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Tywin vs. Olenna

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:10 am
by Mega Fauna Blitzkrieg

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:25 pm
by Billy G.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:59 pm
by Akasri
Gigantic pic aside... that scene between Tywin and Olenna was awesome this week :)

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:06 am
by Mega Fauna Blitzkrieg
I was sad the old battle axe surrendered so easily. But I forgot that Cercei's daughter Mircella(?) was shipped off to Dorne, and I was like, well why don't they just bethrothe flower man to baby girl, and wait a few years!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:30 am
by I'm Murrin
It's interesting the way they've simplified the Tyrell family. Cutting the brother that Sansa was to marry (who they wouldn't have had to cast anyway, he never appears), and collapsing him and Cersei's betrothal onto Loras.

Who was Cersei to be given to by Tywin in the books? I really can't remember, and I don't think it was the same Tyrell.

When did Loras join the Kingsguard in the books? I know he was in it by the time Jaime got to King's Landing - was he given the position as a reward for fighting at the Blackwater?

Of course there's a really obvious solution for Cersei in the TV show, which is to talk Joffrey into publicly appointing Loras.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:08 pm
by Akasri
In the book Tywin offered Cersei to be married to Willas Tyrell, but the Tyrells refused.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:10 pm
by thranathiril
I'm Murrin wrote:It's interesting the way they've simplified the Tyrell family.

Who was Cersei to be given to by Tywin in the books? I really can't remember, and I don't think it was the same Tyrell.

When did Loras join the Kingsguard in the books? I know he was in it by the time Jaime got to King's Landing - was he given the position as a reward for fighting at the Blackwater?
There are several suggestions for husbands for Cersei in the books - Willas is definitely one of them, since, as Tyrion thinks "they both have an interest in breeding" [Willas - dogs and horse, Cersei - incestuous sprogs]. I think Balon Greyjoy is also suggested? Possibly other Tyrell bannermen too.

You are correct regarding Loras - he is made a KG after the battle of Blackwater. His naming is part of the ceremony which Sansa observes, where Margaery becomes betrothed to Joffrey.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:03 pm
by Billy G.
I just hope they don't truncate the Dorne storyline next year. Gotta see the Red Viper!