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TWL Chapter 10 Vale of Crystal

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 10:20 pm
by Dromond
The agony of the river- ride is palpable to all, (including us dear readers) but the toll on Linden is more than obvious and so of course the Raver attacks now.

TWL is about, as much as anything, Linden having new pains and horrors thrown at her, feeling things she swore could not exist in reality, only nightmares.

Because you can see.

People of the Land can't detect a Raver's presence, even in the 1st Chronicles, yet here is Linden at the start of Vale of Crystal:
The presence of the Raver, lurid and tangible, burned through Linden Avery's nerves like a discharge of lightning, stunning her.
Because you can see.

The swarm attacks, and Covenant is stung. When Linden rose to the surface of the river, the Raver was gone. But of course, not the pain and the price to be paid from such venom.

Covenant is dragged to the bank, Linden examining him :
She did not want to see what was wrong with him. She had already seen too much; the wrong of the Sunbane had excruciated her nerves so long, so intimately, that she half believed she had lost her mind.But she was a doctor, she had chosen this work for reasons which brooked no excuse of fear or repugnance or incapacity Setting her self aside, she bent the new dimension of her senses toward Covenant.
It just occurs to me now that most likely no one else in the history of the Land had this 'new' dimension of senses (except for the Ravers and Foul)
Something else raged in him. Baring her senses to it, she suddenly remembered what Sunder had said about the sun of pestilence - and what he had implied about insects.
It becomes obvious that this attack was intended to be in conjunction with Marid's, as the old wound on TC's arm seems to have a fresh infusion of venom.

Covenant is slipping into shock and Linden is looking down at him, slipping into a realization that would deprive her of herself.
For a moment she glimpsed a structure of truth behind his apparent paranoia, his belief in an Enemy who sought to destroy him. All her instincts rebelled against such a conception. But now for an instant she seemed to see something deliberate in the Sunbane, something intentional and cunning in these attacks on Covenant.
The glimpse reft her of self-trust. She knelt beside him, unable to move or choose. The same dismay which had incapacitated her when she had first seen Joan came upon her.
How interesting, That TC wrestled with the health and joy he found in the Land, until he could begin to accept it, While Linden must wrestle with the despair and evil.

The sounds of Sunders' wracked breathing brings her back to the moment and her Doctor's training. Sunder fought the swarm with the orcrest and :
"Something in me has torn." He winced at every word. "It is keen- but I think not perilous. Never have I drawn such power from the Sunstone"
And so they're back on the river, drifting, and soon:
Then, before sunset, the river unbent among a clump of hills into a long straight line leading toward a wide ravine which opened on the Mithil. The sides of the ravine were as sheer as a barranca, and they reflected the low sunshine with a strange brillance. The ravine was like a vale of diamonds; its walls were formed of faceted crystal which caught the light and returned it in delicate shades of white and pink. When the sun of pestilence dipped toward the horizon, washing the terrain in a bath of vermillion, the barranca became a place of rare glory.
How could one live there and see the Sunbane as evil?
People moved on the rivershore; but they gave no indication that they saw the raft. The river was already in shadow, and the brightness of the crystal was dazzling. Soon they left the bank and went up into the ravine.
Linden wants to ask them for help, Sunder is vehemently opposed, reminding Linden of her welcome in Mithil Stonedown.
But Sunder does decide to wait until night and steal food, though he can't hide his reluctance for such an act.
Just as Night falls,an unconscious Covenant begins to sputter and spurt Wild Magic from his ring.
The venom beginning to succeed
Alarmed, but in need, Sunder and Linden hide him as best they can and head toward the Stonedown in seargh of supplies.
It seems that a big event is happening in the Stonedown this evening and the whole down is gathered in the center. So the homes are not being watched and Sunder soon has what he needs
He started to leave. But she stopped him, gestured inward. For a moment, he considered the advantages of knowing what transpired in the village. Then he agreed.
They approach:
"A Rider!" Sunder whispered. "A Rider of the Clave."
The Rider demands A great sacrifice from the Stonedown. The surrender of a young woman who has lived with these people all her life. The Clave is strong and persuasive, but the loss of this woman would strike the Stonedown a huge blow- she is an eh- Brand, rare in the Land, a great boon to her people. Her ability to predict what type of sun will arise in the morning is a great advantage to have.And the Stonedown is loathe to give her up. But to defy the Clave!- !
"Croft!" she begged. Tears suffused her mien. "You are the Graveler. You must forbid!"
"Aye, Hollian," he replied with great bitterness.While he spoke, his hands toyed with a slim wooden wand. "By right of blood and power, I am the Graveler. And you are an eh-Brand- a benison beyond price to the life of Crystal Stonedown. But he is Sivit na-Mhoram-wist. He claims you in the life of the Clave. How may I refuse?"
"You may refuse-" began the Rider in a sepulchral tone.
"You must refuse!" the woman cried.
"But should you refuse," Sivit continued remorselessly,"should you think to deny me, I swear by the Sunbane that I will levy the na-Mhoram's Grim upon you, and you will be ground under its might like chaff!"
At the word Grim, a moan ran through the Stonedown; and Sunder shivered.
"She is precious to us," said the tall Graveler softly. "Do not enforce you will upon us."
"Is she?" Sivit raged, brandishing his scepter."You are sick with her folly. She is not precious. She is an abomination! You think her an eh-Brand, a rare boon in the Land. I say to you, she is a Sun-Sage! Damned as a servant of a-Jeroth!"
Sunder whispers to Linden what all this means to people of the Land.The lies they've been told since birth. The truth as they deem it to be.
"The Clave has power over the Sunbane. For power they must have blood. At all times, Riders journey the Land, visiting again and again every village. At each visit they take one or two or three lives-ever young and strong lives-and bear them to Revelstone, where the na-Mhoram works his work."
Ultimately,Croft realizes he can't risk the Grim and decides to surrender Hollian to the Clave
Hollian says:
Yet you must at least accord to me the courtesy of my worth. Restore to me the lianar.
Croft looked down at the wand in his hands. The rictus of his shoulders revealed his shame and decision. "No," he said softly.
"With this wood you perform your foretelling. Sivit na-Mhoram-wist has no claim upon it- and for you it has no future. Crystal Stonedown will retain it. As a prayer for the birth of a new eh-Brand."
Another interesting example of the 'dumbing down' of the linguistics regarding Earthpower. lomillialor, or maybe its lor-liarill becoming lianar.
But it is great to see some of the high wood survive.

As Hollian turns away in despair, her eyes are drawn to a half awakened Covenant, still delirious with venom, stumbling his way into the Stonedown, crying, "Linden! You left me."
"The Halfhand!" Sivit yelled. "The white ring!"
"I say it is the Halfhand!" shouted the Rider. "He has come as the Clave foretold! Take him! Slay him!"
But Covenant's intensity held them back.

Linden is only able to get through Covenant's delirium by telling him Hollian will be sacrificed, Like Joan "Like JOAN!!"
This ignites TC's anger and the Wild Magic:
A rampage of force tore Sivit's scepter from his hands. The iron fired black, red, white, then melted into slag on the ground. Argent lashed the bonfire; flaming brands scattered across the circle. Wild lightning sizzled into the heavens until the sky screamed and the crystal walls rang out celestial peals of power.
The very fabric of the dirt stretched under Linden's feet, as it it were about to tear. She staggered to her knees.
Wow 8O
Sunder reclaims the lianar from an astounded Croft, and He, TC, Linden and Hollian escape to the river.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:52 pm
by Dragonlily
Excellent, Drommond. Great quotes well woven into a good recounting.

I have a question. Where was this crystal ravine during the 1st Chrons? It would have been considered one of the treasures of the land.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:29 pm
by danlo
I have wondered about that too Joy. My only theory is that Satansfist was there practicing with the Illearthstone on his way to Revelstone-He toasts the ravine-and it eventually wears away revealing...

Amazing Read-Lead Dromond! And thank you SO much for coming to the rescue on such short notice (Chapt. 11 should b up by Wednesday)!!!

Now that I look at Linden in a new light it's really kinda heartwrenching how much the corrupted Land is effecting and almost killing her though her healthsense. The Raver almost shocks her to death. I truly thought Sunder was going to die after he said that. Damm I thought everyone was going to die.
almost every chapter of the dang book!
Yea TC! can Andelian be far away?

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 4:54 pm
by Furls Fire
WOW!! :faint: Fantastic lead-in Dromond!! By this chapter I was just sick on my first read. I felt like just putting the book down and never looking at it again. The Sunbane was tearing me apart. And I really didn't like Linden, YET. And Covenant, that venom in him, couldn't SEE. It was a hard, heartbreaking book to read.

The venom was Foul's way of making Covenant more dangerous to himself and the Land than he had ever been 4000 years previous. So, the Raver was sent to throw him into relapse, to make him uncontrollable, to make the wild magic uncontrollable. Foul, at this point, (IMHO) was thinking that Covenant himself would blow away the Arch of Time and destroy the Land just by not being able to control his power. With this venom, Foul was corrupting the White Gold, Covenant. Here is the first glimmer of the corruption:
Abruptly, Covenant began to flinch. A faint white light winked along his right side-burned and vanished in an instant.

She sat up, hissed, "Sunder."

The light came again-an evanescent stutter of power from the ring embedded deep in Covenant's swollen finger.

"Heaven and Earth!" whispered Sunder. "It will be seen."

"I thought -- " She watched stupidly as the Graveler slid Covenant's hand into the pocket of his pants. The movement made him bare his teeth in a grin of pain. His dry stare was fixed on the moon. "I thought he needed the Sunstone. To trigger it." His pocket muffled the intermittent gleaming, but did not conceal it entirely. "Sunder." Her doming was still damp; she could not stop shivering. "What's happening to him?"

"Ask me not," Sunder breathed roughly. "I lack your sight." But a moment later he inquired, "Can it be that this Raver of which he speaks-that this Raver is within him?"

So, my despair was reaching it's peak by this point. The Raver, the stings, the relapse, the Sundane, Linden seeing what Covenant couldn't...getting too much for me...

But, then one of my favorite characters in the books is introduced in this chapter. HOLLIAN!! She was awesome!!
But Hollian defied their fear. "Croft!" she insisted, "forbid! I care nothing for the na-Mhoram or his Grim. I am an eh-Brand. I foretell the Sunbane! No harm, no Grim or any curse, will find you unwary while I abide here. Croft! My people!" She appealed to the ring of Stonedownors. "Am I nothing, that you cast me aside at the whim of Sivit na-Mhoram-wist?"

"Whim?" barked the Rider. "I speak for the Clave. I do not utter whims. Harken to me, girl. I claim you by right of service. Without the mediation of the Clave-without the wisdom of the Rede and the sacrifice of the na-Mhoram-there would be no life left in any Stonedown or Woodhelven, despite your arrogance. And we must have life for our work. Do you think to deny me? Condemnable folly!"
And we get our first glimpse of a Rider. And, like Dromond said, the "dumbing down" of the Earthpower. The lies of the Clave becoming more and more evident.
"Do you believe that you can endure the na-Mhoram's Grim? You are fey and anile. By the Three Corners of Truth! At one word from me, the Clave will unleash such devastation upon you that you will grovel to be permitted to deliver up this foul eh-Brand, and it will avail you nothing!"

Abruptly, the woman jerked upright, threw herself to confront the Graveler. "Croft!" she panted in desperation, "slay this Rider! Let him not carry word to the Clave. Then I will remain in Crystal Stonedown, and the Clave will know nothing of what we have done." Her hands gripped his jerkin, urging him. "Croft, hear me. Slay him!"

Sivit barked a contemptuous laugh. Then his voice dropped, became low and deadly. "You have not the power."

"He speaks truly," Croft murmured to Hollian. Misery knurled his countenance. "He requires no Grim to work our ruin. I must meet his claim, else we will not endure to rue our defiance."
At one word from me, the Clave will unleash such devastation upon you that you will grovel to be permitted to deliver up this foul eh-Brand, and it will avail you nothing!" Such foreshadowing of what lies ahead...that single word...SRD is a genius.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 8:36 pm
by Dromond
Thanks, everybody. And Joy, thank you for pointing out the link Graveler has to Gravelingas. Funny but I never made the connection. :?

Anyway, another we find in this chapter is Hirebrand becoming eh-Brand. Very interesting. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:41 pm
by Seafoam Understone
Great chapter dissection and unfortunately nothing to add to the wonderful responses. Stone and Sea... a giant being brief! Alas for the Land.

(was wondering when the next chapter was gonna be posted... ;) good job Dromond! and Furl's follow up)

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:09 am
by caamora
Great Post, Drommond!!

Furls, I agree with you. I felt the same way at this juncture of the book when I first read it. The only thing that kept me going was that TC was finally acting like a hero!

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 3:38 am
by Dragonlily
Quote from Furls' quote:
Misery knurled his countenance.
I see we have moved on from "clenched". :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 5:29 am
by Furls Fire
caam, oh you bet! He was determined to find out what went wrong and to fix it. He was no longer in the "I'm not your bloody Berek" mode. :)

And Joy, LOL!! I plan to buy a brand new dictionary along with my copy of Runes of the Earth when it comes out. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 3:34 pm
by dlbpharmd
Great job Dromond!

I like what you said about the connection b/w lomillialor and lor-liarill and Hollian's lianar. I suspect that the lianar was lor-liarill - I believe TC would've recognized lomillialor.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 10:02 pm
by kastenessen
Excellent job Dromond!

More and more each chapter shows the importance of LA in the story, she takes up more and more room and SRD slowly twists the POV from TC to her... and her healthsense also becomes vital to the survival of TC. She really plays a part now...

It really shows SRD's genious that he has dared to do what he has done to the Land so far. To torture his creation this much. It's painful to read...The second chrons is so much different from the first even at this early stage.

It's interesting that the Unfettered one that was Nassic's and Sunders anscestor prophesied TC's return. Now we learn that the Clave has done the same...
"I say It's the Halfhand!" shouted the Rider. "He has come as the Clave foretold! Take him! Slay him!"
The Land waits for TC, he comes, not as expected as a "hero" , but infested with poison...what will come out of this? Still, it is TC the Land waits for not LA. She looks like the joker she probably is with powers yet to be revealed...with freedom that comes with being the chosen one while TC struggles with him "selling out" to LF (In previous chapters)...

Another thing that never stops to amaze me is the pacing of the story. So many things is happening, there's always some awesome surprise, action or dialogue in wait the next page that makes you want to read more...SRD is the Master....


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:00 am
by matrixman
I wonder if Lord Foul could "sense" Covenant's location anytime he used the wild magic. My thought is that the power of white gold would have a unique "signature", distinct from the signature of another power--for example, an orcrest or a Lord's staff. Therefore the Despiser could take advantage of these unique identifiers and know instantly what type of power, if any, was being wielded at any given time. It would be like Darth Vader sensing a disturbance in the Force, only Lord Foul's sense would be more accurate. When you think about the amount of power that Covenant unleashed in Crystal Stonedown, it must have sent a loud and clear signal to Lord Foul.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 5:05 am
by Dragonlily
Wasn't there an incident where someone told Covenant that everyone in the world could hear the use of his power except himself? Something like that. I have only a vague recollection.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 5:17 am
by Earthblood
Remember in the first Chrons when TC kept getting blasted when he walked? Mhoram figured that it was his boots not being from the Land, that gave him away. I think LF could always tell where TC was, just couldn't make him do anything - only cause other things to happen around him (or have a raver mess with him) to try to get him to react - "To save or damn"...

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 9:19 pm
by Dromond
Joy wrote:Wasn't there an incident where someone told Covenant that everyone in the world could hear the use of his power except himself? Something like that. I have only a vague recollection.
yes, Joy.
But we haven't come that far, yet. :)
It is Findail in one of his many moments of support for TC. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:23 am
by duchess of malfi
Dromond, you are as bad as Syl. You both do such good jobs it is hard finding things to say about your chapters. :wink: 8)

Just a couple of things about the Raver attack, and Linden's reaction to it...
Impelled by fear, she dove...Covenant remained on the surface. His legs and body writhed; he must have been swatting wildly at the bees. At once, her fear changed directions, became fear for him. She lunged toward him...
She ignored him. Her swift scan showed her that Covenant had not regained the surface. Snatching air into her lungs, she went down for him...
Just a couple of quick quotes to show that Linden has reached the point where her emotions and concern for Thomas are stronger than her fear of the Raver...that taking care of him is now her priority...and as the day goes on and Thomas is affected by the poison here is her reaction:
The sight blurred her eyes. She could not silence the fears gnawing at her heart.
She sat beside him, stroked his forehead...
Again dread constricted her heart...
She had not realized that she was investing so much of herself in Thomas Covenant.
Sounds like she has some pretty strong feelings for the man to me. :wink:

About Crystal Stonedown: to me it is possible that it was there all along. In the First Chronicles we see the Land through the eyes of TC and Hile Troy...both characters make much more of an inner journey than an outer one...if they don't go to a place we don't really hear much about it, or have it described to us...

and one bit of nice foreshadowing near the end:
A strange grim relief came over Linden. Her first assessment of Covenant had been vindicated; at last he had shown himself capable of significant power. Bracing his left arm over her shoulders, she helped him out of the center of the Stonedown. Sunder took Hollian's wrist. He led the way among the houses as fast as Covenant could move...
here we have the set-up for the two couples whose relationships will change the Land forever...