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Netflix _Another life (scifi)

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 6:55 pm
by SoulBiter
The synoposis - Another Life centers on astronaut Nico Breckinridge (Katee Sackhoff) who is focused on searching for alien intelligence. She leads a crew on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact. As Nico and her young crew investigate, they face unimaginable danger on what might very well be a one-way mission.

Ive watched 4 episodes. Its hit or miss for me but I am willing to watch it a while longer. There is what appears to be a odd trans/crossdress/bigender guy... not sure why he puts on lipstick and makeup every morning in space.

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 2:14 pm
by SoulBiter
Hmmm well I watched episode 5 and I think I am done with this. The plot is screwy and the people are making too many basic mistakes. Like breathing air that hasnt been tested and allowing people to just wander off and ignore protocol. If these are the best we have to launch into space to communicate with alien life then life on earth should be ended LOL. Outside of that, there are too many forced nods to SJW (Social Justice Warrior) stuff... where they purposely have a trans, a pan sexual and a tri sexual. Just too much of that and it feels forced.

So feel free to watch, I really dont care if this series continues or not. I will just be on the lookout for something else.

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2019 4:02 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
I just finished it.
It's fun.
Yeah, there's too much soap opera stuff but it's not really part of the main story so whatever.
I like the science/technology they came up with for the show. It's different but not crazy.
That alien world air thing was actually pretty clever and the downside that came from that trip was unexpected (to me anyway).
I like William, the AI that is developing feelings.
The Niko character took me a while to like, same with the crew. Some are more likable that the others. So far the "back up" or "replacement" crew members have much better personalities, imo.

SB, the last two episodes are the best. And the end of the last episode is outstanding.
I can't wait for Season2.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:37 am
by Hashi Lebwohl
SoulBiter wrote:Outside of that, there are too many forced nods to SJW (Social Justice Warrior) stuff... where they purposely have a trans, a pan sexual and a tri sexual. Just too much of that and it feels forced.
This is going to be the "new normal" for TV shows and movies until people get bored with it and a sufficient number of people say "okay--enough is enough". Perhaps if writers would write good characters and good plots without having to force non-hetero onto them this wouldn't be a problem. Too many people in that world define themselves by their identity/gender--outside of that they hardly know themselves and they don't seem to understand that no one else cares.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:14 pm
by Cagliostro
Relax - let people with a different viewpoint have the spotlight for a little bit. I have to say that I'm bored with the all white male macho posturing stuff, and have been for a long time. I'm welcoming different points of view. Show me stuff I ain't see before. It's why I was happy when Tina Fey was head writer of SNL back in the day; a brand new perspective in comedy. I remember the Mom Jeans fake commercial and feeling a breath of fresh air coming through the stale halls of SNL. And I frequently feel that watching stuff nowadays. There is enough entertainment out there that you can find what appeals to you. Personally, I'm liking the cultural shift.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:34 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
I don't have a problem with the cultural shift. The points I am making are 1) no one cares about anyone else's gender identity or sexual preference and 2) don't turn previously white male characters in to some other ethnicity or gender and, instead, create new characters as opposed to redefining old ones. Instead of making Dr. Who a woman why not bring back Romana and make a show about her? Yes, I know people want to see old favorites rewritten as someone different but that is not only boring but lacks imagination and creativity.

Make new characters, write new stories--no one can build new cultural myths or explore new cultural memes by rehashing old ones.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 6:07 pm
by Cagliostro
I don't particularly fancy taking the Tank out of the Tank into my forum, but you are incorrect in saying "no one cares about anyone else's gender identity or sexual preference." It is more accurate to say, "I am not interested in anyone else's gender identity or sexual preference." I expect everyone you associate with feels the same way. But you are not everyone. Some people for years have been waiting to see themselves in characters as more than just comic relief or wise sage roles or other stereotypes.

With that said, I mostly agree with your second point. Dr. Who is a bad example because I think it works for that show and there is precedence, and discussion of this even back in the 80s when I was watching the Tom Baker ones. Suggestions like this are what I am talking about. Some call it "bold casting choices," but I call BS. It feels more like trying to fill a quota and doesn't help things. Female James Bond? Bah...dumb. Write something new without actually tying it to the franchise. But Hollywood has had a serious problem with imagination and creativity for a while now, and probably worse lately once they figured they can reboot anything by switching race or gender. I also find it a bit disingenuous when your show looks like a Bennetton ad from the 90s when all the characters are cardboard cutouts of each other. Lost was great for having a purpose and making their racial differences part of the story, and those stories were frequently fascinating. But that is TV, and TV within the past couple decades has far surpassed movies in creativity.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:09 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
Cagliostro wrote:you are incorrect in saying "no one cares about anyone else's gender identity or sexual preference." It is more accurate to say, "I am not interested in anyone else's gender identity or sexual preference."
You are correct. I don't care; other people may indeed care a great deal.

Female James Bond....once upon a time they were going to to a Wai Lin film starring Michelle Yeoh. Never happened. Why, I don't know--it would have made money. A few months back they wanted to cast Idris Elba as James Bond. No, don't--make him a black double-0 but not James Bond then give him his own action movie.

Cagliostro wrote:But Hollywood has had a serious problem with imagination and creativity for a while now, and probably worse lately once they figured they can reboot anything by switching race or gender.
Right now, we are definitely in the "bingo" stage of diversity--did we check all the boxes?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:49 pm
by SoulBiter
I agree Cag. Different strokes for different folks.

But for me, some of these shows are over sexualized in that they are making a point to specifically call out the sexual identity of the characters that are not hetro. Many times it feels forced into the plot rather than flowing from the plot.

I almost didnt get past GoT for similar reasons. I disliked that it was like watching soft porn. It was easy enough to get the idea without them actually going through with the entire act. I get that is what brings in the 18 - 25 crowd but still. By Season 3 most of that had calmed down to something more reasonable.

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 8:46 pm
by Cagliostro
SoulBiter wrote:But for me, some of these shows are over sexualized in that they are making a point to specifically call out the sexual identity of the characters that are not hetro. Many times it feels forced into the plot rather than flowing from the plot.
Without an example, I'm sure it's like trying to force in a hetero love scene when there is no point to it. Lots of my favorite movies threw that crap in. For example, War Games. Never saw any point to a romantic side story in that movie. It's like MST3K said: Love pads the film. Whichever side of the division for me, if there's not a point, there's not a point. There has always been a pessimism in scripts; that you need X or Y to get butts in seats. The target has shifted, and now people are getting upset at these pseudo plot points. I don't see any problems that didn't already exist.
SoulBiter wrote:I almost didnt get past GoT for similar reasons. I disliked that it was like watching soft porn. It was easy enough to get the idea without them actually going through with the entire act. I get that is what brings in the 18 - 25 crowd but still. By Season 3 most of that had calmed down to something more reasonable.
Prude. :lol:

Yeah, the sex bringing in the viewers thing has also been around for a while. I was surprised that we got a pair of breasts in the first episode of Stargate SG-1 just because it was Showtime (if I remember correctly). And there were several other shows that started with some nudity here and there. GOT I just figured was the progression of cable since I haven't had those pay TV channels for a long time. But I happen to like it, to some degree. Unless I'm watching it with my mom, and then it gets uncomfortable.

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 3:21 am
by Skyweir
Again some like it some have a problem with it.

Perhaps a visit to the Outlander thread will demonstrate that 😉

If its part of the story Im totally ok with it. As to GOT it was definitely part of the books so I was totally ok with it. Nudity doesnt bother me at all. I like the human form and see it as rather alluring.

I dont see the need to sanitise sexuality ..

I think you are all probably right that there is a move to include diversity ... gender, disability, racial etc. I personally dont have an issue with that either.

So long as the story line is solid .. I dont have a preference for white actors over coloured actors .. to me its about the acting. Do they do justice to the role? Great .. if not .. Ill likely lose interest.

I do however love Katy Sackhoff so will give this a go ... so long as it doesnt turn out to be Days of our Lives In Space 😉

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:51 pm
by SoulBiter
For me it just has to have a purpose outside of just making sure everyone knows they are being inclusive in casting. Example, The 100. I love that show and they are pretty inclusive of about everything, but when those, for lack of a better term, "sexual events" happen, they flow with the story and the Characters rather than being forced in to appease the SJW's of the world.

Back to topic.... I am going to go ahead and finish this season and see what it brings. However if its just more of the same, I will move on to something else for Season 2. That doesn't mean this is a bad series and to not give it a shot. I always recommend people find out what they like for themselves. It just might mean its not my cup of tea.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:59 pm
by High Lord Tolkien
Skyweir wrote: If its part of the story Im totally ok with it.
In regards to "Another Life" it's not "part of" the show. It's not a story line.
It's barely mentioned at all if I'm remembering correctly.
Everyone's sexuality is just what it is to the crew (it's in a future where it looks like humanity stopped giving a shit about what other people do in bed.
Which is refreshing by itself.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:41 am
by Skyweir

Ahh gotcha 😎

Well I havent yet had the pleasure .. will keep my eyes out for the show. Simply by virtue of it being a sci-fi Im in ... but Ive watched plenty of sci fi shows that werent my cuppa tea either.

Looking forward to finding it next time Im at a place that has Netflix.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:56 pm
by Hashi Lebwohl
High Lord Tolkien wrote:it's in a future where it looks like humanity stopped giving a shit about what other people do in bed.
Which is refreshing by itself.
I have already been there for quite a while. It gets a little boring waiting for the rest of the world to catch up to me.