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Pantheon - The Third Age - The Hallowed Dome of Pelendra

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:25 pm
by Xar
In Pelendra, the Soaring City, a great dome exists where priests of different gods may meet on neutral ground. By city law, physical and magical violence are forbidden, and so priests argue on, or discuss matters on behalf of their gods. Sometimes, priests may even disagree with their gods, or form friendships with the acolytes of a deity their own god hates. This doesn't last long, perhaps - the "hall of blackened ashes" is a testament to what happens when a god finds out his priest is consorting with the enemy - yet it may happen...

This is a purely roleplaying thread where you may interpret a priest of your deity, interacting with the other priests in a neutral environment. Sometimes mortals tend to do the opposite of what you want... well, here's the chance to get into the mind of one of these mortals, and see what he or she does when interacting with other mortal representatives of other deities. The results may even surprise you!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:20 am
by Parrya

All alone? Just the way I like it.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:05 am
by Cobalt
:edit out:

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:50 pm
by Evelina Thankful
Not alone anymore, Parrya.

Let me introduce myself. I am Evelina, Earth Venerant of the goddess Calais.

It seems we could use this opportunity to develop a council of lords, as it were. A governing body of Eiran made up of the priests and priestesses of the different gods of Eiran. We could pass laws, develop trade agreements, oversee treaties, etc.


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:28 pm
by Parrya
It seems we could use this opportunity to develop a council of lords, as it were. A governing body of Eiran made up of the priests and priestesses of the different gods of Eiran. We could pass laws, develop trade agreements, oversee treaties, etc.

My thoughts?

*emits loud, long, and extremely noisome stream of flatulence*

Yes, that sums up my thoughts on the matter.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:49 pm
by Evelina Thankful
*emits loud, long, and extremely noisome stream of flatulence*
*clears throat*

Well, with that kind of response, I see why you are often alone.

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:56 pm
by Parrya
Aye, and yet.....

...despite being alone, mayhap I understand matters better than certain others! (and will you ever put some clothes on! If I followed your example, Pelendra would be deserted! Mmmmm, you might have given me an idea there.)

What possesses you.. why do you think...

AH! I understand now! You must be the priestess of Mox!

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:44 am
by Evelina Thankful
AH! I understand now! You must be the priestess of Mox!
Not only do you smell but you also do not listen. I am certain, however, that a priestess of Mox would be much more entertaining than you.

If my beauty offends you then look elsewhere. But I can easily assume that you are embarrassed by your own appearance hence, the red cloak that covers you from head to wrist to toe. Your god must like ugly followers. But be not afraid, I promise I won't shriek in terror if you remove your garmet. I would probably be too busy laughing.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:43 am
by Aisha
Hello, everyone. Zephyr sends his greetings. I hope this place, and our interactions here, prove profitable.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:59 am
by Cobalt
Greetings Acer. Evelina and Parrya, also.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:08 am
by Starfall
The shaman looked up from her corner, where she sat silently on her cloak. Her pale skin contrasting sharply with her raven hair, she assessed the newcomers quickly then nimbly rose to her feet. Stepping lightly, so in her flowing robes she appeared to glide across the floor, she bowed slightly to the assembled group, holding hands open in front of her, as a golden ball of Light hovered slightly above them, gently illuminating her face. "Be welcome to Pelendra. I am Starfall, a masterharper from the Temple of Seawind on Zevente. The Lady Evelina spoke wisely," a small smile in the Venerant's direction, "and I look forward to beginning discussions with all of you."

Stepping aside to avoid a physical response of any nature, she says in an undertone to Parrya, "Keep in mind who the former Lady of the Anvil followed into the Sunrise Court. If you so choose to venerate Brid, I expect no less respectful treatment from you."


Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:10 pm
by Parrya
Cloak on?

Or..... *takes cloak off*

Link To Image

[Image was too big...I hate side-scrolling. -A]

Brid teaches us to glory in our uniqueness, yet should the good citizens of Pelendra be subjected to this?

The priests in this hall may be made of sterner stuff, but what meaningful discussion could we have between the gagging and vomiting?

*puts cloak back on*

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:56 pm
by Starfall
Eyes widening only slightly at Parrya's "display," Starfall catches the eyes of Evelina and bursts out laughing.

Slowly gaining control of herself as she wipes away tears of laughter, the shaman looks at the red cloaked figure and bows to him. "Point taken, Parrya. Point very well taken," she manages to emit inbetween a few more bursts of laughter.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:48 pm
by Evelina Thankful
LOL!!!!!!!! :haha:

I love it!!! You DO have a sense of humor, Parrya! Oh, I think we will get along famously!! Seems that Mox has touched our group already for I will think on that and laugh hysterically! LOL!!!!

You are not as heinous as I would have guessed. But, I still think my lace is enough to cover me and I'm not so hairy as to make people vomit. You, on the other hand...... heheheheh.

I thank you, Starfall, for your support of my suggestion. We will await others to arrive before we can begin.

Unless you have other suggestions?

By the way, welcome, Acer and Rung Rawa.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:29 am
by Tireela
Greating from the Priestess of Life! I come here looking for ... a black bird ... I seem to hunger for its taste! Have any seen black ravens here?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:47 am
by Aisha
A very interesting pantheon we serve, eh? O-gon-cho's only act of Healing I have heard of is its removal from uKulwa's followers. Life's Prophet carries an impressive-looking sword, and kills - of all things - sentinel ravens! And Zephyr has all but obliterated the Jungles of Malyth. Yes, very interesting.

In any event, no, Tireela, I have not seen any ravens since arriving on Pelendra. But I have seldom looked away from Evelina's breasts since I arrived, so I'm not a particularly reliable source of information on anything else.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:07 pm
by Starfall
Acer wrote:A very interesting pantheon we serve, eh? O-gon-cho's only act of Healing I have heard of is its removal from uKulwa's followers.
The masterharper's head jerks up at this comment of Acer's. "Be wary of where you cast aspersions, good sir. The Lady of Healing has claimed no responsibility for the affliction affecting the followers of uKulwa, to my knowledge."

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:38 pm
by Tireela
Acer wrote:A very interesting pantheon we serve, eh? ... Life's Prophet carries an impressive-looking sword, and kills - of all things - sentinel ravens! And Zephyr has all but obliterated the Jungles of Malyth. Yes, very interesting.

In any event, no, Tireela, I have not seen any ravens since arriving on Pelendra. But I have seldom looked away from Evelina's breasts since I arrived, so I'm not a particularly reliable source of information on anything else.
My Lord's gift of Life has been well shared. Prophets and followers of all have been restored by his generousity. Even those of other dieties and courts!! Nonetheless, he has been attacked and his own Prophet destroyed. Little wonder then that I must be prepared to Protect myself and my followers!

As to the bird, *chuckles* I deemed it unworthy of the gift of Life ... and so the gift was removed. As should it be from all who show themselves unworthy.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:53 pm
by Isazi
"I am Isazi, sage, and priest of uKulwa, the Red God, Lord of War.

I will not deign to answer Starfall's comment...all know her words for dissembling." He shrugged his red-robed shoulders.

"But any other may speak to me, and know that it is as though my God listens, and that when I speak, it is with the words of my God. I am his mortal agent in this godless place."

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:18 pm
by Starfall
Isazi wrote:"I am Isazi, sage, and priest of uKulwa, the Red God, Lord of War.

I will not deign to answer Starfall's comment...all know her words for dissembling."
*raised brow with snapping eyes*

"I would hear what may be known of me, good sir. For I claim to represent The Lady's people, and speak not for Light herself. Only The Dragon has done so, as it should be."