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Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:57 pm
by Nathan
"I'd have to add the spikes to your armour separately, which would cost 50gp and would take me a day.

I'll buy your shield off you for 3 gold and 5 silver."

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:20 pm
by Nathan
Caamora hands over her kama and asks the Blacksmith to imbue it with alchemical silver. He adds it to his list and says he'll have the lot done before moonrise (except the separate things people have requested, which will take as long as he said they would.

[Caamora didn't ask me to do this, but I assume she would have if she'd been around, and I want to keep this moving. We can always change it retroactively if she didn't want it.

Does anyone want to do anything while you wait for the blacksmith to finish silvering your stuff up. Now would be the time to do anything in town which you need to do, or speak to anyone you need to speak to. Also, time to further discuss your tiger plans]

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:37 pm
by Vargon

Vargon was waiting on the entrance of the smith shop for his new equipment.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:41 pm
by Irian
[ooc]I am about to go offline while we attempt to install the DSL on Beorn's birthday laptop. I'll be back ASAP, I hope[/ooc]

Irian makes inquiries as she can to find any one in Tethil who may have further knowledge of lycanthropes. If successful, she attempts to learn all she can from them. She also picks a spot to set up with the party whatever they intend to do at moonrise, making sure the location of the rooftop where she will place herself is well within firing range of her crossbow.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:13 pm
by Xavier
While waiting for the smith, Xavier scouts the town, looking for a likely place to wait for the tiger, which has all the required characteristics...rooftops for the archers, an open area in which to engage the tiger, a crate beneath which Vargon can hide, and a doorway to conceal Brother Charn.

Once the location is chosen, he will attempt to block as many access routes as possible with his caltrops, then position himself within range, with a good view of the open area.

Before he sets out to look, he reminds Irian that when the time comes, they are not to loose until the tiger is fully focused on the monk and will be unaware of the direction of their attack.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:54 pm
by Nathan
The only such place is the town square. It's a large open space, about 100ft across. There are 4 entrances, one on each side, with a few little alleyways as well.

There aren't any crates in the square, but you can easily find one somewhere else.


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:13 pm
by Irian
Looking over the square, Irian asks the rogue, "Neither of our bows have the range to cover the entire square. Shall we choose adjacent rooftops in a corner, and have Caamora, Vargon, and Charn attempt to keep the tiger within a certain distance from us?

"I am beginning to think being on a rooftop will limit our targeting opportunities..."

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:14 pm
by Nathan
[You'll also need some way of climbing up onto the rooftop. A ladder, a rope, something like that. Unless you want to scale the face of the building barehanded.]

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:23 pm
by Xavier
As he had suspected, it would have to be the square. Nowhere else provided the space they would need to both attack, and potentially, escape if things went bad.

And the width of the roads made his idea with the caltrops untenable. Although he could buy more, it would take the smith too long to work his magic on them.

They would have to count on the bait.

He shook his head. The Elven monk was brave alright. It took a special kind of guts to stand in the open pretending nothing horrible could happen.

They would just have to make sure it didn't.

After a moment's thought, he headed toward the inn to see if he could beg an empty crate that Vargon would fit in.

The north-east corner of the square looked best for what he had in mind. A doorway for the Cleric to hide in, and another for the monk to flee through if necessary. He and the magic-user on the northern and western buildings, according to her preference, and the range of her weapon.

Now to arrange for that crate. And perhaps ask the mayor if he would announce to the townsfolk that staying indoors tonight would be wise.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:47 pm
by Xavier
Returning from the mayor, he caught Irian's question and explained his thoughts...

"I should take the western building...I can range the length of the, northern building, some 60 feet. We put the crate and Caamora only 10 or 15 feet from the northern building, and 25 from the western.

The monk hides behind the door of the northern building in it's centre, and if necessary, Caamora can duck through the door in the western.

The mayor has assured me that the buildings will be empty, and the townspeople evacuated tonight.

I have a rope we can use to climb the buildings.

Now we need that crate.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:49 pm
by Nathan
[you have a rope, but do you have a grappling hook?

The range mentioned in the weapon's description refers to the range at which you can fire without a penalty. You can actually fire up to 10 times that distance, but for each multiple of your range increment you get a edit: correction: -2 to your attack roll.]

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:58 pm
by Xavier
Returning to the square from the inn where he had begged a crate, Xavier placed it in the corner of the square, and then turned to the wall.

Speaking over his shoulder to Irian, he said, "I'll climb up and tie the rope to something for you. That'll make it that much easier for you to climb."

Squaring off, he looked for a line of likely seeming hand and footholds up the face of the wall.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:59 pm
by Nathan
Xavier scales the wall like a spider. None of you have ever seen such a display of climbing skill!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:12 pm
by Xavier
Once on top of the northern bulding, Xavier casts around, and then ties off his rope to a stout merlon that forms part of the wall.

He lowers the rope to the ground, then slides down it, landing at the feet of the elf again.

"There you go," he said. "Tonight we can climb the wall using the rope, then I'll just step over to the western building to take my position."

He looked around...Can anybody think of anything else we need to do before we collect our weapons?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:24 pm
by Irian
Irian watched the rogue wander off. She wandered about the square, pacing off distances from her intended battle location and making note of landmarks so she can quickly judge distances during the heat of battle.

Upon his return and display of climbing skill, Irian began to feel a bit more confident in what they proposed to do. She waited for the rope to be secured and tossed down, and watched the rogue slide back down. Turning to the rogue, she nodded respectfully towards him. "Let me climb up and scout out targeting positions." And she clambered up the rope. She wanted to see what view of the landmarks she had noted her location gave her.

"A good choice. I can range accurately 75 feet from here with my crossbow...," she called down to him, then slid back down herself.

"I think I will try talking to Roger, the apothecary again. See if he has recalled any more information from his mentor who had an interest in lycanthropes. And also see how the sheriff is doing..."

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:49 am
by Vargon
"Very wll my friends... all seems to be ready for the night... we only have to wait for our smith to do his work and pray Pelor to bless us all..."

He muttered.