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Who's met Who?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:45 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
I'm curious as to who has met whom in real life on the Watch.

I'll go first. Here's my list of watchers I know IRL...

1. Lucimay (responsible for my joining)
2. Jwaneeta (also responsible for my joining)
3. Danlo
4. Damelon
5. Covenant Jr
6. Seareach
7. dlbpharmd
8. Waddley Hasselhoff
9. Sorus
10. Bloodguard Bob
11. Cagliostro
12. Aliantha
13. Magickmaker
14. Creator
15. Charles Timewaster
16. Web Monkey
17. Romeo
18. Lady Tam
19. Menolly
20. Irrational Sanity
21. Galador known to the Denver Seafesters as The Bagel Bloke.
22. Wyldewode

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:47 pm
by drew

No one.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:50 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Uh oh, my poll cut off. It was supposed to have two more options... 8O Admin? Can I get an admin?

Not a single one Drew? You NEED to fix that. Seriously.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:52 pm
by drew
Next time any watchers come to Atlantic Canada, I'll be sure to hook up.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:02 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Aren't you a truck driver? Take some detours! Live a little! :biggrin:

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:04 pm
by drew
I'm a COURIER driver.

I'm drive all the way around Central Halifax all day..occasionally making my way to the south-end, or downtown.

No watchers around there.

Other than myself of course.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:12 pm
by Menolly
Oh golly...

Everyone from last year's Albuquerque elohimfest and SeaFest Denver. And then a few others.

I guess I'll start with your list and edit, Jenn...

1. Lucimay
2. Fist and Faith
3. Danlo
4. Damelon
5. Covenant Jr
6. Seareach
7. dlbpharmd
8. Waddley Hasselhoff
9. Raen
10. MsMary
11. Cagliostro
12. Aliantha
13. Magickmaker
14. Creator
15. wayfriend
16. Dukkhawaynhim
17. Romeo
18. Lady Tam
19. Believer
20. Batsutousai
21. iQuestor
22. Beorn
23. Hyperception
24. Cheval
25. aTOMiC
26. ____ (formerly known as dANdeLION)
27. Prorider (if she is called that here as well as on GLURPWorld)
28. Savor Dam
29. balon!
30. SRD
31. Cameraman Jenn
32. lorin
33. mrs.null
34. sgt.null
35. Loremaster
36. L-rd Zombiac
37. Hildegard na-Mhoram
38. lurch
39. Elora Grace
40. bossk
41. Orlion
42. Rigel
43. jonnyredleader
44. Audio Covenant
45. borillar
46. ezio

...have I forgotten someone?

Re: Who's met Who?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:01 pm
by CovenantJr
1. Cameraman Jenn
2. Lucimay
3. Danlo
4. Damelon
5. Jwaneeta
6. Seareach
7. dlbpharmd
8. Wyldewode
9. Sorus
10. Bloodguard Bob
11. Cagliostro
12. Aliantha
13. Magickmaker
14. Creator
15. Gart
16. Web Monkey
17. Romeo
18. Nav
19. Menolly
20. Darth Revan
21. Nathan
22. Chrysalis
23. Loremaster
24. Cleburne
25. Galador the bagel bloke

Also, I've spoken on the phone to a few I haven't met:

The Leper Fairy (for about thirty seconds)

Additionally, I've spoken aloud to both The Leper Fairy and Loremaster through MSN microphones.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:14 pm
by Menolly

I've had a few Yahoo microphone conversations with two Watchers I haven't met yet IRL, Nathan and Paolo. Paolo is known mostly as his Pantheon usernames of Argothoth or Rothmog.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:15 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
If we add in people I've talked to on the phone but not met face to face it's

Darth Revan
Fist & Faith

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:21 pm
by CovenantJr
Hmm, have I spoken to Fist? I remember someone calling him from Seafest, but I don't remember if we spoke. That phone was passed around so much that those bits are kind of a blur...

Re: Who's met Who?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:23 pm
by Seareach
1. Lucimay
2. Cameraman Jenn
3. Danlo
4. Damelon
5. Jwaneeta
6. Cov J
7. dlbpharmd
8. Wyldewode
9. Sorus
10. Bloodguard Bob
11. Cagliostro
12. Aliantha
13. Magickmaker
14. Creator
15. Gart
16. Web Monkey
17. Romeo
18. Menolly
19. Galador the bagel bloke
20: Lurch
21: Esmer

I've spoken to a few on the phone:

iQuestor (iQ gets the award for the BEST accent!!!!).
Fist & Faith (I think...I'm pretty sure)

Glad you didn't ask this a couple of months ago, Jenn. I would have had to say "none" before June!!! :biggrin:

[Edit: oops! forgot Lurch and Esmer!!!!]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:33 pm
by danlo
1. Cameraman Jenn
2. Lucimay
3. caamora
4. Damelon
5. Believer
6. Seareach
7. dlbpharmd
9. Charles Timewaster
10. Bloodguard Bob
11. Cagliostro
12. Aliantha
13. Magickmaker
14. Creator
15. Batty
16. Covenant Jr
17. Romeo
18. wayfriend
19. Menolly
20. Cail
21. kevinswatch
22. Alynna
23. Galador the bagel bloke
24. Irrational Sanity
25. Lady Tam
26. Dukkha Waynhim
27. Iquestor
28. Waddely Hasselhoff
29. Fist and Faith
30. Cagliostro
31. birdnbear
32. Leper Messiah
33. Variol Farseer
34. duchess of malfi
35. SoulQuest
36. markjeffries
37. Raen
38. Lorelie
39. recluse
40. Crysallis
41. webmonkey

if there's anyone else I can't remember

Elohimfest '04
New York State get together
DC fest
Elohimfest '07
SF FBH wrap party
Seafest: Denver
SF danlo y Tam fest

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:41 pm
by Cameraman Jenn
Um... Menolly... you met ME.... 8O 8)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:48 pm
by Menolly
*massively blushing*

...thank goodness this is not in any particular order...

24. Cameraman Jenn

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:46 am
by Cameraman Jenn
hahaha! that's a tough thing, to put them in order because technically I met BGB first out of all of you but he wasn't a watcher at the time and nor was I. I had lurked a bit around the site and actually thought, "These people are way too serious SRD fans for me." and then next I met Charles Timewaster who proposed to his lovely wife Ann on our show. Then I met Romeo through SRD and email, again prior to becoming a watcher. Then I met Jwaneeta, also through the show and she introduced me to Lucimay and they both proceeded to convince me to join that weekend. However if you count email.... I met MarkJeffries first since he was the first to contact the fbh email. However I have never met him in person. It's so complicated....

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:41 pm
by Nathan
I've met:


I've spoken by phone or voice-chat with:

Darth Revan

But I'm not counting those as meeting, so I'm on 2

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:46 pm
by Loredoctor
I have met:

Covenant Jr

Spoken on the phone/msn with:


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:36 pm
by CovenantJr
Oi noi!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:43 pm
by aTOMiC
I've met dANdeLION because we worked together and ProRider514 since she's my daughter. Other than that no one has dropped by to say hello. :-(