Vampire: Dark Ages (Vienna) - Chapter 3: The Estates

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Vampire: Dark Ages (Vienna) - Chapter 3: The Estates

Post by Goatkiller666 »


It is the evening of April 11th, 1205. Day 23 of the lunar cycle, and so there is a half moon (waning) in the sky tonight. Except that the sky has become overcast late in the day, and now the moon and the stars cannot be seen. Without some source of light, it will be very difficult to see while outside (mystical powers not withstanding). Other than the overcast, the weather isn't expect to get worse for another few days.

Casper wakes in his haven. Hannalore is with him in the room. She was there when he went to sleep at sunrise, though she appears to have gotten dressed for the day and returned to await his waking. "Good evening, My Lord."

Faelan wakes in his haven. There is nobody present, but this is not unusual. [See PM for the wrap-up of the previous evening's events.]
Last edited by Goatkiller666 on Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

Casper rose out his chambers, gazing at Hannelore. "Good evening, m'dear. You made quite the impression last night. Have you heard from Isabelle on her reaction?"
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Hannalore blushes and curtsies to Caspar. "I have not heard from her, Lord. I have been here since just after sundown, waiting for you to rouse. However, there have been messages delivered from several of the nobles in town for her. I hope they write to congratulate her on such a splendid affair, instead of reprimand her." She seems honestly nervous that the notes might contain bad news.
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

Isabelle and her bloody controlling tendencies. He'd love it if one day she'd make him privy to this information, but he supposed neonates could not demand that.

No, instead he had to take initiative himself. "Ah, well, I'm certain she would not mind if I previewed the messages first. It is my right after all. You are not hers, you are mine." He smiled at Hannelore, taking her by the arm. "I think I will go read them. Do you wish to accompany me, dear?"
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Hannalore rises and then curtsies low. "I have been looking forward to walking out on your arm for days, Lord. Since your presentation to the Courts, things have been so tense. But this moment is just for us. Me on your arm, you a full member of the Prince's Court, and me a rising musician, heard by the Duke's son and many lords of the Duchy."

The girl is smiling brightly, with a small tear of happiness clinging to her one eye. She steps forward, and confidently takes Casper's arm. She seems a bit bolder, now; more confident. Perhaps the evenings events have shown her some of her strength?

There is quite a stack of letters upon Isabella's writing table. Her secretary has already opened and stacked them and sorted them in accordance with the status of the sender.

The first is from the Duke's son. [GM FAIL: So... if the son of a king is a prince, what is the son of a ruling duke?]
  • My dear Isabella,
    I simply must thank you for such a wonderful event last night at your ball. If I say that I was pleasantly surprised at how much you had outdone yourself this time, please understand that I say that in full appreciation of the superlative nature of this past Winter's Ball. Every season, I tell you and all the city that I have enjoyed myself more at your ball than any moment of my life prior. And yet, this past Winter, at the height of the event, I was struck melencholy at the thought: what if this were it? What if no ball ever could surpass what I now experienced? How could any future event hope to compare to that? I was not alone in these thoughts, for several others chose at that moment to stay in your Eden as long as it would be polite to do so, just for the experience not to end.

    And though I walked into your home today, attempting to push that event into the shades of memory, it's specter still loomed over me. When once I would look forward to the excellent wines and the fine music, I was struck at the door... what if they weren't as excellent? What if the music was only exceptional, but not quite what it had been? Certainly no shame would come of this, any yet I almost didn't enter, because it would do you a grave insult to shirk such a gathering.

    And yet, in spite of the fact that it must be impossible, the food was better, and the wine better still. And while the musicians weren't better than they had been, they were just as good, and I could be in this moment without the shade of that moment polluting it. After the revelation that, no, this festive event would indeed surpass all those before it, I swear it was as if a great weight were lifted from me. I found myself almost giddy, though I swear I had had no more than two sips of the fine wine by that time.

    But then, my most gracious hostess, you brought on your guest. Such an exquisite creature must be a gift from God above, to show us that He is pleased with the city of Vienna. That our enemies chose to attack the city at that time must not have been a coincidence. God has told us, in our moment of hardship, that He is on our side. And behold, we pushed off that attack with no deaths and but a single injury. What could not our great city accomplish, if we walk in the Allmighty's graces?

    I also would like to commend to you your kinsman, Casper von Hausberg. Not only was he the one to truly discover the young Hannalore, but I had occasion to converse with him last night, and I found the man both charming and well reasoned.
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

(I think the son of a duke would be referred to as a count or marquess, depending on the area or if they held any titles. Also if anyone has any questions, I'm starting to play Casper's True Love merit.)

He grinned, exhilarated by the success and Hannelore's own happiness. It was beautiful to see his girl so happy, so full of human passion and emotion. "Yes. This moment is just for us, my dear. Our new success, our new existence together, none can take this from us."

Checking to see if anyone was looking, he drew her close to him (fairly improper for the time period). He glanced over the letter, pleased with the success. "Have you read this, Hannelore? His Lordship finds you nearly as angelic as I do." Ah, the glory of the Toreador had already begun to save the city which he had made home, and it was theirs to share.
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Faelan »

Faelan summons his man at arms to send a message to the Prince. The message is a request for an audience to discuss the east gate fight. He tells his man at arms he is gonna go check on the sergeant.

Faelan heads over to see the sergeant hoping that by using animalism will help him communicate with him
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Post by Goatkiller666 »


Pick this up over in the Slums thread, where you join Lament.
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

[So, it turns out that the Austrian nobility has an amazingly convoluted system of peerage, the titles of which mostly don't translate into English. There were many many different titles that are all said as 'Prince' in English.]


Hannalore looks at the letter, "I didn't want to intrude on Isabella's correspondance. But..." She takes the letter and skims over it. "Oh my." She blushes slightly, but at the same time can't seem to stop smiling. "The crown prince said all that about me?" She clings to Casper for a moment, but then releases him.

"I'm too excited. I can't stay still." She looks mischievously at Casper, then looks away. "Dance with me, so that I can move." She holds out her hands, then starts to hum the tune for a popular dance, and sways side to side with the melody, waiting for Caspar to join her.

[I know, 1205 is WAY WAY before the time of waltzes, but that's what's in my head right now.]
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

Indulge the girl a little, Casper thought. Besides, Ulricht and Isabelle shouldn't be the only ones to have fun, should they?

Gazing at her mock-curiously, he suddenly bowed, and took her hand. "Only if you stop that infernal humming, and sing to me a song of your own creation." While she acquiesced, he waited for her to start, and then began to lead her in a dance.
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Hannalore smiles nervously. "Actually sing, and dance? I think I can manage. You must be sure to lead then, and not to try any complicated moves, or I'll stumble."

She begins by humming the opening measures to one of her songs, the part that would normally be played by instruments. And then, at the appropriate time, she starts into the words. [GM Fail: I'm no poet, though I guess I could just write some random length lines of prose and cliam that in the original German, they rhyme.]

Casper manages to lead Hannalore in a decent waltz [3 successes] while she sings the song [2 successes] and follows the dance [1 success]. It's not her best singing performance, but she enjoys the experience anyway.

As she finishes the song, still swaying to an imagined beat, Casper and Hannalore are surprised by applause from above. Isabelle is there, smiling. "Most impressive, my dear. It is a rare soul who can split its attention between two different tasks without both suffering in the process." [See PM.]
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

Casper laughs softly as Isabelle appears. "It seems that nearly everyone in the Duchy is fascinated with you, my dear Hannelore." With that, he draws her towards him and kisses her on the forehead, glancing quickly (attempting to conceal it from Hannelore) at Isabelle.
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

"After last night, can you blame them? Our little dove has captured the heart of the whole duchy. All those who matter, anyway." She descends the stairs, smiling.

"Casper dear, you should call on the Prince. I believe that he is being groomed by the Prince, or one of her childer, since he will eventually rule the duchy. We must do all in our power to support the Prince and keep all of her subjects loyal to her. His appreciation for Hannalore's gifts may provide us with an opportunity to make him an ally among the Ventrue, if he is eventually made into a Cainite."

"Oh, did I notice you chatting with young Fritz? He also is a good ally for you to have. We must do our best to support the rule of the Ventrue in the city."

[See PM.]
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

"I will go see the Prince then, if that's where I'm required. Is there anything I should mention to make him an ally to our clan?"

Casper found himself looking away from Hannelore and at Isabelle. He accepted the wisdom of her words without so much as a second thought. "Yes, I spoke with Fritz at great length yesterday. He would, as you said, make a stellar ally in this city."
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

Isabelle waves her hand at Casper's question. "Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something to say. I have faith in your abilities. And in Hannalore's."
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

Before responding to her statement, Casper mused. "You and Fritz are of the same mind on many matters. Perhaps I should go seek his counsel for this." He smiled. "You flatter me. I will go visit the Crown Prince then. Shall I bring Hannelore?"
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

"Certainly. She's your invitation in the door. If you can arrange for her to have ready access to his Highness, things would become that much easier, down the road."
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Post by Casper von Hausberg »

Casper nods, turns to Hannelore and says, "Come, my dear. You have heard Isabelle," and then turns to leave the estate.
Casper von Hausberg, Childe of Isabelle
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Post by Goatkiller666 »

[Casper: Where are you going? I assume to the mortal prince's castle (also the Cainite Prince's estate), but are you stopping anywhere first? Getting a present first? Getting Hannalore into something special? (Does 'special' mean seduction-wear, or overly proper?)]

Faelan arrives at the Prince's door, the same door as a few days before. The same two guards are at the gate, though they recognize Faelan as he approaches this time. (Also, it's only early evening and not early morning, so it's more reasonable to be seeking audience.)

"Good even', M'Lord. The Counselor is still at his figures. I'll have one of the boys show you the way, sir." He steps into the gates, holding them open for Faelan. Then he opens a side door and calls in, "Boy! This gentleman needs to see Lord Donnerhimmel. Escort him there directly, and without any of your lip."

A boy comes shuffling out of the side room, looking tired but at least well kempt. "This way, M'Lord." says the boy, and proceeds to be silent the rest of the way there, unless asked a question.

Faelan is shown into Donnerhimmel's chambers, where the man actually is working on figures, scribbling away in a cramped hand on several pieces of parchment. On seeing Faelan, he rises, shews the boy away, and asks, "Do you wish to see the Prince, my Lord? To what is this pertaining? She is in audience at the moment, but she has instructed me to admit you immediately if the matter urgently pertains to the city's defense."
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Post by Faelan »

The matter isnt necessarily urgent but we do have some issues to discuss
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