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Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:49 am
by Montresor
Andrea Chan-Gauthier departs the room and makes her journey back to the Docking Bay, where Drak-Kung awaits with the mysterious agent, Procurator Felton. As she is passing through the halls of the Invictus, she encounters a member of the service staff - a young woman dressed neatly in a white uniform.

'Madame, Brother Detronimus requested I inform you that there will be a service in the Temple of the God Emperor this evening for the senior staff and officers. The service is in honour of our new Lord-Captain, of course. Farewell'.

Eventually making her way to Drak-Kung, Andrea sees Procurator Felton for the first time today, though she instantly recognises him as someone she had often seen while staying in Port Wander.

[OOC - Andrea rolled well for a Common Lore Underworld test. She has seen Felton before and, putting the face to the name, she understands that he is quite well known for being employed as a freelance agent by various noble families, rogue traders and, especially, illegal enterprises. Why he holds the title of 'Procurator' has never been made clear, though it is likely an affectation]

Felton smiles at Drak-Kung and makes a point of keeping his attention on the warrior while he addresses Andrea. 'Seneschal-Majoris, a pleasure'.

[OOC - if Andrea allows it, he will kiss her hand. If she doesn't, he will merely bow politely]

'I am a little disappointed that I wasn't invited on board the ship,' he smiles. 'No matter. Let me be brief. I represent arms dealers, who are looking for an able ship and crew to ferry military supplies to the Mitilin system, near the Screaming Vortex. A war has been going on there for...oh, well, a long time I suppose,' he smiles again.

'You would like this, Master-at-Arms,' he says, in an overly familiar manner to Drak-Kung. 'There's a human civiliastion in Mitilin that has never known the glory of the Golden Throne,' evident mockery is in his voice, 'and they have been waging a ceaseless conflict. Conflict is good, yes? It allows people like us to profit. My clients wish to establish an arms trade with these people. You know? sell weapons to one side or the other - or both - and have them turn us a neat profit while they kill each other off. Perhaps, should it prove even more proftable, you could tip the war decisively in one side's favour.

'The point is, your new Amphael man needs to know this before he buries himself in Alid-Yuril fantasies. Accept our deal. I doubt my clients will offer as much as Alid-Yuril, but this is a sure-deal, and not to be baulked at'.

[OOC - I rolled for both of you and one of you succeeded and the other didn't. Drak-Kung gets the impression that Felton is being honest, while Andrea feels less convinced]

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:09 am
by Montresor
Malachi stands on the floor of the command bridge. Beneath him, the automaton like servitors busy themselves with their work. Officers go about their duties and, gradually, those who were on parade return to their stations.

The Explorator becomes aware that he is being observed by a tall and severe looking man dressed in an Imperial Guard lieutenant's uniform. The Amphael crest on his tunic, and the fear he seems to inspire in those around him make it clear that this man is no simple Guard officer. He points to the Armsman who escorted you: 'You. Explain yourself'.

The escort's shoulders instantly stiffen, as if he is preparing for a blow, and the man fails at voicing any kind of response. The officer strides over. Malachi notes the name Lieutenant Tyor sewn into his uniform.

Tyor coldly studies the escort. 'I gave you an order, sailor'.

'Sir?' The Armsman's voice quavers.

Tyor roars at the guard, who visibly flinches in shock. All eyes turn on the scene. 'Why in the name of the Emperor did you escort an unidentified tech-priest onto the bridge when no senior officer was in command here?!'

'Sir...I - this...this is the Explorator, sir...the -'

'Pull yourself together, you wash of deck-piss! Talk to me like a man - not a stumbling boy just fresh from suckling his mother's tit! I should have you flogged for this'. The escort begins to quickly explain before Tyor grabs him by front of his tunic, pulling him so close, the Helmsman's breath is hot on the guard's face. 'If this is the Explorator, what in the name of Saint Drusus is he doing here?! Why didn't he present himself at the parade?!'

The guard appears desperate now, yet he manages to stutter out a half-challenge, trying to tell the Helmsman that only Drak-Kung and the new Captain have a right to discipline him. This makes Tyor's face go red with rage, and he throws the Armsman on to the floor of the deck. Before he does anything else, he regards Malachi.

'Is this true? Is what this deck-garbage is saying correct? Are you the new tech-priest?' It is clear to Malchi that Tyor is enjoying himself.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 1:44 pm
by Injerian Praetus II
Montresor wrote:‘The planet holds a mere outpost. Importantly, within this outpost is an ancient chart of the stars. If this chart was to be cross-referenced with some of Lord-Captain Albinus’s records, we believe that Navigator Praetus would be able to narrow down the location of Albinus. You will have to visit this chart for yourself. You must understand, we cannot make our information available unless we are certain you will enter into a bargain with us. Likewise, precisely which planet holds the outpost, we will not reveal until you have reached Prethian.
Navigator Praetus nodded at the mention of the chart. "It is possible to cross-reference, however one must take into account star drift; they move across the void not unlike islands adrift in some black ocean." For a moment he appeared discomforted by his poetic speech, and so cleared his throat softly. "So to speak. Of course, stars are easily recognised, and rarely change over the time scales we are concerned with now. In that regard, it is possible to correlate the maps and narrow down the location of Albinus within a few light-seconds."

Praetus resisted relaxing into his chair. "It should be easy," he finished.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:13 am
by Garrius Amphael
It wasn't until the lights came on that Garrius realised he had leant forward in his seat. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts and get back on track. This was certainly becoming more and more appealing by the moment.

By the time he had gathered his thoughts, the Navigator was speaking. He liked this man, liked his confidence and standing. Would be a goo d man to have on the crew.

Once he had finished speaking Garrius turned to Factor Kerr. "You say you provide the staff for the harvesting. Does this include security personnel, or are we too protect them while on the ground?" He stopped briefly to take a sip of wine.

"Also, once we have located this planet and your men are ashore is that our task complete? Or do you require us to ferry the product back and forth? One would assume such a task would fall to more...suitable vessels.

Oh and one last thing. When you say split the profit, what sort of split and profit are we speaking here, so as to better assess our own part in this."

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:52 am
by Montresor
Kerr nods forthrightly at Garrius's questions. He seems pleased to be answering queries.

'I think your Madame Seneschal would be better tasked with working out the fine details with us, however, I can provide some brief answers for all of your questions'.

Service staff begin to place various meats upon your plates, arranging things with effortless care and attention. Both Praetus and Garrius Amphael recognise the musky scent of Mereyt bird meat, a rare and expensive dish usually reserved for banquets in Hive spires.

Kerr begins his answers. 'Once the planet has been located, establishing the harvesting colony will take a few weeks. By this I mean, establishing the structures. From then, the spores need to be studied to deduce whether or not there is a seasonal influence. Of course, we would expect you to provide the security for the operation, as there are likely to be a number of dangerous predators on the planet.

'Alid-Yuril can provide around a hundred staff for the colony - these will all be specialised crewmen and so on - though the harvesting will probably need another thousand hands or so. We hope that Amphael can provide these from amongst your own crew.

'The first shipment of chemicals will need to be taken back on the Invictus and, from there, we can see what shipping arrangements best suit everyone. You must be aware, of course, if rival Rogue Traders become aware of the colony, the Invictus may be called upon to defend it.

'Alid-Yuril will need the use of all of your cargo hold's shipment space. Not only will there need to be room for heavy lifting equipmemt, deployable structures, harvesting tools and so on; there will need to be some room set aside for food supplies for the colony. Enough for a year should be fine. We can't be sure that anything on Albinus will be edible, of course'.

[Kerr begins to outline the financial details of the operation. He discusses costs in capital and overheads and so on, in a fashion that escapes both Garrius and Praetus - both failed their Evaluate tests. Kerr skims the details while you all eat lunch, but it is evident that the trade he is talking about involves both high costs and very high gains. The theoretical sum to be made from the trade sounds very high]

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:49 am
by Garrius Amphael
Garrius was silent whilst eating and listening to Kerr. After finishing, he sat contemplating a moment, his index finger drumming heavily on the table.

"I am very much interested. I will need to retire and discuss with my senior staff the logistics etc before I can truly commit however. This can wait till my Seneschal returns which wont be long at all. While we wait would any of my senior staff present wish to add anything? Garrius made an effort to look around his seated staff.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:24 am
by Montresor
Mordia begins to open his mouth to respond, though the Senior Astropath speaks first. As Sterr intones with a seemingly ancient voice, Mordia slowly shuts his mouth and looks embarrassed.

'From the depths of this world I shall sing to the Void, carrying word of our landing if you so will it, lord of the Amphael. But Harun hides on worlds which have not known the Emperor's light. Do you wish him to take your heart from you and feast upon it under the limitless moons which imprison him?'

All eyes turn to the Astropath. The sightless hollows where his own eyes once were burn into Garrius, before he relaxes his posture. The representatives of Alid-Yuril stare fixedly at Sterr, perplexed by what he has just side.

Mordia chooses to remain silent.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:45 am
by Injerian Praetus II
Navigator Praetus sat savouring the Mereyt meat for a moment - its spicy, sweet qualities enhanced as it melted on his tongue - and raised a cloth to his mouth to wipe away the tingling juices. He narrowed his eyes in contemplation, and reaching for a glass of wine, looked towards the other men.

It was entirely acceptable in these situations to indulge oneself, and so a mouthful of wine was swallowed and quickly another before he spoke. "I am keen to continue speaking to Factor Kerr in your absence, Garrius. In fact, there are some things I would like cleared, and this fine meal presents me - us - with the opportunity to speak in comfort.

"Oh, one last thing. I am aware that I may have offended your seneschal. It does happen occasionally; the importance of their duties does often lead to a quick temper or sensitive sorts. I should know, for I have encountered many in the past."

Praetus grinned to himself as he lit a cigar. He leaned back into his chair and reached out for his glass of wine, blue-grey smoke wreathed around his face. Mocking eyes observing his audience.

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:42 pm
by Andrea Chan-Gauthier
Montresor wrote:...she encounters a member of the service staff - a young woman dressed neatly in a white uniform.

'Madame, Brother Detronimus requested I inform you that there will be a service in the Temple of the God Emperor this evening for the senior staff and officers. The service is in honour of our new Lord-Captain, of course. Farewell'.
"Yes. Farewell."
Montresor wrote:[OOC - Andrea rolled well for a Common Lore Underworld test. She has seen Felton before and, putting the face to the name, she understands that he is quite well known for being employed as a freelance agent by various noble families, rogue traders and, especially, illegal enterprises.]

Felton smiles at Drak-Kung and makes a point of keeping his attention on the warrior while he addresses Andrea. 'Seneschal-Majoris, a pleasure'.

[OOC - if Andrea allows it, he will kiss her hand. If she doesn't, he will merely bow politely]
Andrea crosses her arms across her torso, instead of extending a hand. "Procurator." she says. This is only acknowledgement of his presence, neither welcoming nor inviting his unannounced presence on the ship. "I have just left an important meeting, mere minutes after the arrival of my new Lord-Captain aboard his vessel. I do hope that what you have to say is important enough to make me not regret that."
Montresor wrote:'I am a little disappointed that I wasn't invited on board the ship,' he smiles. 'No matter. Let me be brief. I represent arms dealers, who are looking for an able ship and crew to ferry military supplies to the Mitilin system, near the Screaming Vortex. A war has been going on there for...oh, well, a long time I suppose,' he smiles again.

'You would like this, Master-at-Arms,' he says, in an overly familiar manner to Drak-Kung. 'There's a human civiliastion in Mitilin that has never known the glory of the Golden Throne,' evident mockery is in his voice, 'and they have been waging a ceaseless conflict. Conflict is good, yes? It allows people like us to profit. My clients wish to establish an arms trade with these people. You know? sell weapons to one side or the other - or both - and have them turn us a neat profit while they kill each other off. Perhaps, should it prove even more proftable, you could tip the war decisively in one side's favour.

'The point is, your new Amphael man needs to know this before he buries himself in Alid-Yuril fantasies. Accept our deal. I doubt my clients will offer as much as Alid-Yuril, but this is a sure-deal, and not to be baulked at'.

[OOC - I rolled for both of you and one of you succeeded and the other didn't. Drak-Kung gets the impression that Felton is being honest, while Andrea feels less convinced]
"So, just to satisfy my curiosity, you understand... why is it that your clients chose to wait until now to present this offer? And why did they chose to have you show up, unannounced and skulking around at the moment our new Lord-Captain is scheduled to arrive? As opposed to, for the sake of argument, calling ahead and announcing your intentions. Perhaps even scheduling a meeting with the Lord-Captain?"

She glances around the hallway, then focuses on her fingernails for a moment. "I am inclined to believe that you represent a group who wishes to stop us from dealing with the Alid-Yuril. If you had wanted to MAKE a deal with us, you and your clients would have used proper channels, and followed all the necessary formalities. But showing up as you did, in this manner, at this exact time, is an effective way of disrupting our other negotiations. It is a less effective way of securing a deal with us." With this, she spreads her fingers wide, satisfied that there are no problems with their care.

Then she looks the Procurator in the eyes. "I will give you this chance now to convince me otherwise. But I warn you, I will not waste my Lord-Captain's time by repeating this story to him as it is. He's already displeased with me enough for having left the meeting to come out here. So, I'm afraid you have an uphill battle ahead of you."

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:54 am
by Lt. Commander Zarkov
Montresor wrote: This makes Tyor's face go red with rage, and he throws the Armsman on to the floor of the deck. Before he does anything else, he regards Malachi.

'Is this true? Is what this deck-garbage is saying correct? Are you the new tech-priest?' It is clear to Malchi that Tyor is enjoying himself.
Zarkov led his gunnery crew onto the bridge just as the unfortunate Armsman impacted with the deck. His voice rose to a commanding level. "Stand down, Tyor." Seeing the Explorator, he turned to his Lieutenant. "Get the men set up, we shall start running drills as soon as we are underway."

He walked over to the Tech-preist, and to Tyor's amazement knelt before him, making the sign of the Machine God. "Explorator, a thousand blessings of the Omnissiah upon you. I am Darius Zarkov, First Officer aboard this ship, at your service."

"I apologise for the over-zealousness of my Helmsman. It is advantageous when dealing with such matters of security on the bridge. You understand of course." He nodded to Tyor. "Thank you Lieutenant, you may leave us." Tyor grunted and stalked off to find another outlet for his pent-up rage.

Zarkov stood. "Now, Explorator, this is a mere formality, but you do have your identification ready? Protocol must be followed, after all." He paused, silently appraising the Tech-Priests mechadendrites. "I do not blame you for shirking the procession however; such unnecessary ceremony."

"Servants like us," He smiled at the comparison, "have no need for pomp and parade." Zarkov realized he had been talking non-stop since his introduction. "I must apologise again, exalted Tech-priest." he bowed respectfully. "The Lord-Captain is holding a meeting with the merchant heads in the Dining Hall. The rest of the senior staff are there. If you wish to attend you may follow me, as my presence is unfortunately required. Otherwise, I will personally show you to your quarters."

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:23 am
by Malachi
Lt. Commander Zarkov wrote:Zarkov stood. "Now, Explorator, this is a mere formality, but you do have your identification ready? Protocol must be followed, after all." He paused, silently appraising the Tech-Priests mechadendrites. "I do not blame you for shirking the procession however; such unnecessary ceremony."

"Servants like us," He smiled at the comparison, "have no need for pomp and parade." Zarkov realized he had been talking non-stop since his introduction. "I must apologise again, exalted Tech-priest." he bowed respectfully. "The Lord-Captain is holding a meeting with the merchant heads in the Dining Hall. The rest of the senior staff are there. If you wish to attend you may follow me, as my presence is unfortunately required. Otherwise, I will personally show you to your quarters."
Malachi casually draws his Explorator identification and says "Your empathy demands respect, Zarkov. Please, there is no need for formality. Show me to your Captain... ah, but he arrives, and with company."

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:47 am
by Montresor
Andrea Chan-Gauthier wrote:Then she looks the Procurator in the eyes. "I will give you this chance now to convince me otherwise. But I warn you, I will not waste my Lord-Captain's time by repeating this story to him as it is. He's already displeased with me enough for having left the meeting to come out here. So, I'm afraid you have an uphill battle ahead of you."
The Procurator's demeanour changes instantly. His eyes narrow to cold slivers, and his posture slowly tightens to one of serpentine poise.

'The uphill battle will be yours, young seneschal, if you do not sell your Lord-Captain on this chance'. Even the soft and disarming voice is gone, and Felton presents a calculated exterior bordering on menace.

'This is not the sort of proposition which travels via the usual channels. I saw no need to waste my time arranging a chat with your new lord Amphael when I thought it just as likely he would be gunned down before he even set foot on the Invictus. But I see you like playing the part which befits an agent of a major household. Too bad for you the Amphaels are bit-players about to plunge themselves into depths where Alid-Yuril schemes will drown them forever.

'The Mitilin conflict presents something unique. You could all make a tidy profit from a low risk. You could set yourselves as king-makers, should you grasp the opportunity well enough. The humans in Mitilin are from a colony which predates the Imperium, but the Cult of the Mechanicus has for some time been working their influence there. Grand heresy is afoot, and all of you could capitalise on that, or get in the good books of the Inquisition. There's plunder to be had too - old ships wrecked on a vast moon that none have been able to get at yet'.

Procurator Felton stops for effect. Both Drak-Kung and Andrea are certain his annoyance is more than just an act. 'But chase after danger and death, if you will. Those men from the Consortium are criminals dressed up as merchants. I make no secret about being an opportunist, and nor do my clients claim to be anything but criminals. Tell your Rogue Trader what I have offered. I'll wait here for one hour. Any longer and this offer goes to a Dynasty with sense'.

The Procurator relaxes and smiles. 'I am done with talking to you for now'.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:23 am
by Montresor
Malachi wrote: "I am," he replied. "I was hoping to meet the Rogue Trader here, but I see that it's just me. Has he boarded yet?"
[Tyor will not reply before Zarkov's interruption, instead he sees to the rest of the bridge from the Helm]

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:21 pm
by Andrea Chan-Gauthier
Montresor wrote:The Procurator relaxes and smiles. 'I am done with talking to you for now'.
"Yes. I rather think you are, at that."

Andrea turns to Drak-Kung, and says "Chief, we'll allow him to stay for his hour. If the Lord-Captain wishes to continue speaking with him, we'll contact you. I believe the Lord-Captain will require your presence with him at the negotiations; can you find someone to watch over him?"

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:35 pm
by Drak-Kung
A quick, sharp nod, "Yes, it can." Gesturing to the armsmen already here, "Keep the Procurator company until such time as the Seneschal, myself, or Lord Amphael send for him."

Gesturing to Andrea, "Shall we proceed now?" and leads the way to the dining hall.

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:29 pm
by Andrea Chan-Gauthier
Drak-Kung and Andrea arrive at the room just in time to catch the end of Sterr's comments.
Sterr the Unborn wrote:'From the depths of this world I shall sing to the Void, carrying word of our landing if you so will it, lord of the Amphael. But Harun hides on worlds which have not known the Emperor's light. Do you wish him to take your heart from you and feast upon it under the limitless moons which imprison him?'
Andrea walks across the dining hall in silence, though not hiding her presence. Scuffing one's feet is simply crass, and a lady of refinement should avoid it at all costs. Skill check for Silent Move

"Wise Sterr, none wish that. But it is our duty to the Emperor and the Imperium to spread his word to all of the galaxy. Our Writ of Trade has no higher purpose than to do this. But of course, all care must be taken not to fall in achieving our goals on the Emperor's behalf."

The pair arrive at the Captain's table. Andrea approaches Garrius' chair, where she says to him in a more normal voice, "My Lord-Captain, I apologize for my absence, and I hope it was not too much of an inconvenience to all present. If I might trouble you for a moment of your time in private, I have some news to share. I'm sure these gentlemen don't need to be bothered with it just now, but you might find it useful. Of course, when we've reached a moment that doesn't interfere with conversation." With that she resumed her seat next to the Lord-Captian.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:21 am
by Garrius Amphael
Nodding Garrius stood, leaning forward with his knuckles upon the cold table. He looked around the seated guests.

"Representatives of the Alid-Yuril, if you will please excuse My staff and I, we will discuss this proposition and get back to you shortly. Please enjoy the food and drink till our return. Staff, if you please, let us take this to the bridge. Miss Chan-Gauthier, if you will please get in touch with Lt Commander Zarkov and have him meet us there."

Garrius headed to the door leading out of the dining hall. He stopped briefly and turned to face Praetus. "Navigator, please feel free to join us. Your opinion would be much appreciated in the coming discussion." With that Garrius made his way to the bridge.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:57 am
by Andrea Chan-Gauthier
"Of course, Lord-Captain." Andrea moved to the wall-mounted Vox caster by the door, and checked in with the comm's officer on the bridge.

"Please locate Lt. Commander Zarkov and have him meet the Lord-Captain and the rest of the senior staff in the bridge. I believe he was just there, if he isn't still."

The tinny voice came back to her, "He is still here, Lady Seneschal. I'll inform him of the Lord-Captain's arrival."

"Excellent. Thank you." She broke the connection and followed the group to the bridge.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:24 am
by Montresor
Andrea Chan-Gauthier wrote: Andrea walks across the dining hall in silence, though not hiding her presence. Scuffing one's feet is simply crass, and a lady of refinement should avoid it at all costs. Skill check for Silent Move
[An exceptional success. Almost noone notices Andrea until she is near the end of the table. Excluding, of course, the Astropath, whose supernatural sight means he perceives your movement with ease]
Andrea Chan-Gauthier wrote: "Wise Sterr, none wish that. But it is our duty to the Emperor and the Imperium to spread his word to all of the galaxy. Our Writ of Trade has no higher purpose than to do this. But of course, all care must be taken not to fall in achieving our goals on the Emperor's behalf."
Sterr makes no auditory response, but the way his sightless eye sockets follow Andrea is unnerving. Those in the room have the impression that he feels he has been misunderstood.

[The journey to the bridge will be uneventful. By the time you arrive, all of the senior staff will be present, as well as some from other sections of the ship and the psyker divisions - Quartermaster Andor Feyr; Enginseer Metanus; Lieutenant Nathin Travic; and Flight Colonel Sallustis Eyre (see NPC list for notes). ]

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:08 pm
by Garrius Amphael
Garrius allowed the senior staff to gather around him. He nodded and saluted those who had not been at the meeting who he felt worthy of such greetings. Once he was satisfied everyone was listening he began.

"For those of you who were otherwise engaged, I have just come from a meeting with the representatives of the Alid-Yuril. They have come asking us to undertake a great exploration on their part. I shall do my best to briefly summarize."

Garrius then went on to outline the discussion they had just had in the dining room. Explaining all the detail he could remember that he felt was relevant. As he did so, he could not help but imagine the feeling of being such a great explorer, discovering Xenos worlds, leading his crew across the void in search of this lost planet in the name of the Holy Emperor. As he drew towards the end of the description, he could not help but stand tall and push his chest out with pride. This could be it. He had found a quest worthy of him. Worthy of his ship. Most of all, worthy of the Amphaels.

Wrapping up he looked around the gathered faces. "As you can no doubt imagine this will be no small undertaking. Is there any amongst the staff here who feel we are ill prepared or unable to make such a journey? Also, Miss Chan-Gauthier. What news do you bring from your little foray away from our meeting? Hmm?"