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Vampire: Dark Ages - Scene 1: In the Company of Strangers

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:21 am
by Goatkiller666

Each of you is visited by Lothar, manservant to Lord Claudio Giovanni. He presents you with a written invitation, on fine parchment, beautifully written. In Italian, then Hungarian, then German, then Slovak, it says:
Claudio Giovanni wrote:You are cordially invited to dinner with His Lordship, Claudio Giovanni, Baron of Zombar, in his Manse north of Zombar Village. Dinner will be served on the evening of April 4th.

Please arrive at the Red Lamb Inn on April 3rd. Stay the night as His Lordship's guest, and you will be escorted to Castle Giovanni the next afternoon to meet with His Lordship and his other honored guests.

Festivities will run late, and accomidations will be available in Castle Zombar for all.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:47 am
by Goatkiller666

The Red Lamb Inn is situated in the town of Zombar, on small fork of the Danube River. The inn commands a place of prominence in the town, facing the church across the town square, with its back to the river.

As the sun sets to the west, a storm rolls in from the east. The rain is still light as the guests begin to arrive, but grows heavier over time.

A roaring hearth fire banishes the storm's chill and gloom from the spacious common room in the Red Lamb Inn in the Hungarian wilderness near the Giovanni Manse. At the inn are the innkeeper and his servants, a young soldier, an old beggar woman and a monk. At the table closest to the fire are three nuns and a young woman. The eldest nun seems to be quite frail, and possibly blind. The table next to them holds a young knight and two other soldiers, all wearing the same colors. A small boy is seated at the table with them, in the seat closest to the table of nuns, though he's not paying attention to what either group is saying. Periodically, the young woman will turn to her and attempt to get him to eat, or to wipe he face.

Sitting alone at another table nearby, is a franciscan friar with a mug of water and a few slices of bread on a plate before him. Farther away from the others is a younger man, perhaps a soldier as well, though he looks less well maintained than the others. He seems to be nursing his drink and favoring his leg.

As each person enters, the inn, the innkeeper calls out to him in Hungarian, "Welcome, traveler. Come in out of the storm and warm yourself by the fire. If you're one of His Lordship's guests, your meal and drinks are complementary, of course. Any friend of Lord Claudius is always welcomed in my house."

Vampire: Dark Ages - NPCs

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:44 am
by Goatkiller666

Mother Superior Constanza

Head of the nuns at Szent Mihály székesegyház (Saint Michael's Cathedral) in Veszprém, the Mother Superior is said to be the oldest living person in the town. The current Bishop of the Cathedral remembers her as a harsh taskmistress when he was going through schooling there. Her health is failing, though her mind is as keen as ever. She requires assistance to walk any distance, though since her vision gave out over fifteen years hence, she hardly ever chooses to walk. The duty of tending to her falls to one of the young women who have not yet taken their vows. She considers it a great learning opportunity for these women, though they hardly ever agree with her, as she is generally disagreable and very strict in her interpretation of scripture. She rules over the Cathedral's nuns with an iron fist, and has a fair amount of influence in the city at large and most of the Churchs in most of Hungary.


Sister Georgette

Once herself the tender of the Mother Superior, more than thirty-five years past.


Sister Marta

She came to the Cathedral only ten years ago, pregnant with the child of some soldier who spared her life only because he was too tired after raping her to be bothered. The pregnancy almost killed her, and when the child was stillborn, she took it as a sign from God that her attacker and his seed had been sent by the Devil himself. After recovering, she stayed with the nuns, eventually taking her vows.



Raised as an orphan in the Cathedral, Marianne has known only pious worship all her life. Now a young woman, she is on her way to becoming one of Jesus' brides. She has been the Mother Superior's current tender for three years, though she recently has also taken on the care of a young girl, Sabine.


Brother Dante

A franciscan monk, in brown robes wearing only a wooden cross about his neck, Brother Dante is of medium age. No longer in his prime, but not yet greying of hair. He seems friendly when approached.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:46 am
by Goatkiller666

Sir Leopold von Jungingen

A landed knight (his lands are in Lebanon, near Acre), Sir Leopold is in his late 30s. Strong and commanding, he is a member of the Teutonic Knights. He is visiting the Cathedral Veszprém with two men-at-arms, the brothers Wolfgang and Günter.



The elder of the two brothers, Wolfgang is also the more aggressive. Both brothers are skilled hunters and skilled warriors, but Wolfgang has a taste for battle that his brother Günter lacks.



The younger brother, Günter is a skilled hunter and warrior. He prefers the quiet of hunting game, especially large game like boars and occasionally bear, to killing people in battle.



Injured during the crusade, Pierre slowly made his way back to his home, only to find that his family was gone. He has heard that Lord Claudius is hiring men for his household guard, and has arrived hoping to convince his Lordship to hire him.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:48 am
by Goatkiller666


Faithful steward to Claudius Giovanni, Lothar holds himself in very high esteem. He travels far and wide on his lord's errands, though few know exactly what those are.



Coachman to Claudius, he is a gentle man who finds horses far more honorable souls than most men. He respects those few who show compassion towards others, and he attempts to extend kindness towards others as well.


Sigismund (and his son)

Sigismund is the owner and operator of the Red Lamb Inn, and your host. His inn caters to travellers visiting his Lordship, and is one of the better establishments in the area.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:36 am
by Sabine
I came in first. I'm the "small boy". These strangers decided to take care of me. Mostly they're ignoring me, as long as I eat, but the lady without the hat keeps talking to me. She seems nice, though.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:28 am
by Taduz Illyannovich
I enter the inn, smile knowingly at the owner, and beckon a wench to bring me a drink, toasting Lord Claudio.

Taking my bags to my room, I return to the main area, and find my drink waiting for me, the server nowhere in sight.

My eyes narrow upon seeing the religious figures already here, and I leave the drink untouched.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:22 pm
by Seska Karantanija
The door to the inn opens to the pull of stout looking man in thick leathers and a heavy traveling cloak who takes a quick study of the room. Satisfied, he draws back to hold the door open for the two women accompanying him. The first scurries through the door and quickly removes the hood to her cloak, happy to be out of the chill and worsening rain. She then spins about quickly, sending her dark, shoulder-length and curly locks twirling, and says to the other women in Slovak, "M'lady, we should get you out of that damp cloak before you catch cold."

The second women takes a more measured pace as she enters after nodding to the man at the door. While unbuckling her cloak to reveal a fine dress, she replies to the first, still in Slovak, "Vida, stop being so fussy. The rain is not that hard yet and we only had to cross the courtyard in it. How about that table there?" as she points to one along the wall, somewhat near the friar. Realizing the man's presence she wrinkles her nose a bit, but continues as the doorman enters, "Bojan, would you see to our accomodations, please? Mead if they have it, otherwise their smoothest wine."

As she walks over to the table, Vida takes their cloaks and hangs them near the fire to dry. Bojan greets the innkeep in Hungarian, ignoring the water on his, and begins to see about their business.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:38 am
by Goatkiller666
Sigismond greets Bojan warmly, "Welcome, travellers. I take it you're with Lord Claudius? Then your rooms are all ready for you." Bojan and the innkeeper discuss the arrangements, then Sigismond's son brings out a bottle of mead, two goblets, a tankard of ale, and a basket of still-warm bread to the table; while Sigismond himself carry's the luggage up to the room, with Bojan tagging along to supervise.

"I'll be back with your dinner in a moment, M'Lady." says the boy, in Hungarian.

He swings by Taduz' table on his way to the kitchen, "And you, sir? Would you like some of the roast? We've got a whole swine on the spit."

The innkeeper and Bojan return then, Bojan taking a seat with his countrywomen, and he takes a pull from the ale.

One of the three men near the fire, the one in a noble's clothes, begins to tell his companions a tale of bloody conquest down in Constantinople. The full conversation isn't quite audible, but everyone can hear the highlights pretty well. The word "heretic" figures often. As he gets more into the story, his voice gets louder, as do the laughs of his companions. It's clear that they're a few tankards into the evening, already.

Soon, the eldest nun turns to him, "Sir Leopold, do be quiet. The dinner table is no place for stories of evisceration. Especially not with a child present."

Sir Leopold turns towards her and replies, "The boy's got to learn how to be a man sometime, Mother Superior." To this, the nun just continues staring, and Sir Leopold eventually turns back to his ale and his companions. "So, I hear that runt from Achen... what's his name... Hans? is getting married this summer. His father must have paid quite a bit for that marriage, no matter how common the girl is." But his tone is more reserved now.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:41 pm
by Sabine
I mutter, "I'm not a boy." Then, I get up from the table and wander around the room. Lady Seska catches my eye. She has fancy Noble clothes, and she's so pretty. I end up staring at her for a while.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:12 pm
by Seska Karantanija
Seska takes the bottle and pours a healthy quantity for herself and Vida. With a grin on her face she tells her companion, "This should warm me up sufficiently so you don't have to fret so much about the cold. Relax and enjoy yourself for a change." Switching to Hungarian briefly, she thanks the boy.

When the soldiers begin their boasting, Bojan's countenance sours and he takes a heavy swig of ale. Seska puts a hand on her companion's arm and gives him a knowing glance. She seems surprised but thankful for the nun's harsh words. The matter having resolved itself for the moment, she returns to idle chatter with her retainers.

Finally noticing the child's gaze, Seska turns to her and smiles. Speaking in Hungarian she motions to Sabine, "Come here dearie. You look to be about my childrens' ages. What is your name, hmmm? Why are you hanging around these cenobitties*?"

* Seska is making a play on 'cenobite' and the Hungarian equivalent of 'old bitty'.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:22 pm
by Alína Nyárí
The rickety cart pulls slowly up to the doors of the inn, and the plump woman climbs slowly down. Walking to the lead of her bay mare, she gives her a hug along her nose, muttering "A dank, Zoja. Alevay vayter." Releasing Zoja, Alína hitches her reins around a nearby post, making sure the cart is not in the way of any who may happen by in the downpour. Then, walking to the door of the inn, she lowers the damp hood of her traveling cloak, and brushes the wet wisps of hair under her tichel with her hand.

Pushing the door open, she blushes at the innkeeper's greeting, not understanding a word. Making her way towards the speaker she quietly asks him in Slovak, "Do you speak Czech or Slovak?" prepared to ask again in Czech if a blank stare is all the response she receives.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:58 pm
by Goatkiller666
Alína Nyárí wrote:"Do you speak Czech or Slovak?"
Sigismond smiles brightly, "Everyone in Zombar is Slovak by blood, goodwoman. You'll have no problems being understood here. By your accent, I'm thinking you're Bohemian? Are you one of Lord Claudius' dinner guests, then? His Lordship hasn't had a Bohemian visit for quite some time."

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:07 pm
by Alína Nyárí
Alína blushes prettily at the kind words. "Yes, kind sir. My home was in Prague. But I now hail from a small region to the northeast, since my husband's passing..."

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:15 pm
by Sabine
Seska Karantanija wrote:"What is your name, hmmm? Why are you hanging around these cenobitties*?"
"My name's Sabine, Mistress. But, what's a ceno... cenobitty?"

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:23 pm
by Goatkiller666
Alína Nyárí wrote:"But I now hail from a small region to the northeast, since my husband's passing..."
"May he rest in peace." intones the innkeeper, solemnly. "But Lord Giovanni will treat you no worse for being a widow, I've no doubt. If you have anything to bring up to your room, I'll carry it up now for you. My son will bring you dinner, and then attend to your horse in the stables."

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:41 pm
by Alína Nyárí
Sigismond wrote:"But Lord Giovanni will treat you no worse for being a widow, I've no doubt. If you have anything to bring up to your room, I'll carry it up now for you. My son will bring you dinner, and then attend to your horse in the stables."
Not used to such treatment from a non-Jew, Alína hesitates slightly, than mumbles, "Dakujem," in response. "All that I brought with me is in here," as she pats a small satchel slung across her back. "I would prefer to keep it with me, for now."

She inhales deeply, then lets out a pleasurable sigh, tinged slightly with regret. "Dinner smells luscious. But a simple plate of fruit and vegetables, or perhaps some eggs or fish is all I need. Is procuring such close by a possibility at this time of evening?"

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:45 pm
by Johann Von Braniff
I enter the Inn cautiously. My eyes canvas the place. Normally, I do not answer the summons of nobles, always seeking to distance myself from such people. But, something, someone pulled me here.

My eyes fall on an empty table in a dark corner of the room. I make my way over to it, sit, and watch the comings and goings.

"What am I doing here? This could be a trick..."

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:47 pm
by Taduz Illyannovich
Taduz ignores the boys first question studying the nun and company, when the boy passes by with drinks, he mutters to the boy "Roast. Whatever the else cook has also, in a good portion."

He notices the reaction of Lady Seska's companion to the braggart boasts, and smiles.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:01 pm
by Seska Karantanija
Sabine wrote:"My name's Sabine, Mistress. But, what's a ceno... cenobitty?"
Seska gives a chuckle to this, "Those who cloister together intent on a mutal lack of pleasure, my dear."

She reflects for a minute. "Sabine. That is a pretty name, although not one common to these lands. Are you and the cenobites," she pauses while glancing at the nuns, "going to see Lord Claudio as well? Are they petitioning his favor in some matter?"