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update what you are buying

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:34 am
by sgt.null
Julie (my lovely wife) noticed a month or so ago that I had fewer DC comics amongst my pulls and more Marvels than ever before. so I'd like to know what people are currently getting, and more so what they have dropped recently.

what got canceled or will get canceled soon enough

Batman, Incorporated (well Morrison is leaving actually)
Dial H
Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E

Dial H was my favorite. wonderfully odd. we won't even get a manual. I've yet to find an explanation. Frankenstein was also great, but I expected it to get canceled. it was too odd, story wise and art wise to last. Batman Inc has Morrison leaving, and since I never have collected Batman except for this, I am leaving as well.

Dark Avengers : well they are canceling one aspect of the Thunderbolts. the one I liked best, various bad guys forced to be good guys. Marvel's Suicide Squad with less deaths. I will miss Boomerang and esp Moonstone.

what I dropped

Demon Knights. I liked the idea behind the comic, but it meandered too much for my tastes. in fact, Dan if you want however many issues I have of them, they are yours. if not anyone else who wants them can have them.

what I still get

JL Dark : really like this book. the rotating cast is a plus for me. there is supposed to be a movie in the works, so that may be helping keep this book afloat. I'll keep reading if they keep up the pacing and keep exploring the magic users of the DCU.

Animal Man surprise book of the relaunch. with recent developments this book may move to the top of what DC is putting out. the art is also a big plus for me, suits the book.

All-Star Western : another big surprise from the re-launch. loving the Jonah Hex in Gotham storylines. and the back up stories of various western heroes are a plus. seeing how DC did western anthologies in my youth. would love to see the Trigger Twins.

Fables : I've been around for 100 plus issues and will stay until Willingham quits. he is still doing great work. this level of commitment is no longer seen in the modern era. need to fill out my back issues, then spend a weekend re-reading the entire arc.

Scarlet Spider : enjoying this. tried it out because it was set in Houston, stayed because it is well written. saying that, if he leaves Houston I will have to reassess buying it. loved the Texas Rangers issues most of all. hope they show up again soon.

Thunderbolts : this may change soon. in August the are changing creative teams. so I will have to see. but surprising that I am even reading it now. it combines so many things I don't like. (Deadpool, Punisher, Red Hulk, Elektra.)

what I have added

Avengers Arena : yes it is based on Hunger Games and Battle Royale. but it has been a good read. with some nice surprises thrown in plot wise. when they finish the current storyline we'll see about keeping it.

Uncanny Avengers : I have become a fan of Rick Remender (Punisher, Secret Avengers, Dr. Voodoo, Venom) so I'll stick it out while he's here. I do like the mixing of X-Men and Avengers.

Batman '66 : not out yet. but surprise of surprises when Julie saw the solicitation for this series she decided she would read & collect an ongoing title for the first time in her life. it promises to be based on the television series and she loved the tv show. I really hope she likes it and it has a long run. it's cool that she will be collecting a title.

Hawkeye : I love this book, about the best think on the market now that Dial H is facing cancelation. and the art has been great. the covers are amazing.

interested, not sure if getting monthly or trades

Avengers A.I : the premise is interesting. and the Doom-Bot could be the break out character of the year.

Superior Foes of Spider-Man : another intriguing idea. Boomerang, Shocker, Speed Demon, the Beetle, and Overdrive teaming up. I don't expect it will last long, but it looks like fun.

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 1:24 pm
by dANdeLION
I'll take a look at Demon Knight and see if it's something I'd like. I also need to pick up some Animal Man issues; I keep forgetting about that.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:00 pm
by sgt.null
they seem to be supporting Animal man more than some of the canceled titles. with a couple of annuals and crossovers.

if they had done this for Dial H...