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Hello from new Watcher

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:58 am
by DocTox
I've been aware of this site for some years now (don't recall how many) - and was amazed to see such a dedicated following (but not surprised...).

I've actually grown up on these chronicles (first discovered the books in my 7th grade library) - and have followed Donaldson's writings ever since.

I'm a perpetual reader and have read through the chronicles numerous times - as well as the Gap series (both awesome to me for entirely different reasons).

I was floored when I saw the Third Chronicles getting published - the wait between books was waaaayyy too long (but worth it). Looking forward to seeing the new series later this year.

Glad to be a part of this Forum.


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:04 pm
by aTOMiC
Welcome DocTox!!!!

Many of us have similar stories about finding Donaldson at the school library, myself included.

Glad to meet you. Have fun!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:24 am
by Sorus

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:47 am
by StevieG
Welcome DocTox. I first discovered the Chronicles at my family home - some clever older brother or sister of mine must have bought them from somewhere. I also managed to accidentally lose them by putting them in a garbage bag when moving house, and then proceeding to put them in the bin, thinking it was a bunch of trash I gathered. Only realised I had done it after the garbage truck had long gone (a few days later). I was pretty shattered!

Glad to hear you loved the Gap books too :D

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:12 am
by Avatar
Welcome to the Watch DocTox. :D I noticed you didn't mention Mordant's Need read those as well?

(Perpetual reader...I like that...think I'll steal it since I'm always re-reading things. :D )


Mordant's need

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:22 pm
by DocTox
Mordan't need - of course! In fact I liked this series for two reasons (besides just being great heroic fantasy). First, given this was published early on after TCOTCTU, I felt like it was sort of an...implied prequel? Meaning, in TCOTCTU, we always read about how Lord Foul ingratiated himself into the original counsel before betraying everyone. Mordant's need effectively told that story (different characters, universe, etc., but still...), namely, how that could happen.

I also loved how the different story threads - crazy king, even crazier friend-of-king, out-of-this-world protagonist, arch-enemy swordsmen, inept and unlikely hero's journey, huge-sci-fi warrior lost in space, magic translating mirrors, etc.) were all woven into a fantastic epic. And give that the climatic battle occurred over, what, 200 pages of the second book - what more could you ask for - singularity grenade fight in an asteroid field...? a third chronicles?... wait...

my early encounter with Donaldson's books

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:36 pm
by DocTox
So, my early days in a bit more detail:

Read Lord Foul's Bane way back when - I think it was the original (near-orignal) red/orange print with Covenant looking out from Kevin's Watch with hands in pockets). Thought that was it until saw Illearth War in school library. Realized it's a series and managed all three. Loved how it ended, wished it had gone on and on.

Then spotted a copy of Wounded Land a bit later right as it published, read and loved it - eagerly waited for next book since this time it was obvious there was more to come (despite less-neatly wrapping up at the end by having him stay in the land this time).

One Tree published - after like, forever, and I read it all pretty much in one sitting (was a long day, I was young...)... and then it ended... in mission failure and near ruin... worst day of my life, LOL! was longest wait ever for WGW to publish. I admit, any bad luck days Donaldson had during that time... it was all me... Fully redeemed with WGW - couldn't have improved on that book in any way (imho).

Followed pretty much everything that he's put out there since. Maybe outside of this group, I felt like the only person that appreciated Gildenfire. I think I read somewhere he wasn't happy in retrospect publishing the excerpt (I think something about breaking narrative focus on Covenent), but I really appreciated it and wished there were more sub-stories like it.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now. chalk it up to therapeutic release from a lifetime of silent fandom.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:19 am
by Savor Dam
Welcome to the Watch, DocTox

Really like your comments on the narrative threads in Mordant's Need. Av may have tossed you an easy question, but you made solid contact there.

May you thrive here and continue to contribute!

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:53 am
by Avatar
Ramble as much as you like DT...We all do. :D

I remember that "punched in the gut" feeling of TWL...everything I'd loved...broken. Probably the most powerful TC book for me.

As for GildenFire, IIRC that was the reason it was cut out of TIW...that narrative break. Personally I loved it when I eventually found it.


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:56 am
by hierachy

Re: Mordant's need

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:55 am
by Cord Hurn
DocTox wrote:Mordan't need - of course! In fact I liked this series for two reasons (besides just being great heroic fantasy). First, given this was published early on after TCOTCTU, I felt like it was sort of an...implied prequel? Meaning, in TCOTCTU, we always read about how Lord Foul ingratiated himself into the original counsel [of Kevin's] before betraying everyone. Mordant's need effectively told that story (different characters, universe, etc., but still...), namely, how that could happen.
I'd never thought of it that way before! Great insight, Doc!!! 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:56 am
by Cord Hurn

Re: Hello from new Watcher

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:44 am
by Wosbald
aTOMiC wrote:Welcome DocTox!!!!
DocTox wrote:I was floored when I saw the Third Chronicles getting published - the wait between books was waaaayyy too long (but worth it).
Good to have another 3rd Chrons appreciator on board.

Re: Hello from new Watcher

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:19 am
by Shuram Gudatetris
Wosbald wrote:+JMJ+
DocTox wrote:I was floored when I saw the Third Chronicles getting published - the wait between books was waaaayyy too long (but worth it).
Good to have another 3rd Chrons appreciator on board.
^ This. ^

Oh, and this, too:
Cord Hurn wrote:
DocTox wrote:Mordan't need - of course! In fact I liked this series for two reasons (besides just being great heroic fantasy). First, given this was published early on after TCOTCTU, I felt like it was sort of an...implied prequel? Meaning, in TCOTCTU, we always read about how Lord Foul ingratiated himself into the original counsel [of Kevin's] before betraying everyone. Mordant's need effectively told that story (different characters, universe, etc., but still...), namely, how that could happen.
I'd never thought of it that way before! Great insight, Doc!!! 8)
*head exploding*

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:53 am
by Cord Hurn
It's a great feeling though, isn't it, SG? I think DocTox will do quite well in the Donaldson forums (and elsewhere), with impressive insight like that! :thumbsup: