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Nationstates - Nation History

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:32 am
by Illume Eltanin
In NationStates2 we have the option of composing a Nation History. It has already been noted that we of The Illumined are an arrogant bunch. Here is our posted history to suit.
The History of The Illumined

The old ones tell of the lost heart of the land, a nearly inaccessible place, lost under a canopy of forest. A dragon circling far overhead would notice only a few lumps here and there breaking up the otherwise pristine geography. The secrets concealed there hold the key to understanding the entire vanished world of the elder brothers, of which only a few whispered stories and fragmentary texts remain. Every now and then an artifact pops up, speaking of a time of ease and sophistication, far beyond the mundane workings of the modern world. Solitary hunters often tell of fleeting specters in the deepest reaches of the unexplored hinterland. The consensus among The Illumined’s scholars is that, while certainly of noble origin, all these mysteries are little more than fireside tales to frighten children, not evidence of an heroic age.

Our oldest written records suggest that we are not indigenous to this land, but were once refugees from some great calamity. Though the greatest of our ancestors must surely have perished in those early days, enough of the old blood remains to insure both to gift our people with extraordinary vitality and to curse us all too often with arrogance. Circumstances demanded that we listen to the earth and learn from one another. Thus we have survived, and have founded our simple way of life. Now that we have learned again to wrest the secrets from Nature, we shall not repeat the mistakes of our forebears and succumb to internal strife.

Our council seeks always the Truth, that our Visionary may act for the benefit of All. We build a world of Light, where everyone can perfect their Will and Freedom.

!!!Lux et Veritas!!!

Once we were like straw in the breeze. We rose quickly, bedecked with dew, in the sparkling spring sun. Bowing to the storm, we endured for but a season, and the harvest of our souls thatched the roofs of our grandchildren. Uncounted generations lay as chaff on the threshing floor, but the silos of our heritage were filled.

Then the hand of time turned to lathe and loom, and we gazed upon the forests. The towering timbers marched from the glade to stand sentinel in festive halls, or to form new thickets of masts in gentle harbours. The wind in the leaves turned to the sound of saws and the ring of hammers. The sinews of our cities were strong.

Now at last, the deeper order of things is made known to us. Light itself dances to our tune as we graft our world on to the bones of the earth. As far as we have fallen, we have climbed again, and yet again still further shall we climb.

Illume Eltanin
Visionary of The Illumined
