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Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 3:03 pm
by aTOMiC

Well they've finally released an official trailer for TRON LEGACY. I've been a die hard TRON fan since the original film was released and I can't tell you how many hours I spent playing the TRON arcade game. Many hours of Coke and Cheddar cheese combos.
Obviously I've been anxiously awaiting the first formal trailer for T2 and my first impression is that I'm excited. This could be really cool. The look of the new film is familiar but upgraded in a way I find pleasing. It's also very cool to see Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxlightner return.
But since it's only a small taste all I can say for certain is so far so good.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:09 pm
by dANdeLION
Olivia Wilde's in it....that's all I need to know.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:01 pm
by Cagliostro
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GOD....

My inner child is moist due to this trailer.

I know it's going to suck, but I'm so looking forward to it. Hell, the original sucked - let's face it. But it was so cool and had music that still makes my heart beat a little faster whenever I hear it. Now I see why I should be more forgiving of Avatar. I can't frickin' wait.

There was something so cool about Jeff Bridges winning an Oscar and saying that his next film out is Tron. It was definitely the role that made me stand up and take notice of him.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:13 pm
by Cail
There weren't many people cooler than Flynn when I was growing up. He was a great character. Tron was horrible, tacky, cheesy fun, and I can't wait for the new film.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:53 pm
by Menolly
Agreed with all of you.

If I can, for this I will try to get to Orlando again to see Tron-style graphics in IMAX 3-D.
Unless the Tampa Watch contingent would like to arrange a mini-fest to go see it at an IMAX 3-D showing? If I am going to be driving a couple of hours one way to see it anyway...

I can not wait!

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:58 pm
by Fist and Faith
HOLY CRAP!!! I had no idea!!!! This is gonna be SO much fun!!!

The original was so good for its time! I clearly remember driving home from the theater, typical teen, driving crazy fast, thinking I was on a light cycle!

I really enjoyed Tron at the arcade, and also Discs of Tron:

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:09 am
by matrixman
Well that trailer made me feel better after a crappy day at work. Thanks, aTOMiC, I needed it!

I hope the new movie will be worthy of the original. I'm with Fist: I thought Tron was a wonderful film. To repeat something I said a while back at Glurpworld:

Tron was REALLY something fresh and new. It depicted a world that truly had not been seen before. It offered dizzying camera moves and extreme perspectives that would not have been possible in a "real" setting. The startling hugeness, inventiveness and kaleidoscopic colours of Tron's visuals either delighted and entranced you, or had you shaking your head. Jeff Bridges in the 20th Anniversary DVD interview said that "Tron stands alone." And Tron remains a unique achievement - its style is all its own.

Maybe Tron signalled some kind of generational divide. It heralded the rise of the modern "computer geek" and they - we - have never looked back. And Jeff Bridges's Flynn was the guy who spoke and fought for us.

There were two movies that summed up the future-tech "vibe" of the early 80's for me. One of them was Blade Runner. The other was Tron. Both were met with either apathy or outright hostility by the general public and film critics alike the first time around. But now we see how prescient these two films were. In a sense, we in our globally connected, 24/7, accelerated hi-tech existence today are living out what Tron promised.

Before The Matrix, there was Tron.
It will be good to see Tron return and reclaim its glory. 8)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:57 am
by Menolly
Did y'all see the teaser trailer based on the forthcoming video game that was shown at last year's Comic Con? Holy crap...

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:03 am
by matrixman
That was thrilling. :D

Oh how I loved those lightcycles.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:17 am
by dANdeLION
matrixman wrote:Before The Matrix, there was Tron.
Actually, before the Matrix, there was Johnny Mnemonic. Think on that and be dismayed!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:28 am
by Menolly
matrixman wrote:That was thrilling. :D

Oh how I loved those lightcycles.
*vigorously nodding*
I wanted one so badly...

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:48 am
by Rigel
Wanted one? I still want one of the originals, not to mention the new ones!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:38 am
by Menolly
Rigel wrote:Wanted one? I still want one of the originals, not to mention the new ones!
I guess this 50-year old Jewish mama can admit here that yeah, me too... my dreams, as I doubt I would be brave enough to actually ever get on one of them...

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:27 pm
by Fist and Faith
Well, I guess I'll buy the Tron dvd now. Been too long since I've seen it. Gotta be well-versed in it before this.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:01 pm
by Cagliostro
Fist and Faith wrote: I really enjoyed Tron at the arcade, and also Discs of Tron:
Discs of Tron is still one of, if not The, favorite arcade games of mine. Especially the big environmental cabinet thing turned up loud. There was one arcade in the mid 90's I went to that had it as such, and normal difficulty (instead of tweaked to the harder difficulty). I would spend hours in there. Damn, it was good, and sadly something MAME just cannot emulate or do any justice.
Then there was also the live action game that my friends and I put together. We would get together in my dad's basement with doors that closed and was a pretty enclosed space with lots of walls and floors to bank the frisbees off of. We'd each have a frisbee or two, and play a form of dodgeball with frisbees. If a frisbee touched you, you lost. If you smacked it with your frisbee, it would no longer be active, and if it landed on the ground, it would be dead and could be picked up and used. But we'd have a ball bouncing them off the wall, and getting the other guy backed into a corner, and usually 3 quick throws would take him out. I usually got knocked off by a well placed throw bouncing off the back wall that I'd be too slow to react to. Damn, I loved playing that. I always thought we should get together a Discs of Tron game going in college in the racketball courts, but the ceilings were too high.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:15 am
by The Dreaming
Cagliostro wrote:Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GOD....

My inner child is moist due to this trailer.

I know it's going to suck, but I'm so looking forward to it. Hell, the original sucked - let's face it. But it was so cool and had music that still makes my heart beat a little faster whenever I hear it. Now I see why I should be more forgiving of Avatar. I can't frickin' wait.

There was something so cool about Jeff Bridges winning an Oscar and saying that his next film out is Tron. It was definitely the role that made me stand up and take notice of him.
I dunno, I always felt like Tron was one of the best bad movies I had ever seen. Its one of those movies that a little tweaking in the planning stages could have made good. As it is, it's just going off in too many directions at once. Honestly, it was worth it just to see a buff Jeff Bridges.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:05 pm
by Blackhawk
I saw the Trailer at Alice in Wonderland 3d, Im glad this movie is a continuation rather than a remake,nothing against remakes..they are about 50/50 in the good bad with me, and almost anything with Jeff Bridges works for me, Ive liked Bridges since Thunderbolt and Lightfoot with Eastwood. looking forward to it.

I used to play the Intellivision Tron Games..Discs of death (something like that) and the arcade game also. I actually have Tron that is a much newer version 2001 or so on my MAC at home... great FPS First person shooter, if your a real tron fan im sure its available on PC out there, if not in a store then on Ebay for sure.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:56 pm
by Cagliostro
I enjoyed it, but I don't know if I ever finished it (the PC Tron 2.0 game). There were certainly some good bits, but I was pretty much over FPS at the time.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:52 pm
by matrixman
I never tried Tron 2.0. A sad statement all by itself, but it shows how far I've fallen out of the PC gaming mindset.
Marshall Breakwater wrote:
matrixman wrote:Before The Matrix, there was Tron.
Actually, before the Matrix, there was Johnny Mnemonic. Think on that and be dismayed!
Tried watching Johnny Mnemonic when it aired, but switched to something else after the first ten minutes or so.

If nothing else, you have to credit Keanu Reeves for being shrewd enough to avoid having his career wrecked by that one movie. :lol:

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:28 pm
by dANdeLION

Just one more week, my love, and we'll be reunited!

(do you think it's okay if I bring my binoculars to the the theater?)