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Acropolis now accepting new players- all skill lvls welcome

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:01 am
by [Syl]
Being a Hero

Maybe one of your parents was a god, maybe you stumbled upon a magic item, or maybe you just found yourself at the right place at the right time, but people tell stories about you. Or maybe you tell them about yourself in the Hall of Heroes, a place set aside in the wharf district where only heroes, manifested gods, or invited high priests may enter.

There is something about you, some skill or trait that sets you above ordinary mortals. You generally go where you please, and citizens of the Acropolis expect you to know more of the lands outside of the Acropolis than anyone else.

Of course, the greatest part of being a hero is the fame. Your deeds and titles will be listed in the Hall of Heroes. And as you complete quests or survive trials, you'll likely pick up fortune along the way - measured in gold, ships, property, livestock, and magical items.

Being a Demigod

Nymph, satyr, whatever the mortals call you. Sure, you could've been a god. But in your own way, you already are a god. Hail to the demigod, baby. You can speak in the Forum of the Gods if you choose, but mostly you don't. You're content to run your own little corner of the Acropolis. It's not named after you for nothing.

You don't concern yourself with followers, sacrifices, and priesthoods like the other gods do, though occasionally the locals do leave out things for you they think you might like, especially if they have to travel through the land that bears your name.

Your power outside your little corner is limited to nonexistent, but inside it, few gods could hope to challenge you.
If you've been wanting to play a Gravin Threndor game for a while but didn't know how, now is probably a good time to get in.

For those who just don't know about the whole god thing, there's the option to play as a Hero. Like Hercules or Jason, you can just act out your specialness. No need to worry about DSP/DRP, or all that. Search for adventure, glory, magical items, and all that good stuff. You'll get one 'special power' (something classically heroic. super-human, if not superman. no laser eyes or anything goofy), and you can create your own back story.

"Sounds fun, Syl, but probably too much work," you say? Well, have I got a deal for you. If you look at the wonderful map by Blackhawk, there's a whole lot of land out there. These places need names. Beaches, forests, rivers (well, I need to work on that), mountains... they all need gods. Pick a spot (would not recommend throwing a dart at your monitor), pick a name, and you will be a nymph, satyr, centaur, whatever of that locale. That spot is yours to do what you want with.

Other character ideas may be accepted. Just tell me the part you want to play, and I'll do my best to work it in. The idea is to have a large cast of characters that get worked in as the story allows.

Turns are still once a month. The time I have to devote to processing is finite though, so preference will be given to gods, then heroes, then minor characters.

If you want to play, please message me with your character idea. You may want to take a look at the Acropolis forum to get an idea of what is going on.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:16 am
by Virelai

Acropolis is awesome! The Autarch (Syl) is doing a fantastic job of running it.

Please do consider joining in!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:38 pm
by [Syl]
The rules for Acropolis are now updated if anyone wants to check them out.

Of particular importance are the new hero and demigod player classes. They will allow new players to play as little or as much as they would like. I'd really like to get as many people involved as possible. There's still room for a couple more heroes and a god, and there's practically unlimited space for demigods.

If you want to play, or even think you might want to play, let me know. I'd be happy to provide a few ideas if you're not sure which way to go.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:15 pm
by [Syl]
To anyone (anyone?) who plans on joining, just create an alt account with the name of the character you'll be playing and post your character idea in the registration thread.