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Fighting Fantasy - Mission Morson

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 12:12 am
by Landwaster
Ok, as per the thread in, I'm gonna give this a burl.

I wrote this as a teenager who was thrilled with first the Choose Your Own Adventure books and then the Fighting Fantasy books.

Mission Morson was written by an exciteable 16-year old lad (or thereabouts), it has no real writing quality (which hopefully you won't mind), a high level of difficulty (which I have an idea for easing already), and perhaps not a lot of sense. Well it does make sense, it has a story and some connectivity, enough to make it work.

Mission Morson was originally written as a Choose Your Own Adventure, and later edited into Fighting Fantasy.

I'm trying to work out how to make available the maps that you can find along the way of the story. I don't have a scanner any more, but, when we get to them, perhaps I can just make a BMP and load it to a webpage somewhere.

For you guys to play, (or you guy as only one person is currently interested), I guess its first in first served for any decision-making.

I'll give yers the maximum possible skill and stamina, and will be very lax on the injuries etc because we're about enjoying ourselves, here.

I guess we'll just take it as we go.

Stay tuned for more ...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 12:17 am
by Landwaster
Hehe I just decided that as much as possible, I'll not change ANY of the wording, so you can have a giggle at how a young Landwaster waxed lyrical :)

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 12:28 am
by Landwaster
(I'll do all the random number generation stuff, and won't even tell you the figures but will advise of them whenever asked, eg : "What's our stamina down to?")

Another handy thing about me writing it back then is that I don't crap on too much in the pages, it's pretty quick to the point.

Except for the introduction ...

You, as a task-apprentice, have received news that a man named Numar {you're gonna see some laughable names in this - Ed} is attempting to find you. Arranging a meeting, you first see the lean task-adventurer in an abbey nearby the town of Diarantheum.

He explains to you that a human is needed to retrieve a forgotten area of the human world from the every-increasing tyranny of the bearded dwarves. Being a recently graduated task-apprentice, you were picked.

The Morson Forest, in the area known as Korupja, is now almost totally under the reign of dwarves. A taskperson (this title is one step ahead of you, task-adventurer is next in line, and taskmaster is the highest limit), whose name is Kilsor, had set out on a quest to save the forest previously, but he was never ehard from again.

Your task is the same, to return to the Morson Forest to the reign of humans, but, if possible, also find the previous taskperson, dead or alive, and report your findings.

You have done your homework on what is known about the mystical Morson Forest, including the lost city of Cavernville, the Tunnels of Caraeme, and a castle on the outer limits of the forest, once belonging to a man named Rominus.

The castle once underwent a spell, and since then the many rooms of the building have continually changed their positions, making it impossible to map.

To retrieve the forest for the humans, you have been instructed that several valuable and magical items be found, and you are then to find your way out of the forest to the palace belonging to Astrakeen, at the other end of the forest from the castle. He will then create a weapon with the items, which can be used to defeat the dwarves.

Your equipment to start is : one dagger, 10 gold coins, one week's provisions, and a notepad and pen.

Once you turn the page your mission has commenced and you cannot turn back. do you dare ....? {No page turning here, but I had to show you this, I shouldah been an Imagineer!!!}

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 12:40 am
by Landwaster
{Ok, this is the opening of the game ... Page 1 ... to use the old tongue. don't worry, the size of the sections reduces dramatically after this one. After this point, there's hardly any description for the fun of it anymore so it gets a lot terser, using tersity, along with some terseness.}

After weeks of training, you finally begin your trek into Korupja, which is around forty miles from Diarantheum. the area is covered in swampy wasteland where a person could easily be lost, but not you. With just three says of travel behind you, you arrive on a ridgetop overlooking the gloomy forest.

Friendly humans have provided you with food along the way. {It says here that you don't have to adjust your provisions, but from now on I'll just edit it so that you don't even hear about what's happening with them, I'll just start saying "Your hungry, your tummy hurts" when it gets low. Same goes for other attributes}

Eyeing the castle that once belonged to Rominus in the east, you appear on its entrance path in a matter of minutes.

As you approach the gigantic building, part of the highest turret crumbles and falls, landing inches from you.

Where did it come from? Looking up towards the roof of the castle, you notice the face of a hideous creature swiftly moving out of sight.

Forgetting about the vision for the time being, you walk up to a huge wooden door, where an iron ring is bolted in the centre.

You can forget about the castle and enter the forest now if you wish.
Or you can choose to ring the iron knocker.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 2:34 pm
by CovenantJr
Knock please

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:18 pm
by Landwaster
Rapping the ring on the door, you are not surprised that there is no answer. Any humans would be too scared to answer, any dwarves would be too ill-mannered.

So you gently open the door and look inside, where there is a hall, only just visible. As your eyes become accustomed to the dark you begin to see things.

A staircase winds upwards. To the left is a door from which a strong smell is emitted. An open doorway leads to the right, and the passage, although narrower, continues ahead. You can :

Take the left doorway,
Take the right doorway,
Follow the staircase,
Continue ahead or
Leave the castle and enter the forest.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:33 am
by variol son
Left doorway

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:41 am
by Landwaster
The smell of rotting flesh attracts you (just roll with it :) - Ed) to the left door. As you open the door, a boy inside sees you. The room is a primitive morgue. The boy runs into the corner furthest away from you and cowers there.

Telling him not to be afraid you soon get him to listen to your mission.

He says that his name is Roget (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was a kid - Ed) and points out a closet.

"If you go through there, you should find a guarded silver door. behind it is Rominus, the man you have been sent to see. he should be able to help more than I can."

Trust the boy.
Or exit through another door.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:42 am
by variol son
Trust the boy. At the worst you will die.

Sum sui generis

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:46 am
by Landwaster
Saying goodbye to Roget, you are about to enter the closet when he stops you. He offers you a platinum key, which he is sure will help you on your journey.

When you close the door of the closet, darkness surrounds you. then you hear scratching, and claws strike your legs. Red eyes atop dripping red teeth appear everywhere. RATS!

What will you do?

Attack the rats with your dagger?
Run in the dark?
Climb up to a light opening overhead?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:53 am
by CovenantJr
Hmm, that's a tricky one. Sounds like a lot of rats, so i'm not sure about fighting them; I've played enough gamebooks to know better than to cheese it in the dark (often deadly); I'm also wary of mysterious openings. Oh well, I'm not really convinced by the kid anyway - I have my suspicions about Rominus being in this cupboard. Climb please.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:44 pm
by Landwaster
(remember I wrote this as a young'n, the best-sounding option may not always be the safest - Ed)

You jump for the opening, but it is too high to reach. You try various other ways of climbing to the light above, using a box, and then the walls, but nothing works, and you fall back into the ever-increasing number of rats. Eventually you realise that you must fight them. You pull out your dagger and start swiping at the rats.

You win the battle.

In your last swipe, you accidentally let go of the dagger and it falls into the dead mass. Suddenly, you hear a voice coming from the dagger.

"Now, you have defeated the rats, you must go ahead and gather ten and five and three items. These are the items that you must find, whether in the forest or on the other end of the world ..."

A jewelled dagger hilt flies from the bodies and lands in front of you. You pick it up and read the inscriptions on the side ...

(I have lost the list of items. I know them when I see them, though, so we'll wing it. Here's the ones I can remember offhand - Ed)

Hazar's Glow
Litar's Clay
Feathers of Magadoon
River Gold
Bat Ear / Dwarf Ear (can't remember, will just advise it when/if its found - Ed)
Sand Of Forgotten Desert
Achor Of Brate
Dwarven 11 Djek Note
Grass Of The Bat Lake
Sigma's Sapphire
Boar Gate Key
Rung Of The Living Ladder
Ivy Of The Arches
Diamond Of Leroy
Fruit Of The Grell Tree
Amulet Of Cromon
Crown Of Magar (don't expect to find this one, its not meant to be found, this is a hint to make the game more do-able)
(Cool, that's all 18! - Ed)

You can leave by the nearest door straight away.
Or you can wait for further instructions.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:00 am
by variol son
I'm going to wait because it just sounds so improbable.

Sum sui generis

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:02 am
by Landwaster
Your dagger returns by flying to you. You hear the voice again;

"Now, find these items and give them to Astrakeen. take this with you." The hilt glows in your hand. "Any time in which you are attacked by a dwarf or more, you can always disappear and reappear in this castle. But only if you have the handle, and only if you are under attack from dwarves. Now go!"

You walk out the door and find yourself in a corridor which ends at (another) door.

As you walk through, you notice that you are now in a sort of living room. you don't realise at that moment the double-meaning of that title.

There are human and dwarf bodies everywhere. Even as you watch, a dead human is engulfed by a sofa.

You realise that this is the room of living furniture. A stool walks toward you, the seat flopping open and shut like a mouth. It IS a mouth!

Options :
You can attack the stool with your dagger.
You can try to get to the other door.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:04 am
by TRC
As messy as theis may get:
Attack Stool With Dagger !

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:12 am
by Landwaster
The stool advances as you draw your dagger. You can see other pieces approaching and know that it is too late to make a run for it now.

You defeat the stool.

You notice a chest in one corner of the room. The other furniture has backed off, so ou are safe to inspect the chest, and realise that it is locked. You hurry to decide what to do.

You don't have a key that opens the chest.

When the monstrosities least expect it, you make a rush and pass them all, leaving through the open doorway at the other end. They don't follow and you find yourself in a corridor. you walk down it for a while, then find yourself at an intersection.

Take the right doorway.
Take a left doorway.
Follow a rising staircase further down the corridor.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:43 am
by TRC
Follow a rising staircase further down the corridor

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:46 am
by Landwaster
You follow the corridor and then follow the staircase upwards. After a series of seemingly never-ending winding, you realise that you are climbing up the main tower. Then you reach a blockade that prevents you from climbing any further.

As you turn to go back, you see an old rusty iron door, set in the brick wall, almost impossible to notice. You pull on the handle and it opens.

you find yourself on the roof of the castle. As you look around, you hear a low growl from the left. Then out leaps the creature which had pelted the rock at you before.

You realise that this is a giant, stricken with a disease of some sort.

It suddenly leaps at your throat, leaving you with the following choices :

Attack the giant.
Run away from it.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:58 am
by TRC
Attempt to run away

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 2:00 am
by Landwaster
With the giant lumbering far behind you, you slow to a walk between two buildings, and soon come to a dead end.

To the left is a door set into the wall. while to the right is a dusty window, through which you can see a room full of shelves of books.

Climb through the window.
Open the door.