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New people read this first-How the Dissection works

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:05 pm
by danlo
We've been doing this for so long that sometimes we take for granted the fact that an eager new member may pop into a dissection without knowing what the ground rules are. We don't really like ground rules, but some of this stuff needs to be spelled out.

A book dissection is not like an open forum where we can talk about whatever we want in hindsight-for example: The Last Chronicles forum-it's a little more like the Chronicles 1 & 2 forum where you need to use spoilers if you allude to something that happens in the Last Chronicles.

Basically we (each chapter's dissectors) are concentrating on the particular chapter at hand as if we and you (the viewer, and or contributor) are reading it for the first time, so it's very important not to spoil ahead. If you feel the need to show how an event in the chapter leads to a point in a future chapter please put a spoiler tag on it. Some people do read the books as the dissections go along. Thank you.