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Vampire: Dark Ages (Vienna) - Chapter 3: The Slums

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 7:04 am
by Goatkiller666

It is the evening of April 11th, 1205. Day 23 of the lunar cycle, and so there is a half moon (waning) in the sky tonight. Except that the sky has become overcast late in the day, and now the moon and the stars cannot be seen. Without some source of light, it will be very difficult to see while outside (mystical powers not withstanding). Other than the overcast, the weather isn't expect to get worse for another few days.

Lament wakes in her haven. It is as she expects it to be.

Kaldrenzi follows his prey to an outpost of the City Guard. The structure is in the middle of town (not dead center... my point is that it's not anywhere near the walls). While the man is inside, the sun sets.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:48 pm
by Corrozus
Lament tidys a bit before leaving and going to look for Brother Jurgen.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:38 pm
by Goatkiller666
Brother Jurgen is always to be found at his church, which still has the camp hospital set up attached to it. The Hungarian lord is there also, looking much more relaxed.

When he sees her, Jurgen excuses himself from the lord and walks over quickly, a deep frown on his face. Before Lament can even speak, he says to her quietly, "There has been another. This one is worse. The others are... themselves again, I could say. Still dazed, but they know their names. They don't really remember much of the time, though. But... this new man... I think he might actually be possessed."

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:23 pm
by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff
He goes into the building? Stay outside. Watch for him, look for anything interesting. Leeches if I can pick one out of a crowd, their servants if anymore are known.

People watch. If he doesn't come out in a short time, find a commoners tavern, and try to gather gossip about "goings ons".

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:30 pm
by Goatkiller666

The gossip of the commoners in the tavern are mostly centered around the battle last night at the East Gate, and the resulting turmoil. The Eastern half of the city was woken and called to arms, though there was no action to take at that point. Still, many of the citizenry is tired and scared now. Especially just after the sun has set and the sky is starless.

One man mentions that he saw some of the guard actually arresting one of their own the day before. It looked like the day Sergeant from the East Gate, even. Maybe that's related? None of the rest of the men at his table seem to believe him. "Not Ronald. He's as honest a man as can find outside of a Church. And he's a damned sight moreso than many you'll find inside, too."

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:18 am
by Goatkiller666
As Lucretia moves through the city, she hears a commotion up ahead, as if men fighting. One voice is louder than the rest, screaming the same thing over and over: "No? No? No?..."

When she is closer, she can also hear the voices of other men. "Hold his leg, damn you!" "Ow! He bit me!" "Somebody pry his hands from the door handle, or we'll never be done with this."

Several people on the street are backing away from the noise, though still looking on in curiosity.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:56 am
by Corrozus
Lament frowns at Brother Jurgen and nods slightly. "Let us go then."

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:29 pm
by Lucretia
She investigates the scuffle. Quietly from the shadows.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:27 am
by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff
Listen for more gossip, if nothing comes of it, let's head to a church and see just how many honest men there are there.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:23 pm
by Goatkiller666

Brother Jurgen leads Lament back to the same jail, the men from yesterday are gone. In one cell, stands one guard, barely a boy. He is staring through the bars to the adjascent cell, calmly watching a second man. He is beyond calm... a look of pure joy fills his face.

The second man is far from calm. He's trying to reach through the bars to the first man, though he cannot reach him. He's grunting, almost barking, with his efforts, and seems to have no notice of repeatedly impacting against the barred walls of his cage.

Jurgen points to rapturous man, "Oh no. He must be another. This seems more like the first ones." Then he nods to the violent man, "He is the one I wanted you to see. He was in the fight last night against the... at the East Gate. They say that during the fight, he suddenly started attacking one of the other soldiers. He was incoherant, and raging. He seems not to have gotten better, in the day and a night since."

At the sound of Jurgen's voice, the man turns and snarls. He launches himself against the other wall of bars, growling and reaching for Jurgen. His impact with the bars breaks open one of his lips, and he begins to bleed.

[See PM for the results of the Dementation check I just know you're going to make.]


Faelan, hero of the night, arrives at the city's jail, where the sergeant is being held. He joins the priest and the doctor outside the cell.


[GM Fail. Please hold while another scene elsewhere resolves itself before I can properly lead into your scene.]


Another man from the side of the bar raises his tankard, "Aye, there's no better man on this city's guard than Ronald." His tone is more serious than the other men's gossiping.

The gossips turn to him, "Is that you Otto? What do you know of all this?" "Do you hear anything in the guard?" On closer inspection, this Otto is wearing some parts of a guard's uniform, as if he were off duty now.

"I saw it all, lads. I saw the monsters at the gate, and I saw the swarm of fairies. And I saw what they done to poor Ronald." He's sitting by the bar, leaning forward over his drink, not even turning to face his audience. The slur in his voice says that he's been drinking for some little while already.

Kaldrenzi notices the man reach into the pouch on his belt and take something out.

"They didn't arrest him. They just had to lock him up fer his own safety. He was mad, says I. Howling and biting... taken by a fiend from Hell, says I." The gossips gasp and look at each other nervously.

He takes a long pull from his tankard, finishing it off.

"We're to trust in God, lads. And we're to trust in his Grace to lead us from this." He rises from his seat, a little unsteady, and starts to walk to the door.

Before he gets to the door, he glances around the room, and sees Kaldrenzi. He screams as he does, and flings himself away, stumbling over a few people and falling on the table, spilling several drinks and illiciting complaints from them.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:32 pm
by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff
Otto is it? With something that reveals my nature.

Join in the general shock and confusion as to what Otto's problem is as he stumbles towards the door to drunkenly flee.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:49 pm
by Goatkiller666
Otto looks around at the people he's fallen over, and the look of panic rises. "Ah! No..." he starts to yell, as he backs away from these other people, crawling on his back down the table.

"Otto, what ails you, man?" Asks the innkeeper.

Otto turns at the sound of his name, "NO! Don't touch me! You're all rats!" His panic continues to rise, and people either back away from him, or move in to help.

Soon, he starts to grab random items from the table and throw them at the people who are approaching him. A few people starts to get serious about him. "Otto, what's wrong with you. We're not rats." "We need to take him to the guard. Keep him with his sergeant. He'll hurt himself like this."

They scuffle with him, and he fights back. But they try to lead him out of the tavern.

As Lucretia moves through the city, she hears a commotion up ahead, as if men fighting. One voice is louder than the rest, screaming the same thing over and over: "No? No? No?..."

When she is closer, she can also hear the voices of other men. "Hold his leg, damn you!" "Ow! He bit me!" "Somebody pry his hands from the door handle, or we'll never be done with this."

Several people on the street are backing away from the noise, though still looking on in curiosity.
As Lucretia approaches, from the shadows, she sees several men struggling with another man. For the most part, they're trying to each hold a limb, though the man is struggling very energetically, so sometimes a leg or arm will get free, and he'll start to kick or blugeon his captors. "No! No!"

The group moves slowly down the street towards the city jail.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:52 pm
by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff
Join the mob holding him, moving outside, dragging him towards the jail, trying to find whatever it was he palmed and in the general scuffle snag it.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:26 pm
by Goatkiller666
Kaldrenzi & Lucretia

Given the overcast night sky, it's very dark. There are lights on the street, announcing taverns or other public places. But that's only enough to allow gross navigation, not detailed sight of what's going on.

Kaldrenzi manages to pull the pouch from the man's belt, hidden in the scuffle of his struggles.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:47 pm
by Corrozus
Lament looks the man over from a relative distance, glancing distractedly at Faelan as he enters before turning back to Brother Jurgen and whispering softly. "Rage...pure, unadulterated rage...little of the mind remains, of little help we can be."

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:18 am
by Lucretia
Kaldrenzi & Lucretia

She follows the men. His madness makes her curious.

Does she notice the Thief or the actions thereof?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:37 pm
by Faelan
Faelan captures the gaze of the mad prisoner. Uses Animalism to try and communicate with the prisoner"Calm down my friend we are here to help you"

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:11 am
by Kaldrenzi Culls-The-Chaff
Move with the unwashed tide of humans towards the prison. Having gotten what I wanted, and secured it, continue on. Really, we can't ALL fit through the doorway holding the man, so I just hang back once we get there.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:22 pm
by Lucretia
Kaldrenzi & Lucretia
Still curious she follows the guards inside. The towering lady bows to Kaldrenzi who decided to not follow. Assuming they are acquainted, for the civilian aided the other guards, she reassures him, "She shall try to help the lady's friend. She has some knowledge of the moon mad."

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:59 pm
by Goatkiller666
Faelan, Lament, & Lucretia

Faelan makes some noises at the man. Though nobody can understand them as words, they do get the feeling that these are calming noises, perhaps suggesting peace and kinship. They sound vaguely like the sounds a mother would make to her frightened babe.

The Sergaent calms somewhat, and looks at Faelan almost thankfully. The man in the next cell makes a happy cooing noise. But soon, anger begins to cross the Sergeant's face, and he reaches his hand through the bars towards Faelan himself, trying to claw at him but unable to reach.

Brother Jurgen interposes himself between Faelan and Lament, watching the knight more carefully.

Just then, the group of men bring in Otto the guard, who continues to say "No... no... no..." and to struggle madly against them. The jailer, already used to this kind of event, says "Bring him this way, lads. Put him in here with Rudolf." He leads them over to the cell with the ecstatic man and opens the door. That one doesn't move even when his path is open, as he continues to stare at the Sergeant in amazement.

Finally, Lucretia enters the room, towering over all present, having to duck her head extremely to fit through the door, she must still keep her head somewhat bowed to avoid bumping into the ceiling. There are support beams periodically, which she must duck to avoid.


He is left standing outside the door to the city jail, holding Otto's purse, while the others take Otto inside.