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Weretiger's Curse - The mission

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:39 pm
by Nathan
I know I said I'd post this tomorrow, but I lied. Here we go

You all file into the mayor's office and he delivers a speech:

"Hello, I'm the mayor of Tethil.
As you know, we've quite a problem on our hands. Here's what's up:
Almost two months ago, the village was attacked by a tiger. Several people were killed and the town guard didn't get there fast enough to catch the beast.

The tiger attacked again a month later. This time the sheriff and his men fought the tiger, but were all killed except for the sheriff.
There seems to be some kind of pattern to the tiger's attacks, and they've both occurred on the night of the full moon.
As you probably know, the next full moon is in 3 days' time.

Now, I will pay 1000 gold pieces a head to the group of adventurers who kill the tiger!"


Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:22 pm
by Irian
Irian's eyes hardened.
"Weretiger???" she breathed under her breath, not willing to say it out loud in front of the mayor.

"May we discuss this privately among ourselves before we decide whether to accept the mission?" she asked.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:00 am
by Xavier
"Ravening beasts...I told you so..."Xavier muttered, half to himself.

"1000 Gold each head seems rather a lot for a tiger," he continued to the mayor. "What's the catch?"

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:16 am
by Nathan
"Our Sheriff has been unable to deal with the problem, and we need it sorted. If you think 1000 gold each seems a bit generous, you'll obviously be willing to do the job for less. I'm now offering 800 gold per person. There is no catch, we can't deal with the problem ourselves so we're willing to pay for someone else to sort it out.

You may have a few moments to talk amongst yourselves, but be quick. I am busy here."

The mayor sits back behind his desk, looking a little bit peeved, picks up a pen and starts scribbling away on an important looking document.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:27 am
by Irian
"With your leave, Mr. Mayor," Irian replied, before striding out of the office, through the waiting room, and out into the square, where she began to agitatedly pace incessantly, deep in thought while waiting for the others.

Perhaps Caamora would be willing to teach me some stillness techniques, ran briefly through her thoughts before they returned to the problem at hand.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:14 pm
by caamora
Hearing the exchange, Caamora assumed that Irain knew what a weretiger was and correctly guaged her shock. This was obviously no ordinary tiger!

Caamora gave a damning look to Xavier. Perhaps he wasn't very smart, she considered. The price has already been lowered! Time for her to do damage control.

Hearing the response from the mayor and his drop in price, Caamora (using her considerable charisma to influence him) speaks to the mayor.

"Forgive the thief, my lord. He apparently is unaware of the value of this type of creature. A weretiger is the most dangerous of tigers, my lord," she says in a most alluring manner, "and most fiercesome. The pelts themselves are highly prized and rare and can bring tens of thousands of gold pieces at auction(BLUFF). The going rate to hunt a weretiger is 8,000 because nary a hunter survives. We will do it for $7600 gold pieces -total."

She paused, leaned in close to the mayor conspiratorially, looked him directly in the eyes revealing her own beauty and charm, "You would be considered a very wise businessman and would make back your investment ten-fold."

She winked at him and smiled - and waited for his resonse.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:53 pm
by Nathan
Caamora immediately realises she's made a mistake. The mayor's face takes on a serene quality like you see on someone who's so angry they've passed through and into calm again.

"You lie about as well as your friend here eavesdrops! I've given you some time to discuss the deal, I suggest you use it before I reduce my offer a second time. Do not try to swindle me, I am not as foolish as you may think."

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:18 pm
by caamora
Caamora straightened up and looked at the Mayor.

"Swindle?" she repeated. "Who in sooth is doing the swindling? What ho, the pot calls the kettle black! You did not originally mention that it was a weretiger - just a tiger. It was only my companion's perception that divined that it was a weretiger. You have played us false from the very beginning."

She paused. "By your own words your town and sherriff and his troops are unable to kill this creature and you withheld important information we would have needed to kill the animal. You put our lives in even more danger because of this and now you threaten to drop the price yet again?"

(use diplomacy) "We can bargain with each other fairly, I think, if we stop taking each other for granted. You are not foolish. Neither are we. We want to rid you of your problem as much as you would be rid of it. In all fairness, the price should stand at its original offer of 1,000 gold pieces each. Give us half now, the remainder when we return with the dead weretiger."

She paused and held out her hand. "Do we have an accord?"

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:44 pm
by Nathan
The mayor looks even more angry.

"I Have no idea what the hell you are talking about! What, pray tell, is a weretiger?

Here's the situation as I see it: My town is being attacked by a tiger, I've sent out a call for adventurers, and when they've arrived I've offered them 1,000 Gold Pieces per head to kill the tiger for me, after my own law enforcement officials have been unable to deal with it.

First you say that 1,000 gold per head is too much for killing a tiger, so I offer to lower the pay.

Next, you lie to me in an attempt to have me increase the pay over what I originally offered.

Now you accuse me of lying about the tiger attacks, claiming that you, who have never been here before, and have never seen the tiger, know that it is not in fact a tiger, and is a weretiger, whatever the hell a weretiger is.

You can take my offer of 800 gold pieces to kill the tiger, or you can leave right now and never come back.

For a monk, you show a surprising lack of respect for law and authority!

Talk amongst yourselves outside and then come back inside once you've made your decision. Leave the monk outside when you return, I do not want to see her face again."


The mayor shoos you all out of the room.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:48 am
by Brother Charn
Brother Charn makes certain the office door is shut and the assistant is gone before he says, voice lowered, "By the Light! This mayor be near the end of his wits and patience. Let us not upset him further..."

"I have never seen a tiger - and I be baffled at what you name a - where-tiger? - Lady Irian... but no matter. A beast that has killed so many village folk must be slain! Once an animal tastes the blood of man, it chooses no other, I fear."

"If this creature be drawn out by the waxen moon, then we have time to lay plans and mayhap set a snare - if the mayor not be done with us, that is" Charn throws a meaningful glance square at Caamora. Clearing his voice, he looks to the others.

"What say the rest of you?"

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:34 am
by Xavier
Xavier shrugged. "The gods know my money pouch is empty enough. I'm not sure I trust the mayor...he's too quick to anger. And I don't care what he says, an offer like that is suspicious. But, nothing ventured nothing gained. I agree with Brother Charn."

He paused for a moment, lost in thought.

"Indeed, his idea is a good one. My suggestion is that we did a pit-trap, put the elf-maid on a platform in the centre as bait, wait for it to fall in, and then fill it with arrows." He grinned.

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:58 am
by Irian
Clearly agitated, Irian continued to pace.

"Yes, Tethil needs to be freed of this threat. But, it won't be a matter of laying a simple trap. Especially one using a comrade as bait." ...glaring at Xavier, and wondering what she or Caamora did to deserve such a suggestion... "A weretiger is a shape-shifter, between a humanoid and a tiger. It could be anyone, and most likely knows it is being hunted.

"However, my understanding is the animal form is mostly attained on the full moon. That is all I know; I do not know if there is a way to detect a lycanthrope in humanoid form.

"The only one we know of who has returned from seeing this lycanthrope, this shape-shfting tiger, is the sheriff. I wonder..."

*shakes head*

"I am seeing enemies where there probably aren't any. If we agree to hunt down the were-tiger, we would best begin by trying to talk with the sheriff.

"How does everyone else feel about this challenge? And what happened after I left? You all took long enough...

"The mayor became angry?"

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:24 pm
by Xavier
"I asked him what the catch was for the high price. Immediately angry, he lowered his offer to 800 gold each. Then the monk tried to flirt with him to beat the price back up again...even more angry...he basically told us to accept or get out of here, in so many words."

He looked thoughtful..."and now it looks like there is a catch indeed, whether he knew it, or as he claims, he did not."

He shook his head. "So, don't think putting you out as bait will work? Ah well," he sighed, "back to the drawingboard."

"And I agree...a chat to the sherrif is definitely in order. We shall have to pay close attention to him. And the mayor...I trust him even less...if he's not the shape-changer, he may know who is..."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:02 pm
by Irian
Looking Xavier directly in the eye, Irian asked, "So, before your spectacular show of gymnastic feats, did you hear anything of interest you care to share? If the mayor is not trustworthy, it may behoove us all to know what was said before he met us."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:18 pm
by caamora
Caamora addressed Brother Charn. "I would not worry too much about angering the mayor. He was angry long before I ever spoke up. No one else has volunteered for this mission. We are all he has. His own men cannot accomplish this task. He is lying and he is trying to cheat us out of a fair wage. It would seem to me that would anger you."

"You are all aware that I do not trust the mayor. His immediate drop in price sent up huge red flags to me. I would not be surprised if he did not pay us the promised price when we succeed in this mission. He is too quick to anger. Do not be surprised if he does not pay his promised price."

Caamora shook her head. "But, I will not aggravate the situation further. I will hold my tongue with the mayor and provoke him no further."

"I trust Irian's perception of the creature," she turned to Xavier.

Then she stopped, just realizing something. "But, just which elf-maid were you thinking of using as bait, Xavier?" Her tone was very challenging.

"No matter. Since I am most likely the best suited physically," she looked Xavier up and down, "I am the most likely to escape and survive such an attack."

She paused, thinking of the possibilities. "I agree that we should talk to the sherriff and see what traps he has laid. It may give us an indication of the intelligence of the creature we will be facing and if we need to devise a different trap."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 4:56 pm
by Vargon
Vargon seemed a little bit confused abut the situation.

He scrateched his head while he was tinking...

"We have to catch the beast. No more innoncents must die!
Irian, please tell us all you know about the weretiger, expecially if you know weak points. We may need some special gear to face the monstrosity. You said it changes during the full moon, so if we perform good investigation, we may be able to catch it before the transformation."

He took a pause then he spoke again

"The sheriff is a good one to start. We must talk with him as soon as possible after we had accepted the mission. I don't care about the money if some innocents lives are in danger."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:07 pm
by Xavier
Replying to Irian, Xavier shook his head. "Unfortunately, all I heard was the mayor telling his assistant to let us in."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:22 pm
by caamora
Listening to Vargon, Caamora had a thought.

"We could capture the beast and then demand our money. That way, at least, we know we will be paid. If the mayor refuses to pay us or pays us less than the agreed upon amount, we could always release the tiger back into the town."

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:43 pm
by Vargon
Vargon shook his head "It is a horrible blackmail! How can you think only for a moment to release the beast?"

He looked to the eyes of Caamora

"I'm agree to this plan only if you will lie and you will swear to me that you never free the beast if you will not be payed!"

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:06 pm
by caamora
Calmly, Caamora countered, "Blackmail? Perhaps I spoke too strongly,Vargon. No, not blackmail. I have no intention of saying to the mayor, 'pay us or we will release the beast into your town.' I simply meant that we have an insurance policy available to us should we have need of it. It is just a thought for the group to keep in mind."