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Fifth Element

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:30 am
by babybottomfeeder
As requested by five forums members, I am pleased to produce the best walkthrough for The Fifth Element. I know this stuff is out there but I think it's important to post the TRUE walkthrough by threetimes. Amongst we The Fifth Element fans, this is considered the purest walkthrough. Like any standard set of rules, the threetimes walkthrough is map for experiencing a higher level of "deep play" from your The Fifth Element experience.

The Fifth Element: FAQ/Walkthrough by threetimes
Version 2.0, Last Updated 2007-08-16 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs
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Console: Playstation (and PC)
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: 1998
Developer: Kalisto

FAQ/Walkthrough by threetimes
Version 2.0 August 10th 2007


This guide is written for the Playstation version of the game. If you are
using a PC the controls will be different and I don't know what they are, but I
guess that everything else is the same.

Version 2.0
This update is all credit to Doumah who played through the whole game detailing
items and secrets that I had missed. As a result of his meticulous work, I
have also been able to correct any errors in directions and descriptions

Thanks to Doumah's help the walkthrough is now complete with 100% for all
secrets and most of the items. Not only that, but there are now maps for all
the in-game maps. These can be seen on the GameFAQs Fifth Element FAQs page,
listed under Maps and Charts.

Doumah has also been awarded the Gold Star for having completed the challenge I
set to complete Leeloo's timed mission 6, ESCAPE FROM ZORG'S H.Q, and achieve a
perfect score.

Missions with Incomplete Items.

Mission 7 Leeloo 98%
Mission 9 Korben 98%
Mission 9 Leeloo 92%
Mission 11 Korben 97%
Mission 16 Leeloo 94%

A new challenge: if anyone can find the missing items and let me have the
details of exactly what they are and where they can be found, you too will be
awarded a Gold Star.

Search Code
Since this is getting to be a bigger file than I had anticipated I guess it is
about time. I am only going to code the walkthrough, so you can find the
mission you want more easily. I have tried to keep it simple.

All you need to do is type in the mission: M, and the number. There are 16
missions. For the dual missions add the letter L or K.

The single missions are: 1,2,3,6,10,14.
The dual missions are: 4,5,7,8,9,11,12,13,15,16.

To use the search function press Control + F and then type in the code in the
box that appears. Then press Enter. If you are using a Mac it is the Apple
command button at the side of the space bar, + F, then type in the code and
select "Next".


A. Overview

1. Introduction
2. Opening of the Game
3. Controls
4. Game Basics
5. Hints and Tips
6. Cheat Codes for the Playstation

B. Walkthrough

C. Acknowledgments/Thanks

D. Legal Stuff

E. Draft Details

F. Contact


A. O V E R V I E W


1. Introduction

You might wonder why I decided to write a FAQ for a game that received very
poor reviews and was released for the PS1 in 1998. Well, you might not, since
I doubt that anyone will ever bother to read this or play such an old and
unpopular game, but less than a third of the way through and I was beginning
to wonder quite why I started on this. I suppose the simple answer is because
there is no FAQ for the game on GameFAQs. Also I had fond memories of this
game, mainly because I enjoyed the film, and because it is relatively easy. At
least it is for someone with little experience or aptitude for games that
involve a lot of shooting and hand to hand combat.

However it is no pushover. The levels are long and involve many chances for
instant death, more usually from falling than getting defeated by enemies, and
so what I hoped might be a walk in the park in terms of FAQ writing, has turned
out to be more of a marathon run.

I must warn you that this walkthrough will not present skilled ways of beating
enemies or finishing levels in record time. But it will tell you where to go
and what to do to complete each mission, how to manage the controls, and how to
find all the secrets.

I have probably overdone the detail if you are used to adventure games, but I
will not apologise for that. I need details otherwise I can easily get lost
and confused, and I like to to be told where to find everything.

August 2007 Update

I have also been fortunate, since the FAQ was first posted, to receive help
from another source, namely, from Doumah. His name appears many times in this
FAQ since I have credited him with all the secrets he found, and the comments
he made on the original walkthrough.

2. Opening of the Game

Select your language.

The games begins with footage from the film. Watch this and then go to the
loading screen. If you do nothing there are demos from the game of either
Leeloo or Korben.

The first screen shows:

New Game Select this to start the game with whatever settings chosen.
Load a Game Choose a save to load.
Options: Sound settings can be adjusted for music, sound and movie.
Screen settings: adjust up, down or sideways.
Light settings to adjust the brightness of the display.
Difficulty setting to choose easy/normal/hard.
Dual shock can be enabled or disabled.
Tutorial Shows the commands from game footage but you can only watch.
Credits For the game. A short list.


You can select from three difficulty levels, hard, normal and easy, using the
directional buttons left or right. So far as I know the only difference
between these is the difficulty in killing the enemies and not the actual
missions, except for the timing in some.

The game manual states that the easy setting "will reduce enemy hit points,
reduce the range at which enemies notice you and increase the time allocated
for timed sections". The hard difficulty has the opposite effect.

The walkthrough is based on normal difficulty.

3. Controls

Update on Joysticks
Although I had thought that these could not be used and my walkthrough is based
on using the directional buttons for all movement, in fact they can be used if
you first press the analogue button. Thanks to Doumah for pointing this out.

The left one can be used for movement.
The right one can be used to navigate the inventory.

If you push the stick up or down this will change the weapon.
Pushing right or left will change the special ammo (if available) or navigate
through all the items if you have already selected the gun.

SELECT............. Shows the camera and lives left
SELECT + CIRCLE.... Changes the camera view
START.............. Pauses the game and allow you to quit, skips the cinematics
You can view the controls here too.


MOVE FORWARDS............. UP
SIDE STEP................. CIRCLE + L1/R1
DODGE..................... L1/R1
JUMP...................... TRIANGLE
QUICK TURN................ L1 + R1
CROUCH.................... L2

Leeloo only




BLOCK.... R2 + L2

FIRE WEAPON............................ X
FIRE AUXILIARY WEAPON (e.g. grenade)... R2
KICK................................... SQUARE
DIVE AND FIRE.......................... UP + SQUARE

HIT............. SQUARE
KICK............ X
3 KICK COMBO.... X, X, X


The best results seem to be from holding down SQUARE and X and
then pressing UP.

4. Game Basics

1. Selecting a Mission
At the start of each mission there will be a multi-pass on screen. There may
be one or two. Use left/right buttons to select the one you want if there
is a choice. You have to do both missions if there are two. One will be for
Korben Dallas, a taxi driver, and ex soldier who can use firearms. The other
will be for Leeloo, the ultimate weapon brought to earth to fight evil, who
uses martial arts and psionic powers. Sometimes there is just one mission for
one of them. Each mission gives a briefing, telling you what must be done.

2. Health Meter and Lives
The vertical orange bar on the left of the game screen show the current health.
If it runs out you are dead. If you have lives left you restart from the last
in-game save point. The blue bar on the left of the screen is the shield.
This will protect you from a number of hits and when it runs out then your
health will decrease from hits.

Lives, ammunition and guns can be taken to the next level. Lives collected by
one character get transferred to the other as they start the next level or

3. 100% Bonus
A bonus life is always rewarded for getting a perfect score for items and
secrets. This is shown at the end of the mission. The totals given in the FAQ
for 100% completion do not include the bonus life.

3. Camera
You can toggle the camera mode by pressing the O button while holding the
SELECT button. Pressing just the SELECT button will show the current camera
mode. There is a panning camera and a tail camera to choose from. The first
will give a view of the action and the second will stay behind your character.
Sometimes it is essential to change the camera view in order to see clearly
exactly where you are going.

4. Pick Ups
The ammo pick ups that are scattered around the levels and sometimes dropped by
enemies are:

KORBEN: submachine gun clips, grenade gun clips, a flame charge/bottle and
freeze charge/bottle, blue ammo for the electric gun, grenades, and

LEELOO: grenades and contact/spiky grenades, psionic blast recharge.

Leeloo's psionic charge cannot be transferred from one mission to another, so
use it when you can. You only get one charge at a time and they do not stack.

Healing items are: a full shield, a shield power up (blue protector), a red
full heal, a health pack, an extra life.

5. Secrets
Every mission contains secret areas and items which can take a little bit of
extra effort to discover. You will know if something is a secret and not an
ordinary item as there will be a small chiming sound. The secrets are not
identified in the final two missions. Maybe the developers forgot.

6. Saving the Game
There are only 5 possible saves for the game on your memory card. There are
some in-game automatic saves during every mission.

5. Hints and Tips

1. There is no save until the end of the mission, but each mission is divided
into stages with an automatic save so you do not have to start again at the
beginning if you die.

2. One of the nice things is that if you die and restart the mission from the
last stage save, all the enemies you have already killed stay dead, so if you
are a crap fighter (cough) you can complete a level slowly by attrition.

3. The default gun has ten bullets and you can see the number left in the green
square at the bottom right of the screen. You don't need to find more
ammunition for this gun, but Korben will reload at the end of a clip and so
pause. Leeloo has a green dot to show her psionic charge. This is activated
by pressing X, Square and UP. (Or UP, Square and X)

4. Once you get extra grenades (Leeloo) or ammunition (Korben), you can scroll
these using SELECT and R2. SELECT and R1 will change weapons for Korben.

5. Some of the items that are required for 100% completion are gained by
killing enemies. These are all listed. But just make sure you kill everyone!

6. You can jump a long way if you hold the up directional button to run and the
triangle button. When jumping you will see a shadow and you can adjust the
jump to land in the right place.

7. One of the most useful commands to remember is to press L1 and R1 to allow
you to turn around fast.

8. When facing an enemy use the down directional button to move backwards away
from them. This means that you avoid direct attacks and grenades. Korben can
continue shooting and Leeloo can throw a grenade if she has one.

9. There is no lock on or aiming ability, so just position Korben directing him
towards the enemy and press X to fire.

10. There is no separate inventory for items and extras. You just pick 'em up
and go. They are shown in the green box at the bottom right of the screen.

6. Cheat Codes for the Playstation

I thought I had better add a comment about these. I had a lot of problems
trying to find everything and keep enough lives for the next level while
writing the walkthrough. In fact I ended up half way through the game with
only one life at the start of mission 8 and had to backtrack to get more. Even
then, after one half of the mission had been completed, I was back to one life
for the next. This was getting very frustrating and so I turned to the cheat
codes as a source of help.

The cheat codes given on this site did not seem to work at first, and then I
found out that apparently there was a different code for the PAL version of the
game, which is the one I was playing. This code did not work either. I asked
on various forums but with such an old and unpopular game no-one could help.

Either the codes were wrong or I was doing something wrong. Since I seldom
use codes the chances were that it was me and not the codes. And so it proved
to be. In fact it was thanks to my fuse and friend Saikyo Mog that I finally
discovered how to use the cheat codes for this game.

The first cheat code given on GameFAQs, as contributed by KasketDarkfyre,
does in fact work for the PAL game. I assume it also does so for the NTSC
version although I have not tested this out.

You must input the button presses one at a time using single and separate
button presses, and in this order:

| |
| L1, then L2, then R2 then R1 then SELECT.|
| |

At the same time the New Game on the main menu screen must be highlighted. It
will be in red. There will be a sound if this has been done correctly. Then
press X and you are taken to a new screen.

At this screen you can choose any mission from the game and it will begin as if
it is a new game. Use the directional buttons to scroll through the missions
to access the one you want. They are identified by location.

You can also choose from various other cheat options to turn them ON. The
default setting is OFF.

These are: Unlimited (ammo: as soon as you use ammo it is replaced)
Enemies steps (the enemies will stay in position until you attack)
Shield (you are permanently shielded)
All weapons (you receive all weapons)
All objects (all the special items required for the elements)
All films (all FMVs will show one after another)

Once the cheat mode is selected you can continue to play the game and it will
stay with whatever you have selected. This means that if you save at the end
of a mission and then continue from that save, the cheat code will still be
in place.

If you quit the game using the option from the START button screen, while still
using the cheat, and return to the start again, simply press New Game and you
will be back in the cheat options screen where you can select from the options

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B. W A L K T H R O U G H


After the excerpts from the film the game begins with Ruby on screen.
Multi-pass: Korben. Press X for continue. Ruby introduces the mission.


| |
| Korben must get into the Nucleolab |
| to find the cellular reconstruction |
| laboratory. Once there he must |
| reactivate Leeloo's materialisation |
| using the DNA key |
| |

Stage 1
1. You are on a rooftop holding a gun. Turn around and there is a red life
pack behind you. You now have 11 lives.

2. Take a few minutes to get used to the controls if you want. Go forward and
jump up onto the low wall. Turn around using the L1 and L2 and jump across the
gap using the triangle button and UP directional button. Shoot the barrel
there for a health pack, and you can jump down from here to kill the bad guys.
However it is probably better to go down the stairs.

3. Then move forwards down the steps. There are now two open stairways. If
you go down the one on the right you will be shot at from both sides, so take
the left one first and take down the two gunmen. You can shelter from the
first behind the wall at the bottom of the stairs. The second is at the end of
the passage and will drop a health pack. Turn back and go back up the stairs.

4. Go down the first stairs and shoot the fat guy. Jump over the wall (use
triangle and the UP button) and go down right to find a health pack. (Use the
circle button to get it.) Jump back over the wall and over the next wall.
There is someone shooting at you from some way away. You cannot reach his
position, but just fire through the fence and avoid his bullets as best you
can. Shoot at the boxes to destroy them and get another health pack.

5. Continue to the left and shoot at the electrical box on the wall. Go
through the now open blue doorway. Walk across the small bridge using circle
and L1 and R1 and the directional button to move slowly, or just walk forwards!

6. >>> SECRET <<<
Half way across the bridge turn to your right, and jump across to a
teleporter that is against the wall. You will now be inside facing a long blue
and red corridor. There is a health pack, a blue protection device, and an
extra life pack. Then go inside the teleporter and you are back outside in the
first walled area.

7. Go forwards again and across the bridge. This time continue to the
platform. Jump up to the platform. Chances are that the barrels on the
walkway will have been destroyed by your battle with the gunman, so now there
is a long leap to make. If they are still there you have to shoot them anyway.

8. Press the UP direction and run forward and press triangle at the last moment
to land safely.

9. Move forward and see the ship move away. Take care as you move onto the
heli pad as the barrels will explode. Shoot them. Move onto the far small
platform and the view will change and you will hear a tiny noise. This is the
first stage completed.

Stage 2
1. Jump down and continue jumping from block to block. This is tricky because
of the perspective which you cannot alter. If you die you will be back on the
small block as this is a save point. Make sure Korben is facing up the screen
and run and press triangle. Do this right he will jump to the second part of
the pathway.

2. Shoot the green glass, and jump down. There are more enemies shooting at
you down here. One will drop a health pack. This is another save place
though, and should you die again you will start again from here.

Stage 3
1. Use the boxes for cover. From the entrance go straight down and to the left
near the wall there is a breakable grate. Behind that is a short corridor that
leads to a health pack. The first enemy comes as you move forward, and
another will be shooting at you. There are five enemies in total.

2. >>> SECRET <<<
The tricky bit here is how to find the secret stash.

From the entrance go forwards and a bit to the right around the boxes that are
in your way until you reach the wall. Now turn left into the darkened area.
Go down and then right into a lighter area. Search in here (no enemies) to
find two heath packs and a protection device. You will see a blue line against
your life bar once you pick up the protector. Now you have a shield which will
take damage before the life bar is affected.

3. Return to the main area and go straight down the room. Two more enemies.
Go back up to the left and there is another one hiding behind a bin to the
right. Turn left and in the corner shoot at a bin to find another health pack
if you need it.

4. Go back down the room and right to find yourself facing a darkened area. Go
on and you will see another health pack on top of the boxes in front of you.
Jump up and you will see the blue opening. This is where you want to go.

5. Now turn around and shoot the barrels on the opposite ledge. Line yourself
up and jump across to get another health pack. Shoot the two doors of the
electrical box and this deactivates the beams.

4. Go through the opening and stand on the device to beam into the next place.
This is the end of another stage.

Stage 4
1. As soon as you enter this new area there will be a guy shooting at you.
Take him down.

2. This is a huge area and there is no map to help you. Basically there is one
long corridor with rooms to each side of it. Notice that some of the rooms
have enemies in them, but you cannot access the rooms just yet, and the enemies
will stay where they are for now.

3. Go down to the large room with the crystal in the centre and take out the
enemies at each of the other two exits.

There is another teleport to the right. Ignore this for now as it is not

4. Go straight on and turn right. Defeat an enemy and then hit the small
machine and it will run on by itself and break through the beams. Follow it
down the corridor. Two more enemies who both throw grenades. Shoot them and
go inside the room to the right. This is the control room. There is another
blue protection ring here.

5. Jump and hit the end of the long machine arm using the circle button, and it
will swing round and destroy the grid on the opening.

Stage 5
1. Jump up and go inside the dark corridor. It turns left into an area with a
large blue thing in the centre. Shoot this and you see the switches for the
doors are deactivated.

2. Jump down if you want (you will lose a little health) and go inside the
teleporter to take you back to the crystal area. Or walk back through the
tunnel and to the crystal area.

3. Now go left and down into the area with the green doors. The first room on
the left has nothing. The room on the right has an enemy and a blue protection
device and you will find the green DNA key when you kill the enemy. Another
enemy will attack you while you are there.

4. The next room on the right has a health pack. Shoot the blue box on the
wall and it deactivates the other set of lasers. The room opposite has an

5. Go back up to the crystal area and straight through and left, into the
teleporter at the end. (The other green doors will not open.)

Stage 6
1. The first enemy here is a strange red creature. Not a human. Kill it

2. Go forwards into a lab and another creature. More appear but they are easy
to kill. There is a health pack to the right of the entrance behind the metal

3. Shoot the glass out of the container to your left at the corner of the
corridor, and a blue creature will come out. Leave it alone and it will go
down and deactivate the next set of lasers.

4. Shoot out the rest of the glass cases if you want. At the T junction there
is another red thing. Kill it.

5. Straight on is another teleporter. Leave this for now. Go left and another
red thing to kill, and a teleporter. Go in this one.

Stage 7
1. You are now in a brown corridor. Two guys will shoot at you from the left
through a grid. Kill them both and then shoot at the yellow/grey box to
deactivate more lasers.

2. Go down and in the teleporter at the end of the brown corridor. Shoot the
guy who waits for you there. He and the next enemy will throw grenades at you.
Fortunately they often blow themselves up.

3. As you near the dark blue corridor another enemy appears. Shoot him too.

4. You now see that you are the other side of the grill where the two men were
shooting at you. The teleporter on the left can be used to take you back to
opposite the control room near the crystal area. But you don't need to bother
with this now. One of the closed green doors in that area was in fact this

5. Continue down the corridor. Kill one more enemy and go back inside the
teleporter at the end of the corridor. You are back in the lab. Go through
the lab again and take the top teleporter.

6. This brings you to the area leading to the dark blue corridor. Go down here
and enter. Kill the guard. Go behind the pod and get another red life.
Approach the lighted desk area and a message will come on screen.

You can now save, continue, start the level again or quit the game.

Items: 100%
Secrets: 100%


TOTAL: Lives 3


After the excerpts from the film the nest mission begins with Ruby on screen.
Multi-pass: Leeloo. Press X to continue. Ruby introduces the mission.


| |
| Korben has been arrested by the |
| police. Leeloo must get into the |
| police station and free Korben who |
| is held in a cell. |
| |

Leeloo's Controls
Psionic powers: Up and square and X or square and X and then Up
Throw grenade R2 Wait until it charges up and then release the button. The
longer you wait the further you throw it
Walk slowly O
Hits lots: square x 3
Kicks: X x 3
Crouch L2 (and again to stand)

Stage 1
1. Go ahead and the door opens. There is a hard to kill robot machine enemy in
the corridor. One way to destroy it is actually shown in the demo footage.
Jump up to the grid and when it gets close lash out with your feet. You can
also use the square button to hit it many times until it collapses on the
ground. It is only destroyed when it blows up. Use DOWN to cartwheel
backwards out of the way.

2. (I found a strange glitch here. By going backwards into the side of the
corridor Leeloo cart wheeled into black space and then found herself in the
police station with no enemies and a grenade on the ground. This may just have
been my game as Doumah did not find this.)

3. Assuming this does not happen, carry on down the corridor above the police
station. Then jump up and catch hold of the iron grid above your head to cross
over the low laser beam.

4. Crawl under the next one using L2 and up directional button. Jump up to
cross the last one. A door will open. This is when things start to get

Stage 2
1. The machine enemy can do a lot of damage and seems to be impervious to
attack. If you can, wait until the enemies are close but not too close and use
UP + X + square to set off a psionic attack to destroy them all. You can take
them out by hitting and kicking if you can manage it. Or avoid them and the
stun gun of the big cop, and jump into the opening ahead and to the left a
little. There is a contact grenade there.

2. >>> SECRET <<<
Press R 2 to charge and then release the button facing the grid wall in the
hole to throw the grenade, and it will break. There is another psionic charge
(the white thing), a new life, a grenade and a health pack.

3. If you exit back into the corridor and turn left you can smash the grid at
the end go inside here. But leave this area for now. You will come back

4. For now starting from the hole where you found the secret items, turn right
and go down the corridor which turns to the left. Avoid the machines until you
go under a second blue light. This triggers blue lasers which hem you in to
the front and back, but stop the machines. Go down a little and you will see
some yellow writing on the side wall saying "Keep Clear". Press O (circle)
next to this and the wall will open. Go through.

Stage 3
1. Go right and pick up the health pack and continue round and smash the mesh.
You are now on the other side of the blue lasers. Avoiding the machine turn
left and press O beside the machine that is sitting to the right of the
corridor. This smashes the way through for you.

2. Before taking this route go through the door that was opposite the smashed
opening and turn right. Press O on the switch and this switches off the blue
lasers. The problem now it that the machines will chase you. Go around the
low shelf/wall that is to your right, and at the end there is a small opening
on the wall. Press O and you will see a small machine standing alone in a dark
room. You will get access to this eventually. Turn around and head down the
room to find a grenade on the box at the far end. Get this and throw it at the
machines to deter them for a while.

You can take them out one by one if possible, using hand and foot fighting.
Don't touch the blue lighted glass as it is electrified.

Stage 4
1. Exit this area and run right past two blue lights shining down on you.
Avoid the enemy and the machines, and run on into the lower part of the police
station area.

2. Go straight on and get the new psionic charge on the ground in front of the
white lasers. Use it to destroy as many enemies as you can.

3. Go back down to the end of the room and turn left, go straight on and pick
up the grenade. Then down again to find another passage way to your right.

Go down here. (It is blue in colour.) Kill the cop. Depending on your health
kick or use the psionic power. There is a health pack behind the front desk.

(Even if you manage to kick him to the ground he will just get up again after a
couple of seconds so keep kicking and hitting.)

4. The right hand bank of machines will show you the blue windows when using O.
The next set on the right will show Korben. The end set with the big red O
will turn off the blue lasers. Action the left hand one and Korben will wave.
The last one on the left shows a grid in a room with a blue laser guard across
the entrance.

5. Go to leave the room and there are now red lasers across the corridor.
Crawl under the first two sets and there are two guards waiting for you at the

Throw a grenade or fight them.

Go back through the police room. The blue lasers here are still on, so go back
up the stairs, turn right and run straight down the corridor, until you come to
the previously blocked doorway ahead of you. Go on through here.

Stage 5
1. The new room is a trial room. There are two cops waiting below. Take a
moment to check out the room. After battling them for a while you should
manage to kill them both.

2. To the far left of the room is a grid behind which you can see Korben's cab,
and on the opposite wall is an opening with the small machine you saw before,
inside. Action this.

3. Now leave this room and turn left back to the grate that you kicked open at
the start of this area. Jump up and in.

Stage 6
1. Walk slowly using the circle button and UP along the right hand ledge and
then jump onto the next ledge using UP and triangle. Make sure Leeloo is
facing forward. Jump again facing slightly to the left.

2. Break the grid and go in the room and kill the guard. There is a health
pack on the table.

3. Go on through the blue corridor and defeat the three machines. Three hits
each should do it, and when they are on the ground jump back so you are not
caught in the explosion. There is a red full healing thing in the centre of
the room. Go round to the right and up on the grid to get it. Don't jump, as
you will fall.

4. Opposite the entrance across this space is an opening. Go through here and
you are in the rifle range. Kill both the cops there. The end of the room has
a grenade, health pack and a blue protector. The second cop has a blue device.

5. >>> SECRET <<<
At the far end of this room where the items are, look at the wall to your
right and you will see that it is cracked. Use a grenade on this. You need to
stand back a way or else it will bounce back and not blow up the wall.

Go inside and down. You cannot break the grids but there is a handy grenade
to the right. Use this. Stand back in the corner and throw.

There is a full heal, 2 contact grenades, a grenade, in the first area, and a
third contact grenade, two lives and a psionic charge in the other.

6. Smash the grid to the right of the entrance to the range and go inside.
Jump up to hold the ceiling grid and go across to the platform to get a blue
protector and a psionic charge.

Stage 7
1. Go back into the large room. Turn to the right. The first door is still
shut, the next opening is where you first entered the area, but the next door
will now open. Go down this brown corridor. There is a blue machine to your

2. Action this and it uses your blue card and opens the way ahead. Go straight
on and into the end room. This is another control room. Kill the cop.

3. Action every panel here. There are three and now all doors are open. There
is a health pack and a grenade to the left on a ledge.

4. Go back into the main area again. Now you can access all the closed doors.
Be careful, because if you go through the door to the right you will not be
able to get out again, and so miss getting the extra items in these other two

5. The door to the left contains a machine enemy and a cop. When you open the
cells in here there are 3 mangalores to fight and a red health and a contact

6. Go through the second door to the right to find a machine, a cop and three
mangalores. There is a blue protector inside one of the cells.

7. The door to the right contains Korben. As soon as you go in here the doors
will close on you. Move on down the stairs and to the right. Action the
machine at the far end. Then that is it. The end of the level.

Items: 100%
Secrets: 100%


TOTAL: 6 contact grenades, 8 grenades, 3 lives.


Another Leeloo only mission.


| |
| Leeloo has freed Korben, but the |
| police station is now in a state of |
| alert. Find a way out very quickly |
| otherwise they will both be trapped. |
| |

Stage 1
1. The mission begins in the same area as the last one finished and Leeloo has
the same items available as she had collected by the end of the last mission.
There is in fact no rush at first so you can take your time to find everything.

2. Go inside the first cell to your left and hit the barrel to blast a hole in
the wall. It will damage her a bit but you need to save those grenades.

3. The third cell has a health pack and a grenade. Get these next and repair
the damage.

4. Go through the hole. There is a blue protector and a grenade. Carry on and
you can see a platform in the distance. Jump forwards to the right side and
you will land. You can throw a grenade to destroy the barrel at the far end,
or hit it. I would suggest hitting it as it is better to save the grenades.

5. Go through the opening and pick up a psionic charge. If you Action the
machine it will show you that you have switched off the electric windows. This
now starts a countdown and shows a red light. The windows will only stay
deactivated for 30 seconds.

6. There are things you need to do first before getting to those windows. So
for the time being leave this machine alone, and go out and down the red
corridor to the right. Throw a grenade at the two machines there. You will
need more for others so only use one if you can, and you can hit the other
machine with kicks, or use your psionic blast.

7. You end up in the large room with all the doors. Take out the next machine.
There is another one to the right. Get this too. Now you can take some time
to check out the doors. Three have blue lasers. The two doors closest to the
red entrance are open.

Stage 2
1. The one to the right has a shut door, so go to the left blue corridor and
into the room with the tumbled locker.

2. Get the blue protector from the table and go on through the opening.

Stage 3
1. You have to jump diagonally across to the left platform. This is hard to
do. Run and press triangle and UP for the best length leap, and try to stop
where you land using the circle button.

2. Then jump onto the narrow ledge in front and walk up to the doorway.

3. >>> SECRET <<<
Go inside the red corridor, and then inside the open dark hole on the right
to find another life, a grenade, and a partial protection. (If you are at full
protection destroy the machines first and return to get this as the protection
does not stack.)

4. Go up the corridor to the right and turn left, and destroy the machine
before it gets you.

5. Turn the corner and yet another machine is waiting where the corridor
narrows. Destroy this.

6. Continue on and go inside the right hand lighted room. Here are the blue
windows that lead to the outside. This is where you need to run to, to escape,
once the electricity has been turned off. Get the grenade that is there.

Stage 4
1. Go out of this area and turn right and down the stairs to the police
station. Kill the machine and get the full blue protector that is straight
ahead from the entrance. Now the doorway to the teleporter is open go inside

2. Leave into a blue corridor. There is a cop in the room ahead so dispatch
him with kicks and hits. Stand on the table and break the glass.

3. >>> SECRET <<<
Continue down the room and turn right and break the grid. Go in here to get
health pack, full protection psionic charge, a life and a grenade.

4. Action the machine to the right of this room to release blue laser.

5. Stand on the ledge in front of the table and prepare to jump forwards. This
can be tricky and you might fall. Maybe try standing back a bit and running
forwards first and make sure all the glass has been broken.

6. Go inside the teleporter and then you will be back in the centre of the
large area with all the doors.

Stage 5.
1. Now return to the machine that you found at the beginning of all this.

2. Go down the walkway and then right. The red corridor is the second open
area in front of you.

3. Re-enter the blue room with the machine.

Stage 6
1. Get ready to run for the windowed area as soon as you have actioned the

2. Use L1 and R1 to turn around and run straight down the red corridor to the
large area. Turn left and down the first blue corridor into the room with the
fallen down locker and then do the difficult jump again across to the far side
of the hidden room. Take your time with this so as not to fall.

3. Continue down the red corridor and swing left at the corner. Straight on
where the corridor narrows and then dash right into the lighted room and go
straight out of the window onto a ledge.

4. In fact you have plenty of time for this. A minute and a half on the game

Stage 7
1. You can only go forwards past the windows. Be careful jumping to the next
ledge. Don't run, just jump, and check the shadow to make sure you land on the

2. Wait a moment an an enemy will come into view. Throw the grenade you should
still have to destroy him. Then jump forwards to the large area.

3. Move forwards to the edge.

Stage 8
1. You must walk across the girder. Use O and take it slowly.

2. As you approach the far side an enemy will appear and throw a grenade at

?. There is another jump to make before you can reach him so do that as fast as
you can to avoid the grenade blast. If you time this correctly he will leap
off the edge of the building so you don't have to fight him.

3. There is another enemy in the distance. Use your blast or punch him towards
the edge and he too will go over.

4. Carry on to the end of the ledge and turn right, go on and at the end you
can turn right to get inside again.

5. Follow the corridor, and take out the enemy here. At the end there is a
room with a small machine to the right of the large box. Action this with O.

6. You see a door open. Go to the left side of the big box and hit a barrel
which will explode and destroy them all.

7. Pick up the extra life and go right through the door. As soon as you move
into the room the level is completed.

Items: 100%
Secrets: 100%


TOTAL: 6 grenades, 3 lives.


After a short piece of footage from the film the next stage begins. You have a
choice of Korben or Leeloo. You have to do both parts of the mission.


| |
| Father Cornelius holds the secret to |
| the absolute weapon against Evil. |
| Leeloo must find the Earth activator |
| located in his apartment. Korben |
| must bring the Fire activator to the |
| priest's apartment. |
| |

Korben's Mission
NOTE. Once you have more than one weapon you can change the one equipped by
pressing SELECT and L1 or R1.

Stage 1
1. Turn left for a life. Go straight on and kill the first enemy. Pick up the
health pack he leaves behind.

2. Go up the stairs and kill the next enemy first. Then get the protector if
you need it, or leave it as you will come back here later.

3. You can shoot out the windows and jump across the gap to the other side. Go
inside the open doorway and immediately to the right there is a small metal
plate on the wall. Kick it to find a grenade inside. (Found by Doumah.)

Go up the left stairs and take out the enemy and then see the new weapon in the
corner. You cannot get it just yet as the small machine next to it needs a
card to activate.

4. Go down the wall and get a life from behind the large box.

5. Go back down the stairs and up to the other side. An enemy is here but he
may will teleport out when you shoot at him.

6. There are five doors here. The only one that opens is the end one. Go

Stage 2
1. First go to the computer screen on the left and use the O button to activate
it. A cage drops down from the ceiling containing a box of matches. Use O
again to get these. This is the Fire activator you need.

2. Get the blue ammo on the right. Go out of the window and turn right. Stop
at the edge of the ledge and see two enemies in the distance. You have to jump
from here down to the next ledge, then go right and around to fire at the
enemies until they leave by teleporting away.

3. Go inside and up the steps. Kill the guy to the right. Get the extra life
from the table and pick up the blue card left by this enemy. Then jump over
the small ledge at the other end of the room and the brown screen will open.

4. Follow the corridor and shoot the barrels at the end. Go up and on, and you
are back in the first room that had the protector ring. Take it now if you
left it before.

5. Go outside and jump to the other side again, and go up the stairs to the
left. Use the card on the machine and take the gun using O. This has 30 shots
and will be equipped automatically. It fires an electric charge and uses the
blue ammo. You will already have picked up 30 rounds of this ammo so the gun
will now show as having 60 rounds in total.

6. Go back up the other stairs and through the end door and out onto the ledge.
Go right, jump the gap again, and this time go all the way round facing away
from the doorway, and jump over the gap to the far side. An enemy will appear.
Fire until he disappears.

Stage 3
1. Go right, and up the steps and through to the right, and shoot the yellow
box on the far wall. A taxi will appear and stop so you can jump on it to
cross over the empty space. Nothing more to be done here now so go back down.

2. First go on around the corner and kill three enemies as you continue to the
left, past the fast food cart and under the wire mesh bridge.

3. Keep on going forwards and there are another two enemies. Kill them and go
right. (One of them will drop a blue ammo.) At the end of this area is a
metal stairway and a red button to the right of it. Action this and it will
show you a strip of metal that is needed to get access to the stair. Another
enemy will appear from behind you so dispatch him too.

Stage 4
1. Go back and turn left at the end wall, and back down the under the wire
mesh. There is another enemy to kill. Turn around and go up the steps at the
side of the wire mesh.

2. These turn to the right for another protector and another enemy. Kill him
for another blue ammo. Be careful here as the passing cars can damage you if
they hit, though they are easy enough to avoid.

3. Turn around and head back to the steps, and you will see a ledge in front
of you. Jump onto this. As you land the window to your left will break and
there are two enemies to kill in that room. The second drops a blue ammo.

4. >>> SECRET <<<
Go back through the window and jump across the gap and break the windows and
enter the room. There is a health pack and another blue ammo. No exit and no

5. Go back across the gap taking care not to fall.

6. Face the brown screen opposite the window and it will open. As you move
forwards expect to be attacked with a grenade. Kill this enemy fast.

7. Go forwards into this new area and there is another enemy throwing grenades.

6. The exit to the left opens out onto the traffic and you must dash across
avoiding everything. The best way is to leap.

7. Another enemy awaits. A blue ammo and a small protection are to the right.
There is a device between the two yellow things on the left. Action this to
see the door open, where the taxi was stopped above the gap.

8. Go back across the traffic. It won't hurt you too much if you get hit.

9. >>> SECRET <<<
Before going back to the taxi door, exit the room after the traffic crossing
and turn to the left. Go around the corner to the left to see another small
ledge in front of you. Run and jump onto this and then edge slowly along the
narrow ledge ahead of you using the O button to walk carefully.

As you come to the black windows to your left they will break and someone is
shooting at you. Enter the room and kill him. Pick up the extra life and blue
ammo. There is a health pack on the opposite box.

10. Continue, going out of the window and down to the left along the ledge to
the corner. Turn left and you are back at the area with the steps up to the
stopped cab.

Don't jump down yet but carry on to the next corner and go down to the left to
get two more blue ammo and an extra life. (I thought this was a secret, but
Doumah confirmed that it is in fact not counted as such.)

11. Now jump down and go up the stairs. Go through the now open door the other
side of the taxi. Get the extra life and the metal strip for the metal stairs.

Stage 5
1. Go back over the cab and down the steps and to the right. Shoot the enemy
that appears here. Go down to the end wall. Turn right and action the red
circle thing on the wall to the right of the staircase. It now moves up and
you can go through the door that it was blocking.

2. Kill the enemy here.

3. Go down the corridor and into the room at the end. This is Cornelius' room
and has a lot of books and pictures. As soon as you enter the level is

Items: 100%
Secrets: 100%


TOTAL: Clips equivalent to 300 blue gun ammo, 2 grenades, 6 lives.



| |
| Father Cornelius holds the secret to |
| the absolute weapon against Evil. |
| Leeloo must find the Earth activator |
| located in his apartment. Korben |
| must bring the Fire activator to the |
| priest's apartment. |
| |

Leeloo's Mission
NOTE. Select + R2 or L2 will let you scroll through the grenades and the
matches if you have them.

Stage 1
1. Leeloo starts at the same place as Korben, next to his taxi. Get the extra
life to the left, and then go forwards and up the stairs. Kick and hit the
enemy. He will not fire a weapon. Get the protector from the table.

2. Leave by the window and jump across the gap. Go right and through the open
doorway. Before going up the stairs there is a metal plate to the right on the
wall. Kick or hit it to find a grenade inside. (Found by Dounmah.)

3. Go up the left hand stair. (There is no access through the right hand stair
door.) Use the psionic blast to kill both the guards and pick up a grenade.
Get the extra life from behind the large box. You can break the glass and
crawl out onto the ledge.

4. Go to the end and face to the right. Jump up to grab the wire mesh above
your head.

Stage 2
1. This seems easy, but it isn't, as you have to avoid the cars and cabs which
can hit you and knock you off.

2. Go forward and then turn left at the corner. And stop there. Watch the
pattern of the cabs. You will see that a green one passes by in the front of
you very fast. Slowly move forwards to the edge of the first grid, and then as
soon as the green car passes you move forwards. Keep going to the end and you
should be safe.

3. Turn to face outwards from the wall, then checking for the cars as they can
still get you on the next section of the grid. Wait here first, and watch the
pattern. There is yellow cab that slowly passes you on the grid section that
you need to go down.

4. Wait until it has passed and then move out and down and then left. Wait
again to see another enemy running around in front of you. There is another
enemy in the corridor to the left.

5. When you are ready move forwards drop down and take him out. You will get
another grenade from the second enemy.

Stage 3
1. >>> SECRET <<<
Use this grenade to throw at the enemy and the wall at the end of the corridor.
Use the long throw to get him and then go forwards through the hole in the wall
to get another life and a psionic charge. (The long throw is when you keep the
R2 button pressed until the charge is at the maximum.)

2. Go back and take the opening to the right. This leads to another ledge.

Stage 4 This is very hard to get the timing and movement right.
1. Turn to the right and jump down from this ledge to get a health pack.
Go down and right and you see a train track. Stand still facing the track.

2. Wait until the train moves away and run across to the yellow and white doors
and go right to the end of the track to get another life.

3. This is tricky because of the crap camera so first try and get it behind you
and face the way the train goes. Stand on the actual track and you will be
facing outwards and are safe if you stay behind the doors area.

4. Wait until the train comes in and moves away and then follow it down the

5. Keep running until you see a narrow track going left. Stop at the end of it
and use L1 to cartwheel left. This is faster than the alternative which is to
change to the O walking mode and walk to the left. Wait there to get your
breath back and then turn around to face the track again, and watch for the

6. Use the O to walk slowly forwards, and turn up the screen to get the camera
to change focus and see up the track. But don't get too close to the main
track or the train may hit you. When the train has passed by move slowly onto
the track and run to the left. You should only move when the train has
gone past you moving to the right. You can also do a diagonal jump onto the
main track if you want to do this more quickly.

7. Then again take the left side track using L1 to cartwheel and wait, turn
around and watch for the train again. Do the same as before and wait until it
has passed you going to the right. Then move out onto the main line and run

8. This time run up the track to the end. There is a white psionic charge

9. Now taking care not to get hit by the train, turn and face outwards on the
track and when the train has left the area again move out onto the track again
and down to see a ledge to your left. Line up so you are sure to jump onto it
and jump.

Stage 5
1. Go inside and defeat the enemy either by hitting or the psionic blast.

2. >>> SECRET <<<
Go back outside to the ledge and turn to the right and jump up to the next
ledge. Break the glass and go inside you get a psionic blast.

3. Go back outside and jump back to the other ledge. Use the walk command to
get back on the small ledge for safety and then jump and go back inside.

4. Go down the corridor and get the contact grenade on the left. Go through
the right hand opening and into a new area.

5. There are 3 guards here, with stunners. Use the blast on them or hit them.
They come at you one at a time so hitting will work, and they go down more
easily than the fighter you saw before.

6. Ahead is an open ledge. If you go out here it is a good idea to use the O
button to ensure you do not mistakenly move in the wrong direction and fall I did. You cannot get anywhere from here just yet.

7. Go right and turn the corner. There is a window to your left with a contact
grenade. Use O to take it and see the man inside the room.

8. Go inside the room opposite the window and turn left. Go out on the ledge
and jump across to the far side. You are attacked, so quickly get inside and
avoid being knocked off the ledge. You get a health pack from this enemy.

9. Turn to your left and get the charge.

10. That is it here. Jump back into the previous area and go to the open
window that had the grenade on the ledge.

11. Throw the grenade in through the window to blow out the wall of the room.
Wait a couple of moments and more enemies will appear in the room. Throw
another grenade to destroy them.

12. Now go back around the corner to your left and you can jump from the ledge
through to the now empty room. (If you do not have a grenade left make sure to
time the jump for when the enemies are not too close to the opening.)

13. Go on up to the stairs.

Stage 6
1. To the right is an open window that takes you out onto a ledge with another
ledge leading across the traffic. Go this way first.

2. There is an enemy at the far end. Take him out however you want.

3. Carry on through the room. A yellow door will open ahead of you. Go on
into the new room and use the charge to take out the two enemies, or just hit
and kick them to death! They are easier to kill than the fighters.

4. Go on down this room and on your left next to the window is a device.
Action it with O and the door opposite the window opens. You can't go further
here so retrace your steps back to the long ledge and go back across the

5. Once in the larger room turn right, go down and out again to the second
ledge. Here there is a boat for you to jump on and a ledge to get to the other

6. Carefully make the jumps across (the traffic will not hit you), and break
the glass to enter the room. Another enemy cop with stunner approaches. Kill

7. Turn to the left in the room and find another life in the room there. Now
go down the passageway and grab the contact grenade at the far end.

Stage 7
1. Turn to the left and go down the stairs. Take it slowly here because there
is another train area ahead, and you don't want to die by accident having got
this far.

2. Get ready and move to the edge of the brown area just in front of the
tracks. Get in the exact position so you are facing out from the centre of the
track ahead. Wait for the train to arrive next to you, and then as it moves
back down the track, run down the track after it.

2. There is a side track to the right that you need to get on. Stop and press
R1. Catch your breath. Not far to the end now.

3. Turn to face up the track to see the next side track on the left ahead of
you. Wait until the train goes to your left and then move. Again go onto the
track and run up and stop press L1 and catch your breath on the side track.

4. There is another charge here so use O to get it and then turn around and get
ready for the next section of track.

5. Again turn to look up the track. A long way to run. Wait until the train
has passed you going to the right and then move.

6. I suggest going for broke here and just running down to the end of the track
but you can stop again to the right if you want.

Stage 8
1. Go to the end of the track and a fighter attacks. Another one will soon
join in, so use the charge to blast them both.

2. Turn down the corridor to the left and then right. A yellow door ahead will

3. >>> SECRET <<<
Ahead of you across the passageway is a wall with cracks in it. Blow it up
and go inside to get a life.

4. Now go down the corridor to where you can see the blue opening to Corenlius'

5, A fighter will attack you. Kick and hit and get a health pack from him.

6. Jump on the desk to get a blue protector and a contact grenade.

7. Go up into the bedroom and to your left is a red pot with a white daisy.
Take this to complete the level. And thank God for that.

Items: 100%
Secrets: 100%

SAVE. (You do not want to go through that again.)

TOTAL: 5 contact grenades, 4 grenades, 6 lives.



| |
| Zorg, absolute evil's ally, has |
| captured Cornelius. Korben and |
| Leeloo must attack his headquarters |
| in order to free their friend. On |
| the way Leeloo must find the tickets |
| to Fhloston Paradise and Korben must |
| deactivate the headquarters' |
| security system by neutralising the |
| central computer |
| |

Again you have a choice of who goes first. Korben's mission is easier.

Korben's Mission
NOTE. Use SELECT and R2 to scroll through all your items, and SELECT and R1 to
change weapons.

Stage 1
1. You begin outside at night on top of the Zorg HQ. There is a full protector
if you turn around. Leave this until you need it.

2. Go to the right and there is a grid. Break it and there are a series of
jumps. First shoot to kill the unseen enemy.

3. For the first jump, use triangle and UP and release the Up button when the
shadow shows you are over the ledge so you don't jump too far. Look to the
left and see a light in the wall. This has the effect of changing the laser in
the door at the end when you go past it.

4. Jump to the next ledge. Do the same as before so as not to overshoot. You
see that the doorway now is open, but there is another light to your left and a
grid. Smash the grid using Square to kick it.

5. Now jump to the ledge in front of the door and see the pink lasers come on.
Turn to the left and smash the next grid.

6. Go back to the door and turn right and back to the small ledge. Turn right
down the passage, and smash the grid at the end.

7. Turn right at the end ledge and jump forwards. Then break the grid.

8. Now run and jump to the far ledge in front of the door which is now open.
Turn left and go through the door. Kill the fighter here. If you have lost
some protection you can go back and get the one at the start. Just go straight
back down and then return the same way.

Stage 2.
1. Go through the now open door and onto the lift that is ahead of you. This
will move down slowly, so take your time and keep firing at the three open
doorways that appear to kill all the enemies here.

There is a spider, and two groups of fighters to defeat. Don't bother going
onto the bottom pl

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:08 pm
by balon!
This needs to be in Video Games.

babybottomfeeder wrote:As requested by five forums members, I am pleased to produce the best walkthrough for The Fifth Element. I know this stuff is out there but I think it's important to post the TRUE walkthrough by threetimes. Amongst we The Fifth Element fans, this is considered the purest walkthrough. Like any standard set of rules, the threetimes walkthrough is map for experiencing a higher level of "deep play" from your The Fifth Element experience.


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:11 pm
by sgt.null
we do not have the video game feature in the watch.