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It (the movie)

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:46 pm
by wayfriend
On the other hand, this looks like it's shaping up quite nicely, based on this teaser trailer.


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:48 pm
by Akasri
So are they only showing the kids' story? I didn't see any of them as adults in the trailer.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:13 pm
by wayfriend
That's a good point!

I noticed that IMDB doesn't have any actors cast in the adult versions of the main characters.

However, some casual googling indicates that this is the first of two movies. "It: Part 1 - The Losers' Club" is about the young characters, the second movie (which I couldn't find much about) would be about the adults.
Producer Dan Lin talked last year about his plans to explore both the young and old versions of the Losers' Club:
  • If you look at the book, it's the part of the book that we have not yet explored. The book we really broke down into two parts. The first part is this movie and if audiences react to this movie in the way we hope they will and I think they will, then we'll be to tell the adult story as well.
So I guess the two-tiered story is not being told in an overlapping way. I guess I can see that's a convenience if you break it into two movies - you need a conclusion on each one.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:45 pm
by Akasri
Ah, that makes sense. I hadn't heard that. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:17 pm
by Zarathustra
It will be interesting to see how they manage to make both have satisfying endings. I suppose the easiest solution would be a cliff-hanger for the first, resolving them both in the 2nd.

I recognize the difficulties of adapting such a complex, lengthy book into a film, but I thought the overlapping stories was one of the best aspects. It's sort of like the Lost flashbacks. It wouldn't have made as much of an impact to separate those out into separate episodes.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:39 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
The trailer got me all tense and gave me chills even though I knew what he'd see under the sewer grate.
So..... :thumbsup:
I'll see it.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:08 pm
by Cail
This looks great, and I'm really excited to see it. From what I understand, the sequel's already been greenlit, and it'll be set 30 years after this one. That'll probably mean lots of flashbacks, but that's okay.

The problem is (and always has been) the ending, and if you've read the book you know what I'm talking about. No way a Hollywood blockbuster goes anywhere near the book's ending.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:28 pm
by Akasri
Yeah, I'm wondering how they'll get around that ending as well. Sure, we've changed as a society over the years since the book was written, but I don't think we've changed *that* much.

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 8:51 pm
by Cail
No we haven't. It was a WTF moment when I read it (and I was just barely 18 when the book came out), and it's much worse now.

I think I get the point that King was trying to make with the ending, but........Damn.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:28 pm
by Cagliostro
I'm guessing you mean before they go into the sewers, right?
I'm a bit nervous it is going to be handled more along current horror movies are being handled, with "creepy" visuals, such as the running\screaming\headshaking Pennywise in the trailer. But if they get the other stuff right, yes, definitely. I just find it weird that they tweaked the time periods.

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:09 pm
by lucimay
I read somewhere (and sorry, now I can't find it, I think it was a link on facebook from King's fb page) that the idea was/is to make two movies, the kid part and the adult part, separately but edited in such a way as to be able to cut them together eventually in the same way the book goes back and forth between the two povs. if I find the article i'll link it here. I read this just after the trailer popped and the internet blew up over it. heh.

i'm excited for this one!! :D

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:23 am
by Cail
Cagliostro wrote:I'm guessing you mean before they go into the sewers, right?
I'm a bit nervous it is going to be handled more along current horror movies are being handled, with "creepy" visuals, such as the running\screaming\headshaking Pennywise in the trailer. But if they get the other stuff right, yes, definitely. I just find it weird that they tweaked the time periods.
I mean the teenage gang bang.

I remain optimistic about the new films.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:50 pm
by Cagliostro
I suspected that was what you were referring to. If you ever saw the miniseries, they'll probably do the same thing: all of them kiss and that is all they show. It has a point in the book, but the point was captured in the miniseries just fine without creeping everyone out like in the book. We'll see though. It's always been one of several "What is wrong with that guy?" moments for me.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 9:07 pm
by Cail
Maybe just some earnest hand-holding.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 10:18 pm
by wayfriend
Did it happen in the book? Yes. Is it critical to the integrity of the story? No. So if the movie changes it, I see no issue.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 12:17 am
by Cail
Eh.....The symbolism of the act is pretty important to the story. The kissing from the TV movie didn't pass muster. King wrote an unfilmable ending. Hopefully the people involved in this film have figured out a way to convey the meaning of that scene without the graphically disgusting mess that King wrote.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:06 pm
by Zarathustra
I'm not sure the ending is "disgusting." Kids do experiment. Kids being sexual with each other isn't even in the same ballpark as child pornography or molestation. I'm sure many of us had sexual experiences before we turned 18. The problem is filming it, because once we see it, it turns into "child porn."

What bothered me about reading it, is that they're screwing in a sewer while on a hunt for a giant spider. That's just not going to happen in any possible universe! It took me out of the story in a way that the two boys experimenting in the junk yard did not. [Edit: what's even weirder was that it bothered me more than the father (step father?) of the girl trying to molest her ... as an element of the story. Molestation is rape. It's a crime. And yet here we are talking about the problem with the book is consensual sex between kids, not even mentioning the rapist father. Weird.]

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:35 pm
by Cail
It's disgusting in the context of all of us being adults. Of course we were all doing it when we were under 18, but that's not the point.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 5:10 am
by Avatar
Zarathustra wrote:
What bothered me about reading it, is that they're screwing in a sewer while on a hunt for a giant spider. That's just not going to happen in any possible universe! It took me out of the story...
Agreed. That was my real problem with it, not what they were doing, but that they were.


Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 1:24 pm
by wayfriend
Word is coming out that this movie is pretty good. IT's been floating around the 90% level on RT.