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Vampire: The Requiem - Dramatis Personae

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:01 pm
by Loredoctor
Until I verify your point allocations, it is best not to post attributes, skills, traits, etc. In fact, some of you may not want to post any statistics - which is fine by me - and you may just want to post you character's name, clan, covenant, and some other pertinent details. Some players may want to also withhold some background about their characters from public view, which is okay. It makes sense, given Kindred politics.

This thread is for the purpose of storing character details, as well as a informing me how many people we have playing. Please keep general discussion to the Council of the Primogen thread, thanks.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:45 am
by Loredoctor
The Circle of the Crone


Hierophant Scythia
"Some say I am feminist bitch or a psychopathic pagan. Know that I am merely Hierophant Scythia and Prince of this domain."
Clan: Ventrue
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Rank: Prince/Hierophant
Embrace: Rumoured to have been embraced in the later years of the 19th century (possibly East Coast United States).
Apparent Age: Early 30s

Hierophant Scythia's rule has been likened to an iron fist in an expensive designer glove that has its fingers stained with blood. She controls the city completely, and either lacks the patience or the desire to exercise political caution when dealing with transgressions to her rule. Consequently, she has garnered the reputation as a bloody tyrant. If it were not for the fact that the Circle of the Crone are the dominant covenant in the city it is likely that she would have been deposed or diablerised soon after she gained control. She believes it is her female right to act as both covenant hierophant and Prince of the city, and that she has been chosen by the Goddess of the Mound to lead the Kindred of her domain. Thus, some believe - mainly those outside of her covenant - she is blinded by higher causes.

However, Scythia did not assume control without some leadership skill, and has a history within the Circle of making wise although brutal decisions. Further, none can dispute that she single-handedly united several disparate cults and formed one of the most powerful covenants on the east coast. Her rule has therefore been largely peaceful and the other covenants, with the exception of Lancea Sanctum, appear to be content with the arrangement. However, there have been some concerns raised by the more outspoken Kindred that there is growing discontent.

Scythia is rumoured to have been embraced after her sire saved her from physical and mental abuse inflicted on her by her wealthy industrialist husband. On the night of her embrace, they sacrificed him to the goddesses of the Earth. Some years later, with the women's suffragette movement gaining power in the early twentieth century, she discovered a means for redirecting her anger towards her deceased husband into the emancipation of women and the idea of powerful feminine deities. She has not progressed her feminist ideals to the hatred of men, yet some comment that her court is predominantly female (which may have more to do with the fact that more women join the Circle).


"You will respect our Prince, my Hierophant. Kneel before her, or I will banish you from this place."
Clan: Gangrel.
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Rank: Mistress of Elysium and Regis of Lordenshaw City Airport.
Embrace: The early 1990s, Florida.
Apparent Age: Late 20s.


Severine "the Gorgon"
"I coil around Her arm and thus I am the means to enact Her will."
Clan: Ventrue - Gorgon Bloodline
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Rank: Hound
Embrace: No one knows, but she is rumoured to have been embrace before Christ.
Apparent Age: Mid 20s.

Severine is a tall and sleek woman of Mediterranean descent. Her long, thick black hair glistens in the light and sinously descends down her lithe figure. She moves with unnatural grace, barely saying a word. All the time, she observes with cat-like eyes and appears to use her other senses - even her tongue gently slides out between two elongated, curling fangs as though to taste the air. Within the Circle of the Crone she is regarded as a consummate predator, hence why Hierophant Scythia placed her as the hound of her rule. Like a snake, she is able to get into places that other Kindred believe to be secure. As lethal as a snake, she is able to act upon the Prince's orders, slaying enemies and criminals with the strange Amphivena discipline or restricting them in her powerful, vice-like grip. She is cunning and dangerous when enforcing laws and dictates, which has earned her a fearsome reputation as well as many enemies.


Lydia Hibberd
"You dare to criticise me for my exclusive clique? Your coterie is nothing more than a pack of blood-thirsty hounds . . . tribal and primitive. What you call a clique I call a fashionable society."
Clan: Daeva.
Covenant: Circle of the Crone. Ex-Invictus.
Rank: Harpy.
Embrace: Washington D.C., late 20th century.
Apparent Age: Early 20s.

Lydia Hibberd considers herself the centre of Kindred society in Lordenshaw City, although it would be more appropriate to think of her as a spider in the middle of a web of high society, the fashionable, the hip and those of the avant garde. She sways public and kindred opinion through her network of gossips, and acts as patron to fashion designers which establishes what is fashionable (and almost bleeds dry those she is bored of). Though she may not be physically powerful, or have mastered any disciplines, her biting tongue has destroyed the reputation and careers of many a kindred and mortal. She forms cliques, each themed to one of her desires, and those individuals hoping to famous often have to appease her. Even celebrities are known to seek her attention, and some famous individuals have been ruined completely by her. However, she knows her limits as she is terrified of Hierophant Scythia.

Lydia was once a member of the Invictus, but when the Circle of the Crone took control of the city a few years back she left the 'kindred aristocracy' and joined the side that would give her the most assistance in securing her social dominance. Given that she is not really a convert to the Circle, she has avoided a reputation of being the Hierophant's propagandist.


Sammy "Quicktongue"
"I'm not sure that the Changelings will agree to that . . ."
Clan: Gangrel.
Covenant: Circle of the Crone.
Rank: Clan Priscus, & ambassador.
Embrace: New Mexico, late 20th century.
Apparent Age: Mid 20s.

Sammy is one of the few Kindred in Lordenshaw City with connections with Fae and lupines. Her role is primarily to represent the Gangrel in meetings, but she is occasionally asked to send messages to Changelings, or speak with the packs of werewolves that dwell in the forests and mountains to the north-west. Her contact with the lupines is rare, and so she has gained the nickname, "Quicktongue". Other Kindred also call her a "New Age Predator", which frustrates her; she did not obtain her connections by being more spiritual than other covenant members. Sammy has an uncanny ability to commune with other supernatural forces, as well as being carefully diplomatic. Nonetheless, she has used her position to obtain more prestigious positions with the Circle.

Sammy also is deeply respected within the Chorus for her visions and dream quests. Before her Embrace, she was an archaeology student. One night she ventured into the desert with a boyfriend and consumed peyote and cannabis. She entered into a dream-like state and imagined that she was some wolf-spirit striding across the world and drinking the blood of prey. When she came out of the dream-hallucination, her boyfriend had driven away, and a kindred had embraced her before leaving too. With dawn approaching her beast urged her to flee into a cave, where she soon slept. That day, she dreamt of a mound surmounted by a ring of stones with a screaming hag's face above it in the blood-red clouds. Recognising the mound as being in Lordenshaw City, she spent the next week traveling and was soon discovered by Hierophant Scythia. Every week she dreams of the mound, of Changelings, and a silvery web descending over the city. The Circle believes her dreams are messages from the Crone, and she is thus seen as a prophet (or doomsayer, according to some).


Voseganus Eidhe
"Please do not walk into the woods, I cannot guarantee your safety. . ."
Clan: Gangrel - Carnon bloodline.
Covenant: Circle of the Crone.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Middle 20th century, possibly France or Germany.
Apparent Age: Difficult to tell. However, there are rumours he was 18 when Embraced.

Voseganus Eidhe dwells where no mortal may walk, for fear that his appearance would disrupt the Masquerade. He eschews clothing of any sort, and so his near-bestial appearance can be fully seen. The vampire is a juggernaut; powerful, rippling muscles covering a tall, broad frame. His skin is almost completely covered in hair or Celtic tattoos. Most unnerving of all, however, are the two antlers that extend from either side of his forehead.

Voseganus is no monster, however. When he was a mortal, he lived a peaceful existence, working in Europe as a farmhand. With the rise of the hippy movement he became drawn into radical new music and experimental drugs. Fueled by his interest in Gaelic mythology, his alternate lifestyle became one of nature worship and adoration of the "proper" old ways (and, old gods). A Kindred with horns on his forehead visited him one night and offered him the chance to party forever and still pay homage to the old gods. Voseganus' transformation into undeath was no easy thing, for he became enraged and diablerised his sire. Fleeing to North America, he met Hierophant Scythia and was offered the chance to redeem his soul by joining her cult.

Strangely, the potency of Voseganus' blood increases. And the more potent his blood becomes the more his physique changes. Hence, his monstrous appearance. He has no reached the stage where he can only drink the vitae of other Kindred. If it were not for his charnel dreams and visions, he would procure their blood with no unease. But he wanders the forests to the north of Lordenshaw City terrified that he may diablerise others . . . that his appearance would then rapidly match the beast inside.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:30 pm
by Loredoctor


Markus Nwoso
"I advise you to reconsider your position; the Invictus are more powerful than you may have heard."
Clan: Mekhet.
Covenant: Invictus.
Rank: Invictus Lord & member of the Primogen. Regent of Howell College.
Embrace: In the late 19th century.
Apparent Age: Early 40s.

Markus Nwoso is an African-American male with impeccable taste in fine clothes (he usually wears expensive suits and gold-rimmed glasses) and manners. He is renowned for his refined behaviour, and so he talks with a soothing, calm voice and is oh-so polite. Yet when he smiles one cannot avoid seeing his sharp fangs and the avaricious look in his eyes; Nwoso has been likened to a panther that charms its prey before pouncing on it in the dark. He never raises an arm when angered, and his voice retains its soft tone, for he prefers to sit in the shadows and command the dark in his body and in the night to strike enemies down. And if the shadows are not enough, Nwoso maneuvers others to do his work for he is a master manipulator.

Nwoso is the head of the Invictus in the city, which may surprise many Kindred for it is known that he was a slave before the Embrace. He does nothing to stop this story from being passed around, and some believe that he actively spreads the rumour. The self-titled Invictus Lord believes his background reminds him of how far he has come and the cost of power. As can be expected, his Ventrue colleagues sneer at his background and his supposed pride of his past, but they know better than to criticise him. Nwoso did not earn his rank in the covenant through charm alone; he is as respected as much as feared, for the shadows are at his command.


Henrietta Aphese
"Do you know the name of my Sire? I can name each of my ancestors, back to Rome. And who is your sire? Forgive me, I do not know of her."
Clan: Ventrue.
Covenant: Invictus.
Rank: Ventrue Priscus.
Embrace: Late 18th century, New York.
Apparent Age: Mid 20s.

Henrietta Aphese considers herself of noble birth, literally and by Embrace. Her parents were related to the Austrian royal family, and her sire was a very distinguished Ventrue lord who could trace his vampiric heritage to before Longinus. Consequently, she is the closest thing to royalty in Lordenshaw City. Many kindred act as though they do not care, which would be false for she has acquired immense political and monetary power. Henrietta, does not refrain from behaving the noble; propriety, pride and prejudice are a constant part of her demeanour. She is not above looking down on those who are unable to list their vampiric forbears, unknown sires, or who do not have 'proper blood' in them. From her penthouse, she presides over her court and the entire Ventrue court. Her balls are spectacular, if bloody affairs (specially bred families of mortals provide the host and the guest their sustenance).

Notably, Henrietta Aphese does not always dress the part of a noble woman, preferring to wear the latest fashions of expensive suits. Adorning her slim arms and around her long neck are diamonds of pure gold or silver, with glittering diamonds and pearls set into them. A tiara like a crown holds her black hair back. And she is never far from her many ghoul servants and hounds.


Melissa Aldin "The Cripple" (also referred to as "the Beast"
"I'm hungry."
Clan: Gangrel.
Covenant: Invictus.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Unknown.
Apparent Age: 12 or 13.


Rupert Midland III
"The blood's not the best here, but it's cheap and I'm bored."
Clan: Ventrue.
Covenant: Invictus.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Likely to be the 19th century.
Apparent Age: Early 30s.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:40 pm
by Loredoctor
Ordo Dracul


Otto Teufel
"If my humour offended you, then please accept profuse apologies. Surely, however, you must have heard that they call me the Grinning Satyr."
Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Rank: Master of the Hunger and Esoteric Wild (covenant leader). Regent of Layson Street.
Embrace: Prussia, early 19th century
Apparent Age: Late 40s.

Otto Teufel has many titles, most of which denote accomplishments and rank within Ordo Dracul, but his most well known is the Satyr (sometimes the Grinning Satyr). You will not find a more incongruous Kindred in the city; His immense obese bulk would appear to belie the grace of his movements, and his constant grin lures individuals until they feel the lash of his acerbic wit. Otto's eyes often have a playful expression, and his hands fidget constantly as though his playful energy is barely suppressed. He dresses in rich, red clothes - often archaic in design or grossly expensive. It would seem that his tastes match someone belonging to extravagant European nobility. Yet, it would be a mistake to think of him as indulgent or avaricious; appearances are often deceptive, and Otto is the master of misdirection. No Kindred is sure what his real intentions are, and some say that behind his humorous - sometimes snide - repartee perhaps awaits a calculating devil.

Otto is the master of the Ordo Dracul in the city, but spends his time less on actually leading the covenant and more on his own esoteric persuits. The covenant has few members, therefore his focus is permissable; a larger order would require him spending more time on actually leading. Additionally, he spends a few nights seducing young men for their blood. As it is, he is content to act as a mentor to others and let them manage themselves. His knowledge of the Coils of the Dragon and rituals is impressive enough that the order looks up to him, and hence his leadership is secure.


Dr. Herbert Montefiore
"That's the benefit of the insane; you can feed off them without worrying about the Masquerade. After all, who is going to believe them?"
Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Rank: Adept of the Terror and Dedicated Sanguine, M.PhD.
Embrace: Early 20th century, Lordenshaw City.
Apparent Age: Early 40s.

No one can forget Dr. Herbert Montefiore's name. The doctor was one of the great psychiatrists at the turn of the century, discovering new treatments for various mental illnesses. Dr. Montefiore also revealed the chemical workings of the mind, and wrote many journal articles on the nature of consciousness. Until he was embraced, he dominated American psychiatry on the east coast. The Mekhet clan say his sire embraced him because of his skills and knowledge, however some whisper that it was done to show him that he was narrowed minded. Regardless of the reason, upon entering the Requiem, the doctor was confronted with the supernatural. Although now accepting that the paranormal exists, he denied any spiritual or mystical explanation and delved into understanding vampirism, other realms and strangeness with incredible enthusiasm. Hence, soon after he was inducted into Ordo Dracul.

Dr. Montefiore is not a kindred (nor in his mortal life) that tolerates failure, and is used to great success. Consequently, is overconfident and egotistical. The doctor is incredibly charming, and enters rooms with a swagger and false smile on his face expecting his reputation and abilities to sway everyone into adoring him or to pay him attention as he discusses his latest theories. He is always dressed in a dinner suit (unless working in the Riverview Asylum, in which case he wears a coat), often with a rose in his jacket pocket. Due to being a Mekhet, he cannot stand light and is thus always wearing sunglasses.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 11:45 am
by Loredoctor
The Lancea Sanctum


Bishop Ferdin Sigismund
"We are but a few in this city, but God gives us the strength to endure pagans, and Longinus himself guides our actions. Without these two elements, this city would tear itself apart. We are thus the moral and spiritual guardians of the domain."
Clan: Gangrel.
Covenant: Lancea Sanctum.
Rank: High Priest of the covenant.
Embrace: The 19th century.
Apparent Age: Late 40s.

Bishop Ferdin Sigismund fervently believes that he is the Kindred's saviour, and the spiritual and political counterpoint to the dominant Circle of the Crone. It does not help that he belongs to the smallest covenant in the domain, but this has only increased his fervour and his belief that God himself has tasked him to guide and protect Kindred society from corrupt ideals. The bishop is not so incautious as to openly attack the Circle's beliefs, but he does not disguise his repulsion of their practices. Further, he does little to reign in some of the more extreme Sanctified (some would say that he secretely promotes their behaviour). Despite this, the covenant has yet to openly act against the Circle.

Before the Bishop's embrace, he was a physician and a philosopher, preaching God's word in remote forest villages in Norway. He believed the wild forests and the beasts within should be preserved for they were evidence of the Lord's perfect design. Eventually, he built a church in the deep woods with his own hands, to celebrate God's majestic realm. A gangrel was drawn to Sigismund's self-reliance and love of nature, and helped him to continue his practices in immortality.


Inspector Javert
"Monsieur, a serious... a grave violation of the public trust has been committed. An inferior has shown a complete lack of respect for the law. He must be exposed and punished." (Victor Hugo, Les Miserables)
Clan: Nosferatu.
Covenant: Lancea Sanctum.
Rank: Sheriff.
Embrace: Early 18th century.
Apparent Age: Early 40s.

Inspector Javert was once a police and parole officer in France who devoted himself to the law. He was so obsessed with carrying out the law that he became misguided, to the point where he began to commit evils to fulfil his desires. Ultimately, when one of those he had been chasing for more than twenty years revealed that despite his criminal past his actions had been more moral in the eyes of God Javert threw himself off a bridge into the River Seine. He was denied suicide, for a nosferatu took pity in him and decided to grant him another chance. Javert confessed his sins to the Lancea Sanctum, and saw the Sanctified as a means to redeem himself in the eyes of God. As such, he ensures that the Kindred follow the words of Longinus, and continues to carry out the laws of mortals from the shadows. Over two hundred years of work has led to him being one of the most effective investigators in Kindred society. Javert does not abuse his position, and follows a strict set of morals.

Javert appears gaunt, with unearthly pale skin. A stench of mold surrounds him, and his clothes and hair appear always damp. His eyes are deep set into cavernous sockets, but they afire with intelligence. It is rumoured that he sleeps in a stone coffin at the base of Lordenshaw City's main river.


Father Enoch
"Do you ask me to refrain from my opinions? I will speak honestly: This city needs to burn with the fires of a Crusade. Hot and pure enough to turn these pagans to ash."
Clan: Gangrel.
Covenant: Lancea Sanctum.
Rank: Priest.
Embrace: Early 20th century, most likely South America.
Apparent Age: Early 30s.

Father Enoch is regarded as the figure head and spokesperson for the more extreme and militant elements of the Lancea Sanctum in Lordenshaw City. What he lacks in tact and wisdom, he more than makes up with devotion and passion. If it were not for Bishop Sigismund's popularity and political acumen, Father Enoch would have become a Cardinal or Bishop. He realises this, and is more painfully aware that the Sanctified simply do not have the numbers to fulfil his dreams.

Father Enoch believes he is a humble man before God and Christ, but his ambitions make such a thought a hypocrisy. Equally ironic, he preaches God's (and Longinus') words yet is almost corrupted by anger and intolerance. The priest simply wants to cast the Circle of the Crone 'witches' out of the city, and failing that burn them.

Surprisingly for his beliefs, the vampire rarely loses his temper and speaks with a firm, deep voice. His face is stone-like and almost never displays emotion. However, Father Enoch's eyes resemble those of a wolf, bright gold and hungry. He has a well-built figure, owing to years of a hard, Jesuit life in some third-world country. The priest looks as though he could wage a crusade on his own, and perhaps in his mind he is planning to.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:30 pm
by Loredoctor
The Carthian Movement


Pyotr Kudryavtsev "the Idealist"
"Those svinoi in power here, and I'm not just talking about the witches . . . I also mean the aristocrats, the Sanctified and every other vampire playing the Danse Macabre . . . they have no idea what it means to forge something unique. Something beautiful."
Clan: Daeva - Toreador bloodline.
Covenant: Carthian.
Rank: Carthian Prefect (though Pyotr denies this).
Embrace: 1934, Poland.
Apparent Age: Early 30s.

Pyotr Kudryavtsev has been mistaken for a Malkovian, for his mind retreats so often into itself that his introversion is confused for a madness. He is a Toreador drawn to "beautiful ideas" and deep philosophies. Like Narcissus staring longingly at his own reflection, Pyotr's eyes roll back as he ponders his own utopias and other idealistic visions. Utopias often become dystopian nightmares when their architects fail to realise that they cannot abide imperfection in the design; similarly, Pyotr is prone to giving in to rage when the decaying world fails to confirm to his visions. Still retaining some humanity, he frequently isolates himself so as not to injure the mortals he dreams of building a utopia for. This has only deepened his introversion, and distanced himself from the covenant. Caught in his inner worlds, Pyotr is failing to see that the rapidly growing Carthian movement is quickly becoming fractious. Strangely, he is not too concerned as he does not see himself as the covenant leader (and does not recall ever being asked or taking the position).

Pyotr was born into a peasant Polish family, who perished during World War One. He was later embraced by a Soviet revolutionary, the terrible Svarog. Svarog planned to overturn the Soviet Union and use its vast industrial might to forge a mighty empire, but he mysteriously vanished and Pyotr fled to the east during the height of Stalin's purges.


Roland Powell
"Like the proletariat, the mortals can be made to rise up and overthrow the old order. Some of us are the revolutionaries . . . future leaders."
Clan: Ventrue.
Covenant: Carthian.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Late 20th century.
Apparent Age: Late 20s.

Roland Powell claims that he is a revolutionary, and certainly spends great effort in having that image (some Kindred roll their eyes at his Che Guevara t-shirts or his utilitarian dress), but in reality he is a power-hungry schemer. He desires to take control of the Carthian Movement but simply does not have the numbers behind him to overthrow Pyotr Kudryavtsev, as well as being too obsessed with power to actually understand politics. He would probably be suited for Invictus, if the elders of that covenant did not have an iron grip.

Roland spends almost all of his time associating with the Unaligned trying to sway them to his and his covenant's causes. Sometimes, 'sway' is too polite a term.


She sits elegantly and glances across the room, looking for her next victim.
Clan: Daeva.
Covenant: The Carthian Movement.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Unknown.
Apparent Age: In her 30s.


Old Albert
"My dear fellow, these new difference engines are terribly useful. Oh, of course, I mean computers. Terribly sorry. Now, to use my services you will have to allow me to drink your vitae. Just a pint, or two."
Clan: Nosferatu.
Covenant: The Carthian Movement.
Rank: None.
Embrace: The Nineteenth Century.
Apparent Age: Late 40s.


Agent Rodden
"We used to break punks like you, back in the days when the Mafia really was something. Now instead of the Families and Commies we have young bloods thinking they're the lords of the night. Time for me to dust off my FBI badge and get back to work."
Clan: Gangrel.
Covenant: The Carthian Movement.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Mid 1950s.
Apparent Age: Early 50.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:03 am
by Ivan Karpenku
Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Embrace: 1995
Apparent Age: Mid 30s

Character Background

<Russian Accent>

"Hello. I am Ivan. Ivan Karpenku. During Cold War, I was soldier for Mother Russia. Now that Mother Russia embrace capitalism, many Russians go to America, where capitalism started. Very soon, Ivan as well will go there to search his fortunes, by selling delicious Russian food to those came from here and wish to be reminded of home. Why people schmott enough to leave horrible Russian winters then be stupid enough to eat horrible Russian food, but... eh? Customer is always right!"

"Will be perhaps finest Russian food on your side of the Atlantic. Is in best neighborhood in Little Russia. Please come for to visit. I have special dining rooms in back, for special customers. Any Kindred in the city may meet back there freely, though it is not Elysium."

"I am Daeva, of the Circle of the Crone. My Sire senf me to help his other Childe, Tatiana, in her affairs here. I will, of course, obey my sire in all things, and assume that when he orders me to do things which make no sense to me, that this is simply my own lack of understanding. I have found Tatiana to be both competant and not needing of assistance. I look forward to discovering whatever it is about her our sire values so much that he would send me to protect it."

"For now, I am in negotiations with Prince and others, to make sure that Ivan's presence in glorious city will cause no problems. If all goes well, perhaps I can arrange to be helpful to some whose rememberance will have value to me, down the years of my life."

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:34 pm
by Tatiana Ivanova
Good evening. Tatiana Ivanova is my name. I was taught the inevitability of the dialectic as a child….and as I grew, learned more about the world beyond the USSR, and saw the truth…..Vladimir Illych was a naive fool. The Committee for State Security spotted my “potential” at an early age, and prepared me to work for cause of oppressed peoples in the lands of the Primary Enemy, the USA, home of greedy pigs and ruthlessly exploited drones. Hah. Every political system exploits someone….and everyone exploits women. While learning my tradecraft, I met Ivan. Apparently, while my performance on that same field test exam impressed my sire, who would later claim me. Ivan also caught their eye. Once the Communists fell and I was lost, my sire came to me, and Embraced me. I am here to use my knowledge of America to protect certain “interests” back in the Rodina. My sire sent Ivan along. He is useful…but limited in scope, shall we say.
I am Daeva, of the Circle of the Crone. And in America, women need not be exploited…we can be the exploiters. Those are the only choices there are….and I know which I choose to be.

Politics require an access point…I cannot work my way up the local party hierarchy. I have found someone who already moves in such circles, and moves by night, how apropos. I believe we can work quite well together…*low chuckle at a joke know only to herself* I do believe she can achieve so much more as one of the Kindred. Such a sweet thing Khalida is....soon she shall be MY Khalida..

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:00 am
by Loredoctor


Maxim Khripunov "the Vozhd"
"You wish to feed in my domain? I will tell you how much it costs . . ."
Clan: Ventrue.
Rank: Regent of the Russian District (he prefers the term, "the Vozhd of the Russian district").
Embrace: 1945, Germany.
Apparent Age: Mid 30s.

Maxim Khripunov has been declared the Regent of the Russian district. This area contains a high percentage of ethnic Russians, and many Poles and Jews. He took control of this region after the Russian mafia, the Mikhailov family, was eradicated. However, some wonder if by allowing Maxim to fill the power vacuum they have made things worse. Maxim is an honest and honourable vampire, but he does not tolerate Kindred breaking his rules. Unlike Hierophant Scythia, he does not punish individuals excessively or threaten Blood Hunts to reinforce his rule. Nevertheless, Kindred or mortals who repeatedly ignore the law (Maxim's Law, as it is referred to by some) receive visits from his 'heavies' (Kindred and ghouls). More Kindred have met Final Death due to Maxim's displeasure than by any other Regent. The same brutal techniques have allowed him to take control of businesses in the area, and to bend mortal law to his whim.

Maxim was once a high ranking officer in the Soviet Army. His vast connections, battlefield victories, and impeccable military record soon drew the attention of his sire. Both vampires then used their undead natures and powers to further their ambitions within the Soviet Union. With the fall of the Soviet empire, Maxim left Russia for the United States, drawn by its promise of wealth and vast supply of blood. His sire chose to remain in Torpor until the return of Communism.


"Hear ye! Hear ye! Blah blah blah and all that nonsense. Look, I've been asked to pass on a message to all the Kindred here . . ."
Clan: Nosferatu.
Covenant: Unaligned.
Rank: Nosferatu Priscus & Herald.
Embrace: Washington D.C. 1943.
Apparent Age: Difficult to tell.

Guttermouth (so-named for his deformed teeth) runs the Embrace Nightclub, which is a place where Kindred can feed without breaching the Masquerade. It's far from the prime feeding grounds, so vampires disaffected by the political games there can easily feed for a reasonable price. Consequently, he's made a lot of money and gained himself powerful support from other Kindred. Within a few years, he's moved up the ranks to become the official spokesperson (Priscus) for his clan. Thus, when his fellow Nosferatu need someone to speak for them, Guttermouth is the one they ask for.

Despite his name, he's very polite and well spoken (he hates swearing), and with many a polished word more favours have been granted to his clan and himself than with the other Prisci. As though to mock him, Hierophant Scythia and her aid, Callidia, have made him their Herald. Thus, when an announcement needs to be made to all the Kindred in the city, Guttermouth speaks personally with every clan and covenant head, and then sends out a hundred of so emails (and text messages). If he was not making so much money from his club, he would probably be charging the Prince for the service.


Henri Rôdeur
"Some of us have the courage to admit we're all monsters, and enjoy celebrating the power."
Clan: Ventrue.
Covenant: Unaligned.
Rank: None.
Embrace: Unknown.
Apparent Age: In his 30s.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:25 am
by Jonathan Belmont
Jonathan Belmont
"On a good night I tell myself that Mina was drawn to me because she saw something of herself in me, but I know that's a lie. She was drawn to me because I was already dead."
Clan: Daeva.
Covenant: Carthian.
Rank: Neonate.
Embrace: Late Spring (northern), 2009.
Apparent Age: Early 20s.

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:36 pm
by Khalida Mufarrij
Khalida ("Kali") Mufarrij
Whispers in the dark, intimately suggested. Influence unfolds…”

Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Unaligned
Rank: Neonate
Embrace: February 27, 2009
Current Age: 22

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:22 pm
by James Randel
James Randel

"To be loved and loathed by so many, is a feeling equalled by none other"

Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Unaligned
Embrace: Recent
Apparent Age: mid-late 20s

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:23 pm
by Maddoc
"Little Fish, Little Fish, lend me your ears...
...and your heart, your spleen, maybe your liver..."

Clan: Ventrue
Bloodline: Malkavian
Covenant: Ordo Dracul
Embrace: Late 20 Century
Apparent Age: mid 30's

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:48 am
by Loredoctor
Non-Player Characters


The Stranger on the Roof


The man with green eyes.


The scowler.


The grinner.


Grey hair, grey coat.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:20 am
by Malachi

Clan: Mekhet
Embrace: Mid-2009
Apparent Age: Early 30s

Malachi's appearance is often curiously hard to recall, but upon concerted (and disappointing) inspection, he is dressed in a bland, but dirty, tan trench-coat, covering a similarly coloured three-piece suit, topped off with matching fedora.

He was embraced as a punishment for his crimes against vampire-kind, and part of the punishment was exile on foreign soil with no personal belongings, other than the clothes on his back, and any money he could beg, borrow, or steal (usually after a desperate "meal") to hide in a non-descript, roach-motel close to the airport [please make amendments to this location if it doesn't work with your plan for Lordenshaw, Loremaster].

The other part of his punishment was to live as a pariah, a demon in the eyes of the humans he'd hoped to protect, and to the vampires? At best, a sireless bastard, and were his past ever uncovered, a potential target for assassination... or torture-bound plaything for whichever Regent finds him first.