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Alien vs Predator 360 demo.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:49 am
by Kevin164
Downloaded it this morning and here's what you get. It's basically one level on the multi-player death match mode. You can play all three races. It's toted as a earlier work, so it might not be the final product. That's a good thing because I was a little pissed off with the default controller configuration. You can head into options to change it, but that turned out to be a waste of time as well. Hopefully in the final game you'll be able to customize the controller how you want it. If not, well I wasn't the happiest playing AVP.

The Alien is fun. Straight out it's a fun choice. Second only to the Predator, while the marine was shoot and scoot. Like all multi-player matches it tends to boil down to who can circle strafe the fastest. There's little in strategy that I could see other than who could run up behind and deliver the fatal respawn moment.

This is pretty much what you get with the demo.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:55 pm
by Kalkin
A slicked-up version of the PC game that came out over ten years ago. AVP was, and is still, and awesome PC title. Truly scary at points, especially in the marine mod, as you listen to the beeping of the proximity detector in darkened corridors, only to hear the distant screech of aliens coming for the kill.

The game managed to combine the scariness of the first movie with the firepower of the second. The alien was truly fun to play. Running at full tilt down tunnels and across ceilings, dropping down behind a marine to bite his head off. Good fun. If the console game is half as good as the original PC version, I might just buy a 360.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:12 pm
by CovenantJr
I've played a couple of matches, and it seems ok but not particularly impressive.

So far I've only been a marine and an alien. The marine seems like an over-simplified take on standard FPS stuff. The alien is more interesting and definitely requires a completely different style of play (kind of like being the Infected in Left 4 Dead) but it's hard as hell to use. Part of that comes from the bizarre controls (RT to climb walls and RB/LB to attack? Blech!) and part is that I'm sure it must take practice to maneouvre across walls and ceilings without getting completely lost. Oh, and there was a time I died because my alien inexplicably wouldn't climb the wall even though the appropriate icon was on screen and I was pulling the right trigger. Hmm.

Additionally, I've noticed that the Predator is almost unbeatable. It absolutely massacres marine and alien alike. It seems quite overpowered.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:09 pm
by Kevin164
What making this fun for me is that I have been lucky enough to hit a few matches with some older players that were in a talking mood. Six aliens sitting on the ceiling shooting the shit on what we thought about the game while a Pred was yelling at us to come down was really funny.

The Pred is extremely overpowered. I found that it forced Alien and human players to team up at times. It'll be fun to see what happens in the other multi-player matches.

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:04 pm
by CovenantJr
I imagine the power of the Predator will be less of an issue in team-based matches, because then he'll be the only one that's alone (presumably). But in the free-for-all deathmatch we get in the demo, the Predator usually dominates.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:09 am
by jacob Raver, sinTempter
The old AvP was a decade before it's time. This one doesn't seem to have quite the same feel, and the graphics are a letdown for me.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:20 am
by CovenantJr
I don't think the graphics are bad, just a bit grimy and grainy. With just the one gloomy environment available so far, it might be too early to pass judgement on the visuals.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:35 am
by Stone Magnet
The graphics in the demo (at least in the PC version) only support Direct X 9 rendering, whereas the final product will have DX 11. I assume the console demo will have similar "beta" graphics when compared to the final product. I thought the multiplayer was great, having played AVP1 and 2 it stands up, and the stealth kills are the icing on the cake. Pred is only overpowered if the deathmatch has him vs all the same race, or mostly one race, as you can just spam one visual mode. Gets harder with 1 pred vs 3 aliens and 3 marines...I did find the preds auto aim on melee to be very easy to use compared to the alien however.

One on one alien vs marine is my current fav. If you're the marine you're scared shitless, constantly getting stealth killed. If you're the alien you're madly smashing lights and hanging out on the ceiling, waiting for your prey in darkness. True to the film vibes.

Oh and with the alien wall transfer I find the button has to be held down as you approach a wall (at least on pc) rather than tapped when the prompt comes up. Then release when you are on the surface you want to stay on. Took me awhile to get used to it, and the lack of a standalone "leap" function, but the "focus kill" (use focus and light attack to target and leap at foes) is easier to use anyway.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:57 pm
by Queeaqueg
Worst game ever... never been soo bored. Thought Predator would be fun but whats the point if he is nothing like the film, enemies can see him in stealth mode and his plasma gun goes not kill in one hit. The game is also far too short.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:59 pm
by CovenantJr
Don't you think 'worst game ever' is a little excessive?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:50 am
by Stone Magnet
Queeaqueg wrote:Worst game ever... never been soo bored. Thought Predator would be fun but whats the point if he is nothing like the film, enemies can see him in stealth mode and his plasma gun goes not kill in one hit. The game is also far too short.
Enemies can see Predator in stealth mode in the films. Otherwise the first half of Predator 1 would be lackluster as. Its active camouflage, but if you run full tilt (making noise) at enemies already alerted to your presence, it sure as hell won't work. It reduces the Predators visibility, make him harder to acquire and hit, but never made him invisible. If you're not stealthy with your play it won't work.

The plasmacaster always killed one hit for me in multiplayer, you just have to charge it up and target it (hold down secondary fire). Bits of marine/alien fly everywhere. Not that I have any reason to defend the game, haven't played single player, but come on!

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:38 am
by Queeaqueg
Nah the enemies saw me at distance, I saw standing in a marsh n the human enemies were a good distnace and they saw me even though I had the camo on lol
I never played it online because to be fair Modern Warfare 2 or Fifa10 are just too good and addictive.
Luckly with this game i got a full refund and brought Dragon Age game which was a 1000 times better