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Vampire:The Requiem-The Lordenshaw Hilton-Financial District

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 7:15 am
by Loredoctor
Please post in here for chapters relating to the Lordenshaw Hilton.

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:25 pm
by Maddoc
Leaving the taxi behind, (it's driver relieved and somewhat amazed at the banality of the trip), Maddoc moves towards the Lordenshaw Hilton in all his finery. The doorman's jaw drops at the sight of him, stunned, and Maddoc is forced to open the main door to the hotel himself.

He proceeds into the foyer, surveying his surroundings as if accustomed to them. He sees the check-in desk, approaches it. The man behind the counter seems to have caught the doorman's condition and stands silent as Maddoc approaches.

“Ah, Concierge, good evening. I'm looking for Harold Peterson, I believe I am expected?" says Maddoc, making a show of studying his cracked and stained nails as he speaks.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:55 pm
by Loredoctor
The concierge casts a distasteful glance at Maddoc's fingers, and then adjusts his tie as though it is too tight around his neck as he looks through a wide, leather-bound book. He wears impeccably-clean white gloves, and the way he turns the pages is almost reverential. At one page he stops, runs a finger down rows of text, and then looks up at Maddoc.

"Sir, you will find that our guest is on level eight, room west ten. You can take any of the three elevators, and when you exit on to your floor, make a right turn. The room will be not far. Please note that mister Peterson has also booked the conference hall; so failing to find him in the room, you are advised to seek him there."

The elevators are thirty feet away, standing in the middle of a wide, mirrored wall that reflects the opulent foyer of the hotel. Several well-dressed individuals walk proudly out of the doors and across the gold-tinged marble floor and out into the night. Two of them look at Maddoc with strange glances, and a stiff-necked man in a pin-striped suit sniggers.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:43 pm
by Maddoc
Maddoc grins, struggling to appear calm, as if he enjoys the attention his wardrobe is bringing. However, there is something manic in his smile, something about his posture, that belies this image.

He glances at the ornate wall clock. 9:45 it reads. Maddoc looks around the foyer, sees elegant signage indicating the direction of the conference room, and heads towards it.

He tries to match the arrogant stride of the hotels patrons as he crosses the foyer, but again, there is something forced in his gait. He gives the impression of an actor who cannot quite loose himself in his role, being all too aware of the eyes upon him, watching.

He reaches the conference room and enters, ignoring the sign outside which declares the room closed for the evening.

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:14 pm
by Loredoctor
The conference room was a large rectangular building measuring thirty feet wide by a hundred feet long, with a high ceiling covered in gold satin. The walls were painted in rich yellow paint, softly lit by subdued white lights shaped like tiny flames. The floor was polished wood, and at the centre was an octagonal mirror, ten feet across. A stage sat opposite the entrance, on the far side of the room.

Arrayed in a circular patter around the mirror were ten chairs. Each of the chairs were furnished with velvet seats and complex, flowing carvings. The dark wood, lacquered crimson and scented with cinnamon. The feet of the chairs ended in reptilian claws carved from the wood.

All but two of the chairs were occupied.

When Maddoc entered, Doctor Montefiore stood up, grinning widely. "Ah, our curious friend and possible new initiate. Welcome, Maddoc." He returned to his seat.

He was seated near a massively obese man whose jowls rolled down and over his dark red collar. His bulk was covered in a red jacket, opened which revealed a gold and green vest covered in strange symbols. His red pants were loose about his trunk-thick legs, and he wore sandals that seemed tight against his fat feet. One thick hand was stroking plump lips. His eyes were narrowed as he observed Maddoc, but there seemed to be a light of humour in them.

"Please forgive me if I do not stand, Maddoc," he rumbled. "One of the benefits of having my position is that I do not have to stand for anyone. If it is not the ignominy of the effort in getting this fat frame upright it is the embarrassment of this damn chair creaking loudly when I sit down again."

A plump hand waved Maddoc to an empty chair. "Please be seated," he continued, smiling. "Your clothes hurt my eyes when you stand there, and it's darker over in that place."

"Otto," the doctor said to the obese Kindred. "No reply from Dante Altman, so we can assume he is not coming tonight."

Otto sighed theatrically, and placed a hand to his forehead. "Oh dear. A shame, whatever will we do. I was so hoping that two more members would make us on par with the Circle and the Carthians." He shrugged and his jowls wobbled. "I guess that once more we will have to make do.

"My good doctor, if you would please proceed with the meeting."

Doctor Montefiore stood up, clearly enjoying the attention. "This is the hundred and tenth meeting of the Ordo Dracul of Lordenshaw City, falling on the night of the Eighth of March, two thousand and nine. This meeting has been convened on Master Elysian of the Hunger Otto Tuefel's orders. The following items will be discussed. First, a summary of our order's research. Second, welcoming Maddoc to the covenant. Third, the assigning of tasks. Lastly, fourth, the assigning of titles.

"Does anyone wish to raise an item to be discussed at this meeting?"

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:43 pm
by Maddoc
Maddoc sits as instructed, a badly strung puppet wearing a clown’s grin. He’s quiet during Montefiore and Otto’s discussion, seemingly fascinated by the mirror.

He watches the reflections of those that sit around the table, looking from face to blurred face. Some of the creatures reflected in the mirror have sufficiently masked their beast to the extent that they almost appear human.

Maddoc stares at his own reflection, his features as smeared like a child’s painting. “I see," he says, “ but I don’t understand.”
Loremaster wrote:"...Does anyone wish to raise an item to be discussed at this meeting?"
Maddoc’s head snaps up. “Not me, Boss,” he says, surprised. “This is your show.”

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:48 am
by Loredoctor
No one spoke after Maddoc. Doctor Montefiore waited a few moments and then picked a leather-bound book from a bag at the side of his chair. After adjusting his sunglasses, he looked around with a grin and then opened the book.

"Time to report on research activities," the doctor began. "I am currently engaged in understanding the Other World. So far, I have been unable to pierce the veil that separates it from our world, but that does not mean that its residents cannot be contacted.

"The veil is stronger around the asylum, and within its walls one cannot so much as detect a hint of the other world. However, some of my students managed to venture into Queen Mountain Forest - avoiding the Crones - and interact with the denizens. It appears that this realm is filled with strange beings, what one might call spirits. I prefer to call them Meme-Resonant Entities, or MREs for short." Doctor Montefiore laughed at his own joke. "I will continue to research into this, and attempt to discover why certain areas of the city have a stronger veil."

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:38 am
by Maddoc
"So, we can't go there, yet. But, can they come here?" Maddoc says. His attention keeps wandering back to the mirror, and his gaze keeps flitting from Montefiore to the table, and back again.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:59 am
by Loredoctor
Doctor Montefiore replied as though it was a lecture he was giving. "As far as I understand, and admittedly our research is only beginning, we cannot enter this realm, although Sammy says that she enters the world in her dreams. I have read books where people have entered the realm. I also understand that lupines can do it easily, and frequently. Alas, there are none in this city to study. But the denizens can and do enter our realm; we may interpret them as ghosts and demons.

"That is the summary of research since the last meeting."

Otto rolled his eyes and grinned. "Oh wonderful, excellent. We are drowning in research. Permit me to get drunk of some gorgeous boy's blood in celebration."

Montefiore laughed. "Now, on to the next item on the agenda. Welcoming Maddoc to the Ordo Dracul."

Ponderously, Otto climbed to his feet and stepped to the centre of the mirror, it creaking under his immense weight. "Dear god, you dress awfully, Maddoc. What have we become, the depository of fashion rejects?" He laughed at his own joke. "Ah, far be it from me to ridicule you. You are most welcome to the order, and I look forward to reading your work on advancing the vampiric condition.

"Tell me, what is your opinion of altering who we are? Of reigning in the beast and becoming beings of a higher existence?"

Otto's face became serious, and the rest of the order turned to look at Maddoc.

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:25 pm
by Maddoc
"Why can't I feel the pain anymore?" Maddoc replies. "I remember it, so clearly. But I can't feel it anymore. Why is that?"
Maddoc stares into his own reflection as he speaks, flashing pleading looks at Otto and Montefiore.

"If I could feel again; if I could taste, smell. If the blood-call was not so, so loud! Then, maybe. Then I'd understand."
In the mirror, as the congregation watches, Maddoc's features seem to coalesce. Slowly, they sharpen until he almost appears mortal.

Maddoc gasps. "It can be done," he says, collapsing back into his seat. He starts to shake, his fingers digging manically at his elbows, his neck.
Then an unhinged smile apears on his face. He chuckles, leaning towards the being seated next to him. He holds out his purple-velor-clad arm.

"C'mon Believer - feel it. You know you want to."

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:12 am
by Loredoctor
The female to his side snarls subtly and leans away. Across from him, doctor Montefiore smiles and adjusts his sunglasses. "Some of you look confused," he says as he laughs. "But I know of the Malkovians. There is something to their madness, as are there truths spoken by the insane in my asylum. Otto, I believe he will be of a great addition to out order, and I myself wish to teach him the Coils of the Dragon, as well as monitor his studies."

Otto spread his thick arms out to the side and looked to the ceiling of the conference room, as though he were on stage. "What joy! Pray he does not fail you or us." He then sat down ponderously, the chair creaking alarmingly. "The next item, dear doctor. The next item."

"Of course, Master Elysian of the Hunger," he replied. "The assigning of tasks."

The doctor then proceeded to give tasks, or research goals, to the gathered members. Three members were ordered to explore the Veil, including communing with a 'Meme-Resonant Entity'. Another member was tasked with experimenting with her blood, in order to see if she could endure a few minutes of sunrise and sunset. Two members were given the strange task of raiding an occultist's library, as well as speaking with a physics lecturer in Howell College. Montefiore assigned himself the mission of studying the Scrolls of Rakshasa.

Following Otto's pained admission of having to attend the Council of the Primogen, which he described as interminable lectures by mystical feminists, Montefiore finally gave out Maddoc's task. He pulled out a scroll from his bag and walked over to the new member, handing him the item.

Refer to PM.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:24 am
by Loredoctor
"Your mission," doctor Montefiore says solemnly, lights reflecting off his dark sunglasses, "is to find the Nexus, explore the Nodes, and link up the lines of power. Find the Wyrm's Nests, Maddoc. This is no easy task, and it is expected that it will take you many months, but the rewards are great indeed."

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:45 pm
by Maddoc
With uncharacteristic solemnity, Maddoc takes the scroll, handling it gently, reverentially. He looks into Montefiore's tinted glasses, licking at dry lips as if to speak.
But then his phone rings, tinny electronica disturbing the room's quiet. "Ah, sorry Herb. I really gotta take this; it's my stockbroker." Maddoc says, his face a mask of contrition. He turns his back on the meeting, walking into the corner of the room to answer his phone:

"I told you, Barry, sell and keep on selling! I don't care what the price is; I've got a feeling about this one, alright?"

"Maddoc? Is that you, you crazy fuck? It's Gene - you know, the barman at the Slaughterhouse? Fuck I hate talking to him when he's like this..."

"Djinn! How did you get this number, Fat Genie?"

"Christ, you gave it to me, idiot! Listen, some biker-looking dude came by, looking for you. He left his number, you want it, or what?"

"Speak to me your secrets, then, Gene-Genie."

"Okay, you got a pen?"

"Don't worry. I'll remember it."

Maddoc finishes the call, dropping his phone back into his cost pocket, and walks back to the group, standing by his chair. "So...are we there yet?" he asks Otto.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:08 pm
by Loredoctor
Doctor Montefiore looked at Maddoc with surprise in his lean features, but before he could censure him Otto laughed aloud, a deep sound full of mirth and mockery. "I hope that does not happen again, initiate. Let's keep those damn things out of the meetings from now on. Good lord in the heavens above, if those things were in the Prussian courts in my day," he said looking at the doctor, "it would be a constant ringing like that every Sunday morning."

He waved a fat hand in Montefiore's direction. "Hurry, Herbert. Hurry."

Doctor Montefiore nodded briefly. "Yes, I am expected back at the asylum. One must attend Gladys. Now, the assigning of titles. According to my records no one has advanced in their studies to be given a title. However, our interesting Malkovian friend is deserving one. In that regard, I will honour him with the rank 'Slave'. Now, do not be disheartened neonate. There are ten ascending ranks, from slave to Architect. As you advance in your understanding of the Coils of the Dragon you improve your title. Additionally, your title is dependent on the type of the Coil you chose. I am known as the Adept of the Terror and Dedicated Sanguine, because I have reached adept ranking in my research, and have specialised in souls, with secondary studies of the blood. Otto is also known as Master of the Hunger and Esoteric Wild, because of primary study of the blood and secondary of the Beast.

"You are just Slave tonight. I advise you to begin your studies. You may visit the asylum one night to discuss tutelage."

Maddoc has gained a free Merit - Covenant Status: Ordo Dracul *

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:41 am
by Maddoc
As the meeting breaks up, Maddoc drifts toward Montefiore. He exchanges contact details with the Doctor; even that potentially straightforward transaction rendered complex by Maddoc's idiosyncrasies.

Our fledgling Ordo Dracul member then leaves the hotel. The night is still young, and Maddoc steps out onto the curb, one arm raised like a school boy seeking a teacher's attention. Please sir, may I have a ride downtown? The taxis are plentiful in this part of town, and one tools to a halt in front of Maddoc almost immediately. He's in before the driver can wave him off, having got a good look at what Maddoc is wearing.

"Alright, where to?" the driver asks with a sigh.
"Don't know. Let's find out, shall we?" says Maddoc, taking out his phone and dialing James Randell's number from memory.
"Hey Jimmy!" Maddoc says, "Still vertical, I hope?"

Post continued at James Randell's location

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:54 am
by Loredoctor
Experience award for role playing - 1xp