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Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:44 pm
by aTOMiC
Okay guys.

Its a new year but an old promise that needs to be kept. We need to get the next Anthology published and we need to get busy working it out right away. I know there has been some discussions, spearheaded by dAN, concerning the submissions that we've recieved thus far and from what dAN is telling me we have some really excellent stories and poems.

I'm guessing however we need more so I'd like everyone that reads this to either consider submitting a story / poem or help us reach anyone that may not know about us and may like to contribute. (I still believe there is a vast untapped cache of material in the Hall of Gifts and in the Writer's Forum that could be mined for gems).

We have the potential to make this the best story collection we've produced so far (that is a very lofty goal considering the quality of the previous Anthologies).

I'll post a new deadline and updated guidlines soon.
