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Wiki art

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:16 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
BH unwittingly reminded me of these... Effy kicked me into doing a few lines for relevant entries, but the artist's block still coats the creative wheels like fossilized tar. We really need more discussion in this corner of the board. Even the tongue-in-cheek suggestion about the Swordmainnir never grew wings.



Stonemage the Giantish amorosa weaving new sword jokes...


Baf Scatterwit


A TOT scene, not sure if I like this one much.


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:46 pm
by wayfriend
I haven't seen Heft before. She has ... well, heft. :D

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:19 am
by lurch
..Its fun seeing your renditions of the giants and all ,Frosty. A challenge might is in the ears that hear. In one variation or another its repeated by the giants ...perhaps an illustration lifted from the Giantish tale, Bahgoon the Unbearable?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:52 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
Aaand this WIP belongs to the same lot. An off-board friend has redlined some issues for me, but he hasn't read the series. NEEDS FANDOM CRITS GAA.


lurch wrote:In one variation or another its repeated by the giants ...perhaps an illustration lifted from the Giantish tale, Bahgoon the Unbearable?
I...might have an idea for this; will leave it to simmer in the brainpan over the fest. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:12 pm
by Savor Dam
Grueburn looks almost vampiric with the way her mouth is drawn. I had not noticed the almost fang-like teeth in prior Giant portraits and with the battle expression and the amount of red in her mouth (lower front teeth missing or blood-covered?) she looks quote fierce...which she is.

Nice rendition of Linden, capturing the fear, the flannel, and the physical appearance SRD used to introduce her - wheaten hair and gratuitously womanly curves.

However, that second skurg seems dangerously close...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:54 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
The vampire Giants have always existed (at least Foamy does not sparkle)...furthermore, individual characters tend to mutate over time. :lol: Tooth/teeth missing, although Coldspray would sport even more gaps.



The lighting should get more dramatic and more reddish when I get around adding more shading layers. And I'm precisely looking for the kind of "don't mess with a 12-foot woman with a 9-foot sword wider than your torso" expression, and Grueburn does become one bloody slaughtering machine when she spits into her hands and stomps into the fray. The end chapters of TLD...uuuuuuufff. :faint:
It's to hope the cobweb threads of inspiration will hold now...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:25 pm
by lurch eyebrows..yes?..Linden needs to loose a few pounds , not having 3 square meals a day for quite awhile.Linden needs to show the struggles wear and tear on her...and don't forget the grass stains ..and ahh..jeans inside the to consider,,the low cut jeans are the fashion today,,but were they the fashion when the Last Chrons was launched?

I envisioned the teeth of the skurj to be ..needle thin and razor sharp. Its my perception that the focus or center of the illustration would be the skurj and its agonizing put to death. Linden mite be portrayed having a " ready" stance with the Staff,,rather than at the complete mercy of events kinda look about her...maybe a straight view front to back perspective..the skurj the largest figure centered,looking straight out , surprised,with smaller Giant in front thrusting sword up thru skull of skurj,and smaller Linden clinging to Giants back and ready with the Staff at the same time...?

Some how the contrasts have to be communicated..dark red eyed skurj looking down perhaps, with brilliant sword thrusting up, kinda like,,a flow of dark red eyes to dark orange hair to linden's wheat hair and the opposite green grass stains at the bottom or end of the eye flow..??

Don't mind me, just burning off this morning's coffee.

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:45 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
Morning? The post time says near midnight. ;)

1. Actually, human (body) hair can vary, and with Giants, one can safely assume they do not bear the same DNA as their wee ickle companions. :) I know someone who has darkish brown eyebrows and blonde hair, and another equally blonde Scandi who acquired a flaming red shade to his whiskers when he grew some. (And they might always apply strong-sticking ye oldendays or yesteryears, for instance wealthy Mediterranean men practiced beard-dyeing with henna…)

2. Last chrons timeline...cell phones, fancy lego sets, no intrawebz in common household use yet, Linden does not indulge in kitten macros or browse Twilight forums after work...mid-nineties I’d surmise? Regrettably I lack the arcane knowledge of American jeans fashions during that time, but she might have a certain “Elisa Maza” look? Over here the 80’s jeans rode a smidgen below one’s armpits, but I think the waistlines sped downwards considerably during the following decade.

3. Plans have always included scruff and tear and wear but that gets splattered across later layers for the most part, along with details like cataphract scales. Didn’t the grass stains magically vanish at some point, though? The Land grew bored of the sight and decided to apply some super-detergent, or the Worm ate them… I’m not after a particular scene here but same said schemes involve the eruption of kvlt gothic black staff flames so Linden’s not a mere damsel in distress. She does however have a habit of “locking up” at the face of action to the point that even the surrounding rocks have to scream “Heed, Chosen!”

4. The skurj possess no organs of sight. I have previous, now abandoned, skurj art here + some discussion. I like the present scale-less versions better. There’s also a quote about the teeth in the last post, and to my mind they’re dragonish rather than blown-up piranhas. :lol:

Afraid the layout will stay the same, there’s several weeks of work here already. It was originally designed as wiki art for both Grueburn and Linden’s entries, so concentrations there. Contrast will climb during the process, to the point that I can still see what I’m working with, at least. Something with a different perspective and Linden in a heavily altered position would have to be started from scratch.

5. Linden’s weight…hmm...didn’t she get enough aliantha, though? The Giantesses suffered from starvation to the point that Stonemage complained about having lost curves; they ran and fought and performed insane gymnastics clad in granite, while Linden sat either on a horse or against Grueburn’s bucket-plate, ie. did not much even get her pulse up. You may be right about her having lost weight, but is there a direct quote somewhere that mentions frequent lack of sustenance in proportion to her (a 60-kg woman vs. 600 :D)?
My problem is that I find women with some meat attached to their bones faaaar more attractive than planks with two peas on top… XD XD I’d give her more hips, but SRD described them as fairly “narrow”; again a matter subject to personal interpretation in the absence of a direct comparison.

But, anyway, a fair deal will get implemented.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:13 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
So. People. Talk. The dead corner will not re-animate itself and in any case zombie art galleries wandering about might appear scary.

How did you imagine Dire's Vessel's crew? I have provided one impression above.
How about the Swordmainnir? Rubenesque (I have this on top of my tongue today what with having seen his works yesterday in Vienna...)? Or lean and hard? Remember bucket armor.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:50 pm
by Ananda
Dire's Vessel? Is that a band?

The fighting giants, I pictured as muscular in the way of an all around athlete and a little scruffy.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:42 pm
by Sorus
Ananda wrote:
The fighting giants, I pictured as muscular in the way of an all around athlete and a little scruffy.
That sounds like how I pictured them.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:22 pm
by Frostheart Grueburn
Anyone else? I had hoped for something more lively...

Dire's Vessel is a Giantish granite* band concentrating on guttural singing and lyrics about the icebound northern seas shivering beneath frostbitten blizzards. You ought to see Vigilall headbang and pluck a roar from her flint guitar!

*because they lack metalworking lore and "rock" sounds plain lame

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:34 pm
by wayfriend
Have you considered Starfare's Gem? Not the crew, but the actual ship?

I had done some research at one time, for a project that never materialized with the thought of matching art to text.

I have bashed my head over Coercri. Nothing is more worthy of an artists devotion, but attempts I have seen have failed utterly.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:57 pm
by shadowbinding shoe
Hello, Frostheart. Haven't been for a while.

I like your portrayal of Baf Scatterwit though I imagined her as always grinning wide silly grins myself.

Pitchwife on the other hand should have a kinder expression and being an artist shouldn't he have fancier artwork on his clothes?

Regarding Linden, she should have a more lined face considering all the hardships she's been through. She's probably dirtier (gorrier) and her blothes torn up by this point. I'd prefer a staff that's not a simple rod cylinder. It could have curves and be thicker at one end and of course have fancy metal heels.

The Skurj - I know the tongues give them more expression but they don't fit to my vision of them (and I doubt they'd need one) Maybe you could change their blood/gore color to yellowish lava-like?

If you're doing the Starfare's Jem crew I'd enjoy seeing the cook couple. I enjoyed reading about them and they seemed like the heart of the crew in some ways