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Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:36 pm
by Led Pighp
Led sees the lights on the wall, and notices that Laurel does not.

"Cerana, you're not my diety to call, so please excuse my boldness. But one of your own will experience something very unpleasant if these bracers don't protect me."

Led moves between Laurel and the glow on the wall, holding his bracer clad arms crossed in front of his chest and bracing for the impact of whatever is about to come through.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:41 pm
by Seven Words
an arc of electricity lashes out from where it had gathered, unnoticed save by the was aimed at the young human, but has been intercepted. Sadly, the bracers do not suffice to ward him from the energy, but his determination and toughness allow him to endure the blast (Fort save made, 8 points )

Uninterrupted, the final chorus works as intended, cutting off the opening bars of the translocation unsong mid-note....

silence and darkness descend, save for the faint crackling of residual electricity upon Led.

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:53 pm
by Usivius
Beauregard's eyes bulge at what occured! Intelligence recognizing what the bard was attempting to do! he muses ...
Led's bravery is inspiring. Although Beauregard is silent, he looks upon the scene with rapt interest, forming an idea, which until recently, he would never have even concidered....

"Are you OK, Led," he inquires.
"What now?"

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:00 pm
by Laurel
The bard, lost in her singing and playing, is taken aback when the shifter suddenly lurches from the impact of the energy. He seems weakened, and dropping the sheets with the unsong written upon it, she reaches out with her free hand, the other hand grasping her harp.

"What was that?" she asks, as she steadies the scribe. "Are you alright?" she echoes Beauregard...

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:10 pm
by Seven Words
Jauron Swiftstar says, "Now, I believe, with disaster averted " bowing to Laurel and Led, "we proceed to Waymeet, and rouse some kind of answer to this. I have birds who will carry word to my kin" again he gestures at his ears

Marrik nods, and again repeats his intent to call all the forces Missaryi's church can bring to bear, even as Darak pledges dwarven troops to cut down the orcs. The Shield will bring Valkhan's clergy to the battle.

SKyseeker says, "Jauron, please include word of me in your missives. I intend to hew to these folk" she gestures at Marrik, Led, Laurel, and Beauregard, "for it seems the gods walk with them"..she then looks over hesitantly at those whom she gestured at"..if my company is desired?"

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:13 pm
by Led Pighp
Led winces as he says, "If that blast is all that's coming through... I'm just fine. Did you stop it?"

"How long will it stay asleep?"

"By the way, Cerana is a bitch. Don't tell her I said that, though. But... ouch."

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:15 pm
by Usivius
Beauregard gives a hearty chuckle. It is soon taken over by his hacking cough. He excuses himself and boldly answering for those present, says, "By all means! You company is desired."

Then, after a brief pause, where Beauregard seems to be mulling something, he then speaks to the group.
"It has been discussed that it may be desireable to have someone here to keep an eye on things. Is this still desired. For if so,"<swallow>"I can volunteer for that. I am quite good at not being seen.
"Unless, of course, there is no need now, and we are merely returning to the city to report..."


Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:21 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus nods. "I would like to continue this group as well. We appear to work well together.

"If that song just now truly did shut down the Web, I would advise going back to Waymeet to try to encourage Sir Pval to send troops. I believe that I could help with that."

Upon hearing Beau's offer, Vynarkus shows a reluctant grin. "It seems that we all think that there should be a watch left here, and that we each believe ourselves to be the best suited for it. It also seems that we all really dislike the idea of staying, so, unless it seems truly necessary to set a watch, I think we should try to simply trust in the shut-down song and all go to try to gather people who can truly do something here.

"After all, I highly doubt any of us could survive on our own against any demon even long enough to send warning or flee."

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:00 pm
by Led Pighp
Led opens his mouth, as if to say something while glaring at Skyseeker. He pauses, glances at Laurel, shakes his head and then looks around at the rest of the party.

"Friend Vynarkus, I believe you are right. I've known you all for only a couple days now. But already I trust you more than some in my own family. You have all risked your lives on my behalf, before even knowing my name. We should keep this group together for the moment, the better to stop whatever forces of chaos are rising against the world."

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:09 pm
by Led Pighp
Walking to Jauron, Led continues. "Sir Swiftstar, at the risk of sounding crass, which of the horses here are in search of a new rider? My Heshic blood is calling out for a horse's height and a horse's swiftness. And the days ahead may call for some urgent riding to and fro for us."

"In fact... would it be better for some few of us to ride ahead to this Sir Pavl, to quicker get the word out? It would mean leaving these former prisoners less guarded, though these dead orcs were the major danger around here. The risk might be worth it."

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:41 pm
by Seven Words
Jauron replies, "There are but two horses left, all the rest were needed to pull the wagons. The caravans remnants have an hour and more lead on us. I propose we make some of those Heshic things and set a relay up. I have heard how far they carry, out on the plains, but knew not their making. We set out, establishing the relay. When the caravan reaches the farthest limit of the relay's effectiveness, we signal back, and everyone then comes together, that we might protect their trail, as the threat posed would be from this place's denizens, who would be approaching from this direction. We would be a rear guard, a half-day or more behind, once the relay is brought together. Should something come through before then, we'll have warning."

Darak thinks on this.....

The Shield agrees, "it is our duty to place ourselves between such dangers as we may and those who cannot stand"

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:04 pm
by Laurel
Having been involved in composing the Unsong of Sleep and then performing it, the bard had not even noticed the caravan had pulled out. She glanced towards the corral where the horses had been kept, holding her breath as she looked to see if the flaxen chestnut was still there.

"Master Swiftstar, I am a simple farm girl from a Ree in the far south of the Darelline Confederacy. We had horses, so while I did not grow up a-horseback like our scribe, I can usually stay aback one.

"If there is no one more suitable, I would like a horse as well.
...although I do have my pony, should there be someone more deserving of one..."

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:29 am
by Seven Words
Jauron shrugs, "If you wish it, fine. My own skills a-horse are nonexistent...I barely manage to stay on, in all truth."

The Shield shrugs. "It matters not to me".

Marrik demurs with a gesture, and Darak with a sardonic pointed look, emphasizing the size issue.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:05 am
by Laurel
Her eyes starting to light up with pleasure, Laurel looks towards Vynarkus, Led, and Skyseeker. Led she knew wanted a horse, and he did ask first. She only hoped he was drawn to the other in the corral, than the mare she desired.

She assumed, that like Darak, Beauregard would pass on a horse. Although if he ever needed or wished to ride Hardy, she saw no problems with that.

So now she awaited the answer of the elf and the warlock...

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:19 am
by Led Pighp
Led goes into the corral, and looks at the two remaining horses. One is the mare that he'd noticed Laurel staring at, and the other is a young gelding. He could see hints of a Heshic runner in its ancestry, but it looks like it had been bread to carry a bit more weight. Perhaps meant for armored men.

He inspects them both, the brushes and saddles them, getting them ready to move. At the end, he leads them over to Laurel. Dropping the mare's reins, he holds out both hands, fingers clasped, to help her mount. "Your steed awaits, lady songstress. Take good care of her, and she'll be your best friend in times of crisis."

"Just don't let Hardy get jealous that you've tossed him aside. Perhaps Beauregard could use a ride upon his sturdy shoulders."

That all said, he swings onto the gelding's back for the first time. You can see him shift around a bit in the saddle, then close his eyes and sigh a happy smile. He starts by riding him in circles for a few minutes, making tighter and tighter turns, then back and forth in quick jigs. Finally, he ties the reins loosly around the saddle horn, and tries to guide the horse just with his knees. The horse doesn't seem to understand this part, so Led tries using just one hand on the reins.

Satisfied, he rides over to Marrik, who is standing near the pile of corpses from yesterday's fighting. "My Lord Marrik. Two favors I would ask of you, before we begin this trip. First, heal me of the damage done by the lightning spell earlier. I find burns to be worse to bear than simple bites or stabs. Second, hand me up yon halberd that human used against me. I'd rather have the axe you carry, but I'd more rather that you keep it and use it against my enemies. These two weapons are the only ones to cut me near unto death. That is not a thing I soon wish to forget, so I would like to keep them. If we stay together as a group, seeing that axe in your possession will keep it always in my eyes. So, I shall carry the halberd myself."

"And Milord Swiftstar, what has become of all the stolen bounty from the Orc's camp? Was it loaded on the wagons with your own remaining goods from your caravan? Of course, we make no claim to what is yours, nor to what belonged to those prisoners we freed. But anything else, according to the laws of salvage, is ours for the keeping. If there's such an epic battle to befall us, we'll all need to acquire better equipment, and horses for each of us to ride. But more importantly, there are many people in that group who have nothing left at all. They shall return to their families with enough to ease their suffering upon return. I'm sure many had their fortunes set on their caravans' safe return, many wives and daughters with no father to feed them."

"And I personally have stared death in the face enough in the last few days, I will be needing a few more draughts of old Stronginthearm's Bitter Dwarf Stout than are strictly healthy for a boy my age. My new friend Darak can hopefully make sure that I'm given the stuff the Dwarves are proud of, not what they normally let the humans have. And I will sample this fine brew until I sample my own vomit. Because even vomiting from too much stout means you're still alive, and that fact is worth celebrating over and over again."

"And before that, or perhaps during and after that as well," he pauses to glance at Laurel, "I'll give myself other ways to remember how great it is to be alive."

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:46 am
by Led Pighp
Laurel wrote:She then walks over to Led, whose Watch would have ended while she sang, and offers him a share of her rations. "Did you find any words tonight to record how bravely you fought today? What I was able to see from the rooftop...does it pain you to transform in such a way?"
"It doesn't pain me to make the change. In fact... I become briefly tougher, and my skin thickens quite a bit. Tougher than most armor. It's actually quite intoxicating a feeling. Too bad I can stay that way only a minute at a time, and maybe thrice per day. It's enough to very quickly fight for my life, but otherwise leave me this quiet and unimposing scribe of Serloth. I think if I'm to be proud of things that I've done, it should be the things that matter in the world. Even from the last few days, what I'll tell my children and their children of these times will be that we rescued many worth men and saved them from being sacrificed to some evil diety. There was no pride in having run my claws through the chest of a kobold and killed him without so much as a squawk on his part."
Laurel wrote:Making her way out of the building and over to Hardy, the bard removes her bedroll and Led's satchel from the pony's saddle bags and then removes her small harp. Offering the satchel to the scribe in case he wished to journal some events of the day,
"I thank you for these. I was too focused on the dangers at hand to really give the detail to my writings that I need. But be assured that when we stop for camp, I'll spend some time putting it all down to paper, before the images grow dim with age. I did spend some time right after the fight, in sketching the faces of the dead here, including the orc axeman and shaman... probably the Korrg named by the disembodied voice from the other side. But, I don't like letting this bag out of my sight, so it's very nice to have it again. My whole livelyhood is in here."

"So, tell me about your Ree to the south? Any stories there we should know about? Will there be a jilted lordling and a band of troups showing up in Waymeet soon, with stories of being left at the alter by his farm lass, who snuck away with one of the minstrels instead and learned his trade. But the fiancée is still searching for his bride-to-be, too lovestruck to leave her be."

"Oh, 'tis a sad tale indeed," he joked. With a big smirk on his face.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:42 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus looks over at the two getting horses and shrugs. "As long as you don't go too fast for those of us who have to walk to keep up, its fine.

"And, yes, Led, I'm sure that there are people who need the money. But so do we, and we earned it."

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:09 pm
by Laurel
Led Pighp wrote:Led goes into the corral, and looks at the two remaining horses. One is the mare that he'd noticed Laurel staring at, and the other is a young gelding. He could see hints of a Heshic runner in its ancestry, but it looks like it had been bread to carry a bit more weight. Perhaps meant for armored men.

He inspects them both, the brushes and saddles them, getting them ready to move. At the end, he leads them over to Laurel. Dropping the mare's reins, he holds out both hands, fingers clasped, to help her mount. "Your steed awaits, lady songstress. Take good care of her, and she'll be your best friend in times of crisis."
Laurel looks at the scribe with something akin to awe in her eyes. First, he puts his own safety in jeopardy to block a fairly obvious attack aimed at her which she was totally oblivious of; and now, somehow, he knew her current desire and presented it to her. Stepping lightly into his clasped hands, she accepts the boost up and settles in the saddle. She sets the mare to a quick walk around the corral, eventually coaxing her into a brisk trot, Laurel slightly bouncing in the saddle. After a few rounds, she returns where Led stands watching, a radiant smile shining forth as she turns her face towards his.
Led Pighp wrote:"Just don't let Hardy get jealous that you've tossed him aside."
The bard shakes her head slowly. "Hardy was my "coming of age gift" from my parents. He will remain by my side always."
Led Pighp wrote:"Perhaps Beauregard could use a ride upon his sturdy shoulders."
"Gladly and at anytime. It would involve redoing his saddlebags, but once we arrive in Waymeet, I shall visit the market and see what can be found to enable both carrying supplies and finding a way for Beauregard to ride when and if he desires."
Led Pighp wrote:That all said, he swings onto the gelding's back for the first time. You can see him shift around a bit in the saddle, then close his eyes and sigh a happy smile. He starts by riding him in circles for a few minutes, making tighter and tighter turns, then back and forth in quick jigs. Finally, he ties the reins loosly around the saddle horn, and tries to guide the horse just with his knees. The horse doesn't seem to understand this part, so Led tries using just one hand on the reins.
The bard watches these exercises, the awe in her eyes becoming more apparent as her own horsemanship is put to shame. Turning her gaze away lest she embarrass herself, she walks the mare over to where Hardy patiently waits, contentedly grazing. I must ask Master Swiftstar this beauty's name, she thinks to herself, as they pull up next to the dependable pack pony. Hardy raises his head and whinnies softly, lifting his nose in search of a carrot or sugar cube from Laurel's pockets. The bard chuckles softly and tells him, "No, I have none at the moment. But we are returning to Waymeet. I will find you and this flaxen creature something to reward you once I can get to market."

Grabbing Hardy's reins, she practices walking the mare while having Hardy follow with his reins tied to her saddle horn. Satisfied, she turns back towards the group, but in her occupation, she had missed out on hearing Led's words...
Led Pighp wrote:"And before that, or perhaps during and after that as well," he pauses to glance at Laurel, "I'll give myself other ways to remember how great it is to be alive."
...but does hear him talk about the transformation and thank her for returning his satchel. Then blushes as he says...
Led Pighp wrote:"So, tell me about your Ree to the south? Any stories there we should know about? Will there be a jilted lordling and a band of troups showing up in Waymeet soon, with stories of being left at the alter by his farm lass, who snuck away with one of the minstrels instead and learned his trade. But the fiancée is still searching for his bride-to-be, too lovestruck to leave her be."

"Oh, 'tis a sad tale indeed," he joked. With a big smirk on his face.
Ducking her head she replies softly. "No. There is no one. Other than chores around our farm, I had my head buried in scrolls. The Ree I am from is fairly egalitarian regarding learning and positions in government, but my own family wished to keep me more to the "womanly" roles of house and home, and sought out suitors with the same mindset. I am of a different temperament than that, and wish to learn and see more of the world first. So, one night I loaded up some supplies on Hardy and made my way north to Waymeet, in search of song and tales."


"I was not pursued in any way...."

Then hearing Vynarkus' comment about them riding ahead, the bard turns puzzled eyes in his direction from her saddle. "Would not getting word to Sir Pval about these ruins and have him already begin to assemble troops, should he be convinced to do so, before the caravan arrives be the most efficient method of continuing, as Led suggested?" Laurel turns to Skyseeker, "I would suggest you ride with one of us, to tell the history of this place to the mayor of Waymeet. Yet I fear being who you are," and she stops, face flushing in shame at the attitude of some fellow members of her race.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:30 pm
by Vynarkus
Vynarkus glances up at the bard. "Yes, it would, but I am hesitant about splitting our party. It seems to me that the two of you alone may not be able to face any threats you might meet."

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:12 pm
by Led Pighp
Led considers what was said. "Waymeet is a day and a half's march from here. Given that some of these men are worn down by some time in captivity, maybe it would take us two days to get there. Ahorse, a man could make that trip in well less than a day."

"Sir Swiftstar, Honored Shield... you seem to know Sir Pavl better than we. Would he be more likely to act on our news if it's presented by one or two of us who went ahead by horse, or if the whole troup of us show up at his door together? My thinking is that Lord Marrik and the Shield, as members of their church, and being of a race most pleasing to his human-centric eyes, would be beyond doubt. Perhaps if they alone took the horses ahead to get the word to him, it would speed his response."

"It would leave the lovely Laurel as our only source of magical healing, but I suspect that there are few threats in this area that the Orcs haven't already smashed. The rest of us should be fine to limp along in your wake. But the faster Sir Pavl and the rest of the authorities get wind of what's happening, the better. I think this is now bigger than just a band of freed prisoners."