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The Shattered Warren

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:10 am
by Fist and Faith
I'm confused about this. If the answer lies somewhere before page 100 of MT, and I just didn't manage to piece the clues together, I'd appreciate help.

From MoI:
I am Treach - one of many names. Trake, the Tiger of Summer, the Talons of War. Silent Hunter. I was there at the end, one of the few survivors once the T'lan Imass were done with us. Brutal, merciful slaughter. They had no choice - I see that now, though none of us were prepared to forgive. Not then. The wounds were too fresh.

Gods, we tore a warren to pieces on that distant continent. Turned the eastlands into molten stone that cooled and became something that defied sorcery. The T'lan Imass sacrificed thousands to cut away the cancer we had become. It was the end, the end of all that promise, all that bright glory. The end of the First Empire. Hubris, to have claimed a name that rightly belonged to the T'lan Imass.
From HoC:
Febryl nodded. "The First Empire of Dessimbelackis, Kamist Reloe, was not the first. That belonged to the T'lan Imass. There was little, it is true, that you or I might recognize as being...imperial. No cities. No breaking of the ground to plant crops or irrigate. And its armies were undead. There was a throne, of course, upon which was meant to sit a mortal - the progeny race of the T'lan Imass. A human. Alas, humans viewed empire...differently. And their vision did not include T'lan Imass. Thus, betrayal. Then war. An unequal contest, but the T'lan Imass were reluctant to annihilate their mortal children. And so they left-"

"Only to return with the shattering of the warren," Kamist Reloe muttered, nodding. "When the chaos erupted with the ritual of Soletaken and D'ivers."
All well and good so far. The First Empire of Dessimbelackis did some serious ritual, turning themselves into Soletakens, and shattering the warren.

But then there's these, from MT:
"No, my friend, with this day's victory this world lies before our feet. Here, you shall not suffer from the civil wars that plague Kurald Galain. And I and my followers shall escape the rivening that now besets Kurald Emurlahn-"

Silchas Ruin snorted. "A rivening by your own hand, Scabandari."
And the fact that the Edur are the rulers of Emurlahn is pretty clear in numerous passages.

So who shattered the warren???

Unless the answer is still coming. Entirely possible. And these two things could be combined. For example, an Edur could have helped Dessimbelackis cast his spell.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:56 am
by I'm Murrin
It's not very clear. The Shadow warren--Emurlahn--was shattered because of what Scabandari did, though I'm not exactly sure how. That was a very long tim before the First Empire. Then there was Icarium, who destroyed an Azath, wounding a warren in the process. And apparently the Ritual of Soletaken also damaged a warren (and created Otataral at the same time, according to that quote). The Azath in Raraku--I forget its name--rose up to hold together what was left of that warren (the whirlwind).
I think the suggestion is that the latter events were sunderings of some of the more coherent fragments that remained of Emurlahn.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:03 am
by Fist and Faith
Thanks. Glad the problem isn't simply me not following clear things. Heh.

Is Icarium's destruction of the Azath brought up later? It was very briefly in HoC. "weakening the fabric...." was mentioned.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:06 pm
by I'm Murrin
Hmm. It may have been that his killing the Azath weakened the Warren enough for the First Empire to damage it, but I can't remember exactly. I don't think it's come up again, yet.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:32 am
by Onos T'oolan
Kurald Emurlahn still exists, but I suppose we would say it's smaller, because fragments were broken off when it was shattered. Shadowthrone rules the Warren of Shadow, which, I guess, is the largest fragment? And there's Meanas, Rashan, and the Whirlwind. Maybe other fragments that I'm not remembering, or haven't run across yet?

Is all that right?