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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:25 pm
by Led Pighp
Led perks up. "Fighting a wyrm..." He approaches Kali, and leans in close to her chest to inspect the clothing, he sniffs at it and tries to catch the sheen of light off the scales.

He turns to 'Trina with a feral grin. "Little 'Trina, would you like to go hunting dragons with me? We even have bait, to lure them in." His front paws are kneeding on the ground as he shifts from one to the other absently. A deep rumble comes from his chest, at the thought of hunting a great blue wyrm.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:54 pm
by Laurel
<placeholder at the DM's request until Laurel has time to return to the game>

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:13 pm
by Katrina
"I've only seen dragons far far away. Will this one be up close?"

Blinking a few times, she continues on...

"Led...what will we do when we catch it? Is it a Good Dragon? Why would we hunt a Good Dragon? What color is it? The Good Man said colored dragons mean Good or Bad. Is this a Good Color? What would be a Bad Color? I hope none of my favorite colors are Bad Colors. I really like my colors and that should make them Good because I'm Good. I'm not a dragon though, so maybe the colors of dragons only apply to Good or Bad based on the dragon. But does the color make it Good or Bad, or is it the dragon that makes the color Good or Bad?"

Scrunching her mouth to one side in concentration

"I don't know. But if that's the Bad Dragon we heard in the Bad Man's house," that feral gleam returns "then we have to Deal with it."

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:50 pm
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
"I am not bait."

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:07 am
by Annalysei
"Well, you are if you're wearing a relative, whether you want to be or not."

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:39 am
by Kalindriel Ec'urb
"It's not bait, it's a way to focus her attention and encourage mistakes."

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:58 am
by Led Pighp
"You're right, Kalindriel. Let's call you instead 'Someone who is not bait, but nonetheless will get the prey to leave a defensive posture and make itself vulnerable to us, by putting herself in an equally vulnerable position and then enraging the prey to the point that it attacks without considering the consequences.' I think that flows off the tongue so much better."

Led spends a few minutes repeating that same phrase in all of the many languages he speaks, then he chuckles.

"Did you know that the Frost Giants actually have a word for that? It means 'bait'."

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:04 am
by Seven Words
OOC--consider this also to be flexible in terms of continuity.....there's a unspecified span of time before the elves leave....This is the "end" of this thread, in terms of story advancement..y'all can RP here in this thread, it's just assumed to have happened BEFORE this here...

The exodus of the elves is planned for later this morning. Scarcely two dozen have been asked to remain, mostly spellcasters to teach the previously nigh-ignorant magically gifted among the Umoving, as the shifters and WarForged have decided to call themselves…The Unmoving Folk of the Rock. The intended journey promises to be arduous, and long. But the elves are resolute, and eager to reunite with their cousins. As the gates of the stronghold open, they take a last lingering look around, and depart…..but before the scouts and trailblazers have gone fifty yards……..

A sight, familiar to Led, Laurel, Skyseeker and Vynarkus descends from the sky…the Movanic Deva encountered just before their travel to the Icelands. Other Aasimon also descend, to address the leaders, the high priests, and chief arcanists. To you, she speaks “Greetings. Joyous are we, that by your victory here the strictures upon us are greatly loosened. Upon you has Fate itself, to which Cerana is but the handmaiden, descended and the very world hangs in the balance. We have come, to lend what aid we may. We can lend of our power to facilitate the spells for traveling. We volunteered to expend our energy, to allow this desperate pilgrimage to arrive intact. But before I do so, I have another purpose. Vynarkus, your struggle within yourself has been known, and we did fear the outcome, for if you embraced your legacy of darkness, then might the Endless Nigh have fallen. But you have turned from shadow to light, and in so doing you have earned a place Above, wherein you may continue this struggle for the very soul of all Creation.”

A sidelong look is given to Katrina, and Kalindriel…..not overtly hostile but very far from warm.

An unearthly melody which cannot be clearly remembered, sounds beyond the grasp of mortal mind, yet their haunting, ethereal beauty and purity will echo in your memory all your days. Vynarkus’ face changes aspect…going from confusion and concentration, as he like you struggles to fix the harmonies in his memory….turning to wonderment, as he clearly begins to truly grasp it….nodding in agreement with something only he can hear….light now suffusing his very form…..a crescendo, and now a radiant figure floats before you, nigh-indistinguishable from the Deva, but bearing the familiar features of Vynarkus. He nods in farewell, and flies up, a Gate appearing for his entrance to his new Higher Realm. A small pile of his material possessions is all the more left to mark his Ascension.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:29 am
by Katrina
Stick my tongue out at the rude wingy thing.

"If Vyn is now a rude wingy thing, is he gonna fly around like the stick in his butt has a stick up it's butt?"

Something catching her eye...

"Gloves!" with glee.

Katrina puts on the gloves, or makes the motions of doing so. Her hands still look like they did before.

Returning to an earlier point

"If Kali wearing dragony stuffs is gonna make the Bad Dragon stupid, would more of us wearing it make it more stupid?

Katrina closes her eyes and concentrates a moment...and is now wearing the same dragon scale outfit as Kali.

Looking down, she frowns.

"No, this isn't me. The colors look unshiny on me."

Concentrating again, she returns to the way she looked when you first met her.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:14 pm
by Led Pighp
"Little 'Trina, don't say 'butt', some people think it's a rude word."

With a comment of "I'll be taking my bracers back, then.", Led retrieves Vynarkus' Bracers of Spell Resistence, which had once been his.
  • 183,504 gold split seven ways is 26,214.

    Caustic Dagger of Lesser Chausible +1 only works for Warlocks.

    Leather Armor +3 is less good than anything any of the others of us have.

    Ring of Protection +2, we've all already gotten.

    Cloak of Resistence isn't specified as to what it does. All of us have cloak, except Kalindriel and Led. And Led has resistences from his armor. You want it, Kali, once Seven identifies the specifics?

    Ioun Stone of Dex +2 could benefit anyone in the party, but it doesn't lend itself to sneaky types. When hiding, it can bounce off stuff and make noise, etc. Or it can be snatched in close combat. Sigrid will avoid hiding and avoid close combat, but she can use the dex to hit with her ranged spells. And you have to admit, she'd look hella cool with glowing blue eyes and a stone circling her head all the time.

    Gauntlets of Dexterity +2 could benefit everyone except Kali (who already has a pair) and Led (who has gloves that are better for him). I suggest 'Trina, since her claws already use dex to hit.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:23 pm
by Katrina
"Led, the Good Man said those types of things have 'The divine stick up their as, er, bu, um....tushy has a divine stick up its...tushy.'"

"It was just rude what it did though."

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:06 pm
by Sigrid
I watch what the Aasimon do. They sacrifice their essences to power a spell.

Maybe I could do that. With somebody else's essence.

[I'll take the stone and the money, too.]

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:16 pm
by Led Pighp
"Oh, if the Good Man said it, it's okay."

Led picks up the rest of Vyn's possessions, just so that they can be sorted out later.

[I am prepared to move ahead with the storyline.]

[EDIT - I was told that the Frost Giant language is close to real-world Russian. When looking up the word bait, there were several single words that came up, and then this: ОТДЫХ И КОРМЛЕНИЕ ЛОШАДЕЙ В ПУТИ. That's Kali's new nickname.]

[Further edit: It's pronounced: oat-dükh ee korm-lee-yen-ee-yeh low-shud-yeh-yuh v pooty]

[Final edit: let's call you 'pooty' for short.]