made a mistake in placing you so young into such training…”

“No Leier! I may be bored now, but if I could learn of something new…”


“Come with me beyond the reach of the camp fires lights. You have been instructed on controlling the mesmer of StarLight?”

“Yes, biênôr…

“This clearing will do fine. Allow your eyes to adjust fully and scan the skies. Let me know when you find The Archer.”

The Archer?

“Aye, The Archer. Have you begun learning of the constellations in the night sky?”

“Constralaycons? No…what are they?”

*wry grin*

“Then tonight you will have the beginnings of a whole new universe revealed to you. And we will begin with The Archer.

“Find the Moon, then shift your gaze to the northeast. Look for a series of stars that form a stick figure of a Centaur with a bow and arrows. Such pictures are called constellations, and they all have a tale behind them.

“Again, let me know when you find him.”


“I see him, biênôr…

“In the ancient days of Eiran, yet after the second cracking of the world and the departure of the G-ds, the Ice Walls were the only protection against the denizens of the Abyss. Occasionally cracking occurs in the Walls, and terrible Wars have been fought between the citizens of Eiran and the denizens of the Abyss who come out when such cracking occurs.

“The Wardens of the Abyss are an order of warriors who protect one of the cities on the edge of the Abyss. They have a Hall specifically for their training, founded by a long ago member they term The Defender. Some say this Defender and The Archer were one and the same. It is our belief this is not true, as The Archer was a Centaur, and the statue of the Defender does not depict one of us.

“However, we believe The Archer was a member of these Wardens. A courageous and well decorated member, he defended his city well against incursions from the Abyss.

“But, he cursed the Sun. He blamed the Sun for the cracks in the Walls, for the Abyssal Wars. For everything his own strength and courage could not remedy. And one day…his cursing took effect.

“The mortal being known as The Archer disappeared from Eiran. No trace was ever found of him. At the same time, so the story goes, the constellation now known as The Archer became known in the night skies. It may have been there all along; it may not. But we note the target the tip of his drawn arrow points to, the Heart of the Sun. And we believe it will be The Archer who will bring about the End of Days. For he will finally defeat his ancient enemy, and the destruction of the Sun will engulf all that is nearby, including Eiran.”

“Yes, Cheiron.”

“Will…will you accompany me back to camp? In fact, all the way back to my mother? I…I do not want to make my way back alone.”

“Come, it is late…”