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Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:04 am
by Shalaylie
*Pauses mid air, glances back. Winks slyly at the Chronicler. Flies home.*

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:01 pm
by Gods_Favored_Hunter
Khar-rris'Shrach shakes his head, and heads back to tell the Most Favored of these strange beings who have become the People's neighbors. His thoughts were whirling around the central point of Shalaylie. Her folk were most emphatically not mere Food, but Prey. Even, he'd wager his right Claw-of-Slaying, Honorable Prey. For while all that was not The People was either Food or Prey, Honorable Prey was that which was beyond the worth of any save the Most Favored to eat. The People did not acknowledge any equals, but certain things were reserved fro certain status among the People....Honorable Prey allowed for meeting, negotiating, and living with other creatures without any conflict. Prey could be negotiated with, deals would be honored to the letter...but if some hungry adolescent ran across a stray member of Prey, well, no deal ever made with Prey would EVER preclude the People from fulfilling their Mandate from the Gods...Chosen to Hunt All Things. And the water elementals...They did not eat other creatures, so were clearly not Prey of any kind....but neither did they consume that-Which-Food-Eats, so they were not Food. Human-creatures were known, were Prey.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:07 am
by pixL
From my vantage position I could see the great plain stretched out beneath a clear blue sky. The windswept grasses, yellowed in the heat of a burnished sun, rippled and sighed like an ocean sea.

Quite suddenly, from the brow of an undulating hilltop, a ship appeared. It's three lanteen sails billowed fullblown, tacking and weaving into a brisk wind. Directly above the ship was a black storm-cloud in hot pursuit.

Veer reacted almost immediately, as if to some unheard signal - perhaps it was a call for help! Unslinging the instrument I raced downhill and out into the valley.

The ship now turned and headed in my direction. I could see it more distinctly now, and it was one of the strangest things I had ever seen. It had been built for speed, long and sleek, and it trundled on two massive wheels fixed to the stern. A third and smaller wheel jutted out from under the bow, handling the steering. Whenever it ran a hump it seemed to bounce on invisible springs! Before I could make out the brightly painted designs on the keel and the sails, the black cloud fell upon the ship in a swirling mass of squawking violence.


Black birds!

Hundreds and hundreds of them!

I focused on the hulking maelstrom as it drew closer, and ran straight for it. I blew into the reed-pipe. The note was sweet, but the re-sound turned in my stomach. I keyed a decending harmonic minor and held the feedback for only a few short being pummelled over the head with a feather pillow...the sonic boom hit with an equivalent amount of concussive silence.

The grassy ground was littered with black plumage.

The ship had passed by me with only a few yards to spare. Then swinging round in a tight turn it drew up alongside, dropping the sails and anchor.

A women's voice called out to me.
"Ahoy, there! We thank you for your help."
A rope ladder tumbled from the gunwhale.
"Come aboard!" she laughed. "I am The Maggie Myx. And you sir, must meet the rest of the crew."

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:46 pm
by Melusina
Having finished her assignment from the council of Salmacians successfully, Melusina dispersed back into the Source and continued her ever lasting ongoing purpose of completion through circulation...

*soft smile* ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:04 pm
by Shalaylie
Blinking, I watch from the high boughs of a great tree as the beings make their way across the valley floor. They move slow, sad, heads bowed.

I gaze around, a presence just on the edge of my awareness, seems closer. I am being watched, just as I watch the shadow beings below me. I blink, tilt my head, hum softly a song of revealing. Yet, the presence remains hidden.

I float up from the tree and fly toward the presence, humming my song...

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:46 pm
by Tulayev
There seems to be much sadness in the Valley. As well as anger and fear. What is happening to bring about these emotions?

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:25 pm
by Shalaylie
The awakenings have begun. The Valley is soon to change. The songs sing of it, the music is altered, its tune becomes sharp.

The Shades cannot leave...

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:31 pm
by Tulayev
And more shades arrive.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:30 am
by Gods_Favored_Hunter
The super-raptors breed at an insane rate! in mere months, the entire valley is overrun!

Now dawns a new age....