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TMOHD Chapter 13: Folly in Good Faith

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 7:17 am
by Lorien
-- or "Liar, Liar Pants on Fire!"

Chapter 13 begins immediatley following an attack on our herione, Terisa. We were introduced to Artagel, Geraden's brother, after he saves her life and causes her attacker to flee (ie. disappear!). Everyone nearby (Kragen, and The Perdon) are completely freaked out when Artagel discloses that the attackers wore sigils of Cadwal, and when Terisa suggests that her attacker is Gart (the high king's Monomach) who is in league with Vagel! Why Vagel? Because her attacker must have been translated to the dungeon via a flat glass, and Vagel is the only imager who can use flat glass without going mad. The Prince and The Perdon decide to high-tail it out of there so as not to be implicated in the bloodshed.

Terisa and Artagel make their way back to her quarters. Terisa convinces Artagel to leave her prior to reaching her room. The reason? She wants to protect Artagel from the Castellan. She doesn't want the guards to see her covered with blood with Artagel along side. So now Terisa is trying to protect Artagel, Geraden, and Eremis with no concern for herself! Geesh!

Next morning, she gets a visit from our charming Castellan Lebbick. He demands to know what went on last night in the dungeons of Orison. They found 2 dead bodies, but enough blood for 4 or 5, bloody footprints leading away from the bodies, and then that little thing about Terisa coming back to her rooms covered in blood. Terisa
... was determined to lie to him. It would have been better to face him squarely, but that great a display of courage was beyond her.
So now we have a frustrating discussion where Terisa just denies that anything happened -- kind of like a 5 year old would do ie. "I'm not being coy." or "I am being honest." Blech! Anyway, we also learn a little about why Lebbick is so bitter -- ie. the rape/torture of his young wife. I won't quote that here because this is getting rather long and anyone who has read the book doesn't need reminded of it! The whole point is that Terisa just denies everything and Lebbick leaves frustrated and mad. What's interesting is that she is very pleased with herself for protecting Eremis. "Eremis was safe. Artagel was safe." she says to herself at one point. After Lebbick slams the door and leaves, she has an intense feeling of victory:
But she had kept her promises to herself. She had done it, done it: she had fended Lebbick away from the truth. There was still hope for Mordant. Because of what she had done. She, Terisa Morgan - a woman who had never learned how to believe in herself. She had made a difference.
Of course, we have to remind ourselves that Terisa beleives that Eremis is the only person who is really, actively, trying to save Mordant. I still find it frustrating and annoying that she lies to Lebbick so much, but I think it is because we can all see that there is something not quite "on the level" about Eremis - which of course she is blind to.

Now I am only about half way through this chapter and I had no intention that it would be this LONG! I will take a break and post the second half later today. This chapter gets even better!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 12:34 pm
by duchess of malfi
You're doing a great job, Lorien! 8)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:09 pm
by Guest
Back to Orison!

Just after Lebbick leaves Terisa's quarters, Eremis shows up with Geraden in tow. Eremis is very agitated because he knows Lebbick has just been to see Terisa. He demands Terisa tell him the purpose of Lebbick's visit. Terisa assures Eremis that she told Lebbick nothing. Eremis is releived: he knows the Fayle left the meeting last night and went straight to King Joyce. So the fact that Lebbick knows nothing means the King either did not heed or did not believe the Fayle.

Of course Geraden is confused and of course Terisa can't say anything to him at all! She can't tell him about the meeting of the Congery and the Lords because his loyalty to Joyce would betray that meeting and Eremis's plans. Also, she was warned by Quillon that Geraden could not be told what was going on -- it would put his life in danger. But she does take the time to reassure him that she didn't sleep with Eremis last night! :D

Eremis has come to take Terisa and Geraden to a meeting of the Congery. On the way they run into Artagel. We find out (1) Eremis has been trying to hire Artagel as a personal bodyguard. Is he worried that he is in danger? and (2) Geraden's (and Artagel's) brother Nyle is in town. We also find out that Artagel is the best swordsman in Mordant, yet he can be beaten by the mysterious man in black...

When they reach the meeting hall, the entire Congery is assembled. And in the middle of the room stands the Mirror of the Champion. Master Barsonage tries to act like he is still in control of the Congery. He chastises Eremis for bringing Terisa and Geraden, and for presuming that the Congery's course of action will be to translate the champion. More discussion ensues. Geraden puts 2 and 2 together and realizes that they intend to translate the Champion. He tries to leave the room to warn the King, but is tackled by Gilbur and receives a nice head wound. Eremis and Gilbur relate the events of the previous night's meeting and their reasons for wanting to translate the champion. We can sum it up in Eremis's own words when he's asked why the champion should be translated:
To prove our good faith. We are not heeded because it is beleived we have no commitment to anything except ourselves.... We have no way to convince anyone otherwise except by taking single and unselfish action in Mordant's defense. Only by opposing the evil ourselves can we show that we are worthy of trust and alliance.
(And these words of Eremis's leave Terisa more hot that ever!)

Right then, there is a pounding on the door and "In the King's name, open this door!". Geraden realizes it is Lebbick and yells to him, "Break down the door! Stop them!". Just for that, Gilbur gives Geraden another nice whack on the head - stunning him. Gilbur begins to translate the champion. Simultaneously, the door begins to break. Geraden tries to stop Gilbur (man is he stubborn!!). Terisa goes after him. Right at that instant, the Champion is translated through the glass:
His armor made him at least seven feet tall. His head showed no face, but only a thick plate that must have been a visor. The metallic skin that protected him was scored black in several places: it had been breached at least twice. Acrid smoke curled from the wounds. He moved as if he were hurt.

But his huge rifle was ready. As he caught his balance on the dais, he aimed the muzzle straight at Geraden's chest.
Terisa reaches Geraden and tries to pull him out of the way. She finds herself staring at the Champion's gun. He jerks the barrel up in the air and shoots the ceiling. As rubble begins to fall into the chamber, he utters one of the best lines so far:
I don't shoot women.
(That is great! It's so modern - sounds like Clint Eastwood.)
He begins firing again. The entire ceiling comes tumbling down on top of Terisa and Geraden.

Thus ends Chapter 13 and Book One.

Woo-hoo! Finally something really really exciting happens! Not that Terisa almost getting killed a couple of times was dull, but I often found myself wondering if they were ever going to translate the champion and what role he would play. Well, we shall see in subsequent chapters!


Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:10 pm
by Lorien
Yeah, the "guest" was me! I forgot to login.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 5:04 am
by duchess of malfi
The Champion is SOOOOOO cool!!
I don't shoot women.
I think two things start to show with Terisa right now...the first is that she is starting to become stronger. Her lies to the Castellan are really quite brave in a way, and I don't know if she could have been strong enough to have done so when she first comes to Mordant.
The other thing is her basic inexperence in dealing with people. To me, her dealings with Eremis, in particular, show this. She seems to be fairly incapable still at this point in the story of discerning good people from bad people...and...
Does anyone else think that possibly she is attracted in part to Eremis because he reminds her of her father? And that she has a lot of issues to work out with her dad? So Eremis becomes sort of a stand-in for him? I don't think she has any sexual feelings for her father, but there is an awful lot of emotional baggage there...maybe she is trying to prove something to herself in attempting to win the attention, loyalty, and possibly affection from a man like this...

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:07 am
by danlo
The Champion
Rocks!! and yes Duchess pretty much said everything I could say...Thanks very much Lorien, very good job! :D

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:33 am
by duchess of malfi
Oh, yes, Lorien did a wonderful job! :D

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:02 pm
by Lorien
Thanks, guys! I agree with you, Duchess: Terisa definately has issues that contribute to her being so fond of Eremis. For one, we know that she likes him because he makes her feel "real". The fact that he desires her (strongly!) must be a very new feeling to her. I think I would probably act irrationally in a situation like that...

Also, I think she likes being controlled by Eremis. She is used to being told what to do (ie. by her father), and so it is natural for her to ease back into such a role. Her father was a powerful man who ignored her, and Eremis is a powerful man who does just the opposite! So you definately have something there!

Maybe it is these confusing feelings that kind of cloud her judgement and have her so convinced that Eremis is doing the right thing. As a reader, I think it is kind of obvious that he is up to no good, but Terisa definately doesn't see that - at this point anyway!

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:33 am
by Ryzel
Lorien wrote:The fact that he desires her (strongly!) must be a very new feeling to her. I think I would probably act irrationally in a situation like that...
I would think that this was nothing new as such, except for Terisa. She just had not met someone who showed her what he felt before as Eremis does.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 7:20 pm
by Earthblood
Good analogy between Eremis & Terisa's father, Duchess, you may be on to something there....
I think also, she is attracted to Geraden in a similar, but different (heh) way - he also makes her feel real, but allows & even requires her to be her own person & make her own decisions - something her father would never have done, nor Eremis for that matter...