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Please help test my music website

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:34 pm
by Lord Zombiac
This year's conversion to linux has seen some issues I was not aware of on my music website, and I'd like to get a few people to test some features and let me know if all my music is readily available.
My model is that of the bard, rather than the rock star. I wish to give my music away and sell merchandise and hard copies only when playing out, which I would like to do along with bartering and enjoying the honor and hospitality accorded bards of yore.
First off, I have six albums available in zip files, but found that 7zip had corrupted the files, so I re-zipped them using Linux archive manager, so please download these albums and let me know if the music plays.
Second, I switched from chrome to firefox when I went to linux, because adblock plus does not work for youtube on "chromium" the linux version of chrome. To my surprise, the java script I used to randomly stream a "radio station" of my music, did not work in firefox! So Please listen to the station and tell me if the new flash player I installed works on your browser (make sure I know what you're running.)
the albums:
the radio station:

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:03 pm
by Ananda
Those animated gifs are irritating and headache inducing! If you are taking feedback, I'd say get those flickering images off there!!!! Many, many people will navigate away really quickly. I wanted to help out, but I just couldn't keep looking at them.

For listening to the music, I didn't find any Play button anywhere. When I clicked on the album covers, I got a download, not a stream (and so just downloaded your Empathy album), if that was meant to be the stream. If not, can you link directly to the stream? I just can't look at those animated gifs anymore (sorry, but it is realllllllly hard to take), so I didn't spend a lot of time looking around.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:05 pm
by JazFusion
Works fine for me. I use Chrome, though not sure what updated version.