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How many parts will TLD have?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:34 pm
by Mighara Sovmadhi
I think if the book is significantly longer than the previous entries, say 650 or 750 pages (pure guesswork but not unprecedented in the history of fantasy series--think of the much less credible scale of the "final" books in the Sword of Truth and Wheel of Times series, stretched out into three actual individual books), this might allow for it to be divided into 3 parts. This would suggest a major subfinale for the first and second parts, and maybe 2 final finales (pardon the expression) for the last part. And imagine if it were 1,000 pages?(!). Four parts, etc. Of course, maybe it'll just be two. Remember also, though, that TOT had three parts. So did TIW. (I don't count WGW and don't remember TWL or TROTE.)

What would this mean? Four finale-like chapters or situations would imply four major problems solved. What four problems would be the most serious in the story? What might some of the implications of this be?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:11 pm
by Vraith
hmmm...I think I briefly thought and included in a post related to this...
It is something has to be addressed somehow, certainly.
I THINK it will be basically 3 large sections though with significant parallel/connectable subsections]...perhaps diagram-able in a kind of arrowhead.

The first vertical column/section the resolution/unifying of important sub-plot/ getting the Har to bend a little/risk/commit/doubt...getting the Elo to do the same...from/for different reasons. [just a couple examples, others would also be in that part.]
The second vertical section...getting to, and resolving/getting out of the essential paradoxi...Earthpower and Wild Magic the greatest/most obvious symbolically of course, maybe the "natural" and "unnatural" "weirds/words" . Both are necessary in a living/breathing world...BUT [then the "point"] of the arrow...
those living/breathing joining and separating out, permanently, the non-living/non-breathing. [LF, of course. But also SHE, and the Creator]
Heh...kind of a Babylon 5 ending only done better.

OTOH, SRD loves to give nods/props/influence recognition and structure to sources. Ring cycle is 4, much eastern stuff is 5. Psychology tends to 3.