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Forbidden Knowledge 15 - Chapter 10

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:54 am
by Cord Hurn
Morn wakes up in her cabin from dreaming of Amnioni filling her body with mutagens after Nick has sold her to them. She feels she's been asleep for a long time. Then she reflects that while she is still headed to the forbidden space ruled by the Amnion, that Nick was doing this only to speed up the maturity of her son rather than to sell her. She hears Mikka's voice telling her to admit to being conscious again, so that Nick could be told.
Sitting in a chair near the door, Mikka appeared as ungiving as the bulkhead behind her. She held her arms folded under her breast; her posture was rigid, as if she'd locked down all her joints. Yet an emotion which might have been hostility or need darkened her eyes.
In response to questions from Morn, Mikka informs her that Nick wants to be sure she's not presently suffering any lingering effects of Gap sickness. Mikka also tells Morn that Vector was able to get the ship's gap drive working for one more time, now putting them at just two days at space-normal speed to reach Enablement Station in forbidden space.

Mikka emphasizes to Morn that they will need to decelerate soon, or else the amnion will consider their approach a hostile attack and vaporize Captain's Fancy. After stating the ship has been to Enablement before, Mikka advises Morn to remember that the challenge with dealing with Amnion isn't in approaching them, but in making sure payment is made so to escape them. To Morn's surprise, Mikka admits to Nick double-dealing with the United Mining Companies Police, getting the UMCP to pay him while he would still find ways to chest them.
"Nick is waiting for you." Morn's tone [to Mikka] was carefully neutral, unchallenging. "You're supposed to make sure I'm all right--and under control--so he can start deceleration. There isn't much time left. Why are you telling me all this?"

Mikka didn't hesitate. Her hostility and her need came to the same thing. Stiffly, she replied, "I want you to trust me."

Morn raised her eyebrows, Trust you? Nick's second? She stared mutely at the woman and waited.

After a moment Mikka explained as if she were taking a personal risk, "I want you to tell me how you do it."

The dryness had come back into Morn's throat. Her voice caught as she asked, "Do what?"

"All of it," Mikka retorted. She seemed to hold herself rigid so that she wouldn't pace violently or pound the walls. Perhaps it was her fear of the Amnion that made her so vulnerable. "The whole thing. How your survived Angus Thermopyle. How you got away from him. How you're able to go for weeks without rest, and carry a workload that would kill a cyborg on permanent stim until you look like an animated null-wave transmitter, and still solve a problem that the best of us have been beating our brains out over. How you make Nick--" For an instant, she faltered. Her jaws clenched. But then she tightened her self-command. "How you make him need you.

"He's never done anything like this before. He's perverse, all right--but not for women. He doesn't fuck women he trusts. Of he start to trust one, he stops fucking her and finds somebody else. Or if he starts fucking one, he stops trusting her. Or he just gets bored.

"You've done something to him. None of us recognize him. Half of us are in shock. The rest are so scared we're shitting in our suits. I would have staked my life that he would never risk himself like this--or his ship--for any woman. He as sure as hell didn't do it for me, the last time we were here. But you've got him doing it. Just so you can have a baby.

"I want to know how."

The bile in Mikka's voice was as thick as nausea. Facing her, Morn answered softly, "What makes you think I've got a choice? If I did everything else I would be dead by now."

A scowl like a spasm twisted Mikka's features. "Listen to me, Morn." By an act of will, she kept herself still. "Until you came along, I was the most competent woman I've ever met. If you don't count Nick and one or tow other men, I was the most competent person I know. I can run every station on this ship. If I have to, I can run them for days. If Captain's Fancy fell apart. I could weld her back together from cord to skin. I know to the hour how long our scrubber pads will last, or our food. I can handle anybody aboard except Nick in a fair fight. I'm good with guns." Grimly refusing to falter again, she said, "In bed I've got the stamina of a sex addict. My hips are too big, but I've got good breasts and great muscle tone. Nick dropped me when he started trusting me--but at least I know he trusts me.

"And you make me look like a gap-eyed starlet in a bad video."

Deliberately setting aside her defenses, Mikka said, "I need to understand you. Otherwise I'm finished."

Morn could have responded, As soon as I explain it, I'm finished. But instinctively she knew that wasn't true: not at this moment, when Mikka had chosen to expose so much of herself. And Morn had been alone for too long: she had told too many lies, suffered too many losses. Like her visitor, she needed to set aside her defenses--if only for a moment with an honest enemy.
Morn takes the risk of telling Mikka that Angus gave her a zone implant that she continues to use. Mikka stands up in stunned amazement, then returns to her seat with a grunt. She then sighs and says while looking at Morn that's it's relief to know Morn isn't some superhuman, after all. Morn wants to know if Mikka will tell Nick, and Mikka emphatically states it's for Nick to find out. She adds that if Nick doesn't know the difference between real and artificial passion, that's his problem.

I feel some relief that Morn will confide in Mikka, who seems likeable despite being threatening. She bravely admits Morn baffles her, and Morn chooses honesty over lies, therefore making it easier for me to admire both characters and thus care about more about what happens to them.

[more to come]

The Gap Into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge 15 - Chapter 10

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:16 am
by Cord Hurn
Morn asks Mikka to take her to Nick. Mikka complies but warns Morn it could be fatal to tell Nick about the zone implant. Morn returns that there are other things right now that scare her more. She doesn't say to Mikka that her biggest fear is being sold to the Amnion. They go to see Nick sitting in his command chair on the bridge. Nick complains of having no time for this, but Morn counters that she has a right to know why Nick is taking the risk of going to Enablement when it doesn't appear that they can once again use the gap drive to get to Thanatos Minor. Nick argues that this is the only way he can keep her and have her offspring aboard a ship of illegals that must regularly flee or fight.
"They can force-grow babies. Maybe you didn't know that. The cops want you to be a nice little genophobe--they wouldn't want you to understand what real genetic engineering is good for. The Amnion can take that piece of garbage out of you and give you back a physically mature kid while you take a fucking nap.

"All I have to do is offer them something they want badly enough.

"Have I made myself clear?" he concluded savagely. "Now get off the goddamn bridge. We need to decelerate. Go back to your cabin. If you don't, I'll have Mikka pump you so full of cat you'll think you're never going to wake up."
Morn holds back from leaving the bridge, asking Nick why he wants so much to keep her. Nick gives a speech about his legendary status, how he likes that status and deserves it. And Nick adds that Morn is part of one of the better stories about Nick, being that she gave up the UMCP to be with him. But adding the detail that Nick risked his life and his ship so Morn could have her son would make him so legendary, Nick tells Morn and his bridge crew, that he will be talked about long after the UMCP has become "as extinct as the humpback whale". Deep down, Morn is relieved to hear this, as it makes it seem unlikely that Nick will sell her to the Amnion. But she still wants to know why he's doing this for her. Nick replies that he'll show her when she takes off her shipsuit. Even when his crew is warning that Amnion warships are ahead in forbidden space and that Captain's Fancy must decelerate, Nick is still focused on Morn and again tells her to take off her shipsuit. She doesn't comply, and doesn't flinch when he jumps out of his command chair to move toward her.
But he didn't touch her, didn't hit her, didn't tear the fabric from her shoulders. Blazing like a laser, he stopped inches away from her; his face twisted savagely.

Between his teeth, so softly that no one else could hear him, he breathed, "Morn, please"--begging her to let his people see that his power over her was complete.

Then she knew that she was safe. He'd swallowed the lie: he was addicted to the masque. As long as she helped him keep his doubts at bay, he would never give her up.
So Morn Hyland reaches into her shipsuit pocket to set her zone implant control for lust, then steps out of her shipsuit so that Nick can take her on the bridge in full sight of the crew there (including a tearful Mikka). What a bizarre scene. Even Captain James T. Kirk wasn't so blatant about his lust. Somehow I doubt this stunt raised the morale of anybody on the ship other than Nick.