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The Showdown and speculations....

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:36 pm
by sweetbread
I'm thinking that we're going to see a magnificent battle between Thomas and Roger, Father vs Son, Covenant vs Covenant, White Gold vs White Gold, within the two final books. Anyone else get that impression?

I am really interested to see how Roger reacts to his father's presence in the Land now; although his motivations and manipulations would probably remain, as his contempt for the land and life is not due to the presence of Foul or the Ravers.... maybe Thomas will somehow turn Roger against Kastenessen? Or maybe that might be a good job for Jeremiah? Actually I think will be the one that traps Lord Foul within one of his inescapable structures, imprisoning him even within his prison....

There are a lot of characters and a LOT of ends to finally wrap up; I think everyone will have a definite role before all is said and done. I think that Linden will have to confront Joan which will take on a parallel to Linden's own inadequacies and personal demons. In doing so, she may either break Joan from the grasp of her insanity; joan will then become a WGW or pass the ring onto Roger, who, in his effort to destroy the Arch, will have to confront Thomas, who may also have his white gold back again.

Of course, maybe Linden and Thomas will BOTH end up with the White Gold rings.... oh man, the possibilities are endless and mind boggling.... I need some infomercials to take my mind off this before I go bonkers....

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:24 pm
by wayfriend
Yes. That would be a very interesting showdown.

Roger, I am sure, would want to vent his rage on his father, for everything that he had not done.

Thomas will have to choose between destroying his son, the son he never really had, and reconciling with him. All the while thinking of Elena, the daughter whom he also never really had, and whom he failed.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:14 pm
by Relayer
So ironic. It's not like TC was a deadbeat father who left his wife and child... it's the other way around, yet Roger sympathizes with his mother who broke her committments and ran.

And along w/ thinking of Elena, there's also Jeremiah who at some level is his "spiritual" child. Linden surely sees this, although not quite in those terms. And it's probable that Covenant recognizes the significance. She fell in love w/ TC, she came back from the Land and met and adopted a child who was directly harmed because of everything that happened.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:55 pm
by Ur Dead
TC vs Roger?! Not White Gold vs White Gold..

Epic battle with a riveting conclusion.. It would rivet the Arch to pieces.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:36 pm
by sweetbread
Ur Dead wrote:TC vs Roger?! Not White Gold vs White Gold..

Epic battle with a riveting conclusion.. It would rivet the Arch to pieces.
Not necessarily. Two possibilities would prevent it....

Roger may not be able to harness the full power of Joan's White Gold, as it does not belong to him. However, his LIMITED wild magic combined with the powers aquired by Kastenessen would make him a very formidable foe. In addition, Thomas is protecting the Arch of Time, therefore, Roger (or anyone else) would have to destroy him before the Arch could be endangered. He is, after all, the Timewarden! Kinda like the Forestals, but without trees! =)

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:50 pm
by Sill
Covenant vs. Covenant? No contest. TC would stomp a mud hole in his punk son Roger's backside. Roger isn't a leper. Remember, TC IS the wild magic.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:59 pm
by Relayer
Not necessarily. For one thing, Roger is part Elohim. For another, TC may have emotional conflicts that prevent him from wanting to fully kick ass. It is his son, after all.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:31 pm
by Unfettered One
Relayer wrote:Not necessarily. For one thing, Roger is part Elohim. For another, TC may have emotional conflicts that prevent him from wanting to fully kick ass. It is his son, after all.
Just like Darth and Luke... except Roger is the one on the dark side, and TC joins him and throws LA off of Landsdrop, dying in the process because of the electricity-like stuff coming from the Krill and the Staff?

Sorry... it's possible I watched Star Wars too many times as a kid.

Ever noticed though... There is one more book planned for TC than originally for Star Wars?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:12 pm
by Rigel
Personally, I can't see TC fighting anyone, for the rest of the series. Not just because of the quote, "I'll never use power again," but because of his *actions*.

He just seems like the patient, accepting, and suffering type (now, of course - but then, he could change again, couldn't he?)

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:13 pm
by Beyondthebreach
Relayer wrote:So ironic. It's not like TC was a deadbeat father who left his wife and child... it's the other way around, yet Roger sympathizes with his mother who broke her committments and ran.
While this is true, it is also true that Covenant failed his child miserably. He let him get away . . . where was the legal battle for joint custody? Where was the fight? We all see his eventual passion to save the land - where was his passion to save his own son? And in the end (of White Gold Wielder, anyway) Covenant abandons his son to become part of the Arch. Where was his inner turmoil? His questions about leaving behind his family to save a "fantasy" world? Sure, there is the "Greater Good", but it doesn't appear to have even been a conflicting thought for Covenant.

Roger didn't stand a chance - Lord Foul had him marked from the start and no one did anything to protect him. Not Covenant and not Linden (though she has certainly devoted all her efforts to saving Jeremiah). All the guilt lies with them . . . Roger needs to be saved. To me he appears the greatest (and most unloved) victim of this entire story.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:33 pm
by Mr. Broken
I disagree, speaking as a child of a broken home I constantly sought the approval of my absent parent, not confrontation in a winner take all battle to the death. Covenant didnt fight for custody because there was a part of him that beleived Joan was right. If anthing Roger should hate his mother for deserting his afflicted father.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:29 pm
by Beyondthebreach
Saying you disagree because of your situation isn't really applicable. There are many people in the world and each deals with pain and loss in their own way - the complexities of emotional and mental damage do not follow specific patterns.

The fact that Covenant didn't fight because he felt Joan was right . . . well, he was wrong to think that and an adult and parent besides. I "abandoned" my child because I felt my wife was right about me being worthless? Please - that was Covenant's greatest error.

Plus . . . Roger had Lord Foul influencing him . . . no?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:55 pm
by Mr. Broken
Doesnt the book say that medical science suspects people who develope Hansens disease are exposed to it at an early age , "What if its catching?" "Well lets just wait and see if things start fallin off the little brat Joanie!"

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:58 pm
by Sill
Something Broken wrote:I disagree, speaking as a child of a broken home I constantly sought the approval of my absent parent, not confrontation in a winner take all battle to the death. Covenant didnt fight for custody because there was a part of him that beleived Joan was right. If anthing Roger should hate his mother for deserting his afflicted father.
Yep! See, TC could always just pull one of his infamous one liners at the height of the battle by telling Roger, "I never really loved you - that's why I didn't fight for joint custody!"

Bam! Just like at the Colossus of the fall with dead Elena when TC said, You're not even real, you don't even exist."

Talk about taking the wind out of someone's sails.

BTW, I not mocking your situation Something Broken - I too came out of a broken home.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:52 am
by Mr. Broken
Dont worry about me Im thick skinned and wish no sympathy from anyone. Besides I should know better than to reference personal experience, I know everyone handles adversity differently, and in that I was wrong. However berating TC for his concern for the health of his son is reprehensible. Im not a parent (here I go on personal experience reference again), but if I were I would like to think that I could be as unselfish as Covenant was in not wanting to expose his son to Leprosy.