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Acropolis 1.0 - Sunset Sermons

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:40 am
by Colu
At least one evening of each week this month, Szabad and Theresa are seen together at Sunset. The newlyweds find a spot in the city, a different place each time, where there are at least 20-30 people walking around. Possibly the square. Possibly outside a busy inn. Or at a social event in the noble district. Maybe nothing more than a busy intersection. Just random spots where people are gathered. And they give their Sunset Sermon, speaking words of unity for the city.


"What do we all want for our city? I am still young, but I am newly married, so becoming a father is on my mind a lot these days." *runs his eyes up and down Theresa's body. Then pauses for some laughter to die down* "For the first time, I am thinking of what my parents, what all parents, want. Our children must be safe. They must be happy, and healthy, and free from harm. This can only be accomplished if we will work together. Embrace our differences. Celebrate them. Offer help to those who need it. And accept it from someone whose different ways have given them answers we lack. The Light does not know what the Dark knows. The poor do not know what the rich know. The fastest runner does not know what the strongest arms know. Together, Light and Dark, rich and poor, strong and fast, can accomplish things that neither can accomplish alone.

"Nyx and Surya are working together to unify the city. Diana and Surya are working to ensure plentiful food for all in the winter months. Surya and Nyx have given gifts to Chime's High Priest so that he can better ensure fairness.

"As all know, Libidinal, God of Love, returned to us briefly, so moved was he by the love between Theresa and myself. But that love extends beyond the two of us. It extends to the city itself! To all. We do not want to prosper and be happy without all of you. Those who understand this, who want to make a stronger, safer city for all, are welcome to drink the mead of the God of Love with us. Taste the Love that will unify us all."

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:08 pm
by Nyx
As the sun's disk just touches the horizon, and Szabad finishes speaking, Theresa brings forth Libidinal's mug of mead. She carries it out to the people and serves some to everyone present. She continues serving them, including to Szabad and herself for the entire time the sun's disk touches the horizon. As the last sliver of fire vanishes from the sky, she hands the chalice to Szabad and turns to the crowd.


"I get the easy part. My husband had to gather you all here and catch your interest. But now you're all warmed up with mead and good company. If I can't seem interesting after all that, I'm really doing something wrong." A few quiet chuckles spread across the gathered people.

"But take a moment to think about how you're all feeling, right now. Everybody's relaxed, everybody's cheerful. You can blame that on the mead, and I'm sure it helps a little bit. But think past that. You're feeling community. You're feeling all of your neighbors around you, gathered together at the same time, listening to the same words of parenthood and unity."

"Now, think back to a couple months ago. We had a little trouble around town, some people rioting, people killing each other. And even if that violence didn't touch you directly, you still felt it. You felt that terror in your hearts. 'What if it had happened to me?' 'Is my mother, or my father okay?' And it stuck with you, no matter what you did, it was there... hanging over your heads. If you had a fine meal the next day, the flavor of that meal was tainted with that fear. If you spent the day with your family, even in that joyous day, there was still that fear."

"What we're hoping to create here is simply to get away from that cloud of fear. We want everybody in this city we call home to feel like this, every day. So that maybe one day, there will be people who don't even remember what that feeling of dread feels like."

"To get to that future, we need everybody to come together. Take this feeling of love for your neighbor, this feeling of community, and hold it within you as long as you can. And every day, come on out into the streets, into the parks, into the city, and share that feeling with all your neighbors. And they'll share it with you. And the community will grow stronger."

"That's it. That's all it takes. Simple, isn't it? But simple isn't the same as easy. Some days it'll be the hardest thing you've ever done. And maybe some days, you'll be feeling really low on love. Some days you'll have to come out into the streets and just let everybody love you for a whlie. But that's okay, 'cause some days you'll be on the street and one of your neighbors will be there needing some love too. Just take care of each other when you can, and let others take care of you when you need it. And we'll all be okay."

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:20 am
by Nyx
Theresa hands the goblet of divine mead to Szabad, and approaches the front of the crowd. More people are showing up to the surmons now, especially with Veralei joining the process. This means that it's no longer possible for all of them to get a taste of the mug during the time when the sun is touching the horizon, so Szabad will continue allowing the faithful to partake while Theresa spoke her part.

"Don't worry. Szabad has heard me rattle on like this before. He doesn't mind continuing with the mead while I talk again. You'll all get your share."

"But, let me guess what's on everybody's mind today..." she tilts her head dramatically, with one finger pressed to her temple, like an oracle having a vision. "I see... barbarians from the north... I see... blood, and fire." She opens her eyes and glances out across the crowd, seeing a few heads nodding. Especially towards the back, where the mead hasn't yet been served, several eyes are open wide with fear.

"What will happen to us all, you're wondering? I don't know, exactly. I know that Surya and Nyx have plans. But part of their plans includes all of us helping out. As much as we can, we need to stay calm. We need to stay focused on helping each other through this."

"And yes, that means that if things come to violence for the whole city, we all need to stand and fight, and protect what's ours. But beyond that, we need to support each other between now and then. Start working now to be prepared. Let's make room inside the walls now for the inhabitants of the villages outside them. Let's clear the outside of the walls, so none may climb them on the refuse we left behind. Let's clear the inside of the city, so that if the need comes, we'll be able to move around quickly to defend our homes. Let's make weapons for everyone, even if they're just long pikes with sharp tips. Ten peasants with sharp sticks can kill more barbarians than ten peasants with no sharp sticks. Let's make places to teach these peasants how to use sharp sticks. Let's make places to carry the injured. Let's have buckets of water stationed around the city, nay barrels of water, in case there are fires."

"But more importantly, let's create a reason to save it all. There are some who would say I'm encouraging strife with my words. That I'm talking up the fear and the violence. I say those are already hear. But with discipline, and love, they can be made into a driving force to push us all in the same direction. No chaos among us, but unity of purpose."

She points to a man in the middle of the crowd with a young girl on his shoulders. "You there, with the beautiful child. Would you fight differently with your child hiding behind you than if you were alone?"

The man nods his head, "Of course. I'd do anything to protect her."

"Exactly. And what about you, young man?" she says, to a teen standing to the side. "Would you fight harder knowing your ma and da, and gran and your uncles and cousins were inside?"

The youth shouts "Yeah!" and punches the air.

"Easy, killer, we get the idea." A laugh goes through the crowd. "Now, we need everybody to feel that sense of love and attachment to everybody else in the whole city. You're not just fighting for your child, or your parents. You're fighting for your neighbors, and your fellow citizens. People who've given as much to this city as you have. People who will be standing right next to you when the time comes."

"So, go out into the city when you can. Talk to each other. Find the butcher five blocks from your house and strike up a conversation with him. You've maybe bought some mutton from him before, but now find out about his little boy. Ask him about little Joseph's first steps. Tell him about little Jenny using the outhouse for the first time. Make his child, his wife, his household just as important to you as your own. As he'll make your child, your husband, your household important to him."

Szabad calls out from the rear of the crowd, "Just let him work while you talk, so he can keep serving out mutton."

Theresa glares with mock anger, "Hush dear. It's my turn to talk. And if the horde just runs away screaming, and never approaches our walls, we'll still be closer to each other. There's no reason not to, really."

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:28 am
by Colu

Good people of Aditya. Have no fear. Think of what my Lord Surya has done. Through me, he made you warm in winter. He and Diana are now growing food for you for the coming winter. He and Nyx are trying to unify our city so that we can live in peace and safety.

Do you think he would do all this, then watch us be destroyed by invading barbarians?? *gentle laughter* No. Surya is our protector. The horde is no more. Such is the fate of any who threaten His chosen city. All breath easy. The threat is past.

But my wife is right. She has just perfectly expressed the purpose of the Sunset Sermons. Libidinal was always quick with a laugh, and had lust to spare. But his Love was all-inclusive. He gave this mug to Theresa and I to celebrate only one aspect of his Love. We cannot hope to match him even in that aspect, even though we'll try for the rest of our lives. But Nyx and Surya use their power out of love for all of you. Even before they knew each other, they were both working for the benefit of our city. Warming it; helping the least advantaged raise themselves to a better life... Then they put Theresa and I together, to help yet another ensure fairness and justice. Now we speak to all of you like this, and already Virelai has joined us.

This is all love, and it is surely the reason Libidinal trusted us with his mead. He surely knew what Theresa and I would do with it. That we would share it with all in Aditya, to spread his ways. So that Sun and Darkness could be used for the benefit of us, rather than be used stopping us from destroying ourselves and our city. If the Sun must be used to cause pain and death, let it be on enemies from without, not on us as we tear ourselves apart. Let the Sun feed us and warm us, not stop us from hurting each other. What a waste of Surya's power that would be! What a dissapointment we would be to him! He has not chosen to protect this city from ourselves. He wants to protect us from others, so that we can achieve our highest potential!

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 6:04 am
by Virelai
Melody sat listening to Theresa and Szabad, smiling at the message of unity and respect she heard from both High Priestess and High Priest. She felt Szabad's confidence, though she herself was uncertain regarding the status of the horde. His confidence was enough to allay fears and the sense of panic which had been an undercurrent in the city since the arrival of the artisan troupe with the news of the capture of Marziale and the refugees fleeing from the horde. Theresa's words of cooperation and preparation, of a sense of community to fight for were welcome indeed as well.

She watched the scribes record the words spoken, noting their hesitation in spelling the unfamiliar word Szabad used twice. No one seemed to comprehend it when it was used; she assumed most would skip past it when attempting to read it. She saw that even in the same copy, it was spelled different ways. Still, the scribes strove for accuracy in transcribing the message of the sermons to parchment. The main messages of unity and cooperation will be clear to all who read them.

At the mention of her Lady's name by Szabad, Melody rose and made her way silently behind him. As he finishes, she lifts her voice in a unifying hymn, encouraging the congregants to take the message to heart, and learn about each other in respect and cooperation.

Here is Love
Here's Respect
Here is Unity

All the G-ds
Up above
Guard our community

And my soul is Song inside me
ever singing, ever leading...

"Sing with me!"

[...with apologies to DeScribe's Harmony]

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:10 am
by Nyx
"Last week, I spoke a bit about things we can all do to help prepare the city for an attack, while we hope one won't be necessary. A lot of it would be volunteer work, cleaning up around the city, and within the city."

"As most of you know, Nyx has given the poor, the homeless, her special attention. With my help, and that of Shawn, these people with nothing have started to work together for bigger goals. They've rebuilt decrepit old buildings, so they'd have places to stay. They've started taking on jobs together, hiring themselves out as a group, and earning the money they need to support themselves. None of them wish to beg or steal, and for the first time they're able to get by without having to."

"But also recently, our city is now home to refugees from far to the north, evicted from their homes by the barbarians everybody is worrying about. I'm sure that we're all glad to help out those who need it, but I know they would welcome the chance to give something back to the city that took them in. As I suggested last week, the more we depend on each other and trust each other; the more we live with each other, and help each other out, the closer we'll all be in our hearts. And the stronger that bond between us, all of us, the more we'll work and fight for each other if the worst happens."

"So, I propose this idea. There has already been a lot of support from the citizens of the city, cleaning up, preparing the city for war. But everyone is doing their own little bit. Instead of that, I suggest that we take these people of the city... who have nothing but time and their own effort to give, and let them give it. If one family were to serve an extra place at their table, that's a full day's work one man can give to bettering the city. And that man can work with a team of his fellows, doing their one task better and faster than a whole neighborhood who comes together for two hours a night."

"So, don't limit yourselves to what you can do directly to help the city. Think about how you can help indirectly as well. If you can spend your time enabling two others to work on the city, we're all better off, and those two others will start to feel a part of the city as well. You've doubled and more than doubled your benefit to the city."

"Share your food and warmth with those around you. Give a few coins, and your neighbor will give a few more, and between you all, perhaps enough can be found to make a difference. If you've some lumbar around the place, donate it to the barrel maker. Donate it to the spear maker. Bring all of your children together, so that they may scour the forest for medicinal herbs. Anything you or your family can do, directly or indirectly, will help save our city."

"Just be creative."

"And, of course, if anyone knows of any large projects that can be done, let us know. If there is an unsafe building in town, we would rather knock it down now and use that lumber for something else, than let it catch fire during some fighting and spread to the other houses. We'll come by and take care of it safely now, while there's still time."

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:17 am
by Nyx
"You've all seen me, and spoken to me, while sharing this mead with us. It seems we talk about Love and Unity more now, as a city, than we did when Libidinal was still in our city. But I think that's why he has left us, and left us with this goblet. Love is greater than the gods of one city. Love really is what makes a city what it is. A commonality of people, and of interests. Sharing of what is inside us with those around us."

"And you've heard Szabad speak of our plans for these Sunset Sermons. How we invite the priests of all the gods of Aditya to join us here, preaching of love and unity, sharing the beauties and benefits of each of our gods with all of the citizens. And how we need a place to do that properly, a place where all the priests and all the people can come together.

"There is no competition between the gods, or at least there shouldnt be. All of us here worship each of the gods, in our own time. I thank Surya for his gift every time my husband holds me in his arms. And I thank Nyx for her gifts every night. Whenever my workers find another job and go out to earn their livings, I give thanks to Chime. I expect to be spending a lot of time talking with Diana. Through the day and night, whenever I tap my feet along with the harpers, that tap is my homage to Veralei. When I visit the grave of my parents, and the grandpa I barely can recall, I know that Antaka has warded their souls on to the afterlife, and removed them from a world of pain and slow decay. All of these things come back to love. All of the people, all of the gods, doing what they do for Aditya."

"So, perhaps it is more fitting than we'd originally thought, that we're using this goblet of Libidinal's divine unending mead to celebrate that fact. And I suggest that when a permenant place is found where all the gods may be worshiped by all the people, that it be raised as a temple of love, in addition to being a temple of each of the gods."

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 1:59 pm
by Colu

As Theresa said, there should be no competition between the gods. And there isn't and will not be between those of the Church of the Acropolis, whoever they might be. The entire point of the Church is to strengthen the city through unity. My Lord Surya's power would not be needed to destroy an invading barbarian horde if that horde, knowing we stood together, and were unassailable. He is, of course, more than happy to care for us in this way until we become strong, and no longer need such things from him. So let's get to it!

Libidinal's mead will be the centerpiece of the Church will, when it is built. Any who enter may drink. Listen to the priests of just one deity or another; listen to all. Simply entering the Church will be the sign that you embrace its principles. We all feel more strongly pulled in one direction or another. Am I not Surya's High Priest? But that does not take away in the least from my appreciation of what Nyx does. And Virelai. And Chime, Diana, Antaka... Well, you understand. The Holy Sun may be absolutely vital to Aditya, and the entire world. But it is not the only absolutely vital thing. Whether keeping us alive, or giving us reason to bother living, there are many needs. And many deities fulfill those needs. It is fit that we honor them all. All who agree are welcome to share Libidinal's mead. The drink of a god!

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:40 pm
by Nyx
"You've all seen me, and spoken to me, while sharing this mead with us. It seems we talk about Love and Unity more now, as a city, than we did when Libidinal was still in our city. But I think that's why he has left us, and left us with this goblet. Love is greater than the gods of one city. Love really is what makes a city what it is. A commonality of people, and of interests. Sharing of what is inside us with those around us."

"And you've heard Szabad speak of our plans for these Sunset Sermons. How we invite the priests of all the gods of Aditya to join us here, preaching of love and unity, sharing the beauties and benefits of each of our gods with all of the citizens. And how we need a place to do that properly, a place where all the priests and all the people can come together.

"There is no competition between the gods, or at least there shouldnt be. All of us here worship each of the gods, in our own time. I thank Surya for his gift every time my husband holds me in his arms. And I thank Nyx for her gifts every night. Whenever my workers find another job and go out to earn their livings, I give thanks to Chime. I expect to be spending a lot of time talking with Diana. Through the day and night, whenever I tap my feet along with the harpers, that tap is my homage to Veralei. When I visit the grave of my parents, and the grandpa I barely can recall, I know that Antaka has warded their souls on to the afterlife, and removed them from a world of pain and slow decay. All of these things come back to love. All of the people, all of the gods, doing what they do for Aditya."

"So, perhaps it is more fitting than we'd originally thought, that we're using this goblet of Libidinal's divine unending mead to celebrate that fact. And I suggest that when a permenant place is found where all the gods may be worshiped by all the people, that it be raised as a temple of love, in addition to being a temple of each of the gods."

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 8:34 pm
by Virelai
When it seems all had been said by Theresa and Szabad, Melody rises and approaches the dais. Humbly projecting her voice, she addresses the gathering with these words.

“Let us call upon our ancient oral tales and songs. Many of them have been relegated to the status of rhymes recited in the nursery, with no real thought given to the meaning behind them. Refresh them in your memory and think upon their words.

“For instance, in one version of the history of our fair city as told from the cradle, the return of estranged people to the embrace of the founders may inspire us to further works of direct and indirect action.
The City grew
Once well-established
For contact lost
Mosnyi found she wished

Her people conquered
Had set her free
Their fealty was pledged
On bended knee

Though resentment simmered
Under placid yoke
Seasons bloomed and faded
‘Ere a wise one spoke

King Taeld himself
Observed his Queen’s yearning
“Once more shall I offer
The lesson worth learning”

Mosnyi’s people accepted
The Royal visit
Full honor and duty
Was on complete exhibit

Then Taeld broke tradition
By broaching directly
His subjects’ resentments
He addressed correctly

His Queen’s people admitted
To resenting his rule
Their defeat at his hands
Caused each to feel like a fool

“Self-respect is the issue
We need then to address
Take Joy in your Queen!
From you she is blessed.

“Her Vision, Her Beauty
Her Wisdom, Her Surety
She shows all who doubt
Her clans’ innate purity!”

His direct validation
Towards their resentment expressed
Through indirect example
Of their Queen did impress

Mosnyi’s clan realized
Their resentment unfounded
They embraced King and Queen
Fealty oaths said unbounded

Reunited at last
City and village dweller
Our strength grows abundant
Our future is stellar!
Melody’s chanting of the childish rhymes having ended, she gazes upon those congregated and strives to reinforce the lessons offered.

“Hearken to the words shared here at these gatherings. Help each other. Help yourself. Do just a little bit extra to ease the burden of another. Reciprocate in kind to the assistance freely offered to you. Most of all, listen to the needs of one another and search within yourself for answers to those needs. Work together, in healthy yet melodious competition for the strength of our city. United we will build and grow in harmony.”

Gesturing towards the priestly scribes of Writing, she closes with “So let it be Written.”

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:57 pm
by Colu

"Well, I guess we've seen what the deities can do when they act together. No less than four put power into the battle with the barbarians, and there was non-powered help as well. My Lord Surya gave them vision at night. A nice trick that seems to have worked out nicely.

"Against more than double the number of barbarians, who were protected by a deity that we do not yet know anything about, the King's army, empowered by some of our deities, were overwhelmingly victorious. Truly, it wasn't even a close battle.

"Have we all learned the lesson? Do we all see what cooperation does for us? The things we can accomplish? The strength we can have if we help each other? What can we not do for our city? What is the single most pressing problem we face? I tell you we can overcome anything if we stand together!"

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:48 am
by Virelai
The musicians call to meeting fading slowly in to the air, Melody slowly rose to address the City dwellers who came this week in answer to the call for Unity and Fellowship.

"This last month has seen potential for misunderstanding between two of the G-ddessess of our City come and go," she told those gathered to listen as the Sun slowly sank in to his Nightly embrace on the horizon. "And the misunderstanding was due more to oversight on my part, than any conflict between these two Ladies of divine might.

"As the furor passed away, I have felt my hand guided to compose a new hymn. One in honor of our City's Lady of Birth." Smiling towards Caireen as she sat with honor among the congregation, Melody continued, "If you all would listen, I shall teach it to you now."

Her voice rising with joy, the High Priestess of Song offers a hymn up to Birth...

I'm breathing in life, I'm breathing in her
I'm breathing in the darkness
Of what it is to live, it's beautiful here

I'm breathing in life, I'm breathing in blood
I'm breathing in the liquid
Of life and holy joy, it's beautiful here

There is safety in my ears
It's wonderful to be here with you
I'm feeling safe inside you

And I'm feeling like life would inside of you
The blood and the river are the same
We are one with you here the same

Mother, can you tell me please, am I safe
I decide for the world and I decide to be born
I decide for the world and I decide to be born

What will I think of this world?
What will I do in this world?
Will I be afraid of this world?
"The Lady Birth sees all in to the world. But it is the mothers and the village who supports the mothers who raise the children.

"The Harper Hall has embraced the new arrivals from the north who have come to our City and presented themselves to the Hall as their professions and choice dictated. The Hall and Artisans Guild have responded as best we are able with seeing these soon-to-be mothers comfortably situated and installed in the process of learning trades to support themselves and their pending arrivals. These new members of our City have been assured of their place in society and that no shame or stigma is attached to them for the actions of the barbaric Aequi upon them.

"But I failed to ask for the aid of the priestesses of Birth in succoring and overseeing the gestation of these soon to be newborn. I do so now, and pledge none of the Hall nor Guild shall stand in the way of a representative of Birth from doing their best to see the children in to the world.

"The Hall and Guild will then continue to train and support the new mothers and their children in all ways, once Birth releases them back in to our care. They shall be continued to be wanted and welcome in both Hall and community.

"It is the hope of Hall and Guild that Birth accepts this hymn with favor, and smiles upon the efforts we have made on behalf of the refugees through their first trimester of pregnancy."

With a small bow towards the congregated citizens, Melody walks to Caireen and shows her a scroll with the hymn written in both staff and words upon it. "A gift from Song to Birth," she says quietly. "May it be accepted as a sign of apology from both the Mistress of Muses and myself for my oversight."

Rolling the scroll and leaving it with Caireen, Melody goes to sit with the dancers who smile and murmur their own thanks for her efforts on their behalf. Then all quiet as they look expectantly towards the front for more words to be said.

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:27 am
by Colu
Before sunset, Szabad begins the Sunset Sermon, at the site of the construction.

"I suppose most of you have heard that construction does not go well. An alarming number of accidents have allowed for little progress. The problem is not natural. Some magical source is at work. We have no idea what it is. It could be one of our gods, but there are forces other than our gods at work in the area. The barbarians' Damos is only one.

"But all that's done with now. Surya, Nyx, and Virelai have now begun consecrating this land to make their individual temples here. It is extremely difficult for our deities to use their power in another deity's temple. It's not much of a stretch to assume other powers also have difficulty. Having three temples, even if only partially consecrated this month, will put an end to our construction problems.

"We have seen how our deities can act together in violent way to great effect, helping the King's army defeat a vastly superior foe that would have destroyed us all. Now we see them act together in an entirely peaceful way to solve a new problem. Any problem we face will be overcome by their cooperation.

"Please, come drink from Libidinal's chalice in celebration of the strength of our united city!"

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:54 pm
by Virelai
The clink of sword and shield is heard as Marziale approaches the temporary dais where Libidinal’s chalice is set.

“As Szabad has pointed out, it is extremely difficult for powers other than those to which an area is consecrated to be used within the consecrated area. In her wisdom, the Mistress of the Muses has guided her two High Priests, my twin and I, to create unifying Offices, one to be sung at dusk, the other at dawn. In this way it is hoped the powers of the three separate deities consecrating shrines here at The Rotunda unify to work with each other instead of canceling out or clashing with each other.

“The L-rd Surya is Protection, as well as the Sun.
The Lady Nyx casts concealment within her power of Night.
Together they helped bring victory over the Aequi.

“The City Watch protects all citizens of Irshirel within our walls. When needed they guard and will escort anyone seeking sanctuary and concealment to the King for his decision regarding their request. As a representation of these two aspects of Sun and Night the Changing of the City Watch will occur here before each of the Offices.

“Join us in the first singing of the Office of Evensong, which will include the unifying sacrifice of candles here on Libidinal’s altar.”

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:59 pm
by Virelai
The Office of Evensong

Processional: Evening
Hymn: The Sunset
Benediction: Twilight Time (contains all three parts)
Unifying sacrifice of candles and drinking of Libidinal's mead
Changing of the Watch
Closing Hymn:
Recessional Verse: Late Lament
  • Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
    Watch lights fade from every room.
    Bedsitter people look back and lament,
    Another day's useless energy spent.

    Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
    Lonely man cries for love and has none.
    New mother picks up and suckles her son,
    Senior citizens wish they were young.

    Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey and yellow white,
    But we decide which is right.
    And which is an illusion???
(recited by all as they leave The Rotunda upon entering the Night beyond)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:31 am
by Nyx
Several days after Surya and Virelai performed the consecrations on their temples within the Rotunda, the first evening of the new moon arrived. That evening, as many others, Theresa spoke at the Sunset Sermons. As always, she spoke of the Unity of the city, and the community (and individual) benefits to everybody helping out with the needs of the city. But this evening was slightly different. There were an unusual number of other priests of Nyx in attendance. Nearly all of the 500 were there, their black robes standing out in the crowd.

As her normal topics ended, she finished with:
  • Children of Aditya, by now I assume you've heard of the difficulty we've been having with the construction here at the Rotunda. And you've seen my husband begin the process of consecrating Surya's temple here, as well as Marziale doing the same for Virelai. I have chosen to wait until tonight to do the same. On the night of the new moon, the darkest night of the month, Nyx' presence will be strongest. This is the most auspicious time to perform such a ceremony.

    Brothers and sisters, please takes your places.
The priests of Nyx spread out through the construction site, most densely near the proposed location of Nyx' alter.

Theresa stands on the spot where the alter will one day stand, and raises her hands to the moonless sky.
  • Oh Nyx, Mother of Darkness, hear us. This place, we give unto you. Grant your blessings upon this ground and this great work, and give your protections to all who labor on your behalf. Just as you join together with your opposite Surya, come together for the good of the city and its people, those same people come together to raise this edifice to the mutual benefit of the city and its several gods.

    We ask you to bring your power into this place, as have other gods, to work in harmony with their power for the betterment of all.
As Theresa spoke, the priests of Nyx began to see the site more clearly. Some looked up, and the stars seemed to be fading, as if everything were getting darker. No total darkness, like the night of the recent battle, but just a bit less blinding light than had been there previously. Those in the audience, who were watching from outside the area the priests occupied say the area grow harder to see. To them, it was more like a dark smoke were filling the space, dimming any light that entered or left the ara. Smoke with no source, and uniformly spread.
  • Good. Nyx has given her blessing and her power unto this place.
The palpable darkness remained through the night of the new moon, fading as Surya again rose above the horizon. But after that day, all the priests of Nyx could feel her presence when they were there, watching and guarding them.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:43 pm
by Virelai
Having returned to the Harper Hall to retire for the night after the consecration of Nyx’s shrine at the site of The Rotunda, Melody arises, then finishes her daily ablution and personal sacrifice within the Alta Cantabile. Stepping out in to the Arts District, she makes her way cautiously back to The Rotunda ‘ere dawn. As she passes stationed guard of the Watch, they fall in around her, safely escorting her to the construction site of the future temple.

Melody wonders at the attendance for this Office, being the first time it is sung and the early hour it calls for. She is pleasantly surprised as she arrives at the site to a well attended congregation awaiting her with unlit new candles in hand, her twin and fellow High Priest of Song waiting to aid her in her singing of the Office.

The Office of Aurora:

Processional: The Day Begins
Verse: Morning Glory (contained within The Day Begins)
Hymns: Aurora
Dawn is a Feeling
Unifying sacrifice of candles and drinking of Libidinal's mead
Changing of the Watch
: Long Time Sun
  • May the long time Sun shine upon you.
    All Love surrounds you and the
    Pure Light within you
    Guide your way on
Closing: Here Comes the Sun
Recessional: Morning Has Broken
(sung by congregation as they depart)

The Office sung, The Rotunda’s shrines consecrated, the two High Priests of Song step out in to the bright new day, having bid a gracious farewell to Darkness for now and having once again welcomed the enlightenment of the Sun.