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Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:30 pm
by Khalida Mufarrij
Khalida smiles warmly at the young woman. "Thank you so much, I will ask for him. Good night," and with a quick glance to confirm the time as she heads towards the exit, tosses over her shoulder back at the librarian with a flirtatious grin...

"...and good morning!"

As she strides down the stone steps of the library towards her car, Khalida's head buzzes with all of the information she has gleaned so far and thinks back on the words spoken to her in the phone call.

"What befalls the <static> when curiosity is sated?"

I have always been encouraged to pursue my curiosity, especially before Mama came into our lives. I wish I knew what word was used that I didn't make out...

Once in the Mazda, Khalida draws out the document she had printed out and checks the address for the desert and glass supply stores. Good, not too far away. I suspect it is a waste of time, since it said nothing about Emma Saint when I got these addresses, but there's no harm in driving by.

Putting the car in reverse, Khalida backs out of her parking space, then pulls forward and out into traffic, heading towards the southeast, back towards Old Town.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:39 am
by Loredoctor
Khalida drives out of the university grounds, the traffic here slower and infrequent. She then enters the road running beside the college and heads to the east, towards Old Town. This time at night - just after midnight - the streets should be near empty, but she finds that there are still many cars.

One car is driving near the rear of her car, and in the rear-vision mirror she sees the silhouette of man, or woman - it's hard to tell - flash a wide smile, full of white teeth. The car overtakes her, and Khalida sees that it's a man in a faded blue business suit.

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:12 pm
by Khalida Mufarrij
[continued in Old Town]